home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- open =$ffc0
- readst =$ffb7
- setlfs =$ffba
- setnam =$ffbd
- setmsg =$ff90
- load =$ffd5
- getin =$ffe4
- input'buffer =512
- clrchn =$ffcc
- close =$ffc3 ;a
- chrin =$ffcf
- chkout =$ffc9 ;x
- chkin =$ffc6 ;x
- plot =$fff0
- chrout =$ffd2
- color'pointer =243
- screen'line'pointer =209
- print'number =$bdcd ;x,a
- clear'line =59903
- background =53281
- border =53280
- strout = $ab1e; .A low .Y high
- unlisten =$ffae
- clall =$ffe7
- color1 =53282
- color2 =53283
- color3 =53284
- white =5
- crsr'down =17
- rvs'on =18
- home =19
- del =20
- red =28
- crsr'right =29
- green =30
- blue =31
- black =144
- lowercase =14
- uppercase =142
- crsr'up =145
- rvs'off =146
- clr =147
- insert =148
- brown =149
- light'red =150
- dark'grey =151
- medium'grey =152
- light'green =153
- light'blue =154
- light'grey =155
- purple =156
- crsr'left =157
- yellow =158
- cyan =159
- top'left =176
- top'right =174
- bottom'left =173
- bottom'right =189
- box'parameters =820
- x1 =820
- x2 =821
- y1 =822
- y2 =823
- screen'code =824
- box'color =825
- flag =826
- temp =827
- .org $c000
- ;obj "@2:toolkit c000"
- .mem
- jmp menu'entry
- jmp box'entry
- jmp screen'stash
- jmp screen'restore
- jmp linx
- jmp print'at
- jmp center
- jmp ucase
- jmp lcase
- jmp fcase
- ;sys,addr y,x1,x2,number items,text,highlight,esc
- ;***sys addr,x,to x,y,to y,s-code,color
- box'entry lda #0
- sta temp
- - jsr get'number
- ldy temp
- sta box'parameters,y
- inc temp
- cpy #5
- bne -
- fill'box jsr linx
- lda 214
- pha
- lda 211
- pha
- box'start ldx box'parameters+2
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr $fff0
- jsr old'rom'patch
- dec box'parameters
- ;inc box'parameters+3
- - ldy box'parameters+1
- - lda box'parameters+4
- cmp #255
- beq +
- sta (209),y
- + lda box'parameters+5
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy box'parameters
- bne -
- lda 214
- cmp box'parameters+3
- beq +
- inc 214
- jsr 58732
- jsr old'rom'patch
- jmp --
- + lda #home
- jsr $ffd2
- pla
- sta 211
- pla
- sta 214
- jmp 58732
- linx ldy #24
- - lda 217,y
- ora #128
- sta 217,y
- dey
- bpl -
- rts
- screen'stash sec
- jsr plot
- stx menuy
- sty menux1
- jsr get'number
- sta 252
- cmp >1024
- bcs +
- rts
- + clc
- adc #4
- sta 254
- lda #0
- sta 253
- sta 251
- lda #home
- jsr chrout
- jsr old'rom'patch
- sei
- lda #0
- sta 1
- ldx #3
- ldy #0
- - lda (209),y
- sta (251),y
- dec 1
- lda (243),y
- inc 1
- sta (253),y
- iny
- bne -
- inc 210
- inc 252
- inc 244
- inc 254
- dex
- bpl -
- dec 254
- ldy #233
- dec 1
- lda 53280
- inc 1
- sta (253),y
- iny
- dec 1
- lda 53281
- inc 1
- sta (253),y
- iny
- lda menuy
- sta (253),y
- iny
- lda menux1
- sta (253),y
- lda #$77
- sta 1
- cli
- ldy menux1
- ldx menuy
- clc
- jmp plot
- screen'restore jsr get'number
- sta 252
- clc
- adc #4
- sta 254
- lda #0
- sta 253
- sta 251
- lda #home
- jsr chrout
- jsr old'rom'patch
- sei
- lda #0
- sta 1
- ldx #3
- ldy #0
- - lda (251),y
- sta (209),y
- lda (253),y
- dec 1
- sta (243),y
- inc 1
- iny
- bne -
- inc 210
- inc 252
- inc 244
- inc 254
- dex
- bpl -
- dec 254
- ldy #233
- lda (253),y
- dec 1
- sta 53280
- iny
- inc 1
- lda (253),y
- dec 1
- sta 53281
- inc 1
- iny
- lda (253),y
- sta 214
- iny
- lda (253),y
- sta 211
- lda #$77
- sta 1
- cli
- jmp 58732
- menu'entry lda #0
- sta temp
- sta flag
- - jsr get'number
- ldy temp
- sta menuy,y
- inc temp
- cpy #6
- bne -
- menu jsr linx
- ldx menuy
- ldy #0
- sty menu'current
- clc
- jsr plot
- jsr old'rom'patch
- lda menu'highlight
- sta mcolor
- jsr paint'line
- menu'wait jsr getin
- beq menu'wait
- ldx menu'current
- stx temp
- cmp #crsr'down
- beq menu'down
- cmp #crsr'up
- beq menu'up
- cmp #13
- beq menu'select
- cmp exit'key
- bne menu'wait'loop
- dec flag
- bmi menu'select
- menu'wait'loop jmp menu'wait
- menu'down inc menu'current
- lda menu'current
- cmp menu'items
- bne highlight
- lda #0
- sta menu'current
- jmp highlight
- menu'up dec menu'current
- lda menu'current
- cmp #255
- beq +
- jmp highlight
- + ldy menu'items
- dey
- sty menu'current
- jmp highlight
- menu'select lda menu'current
- clc
- adc menuy
- tax
- ldy #0
- jsr plot
- jsr old'rom'patch
- lda menu'text
- sta mcolor
- jsr paint'line
- bit flag
- bmi +
- lda menu'current
- clc
- adc #49
- sta 631
- lda #1
- sta 198
- + rts
- highlight lda menuy
- clc
- adc menu'current
- tax
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- jsr old'rom'patch
- lda menu'highlight
- sta mcolor
- jsr paint'line
- lda menuy
- clc
- adc temp
- tax
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- jsr old'rom'patch
- lda menu'text
- sta mcolor
- jsr paint'line
- jmp menu'wait
- paint'line ldy menux1
- - lda mcolor
- sta (243),y
- bmi +
- lda (209),y
- eor #128
- sta (209),y
- + iny
- cpy menux2
- beq -
- bcc -
- rts
- ;**** get number from BASIC ****
- get'number jsr $aefd
- jsr $ad8a
- jsr $b7f7
- lda $14 ; got low byte
- rts
- ;***** get string from BASIC ****
- get'string jsr $aefd
- jsr $ad9e
- jsr $b6a3
- ldx $22
- ldy $23
- rts
- print'at jsr linx
- jsr get'number
- sta 211
- jsr get'number
- sta 214
- jsr 58732
- jsr get'string
- sta temp
- print'string ldy #0
- - lda ($22),y
- jsr chrout
- iny
- cpy temp
- bne -
- rts
- ucase jsr get'string
- sta temp
- ldy #0
- - lda ($22),y
- cmp #65
- bcc +
- ora #128
- sta ($22),y
- + iny
- cpy temp
- bne -
- rts
- lcase jsr get'string
- sta temp
- ldy #0
- - lda ($22),y
- and #127
- sta ($22),y
- iny
- cpy temp
- bne -
- rts
- fcase lda #255
- sta flag
- jsr get'string
- sta temp
- ldy #0
- lda ($22),y
- cmp #65
- bcc +
- ora #128
- sta ($22),y
- + iny
- lda #0
- sta flag
- ldy #1
- - lda ($22),y
- and #127
- sta ($22),y
- cmp "."
- bne +
- dec flag
- + cmp "!"
- bne +
- dec flag
- + cmp "?"
- bne +
- dec flag
- + bit flag
- bmi +
- iny
- cpy temp
- bne -
- rts
- + cmp #65
- bcc +
- ora #128
- sta ($22),y
- inc flag
- + iny
- cpy temp
- bne -
- rts
- center jsr get'number
- tax
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- jsr get'string
- sta temp
- lsr
- sta flag
- lda #20
- sec
- sbc flag
- sta 211
- jsr 58732
- jmp print'string
- old'rom'patch lda 210
- sec
- sbc 648
- clc
- adc #$d8
- sta 244
- lda 209
- sta 243
- rts
- menuy .byt 0
- menux1 .byt 0
- menux2 .byt 0
- menu'items .byt 0
- menu'text .byt 0
- menu'highlight .byt 0
- exit'key .byt 0
- menu'current .byt 0
- mcolor .byt 0