Scrub the clams thoroughly in cold running water. Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large pan. Add the clams. Cover the pan tightly & cook over a high heat until the clams open. Shell the clams over the pan to catch their liquor. Discard any which have not opened. Strain the liquor through a strainer lined with muslin to catch any grains of sand. In another pan fry the garlic cloves in the remaining oil until they are lightly colored. Add the chili pepper & the chopped anchovies, & fry for 2 minutes. Pour in the clam liquor & simmer gently to reduce. Boil the noodles until they are cooked but still firm. Remove & discard the garlic cloves & chili pepper. Add the clams to the sauce. Stir in the parsley or basil & season to taste with salt & pepper.{$7e}(Original recipe for 6)