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- brazil
- ouviram do ypiranga as
- margens placidas
- deum povo heroico o brado
- retumbante,
- e o sol da liberdade
- em raios fulgidos,
- brilhou no ceu da patria
- nesse in stante,
- se o penhor dessa igualdade
- conseguimos conquistar
- com braco forte,
- em teu seio, oh, liberdade,
- desafia o nosso peito
- a propria morte!
- oh! patria amada, idolatrada,
- salve! salve!
- brasil, um sonho intenso
- um raio vivido
- de amor e de esperanca a terra desce,
- se em teu formoso ceu,
- risonho e limpido,
- a imagem do cruzeiro resplandece.
- gigante pela propria natureza,
- es belo, es forte, impavido colosso.
- e o teu futuro espelha
- essa grandeza.
- terra adorada, entre outra mil,
- es tu, brasil,
- oh! patria amada!
- dos filhos deste solo es mae gentil,
- patria amada, brasil!
- from peaceful ypiranga's banks rang
- out a cry,
- a challenge from a people who were
- fearless;
- thenceforth the sun of freedom
- climbed our country's sky,
- and poured its rays upon us, bright
- and peerless.
- we, with breasts bared, defy, oh
- freedom, death itself,
- for the equality you taught us!
- striving fiercely,
- here in your bosom,
- to be worthy of this precious gift
- you brought us.
- o glorious and beloved land, hail!
- hail brazil!
- behold a wond'rous vision,
- lo! a dazzling ray
- of love and hope,
- from heav'n to earth, transcendent!
- our smiling skies, in limpid beauty,
- now display
- a warrior's form, gigantic and
- resplendent.
- whence spring such beauty, bravery
- and strength so rare?
- oh! mighty vision, well we know that
- we survey our country's future
- greatness shown for us there.
- amongst a thousand, you will ever be,
- oh brazil,
- the one dear homeland!
- oh bounteous mother, with such love
- you fill your proud children, brazil!