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- 10 rem - hallow-b (2nd section)
- 20 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 100 rem - main title
- 110 printchr$(142)"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 115 poke53269,255:poke53269,0
- 120 gosub1010
- 130 poke214,10:print"[153]"tab(12)"by wm. nelson
- 140 v[178]53248:[151]2044,196:[151]2045,196:[151]v[170]43,8:[151]v[170]44,8
- 145 [151]v[170]8,52:[151]v[170]16,32:[151]v[170]10,36
- 150 [151]v[170]9,190:[151]v[170]11,190:[151]v[170]21,48
- 155 [153]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)mid$(NULL)right$"[166]22)"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)mid$(NULL)right$"
- 190 [141]2000:[141]3000:[151]v[170]21,0:[158]49186
- 330 [151]2040,192:[151]2041,193:[151]2042,194:[151]2043,195
- 335 v[178]53248:[151]v[170]39,7:[151]v[170]40,14:[151]v[170]37,10:[151]v[170]38,1:[151]v[170]28,15
- 336 [151]v[170]41,7:[151]v[170]42,7
- 340 [151]v,50:[151]v[170]2,50:[151]v[170]1,150:[151]v[170]3,171
- 342 [151]v[170]16,12:[151]v[170]4,32:[151]v[170]6,32:[151]v[170]5,150:[151]v[170]7,167
- 345 [151]v[170]21,3:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]
- 350 [153]"printdo you have a haunted house
- 355 printtab(9)"in your neighborhood? we have
- 360 [153][163]9)"a dandy - it's empty, falling
- 365 printtab(9)"apart, and all kinds of weird
- 370 [153][163]9)"things go on there, especially
- 375 printtab(9)"at halloween.
- 380 [129]i[178]0[164]10000:[130]
- 390 [151]v[170]21,0:[158]49186:[143] turnoff girl, erase text
- 400 [129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[151]v[170]21,12:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[143] turnon boy
- 455 [153]"printwhat is halloween and
- 460 print"how did it start?
- 465 [129]i[178]1[164]10000:[130]
- 470 [151]v[170]21,0:[158]49186:[143] turnoff boy, erase text
- 480 [129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[151]v[170]21,3:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[143] turnon girl
- 500 [143] print"":sys49186
- 510 [153]""[163]9)"printmany years ago november 1st
- 515 printtab(9)"was picked as all saints
- 520 [153][163]9)"day to honor the people
- 525 printtab(9)"who had died during the
- 530 [153][163]9)"christian church movement.
- 535 fori=1to15000:next
- 540 print"":sys49186:fort=1to1000:next
- 550 print""tab(9)"[153]their souls were supposed
- 555 [153][163]9)"to come back to earth
- 560 printtab(9)"on the evening before,
- 565 [153][163]9)"which became known as
- 570 printtab(9)"[129]hallowed evening[153], later
- 575 [153][163]9)"shortened to forhalloweenprint.
- 580 fori=1to15000:next
- 585 pokev+21,0:sys49186:rem turnoff girl
- 590 fori=1to1000:next:pokev+21,12:fori=1to1000:next:rem turnon boy
- 615 print"[153][153]so that explains the
- 620 [153]"ghosts. why are there
- 625 print"witches, and bats, and
- 630 [153]"pumpkins too?
- 640 fori=1to10000:next
- 650 pokev+21,0:sys49186:fori=1to1000:next:rem turnoff boy
- 680 pokev+21,3:fori=1to1000:next:rem turnon girl
- 685 print""tab(9)"[153]years ago people were super-
- 690 [153][163]9)"stitious and believed in
- 695 printtab(9)"ghosts and witches. these,
- 700 [153][163]9)"and bats, only came out at
- 705 printtab(9)"night so they had to be evil.
- 710 [153][163]9)"i don't know about pumpkins.
- 715 fori=1to15000:next
- 730 pokev+21,0:sys49186:fori=1to1000:next:rem turnoff girl
- 740 pokev+21,12:fori=1to1000:next:rem turnon boy
- 745 print"[153]tonight is halloween, let's
- 750 [153]"go to the haunted house and
- 755 print"see what's going on!
- 760 [158]51718,1,"h-hse6":[129]i[178]1[164]4000:[130]
- 770 [151]v[170]21,0:[141]1110
- 800 [143] - load section c
- 850 [153]"stop"
- 855 [153]"new"
- 860 [153]"load"[199](34)"0:hallow-c"[199](34)","dv
- 865 [153]"run"
- 870 [153]"":[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]633,13:[151]198,3
- 890 [128]
- 1000 [143] - subroutines
- 1010 [143] - title
- 1015 [153]"for step (NULL) step (NULL) (NULL) "
- 1020 [153]" waittan step(NULL) waittan waittan wait(NULL)(NULL) "
- 1025 [153]" wait(NULL) waitstep(NULL)step(NULL)step wait(NULL) "
- 1030 :
- 1032 [143] *** pumpkin sprite ***
- 1034 [129]i[178]0[164]63:[135]a:[151]12544[170]i,a:[130]
- 1036 [131]0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1038 [131]0,1,255,128,7,255,224,15
- 1040 [131]255,240,60,126,60,126,255
- 1042 [131]126,127,255,254,255,231,255,255
- 1044 [131]195,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1046 [131]126,255,126,127,0,254,63,255
- 1048 [131]252,15,255,240,7,255,224,1
- 1050 [131]255,128,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1090 [142]
- 1100 :
- 1105 [143] - screen wiper
- 1110 c1[178]23:c2[178]19:c3[178]24:c4[178]39:c5[178]59903
- 1115 [129]j[178]0[164]c1:c2$[178]c2$[170][199](32)[170][199](157)[170][199](17):[130]:c2$[178]c2$[170][199](145)
- 1120 [129]j[178]0[164]c2:[139]j[178]0[167][151]781,c3:[158]c5
- 1125 [153]"";[163]j);c2$:[153]""[163]c4[171]j);c2$
- 1130 [130]:[153]"load";:c2$[178]""
- 1135 [142]
- 2000 [143] - data
- 2002 [143] *** boy-top left
- 2004 [129]i[178]0[164]63:[135]a:[151]12416[170]i,a:[130]
- 2006 [131]0,0,0,1,89,0,5,85
- 2008 [131]64,25,150,96,21,85,80,37
- 2010 [131]153,152,63,250,100,63,254,100
- 2012 [131]221,254,88,255,255,152,215,255
- 2014 [131]148,255,255,148,63,255,88,21
- 2016 [131]255,148,15,253,80,15,252,80
- 2018 [131]3,240,0,5,88,0,37,90
- 2020 [131]0,37,90,0,37,90,0,0
- 2026 :
- 2028 [143] *** boy bottom 1/2 left ***
- 2030 [129]i[178]0[164]63:[135]a:[151]12480[170]i,a:[130]
- 2032 [131]37,90,0,37,90,0,37,90
- 2034 [131]0,37,90,0,37,90,0,58
- 2036 [131]175,0,58,175,0,10,172,0
- 2038 [131]10,168,0,10,168,0,10,168
- 2040 [131]0,10,40,0,10,40,0,10
- 2042 [131]40,0,10,40,0,10,40,0
- 2044 [131]10,40,0,10,40,0,10,40
- 2046 [131]0,5,20,0,21,84,0,255
- 2048 :
- 2050 [143] *** girl, top right ***
- 2054 [129]i[178]0[164]63:[135]a:[151]12288[170]i,a:[130]
- 2056 [131]0,42,128,0,42,128,0,170
- 2058 [131]160,0,170,160,2,165,64,2
- 2060 [131]165,64,10,148,64,10,149,80
- 2062 [131]10,85,64,10,149,0,10,149
- 2064 [131]64,10,148,0,10,148,0,10
- 2066 [131]191,0,10,191,192,2,191,192
- 2068 [131]2,188,192,2,191,192,2,60
- 2070 [131]192,0,63,192,0,60,192,0
- 2072 :
- 2074 [143] *** girl, bottom right ***
- 2076 [129]i[178]0[164]63:[135]a:[151]12352[170]i,a:[130]
- 2078 [131]0,175,112,0,175,112,0,170
- 2080 [131]0,0,170,0,0,170,0,2
- 2082 [131]170,128,2,170,128,2,170,128
- 2084 [131]10,170,160,10,170,160,0,20
- 2086 [131]0,0,20,0,0,20,0,0
- 2088 [131]20,0,0,20,0,0,20,0
- 2090 [131]0,20,0,0,60,0,0,60
- 2092 [131]0,0,63,0,0,63,0,0
- 2094 [142]
- 3000 [143] - m/l routines
- 3010 [143] *** erase screen ***
- 3012 [129]i[178]0[164]33:[135]a:[151]49186[170]i,a:[130]
- 3014 [131]169,32,160,232,162,3,141,0,5,238,41,192,208,3,238,42,192,136,208,242
- 3016 [131]202,208,239,169,0,141,41,192,169,5,141,42,192,96
- 3100 :
- 3102 [143] *** h. house loader ***
- 3104 [129]i[178]51712[164]52058:[135]j:[151]i,j:[130]
- 3105 [151]51973,dv
- 3106 [131]76,168,202,76,182,202,76,243,202,32,253,174,32,235,183,165
- 3108 [131]20,133,2,224,0,240,38,224,6,176,34,202,188,80,203,189
- 3110 [131]75,203,170,165,2,208,23,134,253,132,254,169,0,133,251,169
- 3112 [131]216,133,252,32,90,202,169,4,133,252,32,90,202,96,32,35
- 3114 [131]203,134,251,132,252,169,216,133,254,169,0,133,253,32,90,202
- 3116 [131]169,4,133,254,32,90,202,76,48,203,160,0,162,3,177,251
- 3118 [131]145,253,200,208,249,230,252,230,254,202,208,242,177,251,145,253
- 3120 [131]200,192,232,208,247,230,252,230,254,96,147,13,13,67,79,80
- 3122 [131]89,82,73,71,72,84,32,49,57,56,52,13,76,79,85,73
- 3124 [131]83,32,87,65,76,76,65,67,69,32,38,13,75,69,78,32
- 3126 [131]70,82,69,78,67,72,13,0,162,0,189,122,202,240,6,32
- 3128 [131]210,255,232,208,245,96,32,253,174,32,158,183,224,0,240,48
- 3130 [131]224,6,176,44,202,188,80,203,132,252,188,75,203,132,251,188
- 3132 [131]85,203,132,254,169,232,133,253,32,61,203,32,189,255,32,35
- 3134 [131]203,169,8,170,32,186,255,169,251,166,253,164,254,32,216,255
- 3136 [131]76,48,203,32,253,174,32,158,183,224,0,240,37,224,6,176
- 3138 [131]33,142,90,203,169,8,170,160,0,32,186,255,32,61,203,32
- 3140 [131]189,255,174,90,203,202,188,80,203,189,75,203,170,169,0,32
- 3142 [131]213,255,96,165,0,9,1,133,0,165,1,41,254,133,1,96
- 3144 [131]165,0,9,1,133,0,165,1,9,1,133,1,96,32,253,174
- 3146 [131]32,158,173,32,130,183,166,34,164,35,96,0,0,0,0,0
- 3148 [131]160,168,176,184,192,167,175,183,191,199,0
- 3195 [142]
- 10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:hallow-b":[160]15:[148]"hallow-b",8:[128]