home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 poke56,56:clr
- 2 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 3 dimh,x,y,i,j,k,ii,yy,xx,sp$,a$,cm,s,t,fg,n,bc,bx$,cl,bd,sc,u,dz,m,w,fq,e,yp
- 4 diml$,xp,ga,fg,z,zz,md,mx,q9$,u9,t9,w$(200),w(13),u$(17),e$(11,4),f(4),v(4)
- 5 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 6 sys57812"quad font",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
- 7 sys57812"inp/cm ce00",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,206:sys65493
- 16 sys52736,"cryptdata 01",dv
- 18 h=peek(252)*256+peek(251)
- 19 goto100
- 20 poke214,y:print
- 21 printtab(x)"[161]";:forii=1toxx:print" ";:next:print"[166]"
- 22 forii=1toyy:printtab(x)left$(sp$,xx+1):next
- 23 printtab(x)"[164]"left$(sp$,xx)"[168]"
- 25 poke214,y+1:print:printtab(x+2);
- 26 return
- 30 poke214,22:print
- 32 print"[193]ny key - more [210][197][212][213][210][206] - menu[145]":poke198,0
- 34 geta$:ifa$=""then34
- 36 fg=0:ifa$=chr$(13)thenfg=1
- 38 return
- 40 syscm,1024,16384+s*2000,1000
- 42 syscm,55296,17384+s*2000,1000
- 44 return
- 45 syscm,16384+s*2000,1024,1000
- 46 syscm,17384+s*2000,55296,1000
- 47 return
- 50 t=(t+1)and63
- 52 syscm,15872+t*8,14336,8
- 54 return
- 60 poke214,15:print
- 61 fori=0to3:poke646,12+3*(iand1):printsp$;sp$;:next
- 62 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 63 poke646,bc:print" [198]1 - [200]elp [198]3 - [200]int [198]7 - [209]uit "
- 64 return
- 65 print"[144]":fori=0to13:printleft$(sp$,14):next
- 66 return
- 70 poke214,7-n:print:poke646,bc
- 71 printtab(7-n);
- 72 fori=1ton:printbx$;:next:print:print
- 73 ifn=2then76
- 74 fori=1ton-2:printtab(7-n)bx$;
- 75 forj=1ton-2:print"";:next:printbx$:print:next
- 76 printtab(7-n);:fori=1ton:printbx$;:next
- 77 return
- 80 poke646,0:fori=0to7:poke781,i+16:sys59903:next
- 82 poke646,bc:x=8:xx=21:y=15:yy=4:gosub20
- 84 return
- 90 q$=w$(w+yp*5+(n-2)*20)
- 92 poke214,3+yp:print:printtab(27-(n*2)+xp)mid$(q$,(xp/2)+1,1)
- 94 e$(xp/2,yp)=mid$(q$,(xp/2)+1,1)
- 96 return
- 100 print"[144][147]":poke53272,31:cm=53176:sc=1024:cl=55296:bc=9:bd=7:n=2
- 101 bx$="^[[157][157]]_[145]":l$="-------------"
- 102 fori=1to5:readm$(i):next
- 103 data" [208]lay [195][210][217][208][212][207][209][213][193][196] "
- 104 data" [210]ules of [195][210][217][208][212][207][209][213][193][196] "
- 105 data" [200]ow to [211]olve [195]ryptics "
- 106 data" [195][210][217][208][212][207][209][213][193][196] [211]olution "
- 107 data" [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] "
- 111 sp$=" "
- 120 t=12:gosub50
- 130 fori=100to140:ifw$(i)="*"thenu=i-3:i=140
- 132 next
- 135 fori=0to3:r$(i)=w$(u+i):next:u=u+4
- 140 print"[144][147][158]";:n=2
- 144 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next:s=0:gosub40
- 150 poke646,bc:x=6:xx=27:y=3:yy=16:gosub20
- 152 print" [169] [170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [178]"
- 154 fori=1to5:printtab(9)m$(i):print:next
- 156 printtab(11)"+ or - changes color"
- 160 ifdz=0thenm=1:w=0
- 162 poke646,bd:poke214,6+m*2:print:printtab(9)m$(m)"[145]":poke198,0
- 163 geta$:ifa$<>""anda$<>"[145]"anda$<>chr$(13)anda$<>"+"anda$<>"-"then163
- 164 ifa$=chr$(13)thens=1:gosub40:dz=0:goto180
- 165 ifa$<>"+"anda$<>"-"then169
- 166 ifa$="+"thenbc=(bc+1)and15:ifbc=0thenbc=1
- 167 ifa$="-"thenbc=(bc-1)and15:ifbc<0thenbc=15
- 168 bd=7-2*(bc=7):dz=1:goto150
- 169 poke646,bc:printtab(9)m$(m)
- 170 ifa$="[145]"thenm=m-1:ifm<1thenm=5
- 172 ifa$=""thenm=m+1:ifm>5thenm=1
- 174 goto162
- 180 onmgosub190,800,400,450,900
- 182 iffqthenfq=0:goto140
- 184 goto162
- 190 ti$="000000"
- 200 print"[144][147]":poke646,bc:x=15:xx=22:y=0:yy=6:gosub20:w=107:ga=0:yp=0
- 201 print"[169][170] [171] [172] [173] [174] [175] [176] [177] [178]"
- 202 gosub60
- 204 gosub70
- 206 poke214,3:print:fori=1to4:printtab(27-n*2);
- 208 forj=1ton*2:print"- ";:next:print:next
- 209 fori=0to3:f(i)=0:v(i)=0:next:fori=0to10:forj=0to4:e$(i,j)="":next:next
- 210 fori=0to3
- 212 j=int(rnd(1))*4:iff(j)then212
- 214 poke214,15+2*i:print
- 216 poke646,12+3*(iand1):print""w$(w+i*5+2+(n-2)*20)
- 217 print""w$(w+i*5+3+(n-2)*20)
- 218 next
- 220 poke214,9:print"[159]"
- 228 e=u+n-2
- 230 fori=1tolen(w$(e))step2
- 232 u$(int(i+1)/2)=""+mid$(w$(e),i,1)+"[[157][157]]"+mid$(w$(e),i+1,1)
- 234 next
- 240 fori=0to(n-1)*4-1
- 242 poke214,9+3*(iand1):print
- 244 printtab(15+3*int(i/2))u$(i+1)
- 246 next
- 250 gosub500:yp=yp+1:ifyp>3thenyp=0
- 252 iffqthenreturn
- 260 ifga=0then250
- 261 ifn=5then270
- 262 gosub80
- 264 print" [217]ou got it! [206]ow"
- 266 printtab(x+2)" on to [204]evel"n
- 268 fori=1to2000:next
- 270 n=n+1:ifn>5then300
- 280 goto200
- 300 gosub80
- 320 print" [195]ongratulations!"
- 322 printtab(x+4)"[217]ou solved it in
- 324 [153][163]x[170]9)[202](ti$,3,2)":"[201](ti$,2)
- 330 [151]214,23:[153]:[153]" (NULL)ress any key for the menu "
- 335 [151]198,0
- 340 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]340
- 342 [151]646,0:[153]"load":n[178]2:[137]150
- 400 [151]646,bc:x[178]0:xx[178]37:y[178]1:yy[178]20:[141]20
- 410 [129]i[178]1[164]99
- 412 [139]w$(i)[179][177]"\"[167]418
- 414 [141]30:[139]fg[167]i[178]99:[130]:[141]45:[142]
- 415 x[178]0:xx[178]37:y[178]1:yy[178]20:[141]20
- 416 [153]"":i[178]i[170]1
- 418 [153]""w$(i)
- 420 [130]
- 422 [141]30:[139]fg[167]i[178]99:[141]45:[142]
- 424 [137]400
- 450 i[178]0:[151]646,bc
- 453 x[178]0:xx[178]37:y[178]1:yy[178]20:[141]20:[153]"cmdcmd";
- 454 [153]""w$(u[170]4[170]i[172]5)
- 456 [153]""w$(u[170]6[170]i[172]5)
- 458 [153]""w$(u[170]7[170]i[172]5)
- 460 [153]""w$(u[170]8[170]i[172]5)
- 462 [153]
- 464 i[178]i[170]1:[139]i[173]4[179][177][181](i[173]4)[167]454
- 466 [141]30:[139]fg[167][141]45:[142]
- 468 [139]i[179]16[167]453
- 470 i[178]0:[137]453
- 500 xp[178]0:z[178]40:zz[178]sc[170]4[172]z[170]27[171]n[172]2:[151]646,bc
- 510 mx[178]zz[170]yp[172]z[170]xp:md[178][194](mx)
- 520 [151]cl[170]mx[171]sc,1:[151]mx,160:[129]t[178]1[164]60:[130]:[151]mx,md:[129]t[178]1[164]12
- 524 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]""[167]531
- 530 [130]:[137]510
- 531 [139]a$[178][199](134)[167][141]90:[137]592
- 532 [139]a$[178][199](136)[167]fq[178]1:[142]
- 533 [139]a$[178][199](133)[167]s[178]2:[141]40:[141]800:s[178]2:[141]45:[137]510
- 534 [151]mx[171]sc[170]cl,bc
- 540 [139]a$[179][177]"on"[167]550
- 542 yp[178]yp[171]1:[139]yp[179]0[167]yp[178]3
- 544 [137]510
- 550 [139]a$[179][177]""[167]560
- 552 yp[178]yp[170]1:[139]yp[177]3[167]yp[178]0
- 554 [137]510
- 560 [139]a$[179][177]""[167]570
- 562 xp[178]xp[170]2:[139]xp[177]n[172]4[171]2[167]xp[178]0
- 564 [137]510
- 570 [139]a$[179][177]"cmd"[167]580
- 572 xp[178]xp[171]2:[139]xp[179]0[167]xp[178]n[172]4[171]2
- 574 [137]510
- 580 [139]a$[177][178]"a"[175]a$[179][178]"z"[167]a$[178][199]([198](a$)[170]128)
- 582 [139]a$[179]"atn"[176]a$[177]"(NULL)"[167]510
- 584 [139]v(yp)[167]510
- 590 [151]214,3[170]yp:[153]:[153][163]27[171](n[172]2)[170]xp)a$:e$(xp[173]2,yp)[178]a$
- 592 [129]i[178]0[164]n[172]2
- 594 [139]e$(i,yp)[179][177][202](w$(w[170]yp[172]5[170](n[171]2)[172]20),i[170]1,1)[167]i[178]n[172]2:[130]:[137]562
- 596 [130]:[137]600
- 598 [137]562
- 600 [151]214,7[171]n[171](n[171]1)[172]2[172](yp[178]2):[153]:[151]646,bc
- 602 [153][163]7[171]n[171](n[171]1)[172]2[172](yp[178]3));
- 604 [129]i[178]1[164]n[172]2[169]2:j[178]w[170]yp[172]5[170]1[170](n[171]2)[172]20
- 606 [139]yp[175]1[167]620
- 610 [153]""[202](w$(j),i,1);
- 612 [153]""[202](w$(j),i[170]1,1)"on";:[137]624
- 620 [153]""[202](w$(j),i,1);
- 622 [153]""[202](w$(j),i[170]1,1)"cmdcmd";
- 624 [130]:[153]
- 630 [129]i[178]1[164]n[172]2[169]2:[129]k[178]0[164](n[171]1)[172]4[171]1
- 632 [139][202](w$(j),i,2)[179][177][202](w$(e),k[172]2[170]1,2)[167]638
- 634 [151]214,9[170]3[172](k[175]1):[153]
- 636 [153][163]15[170]3[172][181](k[173]2))" cmdcmd "
- 638 [130]:[130]
- 650 v(yp)[178]1
- 652 [129]i[178]0[164]3:[139]v(i)[178]0[167]i[178]3:[130]:[137]660
- 654 [130]:ga[178]1
- 660 [142]
- 800 [153]"stopload"
- 802 [153]"list"[163]17)"l[a[cmdcmdcmdcmd](NULL)]str$cmdcmdcmdcmds[a[cmdcmdcmdcmd](NULL)](NULL)"
- 804 [151]646,bc:x[178]0:xx[178]37:y[178]5:yy[178]16:[141]20
- 810 [153]" (NULL)ules of step + - * / ^ and or > ="
- 812 [153]"ascour words of equal length have been
- 814 print"broken into two-letter tiles. [198]or
- 816 [153]"instance, the words above are
- 818 print"(1) [204][207][193][196], (2) [204][207][211][212], (3) [211][212][193][210] and uh,
- 820 [153]"(4) atnstr$atn(NULL). (NULL)he tiles are shuffled
- 822 print"and you are to place them in an
- 824 [153]"empty grid by entering the words.
- 826 print"[212]here are five levels, each with
- 828 [153]"four words. (NULL)evel 2 has six-letter
- 830 print"words; [204]evel 3 has eight; [204]evel 4
- 832 [153]"has ten. peekelow the grid are cryptic
- 834 print"clues for each word -- in order."
- 840 printtab(14)"[208]ress a key"
- 880 poke198,0
- 885 geta$:ifa$=""then885
- 886 ifs=1thengosub45
- 890 return
- 900 poke646,bc:x=4:xx=31:y=17:yy=3:gosub20
- 902 print" [209][213][201][212]? [193]re you sure? (y/n)"
- 904 geta$:ifa$=""then904
- 906 ifa$<>"y"thengosub45:return
- 908 print"[147]":poke53272,21
- 910 goto40000
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:cryptoquad":close15:save"cryptoquad",8:end
- 40000 a$="hello connect":fori=8to9:close2:open2,i,2:close2:ifstthen40030
- 40010 close15:open15,i,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15:ifer=63then40030
- 40020 next:print"[147]":poke2048,0:poke44,8:poke53272,23:end
- 40030 poke646,peek(53281):print"load"chr$(34)a$chr$(34)","i
- 40040 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 50000 q9$="":u9=53280:poke198,0
- 50010 geta$
- 50020 poke646,rnd(1)*15+1:print"[164][157]";:ifa$=""then50010
- 50030 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint" ":return
- 50040 if(a$=chr$(20)andlen(q9$))thenq9$=left$(q9$,len(q9$)-1):goto50090
- 50050 iflen(q9$)>=10thent9=peek(u9):pokeu9,1:pokeu9,t9:goto50010
- 50060 ifa$>="a"anda$<="z"thena$=chr$(asc(a$)+128)
- 50064 ifa$<"[193]"ora$>"[218]"then50010
- 50070 q9$=q9$+a$
- 50080 print""a$;:goto50010
- 50090 print" [157][157] [157]";:goto50010