home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke56,56:poke55,0:clr
- 15 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,0:gosub60000
- 20 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 30 sys57812"calc font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
- 40 sys57812"calc 0340-03c0",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,64:poke782,3:sys65493
- 50 sys57812"calc c000-c149",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65493
- 60 poke53272,31
- 70 gosub1150:gosub1090
- 80 gosub940:dl=1:cr=48:gm=gm+1
- 90 rem :: play ::
- 100 syssp,0,1:m1=0:m2=0:c1=9:goto200
- 110 js=peek(56320)and31:geta$:ifjs=31anda$=""then110
- 120 ifa$="v"then570
- 130 ifa$="q"then650
- 135 ifa$="h"then1400
- 140 ifjs=15ora$=chr$(13)then230
- 150 if(js=27ora$="[157]")andm2=0thenm1=m1-1-(m1=0)*1
- 160 if(js=23ora$="")andm2=0thenm1=m1+1+(m1=4)*1
- 170 ifjs=30ora$="[145]"thenm2=m2-1-(m2=0)*1
- 180 ifjs=29ora$=""thenm2=m2+1+(m2=4)*1
- 190 ifm2>0thensyssp,0,1,37+lr(m2)*24,65+m2*40:m1=0
- 200 ifm2=0thensyssp,0,1,37+m1*40,65
- 210 goto110
- 220 :: choose ::
- 230 ifm2=0then410
- 240 iflr(m2)=12orc1=9orwr(c1)<0then110
- 250 t3=u1:t4=u2:ifc1>0thent3=wp(c1,wr(c1),0):t4=wp(c1,wr(c1),1)
- 260 t=lo(m2,lr(m2),1)+m2:t=t+(t>13)*13:ift<>t4thengosub760:goto390
- 270 syssp,1,0:ifc1=0then320
- 280 :
- 290 wr(c1)=wr(c1)-1:ifwr(c1)<0thensyspa,c1*5,0,nc$:goto350
- 300 syspa,c1*5,0:c3=wp(c1,wr(c1),0):c4=wp(c1,wr(c1),1):gosub1050:goto350
- 310 :
- 320 ifdp=52thensyspa,0,0,ec$:goto350
- 330 syspa,0,0,uc$
- 340 :
- 350 syspa,2+lr(m2)*3,m2*5:c3=t3:c4=t4:gosub1040:gosub730
- 360 lr(m2)=lr(m2)+1:lo(m2,lr(m2),0)=t3:lo(m2,lr(m2),1)=t4:c1=9
- 370 iflr(m2)<12thent=t+m2:t=t+(t>13)*13:print" "mid$("a23456789[166]jqk",t,1)
- 380 m1=0:m2=0:cr=cr-1:ifcr=0then640
- 390 wait56320,16,15:goto200
- 400 :: deck/piles ::
- 410 ifm1=0then510
- 420 ifur(m1)<0andc1>0then550
- 430 ifc1>0then540
- 440 :
- 450 t$=uc$:ifdp=52thent$=ec$
- 460 syssp,1,0:syspa,0,0,t$
- 470 syspa,m1*5,0:c3=u1:c4=u2:gosub1050:gosub790
- 480 wr(m1)=wr(m1)+1:wp(m1,wr(m1),0)=u1:wp(m1,wr(m1),1)=u2:c1=9
- 490 m1=0:m2=0:goto550
- 500 :
- 510 ifdp=52orc1=0then550
- 520 dp=dp+1:u1=dk(dp,0):u2=dk(dp,1)
- 530 syspa,0,0:c3=u1:c4=u2:gosub1050
- 540 syssp,1,1,7+m1*40,54:c1=m1:gosub790
- 550 wait56320,16,15:goto200
- 560 :: view card ::
- 570 t=wr(m1):ift<1then110
- 580 t=t-1:ift<0thengosub790:goto600
- 590 syspa,5*m1,0:c3=wp(m1,t,0):c4=wp(m1,t,1):gosub1050
- 600 js=peek(56320)and31:geta$
- 602 ifjs=31anda$=""then600
- 604 ifjs=15ora$="v"then580
- 610 syspa,5*m1,0:c3=wp(m1,wr(m1),0):c4=wp(m1,wr(m1),1):gosub1050
- 620 goto140
- 630 :: quit ::
- 640 forl=0to7:gosub790:next
- 650 t=0:tc=tc+cr:pokeso,0:gosub1090
- 660 syspa,11,10,"[192][192][192][192] game #"right$(" "+mid$(str$(gm),2),2)" [192][192][192][192]"
- 670 syspa,11,12,"cards remaining:"cr
- 680 syspa,11,14,"average / game: "int(tc/gm+.5)
- 690 syspa,8,21,"fire or return - new game
- 695 [158]pa,10,23,"q - quit to loadstar"
- 700 [141]790
- 702 js[178][194](56320)[175]31:[161]a$
- 703 [139]a$[178]"q"[167]40000
- 704 [139]js[179][177]15[175]a$[178]""[167]702
- 706 [151]198,0:[158]f1
- 710 [137]80
- 720 :: bing ::
- 730 [151]at,10:[151]sr,73:[151]wv,17:[151]hf,50:[151]lf,0:[129]j[178]0[164]333:[130]:[151]wv,16
- 740 [142]
- 750 :: buzz ::
- 760 [151]hf,6:[151]at,0:[151]sr,240:[151]wv,33:[129]j[178]0[164]199:[130]:[151]wv,32
- 770 [142]
- 780 :: beep ::
- 790 [151]sr,240:[151]wv,17:[151]hf,50:[151]lf,35:[151]at,0:[129]j[178]1[164]99:[130]:[151]wv,16
- 800 [142]
- 810 :: shuffle ::
- 820 [158]pa,11,13,"shuffling the deck":[141]790
- 830 [139]dl[167]850
- 840 t[178]1:[129]l[178]1[164]52:dl(l)[178]t:t[178]t[170]1:[130]
- 850 [129]l[178]1[164]52
- 860 t1[178][181]([187](1)[172]48[170]5):t2[178][181]([187](1)[172]48[170]5):t[178]dl(t1):dl(t1)[178]dl(t2):dl(t2)[178]t
- 870 [130]
- 880 [129]l[178]1[164]52
- 890 dk(l,0)[178][181]((dl(l))[173]13[170].99)
- 900 dk(l,1)[178]dl(l)[171]13[172][181]((dl(l)[171]1)[173]13)
- 910 [130]
- 920 [142]
- 930 :: deal ::
- 940 dp[178][187](0):dp[178]0:[141]820:[158]f1
- 950 [129]l[178]1[164]4:lr(l)[178]0:wr(l)[178][171]1:dp[178]dp[170]1
- 960 [158]pa,0,l[172]5:c3[178]dk(dp,0):c4[178]dk(dp,1):[141]1050:[153]""l[172]2
- 970 lo(l,0,0)[178]c3:lo(l,0,1)[178]c4
- 980 [130]
- 990 [158]pa,25,3,"(NULL)iewcmdcmdcmdtab(tab(tab(on (NULL)uitcmdcmdcmdtab(tab(tab(on (NULL)elpcmdcmdcmdtab(tab(tab("
- 1000 [158]pa,0,0,uc$
- 1010 [129]l[178]0[164]3:[158]pa,5[170]l[172]5,0,nc$:[130]
- 1020 [142]
- 1030 :: display card ::
- 1040 [153]"waitlist(NULL)cmd(NULL)cmd(NULL)cmd(NULL)ononon";
- 1050 [153]ct$(c3)tp$(c4)" (NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmd"cb$(c3)st$(c3)" cmdcmdcmdcmd ";
- 1060 [153]sb$(c3)"cmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL)wait "ct$(c3)bt$(c4);
- 1070 [142]
- 1080 :: screen ::
- 1090 [151]53280,5:[151]53281,1
- 1100 [153]" ortantantantantantantantantantantantantan^ ";
- 1110 [153]" (NULL) calculation (NULL) ";
- 1120 [153]" /tantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp ":[158]f1
- 1130 [142]
- 1140 :: initialize ::
- 1150 [153]"load"
- 1160 [134] c1,c3,c4,cr,dp,gm,js,kb,t,t1,t2,t3,t4,j,k,l,m1,m2,dl,tc,u1,u2,t$
- 1170 [134] tp$(13),bt$(13),dk(52,1),dl(52),lo(4,12,1),wp(4,47,1),lr(4),wr(4)
- 1180 [134] ct$(4),cb$(4),st$(4),sb$(4)
- 1190 ec$[178]" cmdcmdcmdcmd cmdcmdcmdcmd cmdcmdcmdcmd "
- 1200 uc$[178]"wait(NULL) (NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmd open wait cmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL)wait (NULL)"
- 1210 nc$[178]"ortantan^cmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL) (NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL) (NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmd/tantanexp"
- 1220 lf[178]54272:hf[178]54273:wv[178]54276:at[178]54277:sr[178]54278:[151]lf[170]24,15:cm[178]49408
- 1230 f1[178]49152:f2[178]49155:pa[178]49158:sp[178]49161:so[178]53269:[151]2040,13:[151]2041,14
- 1240 [151]53276,1:[151]53285,7:[151]53287,11:[151]53288,6:[151]53277,2:[151]53271,2
- 1250 [129]l[178]1[164]13:[135]tp$(l),bt$(l):[130]
- 1260 [129]l[178]1[164]4:[135]ct$(l),cb$(l),st$(l),sb$(l):[130]
- 1270 [142]
- 1280 [131] "peek "," peek","len "," len","str$ "," str$","val "," val","asc "," asc"
- 1290 [131] "chr$ "," chr$","left$ "," left$","right$ "," right$","mid$ "," mid$"
- 1300 [131] "(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL)(NULL)","(NULL) "," (NULL)","(NULL) "," (NULL)","(NULL) "," (NULL)"
- 1310 [131] "waitprint#","waitstop","atn","atn","waitdef","wait","(NULL)","(NULL)"
- 1320 [131] "waitdef","wait","(NULL)","(NULL)","waitprint#","waitstop","(NULL)","(NULL)"
- 1400 [158]cm,1024,16384,1000:[158]cm,55296,17384,1000
- 1405 sq[178][194](so):[151]so,0:sw[178][194](199):[151]199,0
- 1410 [151]53281,5:[153]"load the rules for syscalculation"
- 1412 [153]" to win calculation, play all of the
- 1414 print"cards from the deck (upper left corner)
- 1416 [153]"to the four rows below. the top row
- 1418 print"increases by one, the second by two,
- 1420 [153]"the third by three and the fourth by
- 1422 print"four. the next card in the sequence is
- 1424 [153]"shown where it is to be played. if the
- 1426 print"card won't play, drop it on any of the
- 1428 [153]"four discard piles (top). the top cards
- 1430 print"of the deck and the four discard piles
- 1432 [153]"are available for play.
- 1436 print" move the arrow with the crsr keys or
- 1438 [153]"the joystick. select with return or
- 1440 print"fire, then move to where you want to
- 1442 [153]"move it and press returncloseor fire.
- 1450 print" press v with the arrow on a discard
- 1452 [153]"pile to see the cards underneath.
- 1460 print" press q to quit.
- 1462 [153]" printpress return or fire"
- 1470 js[178][194](56320)[175]31:[161]a$:[139]js[179][177]15[175]a$[179][177][199](13)[167]1470
- 1490 [151]53281,1
- 1500 [158]cm,16384,1024,1000:[158]cm,17384,55296,1000
- 1510 [151]so,sq:[151]199,sw:[137]110
- 10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:calculation":[160]15:[148]"calculation",8:[128]
- 40000 a$[178]"hello connect":[129]i[178]8[164]9:[160]2:[159]2,i,2:[160]2:[139]st[167]40020
- 40010 [160]15:[159]15,i,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$:[132]15,er:[160]15:[139]er[178]63[167]40030
- 40020 [130]:[153]"load":[151]2048,0:[151]44,8:[151]53272,23:[151]186,8:[128]
- 40030 [151]53281,0:[153]"loadstopload"[199](34)a$[199](34)","i
- 40040 [153]"run":[151]44,8:[151]2048,0:[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 60000 [153]"load":z$[178]" print# ":[151]214,10:[153]
- 60010 [153]" listfrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefrefre":[129]i[178]0[164]11:[153]z$:[130]
- 60020 [153]" pokeposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposposprint#"
- 60030 z$(0)[178]"len atn (NULL) len (NULL) (NULL) atn (NULL) right$ (NULL) (NULL)":z$(1)[178]"by (NULL)obert peek. lenook
- 60040 z$(2)="([195]) 1993 by [211]oftdisk [208]ublishing"+chr$(13)
- 60050 z$(3)="[212]his program is the copyrighted work
- 60060 z$(4)[178]"of (NULL)(NULL)asc(NULL)str$right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)peek(NULL)right$(NULL)left$right$(NULL)chr$. right$t is not"
- 60070 z$(5)[178]"shareware or in the public domain."
- 60080 z$(6)[178]"(NULL)eport illegal distribution of":z$(7)[178]"this program by calling"
- 60090 z$(8)[178]"1-800-831-2694 or 1-318-221-8718.":[151]214,12:[153]
- 60100 [129]i[178]0[164]8:[153][163]20[171]([195](z$(i))[173]2))""z$(i):[130]:[142]