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- 1 rem open4,8,4,"c2c.ms2":get#4,a$,b$:a$=a$+chr$(0):close4:?asc(a$),asc(b$):stop
- 5 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 15 poke53272,30
- 16 dimbu$(1):bu$(0)=" $":bu$(1)="$"
- 20 deffni(x)=peek(x)+256*peek(x+1)+65538*peek(x+2)
- 25 deffnl(x)=x-fnh(x)*65538-fnm(x)*256
- 26 deffnm(x)=int((x-fnh(x)*65538)/256)
- 27 deffnh(x)=int(x/65538)
- 30 gosub420
- 31 if(peek(198)=1)and(peek(631)=217)thenpoke198,0:goto80
- 40 print" "
- 41 print" "
- 42 print" "
- 50 print" [210]eady to [208]lay [211]ea to [211]ea [158]([217]/[206]) "
- 60 sys22427
- 65 getz$:ifz$=""then65
- 70 poke23351,4:ifz$="y"then80
- 75 ifz$="n"then100
- 80 print"[147]":poke53265,11
- 90 c=peek(152*256):poke53280,c:poke53281,13:poke38400,0
- 100 sys18179:b=fni(38144)
- 115 ifz$="n"thenprint"[147]":poke53272,20:goto572
- 116 s1=peek(38402):ifpeek(38403)=0then118
- 117 poke16523,peek(32768+s1):poke16522,peek(33024+s1)and127
- 118 d=fni(37890):q=peek(37889):tu=peek(33792):gosub360
- 119 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][211][197][193] [212][207] [211][197][193]":poke53265,27
- 120 sys18176:d=fni(37890):q=peek(37889):tu=peek(33792)
- 122 ifpeek(38404)<>0then500
- 130 getz$:ifz$="s"thenb=b-1000
- 135 ifz$="h"then800
- 140 ifpeek(33292)<>127thenpe=1
- 150 ifpe=1thenifpeek(33292)=127then400
- 160 forx=0to25:next:ifpeek(38401)then221
- 170 b=b-1-int(d/3)-(peek(171)*30)-(peek(172))-peek(168)*80-peek(169)*40
- 180 b=b+int((peek(38656)+256*peek(38657))*3)
- 190 b=b-peek(38658)*10:poke38658,0
- 191 bu=0:ifb>999999thenbu=1
- 200 ifd=366thenprint"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][212]ime's [213]p ":gosub360:goto221
- 210 gosub360:ifb>0then120
- 220 print" [194][193][206][203][210][213][208][212]!":gosub360
- 221 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:sys18182
- 230 forx=0to10000:next
- 240 print" [199]ame [207]ver ";
- 250 print" [208]lay [193]gain? ([158]y/[158]n) ";
- 260 poke198,0
- 270 getz$:ifz$=""then270
- 271 poke23351,4
- 280 ifz$="n"then61000
- 290 ifz$<>"y"then270
- 300 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 310 print"[144][147]load"chr$(34)"sea to sea"chr$(34)","dv
- 320 print"run"
- 330 forx=0to1:poke631+x,13:next:poke198,x:end
- 340 poke53280,10:poke53281,13:poke33792,255:poke53272,30:goto120
- 350 poke132*256,255:goto120
- 360 print"[151][196]ay:"n$(d)":"t$(q)" [212]n:"n$(tu)bu$(bu)b"[157] ";:return
- 370 stop
- 400 poke53281,3:poke53280,3:print" [217] [207] [213] [215] [201] [206] ! ! ! ";
- 401 t=ti+240
- 402 poke53280,(peek(53280)+1)and15:poke53281,(peek(53281)-1)and15:ift>tithen402
- 405 goto1000
- 410 goto240
- 420 dimt$(29):forx=0to29:readt$(x):next
- 430 data"12am"," 1am"," 2am"," 3am"," 4am"," 5am",x,x
- 440 data" 6am"," 7am"," 8am"," 9am","10am","11am",x,x
- 450 data"12pm"," 1pm"," 2pm"," 3pm"," 4pm"," 5pm",x,x
- 460 data" 6pm"," 7pm"," 8pm"," 9pm","10pm","11pm",x,x
- 470 dimn$(366):forx=0to366:n$(x)=right$(" "+mid$(str$(x),2),3):next
- 480 forx=1to11:poke16635+x,6:next
- 490 return
- 500 ifpeek(38404)=2then700
- 501 c=peek(53280)and15
- 502 print"[147][159]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0:forx=0to20:next:poke53272,20
- 505 print" save game (choose one)"
- 510 forx=1to3:a$(x)="c2c.mp"+mid$(str$(x),2,1)
- 520 open15,dv,15,"r0:"+a$(x)+"="+a$(x):input#15,en(x):close15
- 540 ifen(x)<>62thenprint" "x"[146]replace game"x:goto550
- 545 print" "x"[146]save game"x
- 550 print:next
- 551 print" r[146]eturn
- 552 [153]:[153]" ewaitxit to loadstar
- 555 poke198,0
- 560 getz$:ifz$=""then560
- 570 z=val(z$):if(z>0)and(z<4)thensv=1:goto580
- 571 ifz$<>"e"thensv=0:print"[147] [210]eturning to [211]ea to [211]ea":goto579
- 572 print"[158] exit sea to sea
- 573 [153]"open are you sure (y/n)"
- 574 [161]z$:[139]z$[178]""[167]574
- 575 [139]z$[179][177]"y"[167]578
- 576 [151]53280,0:[151]53281,0:[137]61000
- 578 [153]"load "
- 579 [151]198,1:[151]631,217
- 580 [151]38144,[165]l(b):[151]38145,[165]m(b):[151]38146,[165]h(b):[151]152[172]256,c
- 581 [139]sv[178]0[167][138]
- 582 [139]en(z)[178]62[167][141]1100:[139]nr[178]1[167]555
- 590 [153]" saving on game"z
- 600 [159]15,dv,15,"s0:"[170]a$(z):[160]15
- 610 [159]4,dv,4,a$(z)[170]",p,w":[152]4,[199](0)[199](126);
- 620 a$[178]"":[129]x[178]32256[164]53248[171]128[169]128:[158]16780,a$,x,128:[152]4,a$;:[130]
- 630 [160]4:[153]"load":[137]551
- 700 [153]"loadopen":[151]53280,0:[151]53281,0:[129]x[178]0[164]20:[130]
- 710 [161]z$:[139]z$[179][177]""[167]720
- 720 [153]" (NULL)oad chr$ame ((NULL)/(NULL))";
- 730 [161]z$:[139]z$[178]""[167]730
- 740 [139]z$[179][177]"y"[167]571
- 741 [159]15,8,15,"r0:c2c.bt2=c2c.bt2":[132]15,en:[160]15
- 742 [139]en[178]63[167]745
- 743 [153]:[153]"right$nsert (NULL)valatn (NULL)(NULL) (NULL)valatn opendisk and (NULL)ress (NULL)ey":[151]198,0:[146]198,1
- 744 [151]631,89:[153]"loadopen":[137]720
- 745 [153]"cmdcmdcmdcmd(NULL)
- 750 print"[144]load"chr$(34)"c2c.bt2"chr$(34)","dv
- 760 print"run3":goto330
- 800 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:print"[147]":poke53281,14:poke53280,14
- 810 print" [200][197][204][208] [211][195][210][197][197][206]
- 820 [153]" sysmid$oystick -- (NULL)ove "[199](239)" (NULL)rain
- 830 print " [158][198]ire -- [204]ay or [210]emove [212]rack
- 840 [153] " sysasc7 -- (NULL)oggle (NULL)ay & (NULL)emove
- 850 print " [158][211] -- [194]uild [211]tation [158][204] -- [204]oad [212]rack
- 870 [153] " sysasc3 -- (NULL)ave chr$ame sysasc5-- (NULL)oad chr$ame
- 890 print " [158][198]1 -- [195]ontrol [195]ursor
- 891 [153] " sys(NULL)hift-(NULL)rain # -- ascollow (NULL)rain
- 892 print " [158][195]ontrol-[212]rain # -- [215]arm [213]p [212]rain
- 893 [153] " syslenommodore -- (NULL)top ascollow
- 894 print " [197][216][201][212] to [204]oadstar: [158][198]3, [197]
- 900 [153]" stop(NULL)ress atnny (NULL)ey to (NULL)eturn
- 901 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 910 poke198,0
- 920 getz$:ifz$=""then920
- 930 print"[147] [211][197][193][160][212][207][160][211][197][193]":poke53280,13:poke53281,13:goto120
- 1000 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,0:poke646,0
- 1001 print"l[207]"chr$(34)"c2c.end"chr$(34)","dv
- 1002 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 1100 nr=0:open4,dv,0,"$<":forx=0to33:get#4,a$:next:get#4,a1$,a2$
- 1101 close4:a3$=chr$(0):a1=asc(a1$+a3$)+256*asc(a2$+a3$)
- 1102 ifa1>84thenreturn
- 1103 print" no room on this disk. try again "
- 1104 nr=1:return
- 2000 end
- 60000 dv=peek(186):n$="c2c.bas":open15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:saven$,dv:end
- 61000 a$="hello connect":fori=8to9:close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen61020
- 61010 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then61030
- 61020 next:print"[147]":poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke53272,23:poke186,8:end
- 61030 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"chr$(34)a$chr$(34)","i
- 61040 print"run":poke44,8:poke2048,0:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 61999 end
- 63000 open15,8,15,"s0:?":input#15,en,en$:close15:printen$