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- 10 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 20 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147][129] [195] [200] [193] [201] [206] [207] [198] [198] [207] [207] [204] [211]"
- 30 print"[159] [212]his program will update a copy of
- 40 [153]" your lenleft$atnright$(NULL) (NULL)asc asc(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) disk for sending
- 50 print" to a friend. [201]nsert the [195][207][208][217][159] and
- 60 [153]" press a key.
- 70 geta$:ifa$=""then70
- 80 sys57812"chaingang",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,112:sys65493
- 90 ifpeek(29826)<8then190
- 100 print" [195]ongratulations on being the ninth"
- 110 print" and final player of this [195][200][193][201][206] [207][198]
- 120 [153]" asc(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL). (NULL)lease send a copy of the disk
- 130 print" to [198]ender [212]ucker
- 140 [153]" (NULL).(NULL). peekox 30008
- 150 print" [211]hreveport [204][193] 71130
- 160 [153]" as well as the chr$(NULL)atn(NULL)str$ val(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)valstr$ (NULL)(NULL)mid$(NULL) of
- 170 print" this [195][200][193][201][206][196][201][211][203].":end
- 180 end
- 190 k=0:fori=0to4:if(peek(29829+i*3)=0)or(peek(29830+i*3)=0)thenk=1:i=4
- 200 next:ifk=0then240
- 210 print" [217]ou must [193][196][196] to and [212][193][203][197] all of the
- 220 [153]" lenleft$atnright$(NULL)s before you can update a disk.":[128]
- 230 [153]" (NULL)hreveport (NULL)atn 71130
- 240 poke29825,0
- 250 poke29826,peek(29826)+1
- 260 fori=0to4:poke29829+i*3,0:poke29830+i*3,0:next
- 270 print" [211]aving and updating "chr$(34)"chaingang"chr$(34)
- 280 open15,dv,15,"s0:chaingang":close15
- 290 sys57812"chaingang",dv:poke193,0:poke194,112
- 300 poke174,0:poke175,117:sys62954
- 310 print" [196]one! [217]ou may send this disk to the
- 320 [153]" next asc(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) on the lenleft$atnright$(NULL). right$f you run it
- 330 print" to test it, don't [202][207][201][206] [212][200][197] [195][200][193][201][206], or
- 340 [153]" (NULL)atn(NULL)val or atnstr$str$ to a lenleft$atnright$(NULL).
- 350 end
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:chain updater":close15:save"chain updater",8:end