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- eep in mind it
- must repeat within a factor of 24
- bits horizontally and 16 bits
- vertically. In other words, a pattern
- that repeats every 6th bit
- horizontally and every 8th bit
- vertically would work, while a
- pattern that repeats every 5th and
- 8th bit respectively would not.
- Because 24 will divide evenly by 6
- but not by 5.
- The second pattern configuration
- is a perfect 16 x 16 bit or 2 x 2
- cell. Keep the 8 right most bits in
- this pattern dark all the way down
- the first 16 rows. This lets the
- fill command know this is not to be
- used as part of the pattern. The
- lattice pattern of the "S.PATTERNS"
- file will serve as an example. If
- you want, use this pattern as a
- template.
- [UNDO]
- Mistakes are going to happen. So
- what happens if you select the wrong
- function and overwrite part of your
- picture? Simply press [U]
- immediately afterwards and the screen
- will be restored to its previous
- form. Don't wait to undo a mistake.
- The buffer is used for a variety of
- reasons. It's extremely important
- the [U] be pressed immediately after
- an error. Incidentally, you can
- manually input a screen into the
- buffer by pressing [CTRL-I].
- [NOTE:] Most editing modes may be
- exited by pressing [RETURN]. The
- exceptions to this are the sprite and
- character editors which have on-
- screen documentation. DON'T try to
- break out of this program by holding
- down [RUN/STOP] and tapping
- [RESTORE]. [RUN/STOP] has been
- disabled, and if you tap [RESTORE]
- during a disk I/O operation, the
- program WILL LOCK UP. Remember, If
- you get stuck in a mode of which you
- are not familiar, just press [RETURN]
- to exit. Then either refer to this
- article or press [H] for help.
- Incidentally, [SHIFT-Q] will prompt
- you to exit the program.
- This is one of the most essential
- elements of HI-RES SKETCH. To use
- zoom simply press [Z], move the
- window to the desired area and press
- [FIRE]. The chosen section will be
- blown up 16 times its normal size
- giving you precise control of each
- pixel.
- Looking to the bottom of the
- screen, you'll see a menu of three
- editing modes: DRAW, ERASE, and
- TOGGLE with the selection of each
- mode as easy as hitting the first
- letter. Pressing [SPACE] will allow
- you to move the window to edit
- another section, or you can scroll
- the editing area using the cursor
- keys. Clearing the editing area can
- be accomplished by typing [CLR]. Be
- careful when using [CLR]. Undo is
- not available in zoom mode. You
- could exit zoom mode with [BACK
- ARROW] and press [U] to get back what
- you've accidentally erased. But any
- changes you've made will be lost.
- [NOTE:] You may notice when exiting
- zoom mode the pen will move to the
- last place of the square zoom cursor.
- This was done so you could use zoom
- edit to aid in plotting points.
- Window editing provides an easy
- way to edit an exclusive section of
- the screen. Enter window edit by
- pressing [W]. When you hit [W], a
- window will appear in the upper
- lefthand corner of the screen. You
- can expand the size of this window by
- holding down [FIRE] and pressing the
- joystick right (expand horizontally)
- or down (expand vertically).
- Shrinking (or de-expanding) is done
- by holding down [FIRE] and pressing
- the stick left (shrink horizontally)
- or up (shrink vertically). Once
- you've adjusted the window to the
- size you want, you're ready to use
- the editing features.
- Copying a window is accomplished
- by moving it over the section you
- wish to copy and pressing [f1]. A
- second window will be placed over the
- first. Move this second window (via
- joystick) to the destination area and
- press [f1] again. It's important to
- note here that the source window is
- ORed in with the destination. You
- can even overlap the two windows.
- But because of the way a window is
- transferred, you may end up with some
- garbage. If you always overlap from
- right (source) to left (destination)
- or down (source) to up
- (destination.), you won't get any
- unexpected results.
- Before copying a window, you have
- an option of clearing the destination
- area. Simply type [CLR] and every
- byte in the window will be erased. In
- case you accidentally erase something
- important, you can undo it by using
- [U].
- Besides copying, you can also
- flip, invert, reverse, and scroll a
- window. Flip, invert, and reverse
- are accessed by [f3], [f5], [f7]
- respectively. Each of these
- functions is basically self-
- explanatory. Since they are
- reversible by hitting the same key
- again, you can use them to test if
- all desired bits are in a window.
- The last window editing feature
- is scrolling. You can scroll what's
- in a window in all four directions
- using the cursor keys. If bits reach
- the edge, they will wrap around to
- the other side. Pressing [SPACE]
- will toggle between scrolling the
- entire screen or scrolling inside a
- window. Window scroll is always
- active when you first enter window
- edit.
- In addition to editing, windows
- can also be saved and loaded. To save
- a window move it over the desired
- section of the screen (change window
- size if necessary), press [S], type
- in the file name and hit return.
- Remember to use flip, invert or
- reverse to test bits first.
- Loading a window is a little more
- complicated. To load a window press
- [L], type in the file name and hit
- return. In a few seconds the window
- size will change and move to the top
- lefthand corner of the screen. Move
- the window to the destination area
- and press fire. As with copy, the
- window will be ORed in with the
- background. To prevent this type
- [CLR] before you press [FIRE].
- Because ANDing has a rather
- specialized use and requires a more
- detailed explanation, I didn't
- mention it up above. The reason you
- would use AND instead of OR is in the
- case of turning selected bits off.
- Let me explain with the following
- example.
- Suppose you had an image you
- needed to place over a complex
- background. You could use [f1] to OR
- the window to its destination, but
- the background would show through.
- Zoom edit could clean up the picture,
- but this would be very time
- consuming. The alternative is to use
- AND to clear a selective area then OR
- to place the image.
- To start you need to make a
- duplicate of the image to use as the
- AND window. Once a copy has been
- made, you need to darken it to make
- it look like a shadow of the
- original. Next use reverse [f7] to
- get the mask.
- Now you're ready to transfer the
- image.
- First, place the source/mask
- window over the reversed shadow
- image. and press [f2]. Next move the
- destination window over the complex
- background and press [f2] again. If
- you have done everything correctly,
- you should see that part of the
- background was erased. Now the final
- step is to OR the original image over
- the same part of the background and
- that's it.
- [NOTE:] To make the above process
- easier use as small a window as
- possible.
- On this disk I've included the
- example windows listed below.
- Keep in mind when viewing these
- windows that I don't consider myself
- an artist to say the least. Yet,
- each of these windows, I feel, gives
- many examples of the powerful editing
- and drawing features of HI-RES
- SKETCH. For instance, the sports car
- was drawn with line, ellipse,
- compass, fill, window and zoom edit.
- The tree was drawn with sprite stamp
- and zoom while the bulldog was done
- entirely in zoom mode.
- As mentioned earlier, it's
- possible to scroll the entire screen
- in window edit mode. But it would be
- convenient to scroll the screen in
- immediate (freehand) mode. And you
- can do just that by pressing the
- cursor keys any time you need to
- scroll the screen. The only
- difference is that scrolling in
- immediate mode is coarse scrolling (8
- bits at a time) while window edit
- mode uses fine scroll (1 bit at a
- time). Even though you'll still need
- to use window edit to have complete
- control over the entire screen,
- coarse scrolling is very handy for
- centering a drawing or using compass
- mode.
- High resolution screens have only
- two colors per 8 x 8 bit cell
- (foreground and background). There
- are two ways these colors can be
- changed. All background and
- foreground colors can be changed
- collectively by holding down [CTRL]
- and pressing [B] or [F] respectively.
- Each time [B] or [F] is hit the
- colors are toggled. The pen color
- can also be changed for contrast with
- [CTRL-P]. [CTRL-D] will change all
- colors to their default settings.
- Another way to change the
- background and foreground colors is
- paint. Paint mode is entered by
- typing [CTRL-1]. Once in paint mode,
- you'll see a rectangle in the upper
- left-hand corner of the screen.
- Using [CTRL or CMDR-1 through 8] will
- select the painting color while
- pressing [SPACE] will toggle between
- foreground and background paint.
- Holding down [FIRE] and moving the
- joystick will paint the screen.
- NOTE: HI-RES SKETCH was primarily
- written as a two color editor. If
- you plan to use paint, make it the
- last step in editing a picture.
- While this feature of HI-RES
- SKETCH wasn't a necessity, it's
- handy for sprite stamping (explained
- later in this article). To enter the
- sprite editor type [CTRL-S]. Sprites
- are divided into four sets with eight
- sprites in each set. Numeric keys
- [1-8] are used to access the sprites
- while [UP ARROW] will access the
- desired set.
- Many of the sprite editor's
- features are similar to that of
- window editing. For instance, copy,
- flip invert, and reverse all work in
- the same manner, and all are accessed
- by [f1], [f3], [f5] and [f7]
- respectively. One major difference is
- that on-screen documentation is given
- for each function with the exception
- being [CLR] which clears a sprite.
- Actual sprite editing is similar
- to working in zoom mode. Use the
- joystick to move the cursor and keys
- [T], [D], and [E] to select toggle,
- draw, and erase. You may notice that
- the last line of the editing palette
- can't be accessed. This is because
- the palette has 22 rows while a
- sprite only has 21.
- After working on a sprite or
- group of sprites as the case may be,
- you'll probably want to save the
- sprite(s) to disk. To do this first
- select where the save is to begin and
- press [S]. Next select where the
- save is to end and press [S] again.
- After you press [S] the second time
- you should see a cursor flashing in
- the input box. Type in the file name
- and hit return.
- Retrieving a sprite file can be
- accomplished by a much simpler
- process. First select where the load
- is to begin and press [L]. Then just
- type in the file name and hit return.
- The character editor is very
- similar to the sprite editor. In
- fact every function in the sprite
- editor is available here. And since
- most functions are identical, I'll
- only discuss the few differences.
- First, copying is much easier. To
- copy a character move the icon over
- it and press fire. Next move the
- icon over the destination character
- and press fire again. Another
- difference is you have to press
- [SPACE] to edit a selected character.
- Hitting [SPACE] again will exit edit
- mode. Yet another difference is [f1]
- is used to turn a character 90
- degrees counter-clockwise. Finally,
- the last difference is the way
- characters are saved and loaded.
- Instead of being able to save a
- desired number of characters,
- characters are saved as a set (128
- characters/set). There can be four
- sets in memory at once. Pay close
- attention to the set you're in when
- saving or loading. The current set
- is denoted at the bottom of the
- screen.
- After you have created or loaded
- a sprite, you can use sprite stamp to
- stamp sprite bits right into the high
- resolution screen. To enter sprite
- stamp mode type [SHIFT-*]. Use the
- joystick to move the sprite around
- the screen. When you hit [FIRE] the
- image will be stamped. Pressing [U]
- will undo the last stamp. Cursor up
- and down or [SHIFT] [A-Z] will select
- which sprite. Using [SHIFT] [A-Z]
- will only select the first 26 sprites
- but is ideal for the creation of a
- large sprite alphabet. [SPACE] is
- used to toggle between stamp/stamp
- erase. Stamp erase is useful for
- stamping on reverse fields.
- Sprite stamping not only can be
- used for repetitive images, but also
- as a powerful freehand drawing mode.
- To take advantage of this you'll have
- to turn off the buffer using [CTRL-0]
- [RVS OFF]. Use [CTRL-9] to turn the
- buffer on again. Incidentally, the
- buffer will always be on when
- entering sprite stamp mode. To help
- get you started I've included a file
- called "S.TOOLS" on this disk.
- As a final note, remember, you're
- not limited to what I've created.
- With the sprite editor built right
- into the program it's easy to test
- different sprites and save them if
- you find them useful.
- To type characters on the screen
- press [T]. The icon is moved with
- the cursor keys. When using the
- default set all characters are
- available. [f1, f3, f5, f7] will
- select which of the four character
- sets. DELete is available for
- erasing characters. You can't,
- however, use INSert to insert
- characters.
- As an added feature to typing
- normal size characters, you can also
- change the character size to those
- listed below.
- [f2]...selects 8 x 8 (normal)
- [f4]...selects 7 x 8 (45 chars/line)
- [f6]...selects 6 x 8 (53 chars/line)
- [f8]...selects 5 x 8 (64 chars/line)
- If you choose to create a
- character set of an alternate size,
- you should use type mode to set the
- size before saving. This way you
- won't have to change the size when an
- alternate character set is selected.
- I have included two alternate
- character sets on this disk. They are
- listed below.
- "c.medium"... 6 x 8 size
- "c.small".... 5 x 8 size
- NOTE: Use the character editor to
- LOAD/SAVE a character set from/to
- disk.
- To save a high resolution screen
- to disk simply press [SHIFT-S], type
- in the file name and hit return. To
- load a high resolution screen use
- [SHIFT-L].
- Load the directory by typing [$].
- After the directory has loaded, it
- will be listed to the screen. You
- can list the directory over and over
- again by pressing [L]. When the
- listing reaches the bottom of the
- screen, you can slow it by pressing
- [CTRL]. After you've found the file
- you're looking for, press [E] to
- exit.
- NOTE: Because the directory stays
- in memory using an 8K buffer to
- protect what's overwritten, don't
- load a directory with more than 255
- files. A large directory could
- overwrite part of the hi-res screen
- or even worse crash the program. If
- you're using a 1541 disk drive, you
- don't have anything to worry about.
- There are a few final things I
- have to say about this program.
- First, don't under use window edit.
- Window editing is one of the most
- powerful editing features of this
- program. Second, when creating a
- screen, think carefully about the
- design and the best way to accomplish
- it. And finally, the best advice
- anyone can give about using any
- software is to be patient. Now enjoy
- the program!
- [SPACE] draw/erase toggle key
- [CMDR-SP] block erase
- [A] plots point A at pen tip
- [B] plots point B at pen tip
- [C] plots point C at pen tip
- [SHIFT-A] removes point A
- [SHIFT-B] removes point B
- [SHIFT-C] removes point C
- [BACK ARROW] remove all points
- [CMDR-A] plots pen at point A
- [CMDR-B] plots pen at point B
- [CMDR-C] plots pen at point C
- [X] eXchanges points A & B
- [M] moves all points together
- [D] distance from pen to
- points
- [L] draws line from A to B
- [R] draws rectangle A & B
- diag.
- [P] draws parallelogram
- (A,B,C)
- [O] draws circle, A & B radius
- [SHIFT-O] compass, drawing arcs,
- etc.
- [E] draws ellipse (A,B,C)
- [SHIFT-E] draws partial (1/4)
- ellipse
- [CLR] clear screen
- [U] undo last function
- [CTRL-I] input screen to buffer
- [W] window edit
- [Z] zoom edit
- [T] type mode
- [H] help file load prompt
- [SHIFT-*] sprite stamp
- [CTRL-C] character editor
- [CTRL-S] sprite editor
- [CTRL-1] paint
- [CTRL-B] background colors
- [CTRL-F] foreground colors
- [CTRL-P] pen color
- [CTRL-D] default colors
- [SHIFT-Q] quit prompt
- [SPACE] draw/erase
- [^] angle on/off
- [A] plots point A
- [C] plots point C
- [1-9] angle's accuracy
- [FIRE] draw/erase
- [JOY RT] rotate pen clockwise
- [JOY LT] rotate pen counter-
- clockwise
- [f1/f2] OR/AND copy
- [f3] flip
- [f5] invert
- [f7] reverse
- [CLR] clear
- [SPACE] window/full screen scroll
- [CRSR] scroll window/screen
- [U] undo
- [L] load
- [S] save
- [JOY] moves window
- [FIRE] selects load location
- The following with [FIRE] button:
- [JOY RT] expand window horizontally
- [JOY LT] shrink window horizontally
- [JOY DN] expand window vertically
- [JOY UP] shrink window vertically
- [f1] character set 1
- [f3] character set 2
- [f5] character set 3
- [f7] character set 4
- [f2] 8 x 8 font size
- [f4] 7 x 8 font size
- [f6] 6 x 8 font size
- [f8] 5 x 8 font size
- [CRSR] moves icon
- [DEL] deletes characters
- [CRSR-LEFT/RIGHT] selects sprite
- [SHIFT-A thru Z] selects first
- 26 sprites
- [CRSR-LEFT/RIGHT] selects sprite
- [A-Z] selects first 26 sprites
- [SPACE] stamp draw/erase
- [CTRL-9] buffer on
- [CTRL-0] buffer off
- [U] undo last stamp
- [FIRE] stamps sprite
- [JOY] moves sprite
- [CTRL1-8] selects color
- [CMDR1-8] selects color
- [SPACE] foreground/background
- paint
- [FIRE] paint cell
- [JOY] moves icon
- AM