home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 1 ifa=0thena=1:load"help-2441",dv,1
- 2 ifa=1thena=2:load"notepad",dv,1
- 3 poke198,0
- 5 dim m0$(20),m1$(20),m2$(20),m3$(20),m4$(20)
- 6 dimm9$(20):sp$=" "
- 7 dimd$(36):fori=0to26:d$(i)="0":next:d$(3)="1":d$(5)="2400"
- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:ad=36864
- 20 readx:fori=1tox:readm0$(i):next
- 21 readx:fori=1tox:readm1$(i):next
- 22 readx:fori=1tox:readm2$(i):next
- 24 readx:fori=1tox:readm3$(i):next
- 25 readx:fori=1tox:readm4$(i):next
- 30 readx:fori=1tox:readm9$(i):next
- 31 dimfs$(5):fori=1to2:readfs$(i):next:fs=1
- 32 dimsd$(5):fori=1to2:readsd$(i):next
- 33 print"";
- 40 sysad,"[212][160][193][160][216][160] [160][193] [195][160][195] [207] [213] [206] [212][160][193][160][206] [212]","[198]orm 2441"
- 50 ifpeek(198)<>1thenend
- 55 sysad+15:getdv$:getme$:gethi$:gettx$
- 56 dv=asc(dv$):m=asc(me$)and15:h=asc(hi$)and15:tx=asc(tx$)and15
- 60 sysad+18:poke198,0:gosub9000
- 70 sysad+3,8+64,10,8,m,h,tx,m0$(1),m0$(2),m0$(3),m0$(4),m0$(5),m0$(6),m0$(7),m0$(8)
- 80 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 85 ifk>3thensysad+18:poke781,21:sys59903
- 90 onkgoto 200,300,900,1070,2070,3070,4070,40
- 95 goto70
- 100 :
- 200 gosub9300
- 210 ifval(w$)=0then275
- 220 open15,dv,15,"io":w$="2441."+w$
- 225 open2,dv,2,"0:"+w$+",s,r"
- 230 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 234 poke214,21:print:print" "
- 235 poke214,21:print:print"[196]isk [211]tatus:"e;e$:fori=1to2000:next
- 236 poke214,21:print:print" "
- 240 ifethenclose2:close15:print"[145][198]ile [206]ot [204]oaded":fori=1to2000:next:goto275
- 250 fori=0to26:input#2,d$(i):next
- 255 print#2,fs:print#2,m1$(1)
- 270 close2:close15
- 275 gosub9000:goto70
- 280 :
- 300 gosub9300:ifval(w$)=0then375
- 310 w$="2441."+w$
- 320 open15,dv,15,"s0:"+w$:close15
- 330 open15,dv,15,"io"
- 335 open2,dv,2,"0:"+w$+",s,w"
- 340 input#15,e,e$,e1,e2
- 344 poke214,21:print:print" "
- 345 poke214,21:print:print"[196]isk [211]tatus: "e;e$:fori=1to2000:next
- 346 poke214,21:print:print" "
- 350 ifethenclose2:close15:print"[145][198]ile [206]ot [211]aved":fori=1to2000:next:goto375
- 360 fori=0to26:print#2,d$(i):next
- 365 input#2,fs:print#2,m1$(1)
- 370 close2:close15
- 375 gosub9000:goto70
- 390 :
- 400 d$(5)="2400":ifval(d$(3))>1thend$(5)="4800"
- 402 gosub700
- 405 d$(6)=d$(25)
- 410 d$(7)=str$(val(d$(5))-val(d$(6)))
- 415 d$(8)=d$(4):ifval(d$(4))>val(d$(7))thend$(8)=d$(7)
- 420 iffs=1thend$(11)=d$(9):ifval(d$(9))>val(d$(10))thend$(11)=d$(10)
- 425 iffs=1thenifval(d$(8))<val(d$(11))thend$(11)=d$(8)
- 427 iffs=1then435
- 430 d$(11)=d$(8):ifval(d$(8))>val(d$(9))thend$(11)=d$(9)
- 435 d$(14)=str$(int(val(d$(11))*val(d$(13))/100+.5))
- 440 d$(16)=str$(val(d$(14))+val(d$(15)))
- 441 return
- 480 :
- 500 sysad+6,2:sysad+9,1
- 505 sys50176,1,3,38,20,tx,0
- 510 ky=peek(197)
- 515 ifky=3thensys51712,1,3,38,20,7:goto505
- 520 ifky=6thenopen15,dv,15,"s0:"+n$:close15:sysad+12,n$,1:goto505
- 530 ifky=5then poke147,0:sys57812n$,dv,1:sys62631:sysad+9,1:goto505
- 550 sysad+6,1:sysad+9,2:return
- 560 :
- 600 sysad+6,2:poke646,tx:print"[147]"tab(14)"*** [200][197][204][208] ***"
- 601 poke646,m
- 602 print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]";
- 603 fori=1to21:print"[221] [221]";:next
- 604 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]";:poke646,tx
- 605 print" [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206]";:poke52346,tx
- 606 open2,dv,2,h$+",p,r":sys51968
- 610 poke198,0
- 615 getk$:ifk$<>chr$(13)then615
- 620 close2:sysad+9,2:return
- 625 :
- 700 d$(19)=str$(val(d$(17))-val(d$(18)))
- 705 d$(21)=d$(20):ifval(d$(20))>val(d$(19))thend$(21)=d$(19)
- 710 iffs=1thend$(24)=d$(22):ifval(d$(22))>val(d$(23))thend$(24)=d$(23):goto720
- 715 d$(24)=d$(22)
- 720 a=val(d$(21)):b=val(d$(24)):c=val(sd$(fs)):d=0
- 725 ifa<=bthend=a:ifa<=cthend=a:goto750
- 730 ifa<=bthend=a:ifa>cthend=c:goto750
- 735 ifa>bthend=b:ifb<=cthend=b:goto750
- 740 ifa>bthend=b:ifb>cthend=c
- 750 d$(25)=str$(d)
- 755 d$(26)=str$(val(d$(19))-val(d$(25)))
- 760 return
- 765 :
- 900 gosub9400:ifw$<>"y"thengosub9000:goto70
- 905 poke214,22:print:print"[208]rinting... "
- 910 open4,4,7
- 915 print#4,sp$;"[198]orm 2441"
- 920 print#4,sp$;"-------------------------------------"
- 921 print#4,sp$;left$(m1$(1),27)
- 922 fori=2to8:print#4,sp$;left$(m1$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i),10):next:print#4
- 925 fori=1to8:print#4,sp$;left$(m2$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+8),10):next:print#4
- 930 fori=1to5:print#4,sp$;left$(m3$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+16),10):next:print#4
- 935 fori=1to5:print#4,sp$;left$(m4$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+21),10):next:print#4
- 990 print#4:close4:gosub9000:goto70
- 995 :
- 1000 sysad+3,12+64,1,8,m,h,tx,m1$(1),m1$(2),m1$(3),m1$(4),m1$(5),m1$(6),m1$(7),m1$(8),m1$(9),m1$(10),m1$(11),m1$(12)
- 1010 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 1020 ifk=12thensysad+18:goto70
- 1025 ifk=11thenh$="2441.h1":gosub600:goto1000
- 1030 ifk=9thenn$="2441.n1":gosub500:goto1000
- 1035 ifk=10thengosub9500:goto1000
- 1045 ifk=5then1000
- 1046 ifk>6then1000
- 1047 ifk=1thengosub1500:gosub400:goto1000
- 1050 gosub9100:iflen(w$)=0then1000
- 1055 d$(k)=w$
- 1060 ifk=4thend$(20)=d$(4)
- 1067 gosub400
- 1070 fori=2to8:m1$(i)=left$(m1$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i),10):next
- 1075 goto1000
- 1080 :
- 1500 fs=fs+1:iffs=3thenfs=1
- 1505 m1$(1)=fs$(fs)
- 1510 return
- 1515 :
- 2000 sysad+3,12+64,1,8,m,h,tx,m2$(1),m2$(2),m2$(3),m2$(4),m2$(5),m2$(6),m2$(7),m2$(8),m2$(9),m2$(10),m2$(11),m2$(12)
- 2010 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 2020 ifk=12thensysad+18:goto70
- 2025 ifk=11thenh$="2441.h2":gosub600:goto2000
- 2030 ifk=9thenn$="2441.n2":gosub500:goto2000
- 2035 ifk=10thengosub9500:goto2000
- 2040 ifk=3then2000
- 2042 ifk=6then2000
- 2043 ifk=8then2000
- 2050 gosub9100:iflen(w$)=0then2000
- 2055 d$(k+8)=w$
- 2056 ifk=1thend$(22)=d$(9)
- 2057 ifk=2thend$(23)=d$(10)
- 2060 gosub400
- 2070 fori=1to8:m2$(i)=left$(m2$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+8),10):next
- 2087 goto2000
- 2090 :
- 3000 sysad+3,9+64,1,8,m,h,tx,m3$(1),m3$(2),m3$(3),m3$(4),m3$(5),m3$(6),m3$(7),m3$(8),m3$(9)
- 3010 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 3020 ifk=9thensysad+18:goto70
- 3025 ifk=8thenh$="2441.h3":gosub600:goto3000
- 3030 ifk=7thengosub9500:goto3000
- 3035 ifk=6thenn$="2441.n3":gosub500:goto3000
- 3040 ifk=3then3000
- 3041 ifk=5then3000
- 3050 gosub9100:iflen(w$)=0then3000
- 3052 d$(k+16)=w$
- 3053 ifk=4thend$(4)=d$(20)
- 3060 gosub400
- 3070 fori=1to5:m3$(i)=left$(m3$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+16),10):next
- 3085 goto3000
- 3090 :
- 4000 sysad+3,9+64,1,8,m,h,tx,m4$(1),m4$(2),m4$(3),m4$(4),m4$(5),m4$(6),m4$(7),m4$(8),m4$(9)
- 4010 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 4020 ifk=9thensysad+18:goto70
- 4025 ifk=8thenh$="2441.h3":gosub600:goto4000
- 4030 ifk=7thengosub9500:goto4000
- 4035 ifk=6thenn$="2441.n4":gosub500:goto4000
- 4040 ifk>2then4000
- 4050 gosub9100:iflen(w$)=0then4000
- 4055 d$(k+21)=w$
- 4056 ifk=1thend$(9)=d$(22)
- 4057 ifk=2thend$(10)=d$(23)
- 4060 gosub400
- 4070 fori=1to5:m4$(i)=left$(m4$(i),27)+right$(sp$+d$(i+21),10):next
- 4085 goto4000
- 4090 :
- 9000 poke214,21:print:print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]";
- 9005 print"[221] [213]se [195]ursor [203]eys/[210][197][212][213][210][206] to select. [221]";
- 9010 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";:poke2023,125:poke56295,1
- 9015 return
- 9100 gosub9600:poke646,tx
- 9105 poke214,22:print:print"[197]nter: ";
- 9110 sys49152+3,tx,tx,9
- 9115 gosub9000:return
- 9200 poke214,21:print:print"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]";
- 9205 print"[221] [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [221]";
- 9210 print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";:poke2023,125:poke56295,1
- 9215 return
- 9300 gosub9600:poke646,tx
- 9305 poke214,22:print:print"[197]nter [217]ear: ";
- 9310 sys49152+3,tx,tx,4
- 9315 return
- 9320 :
- 9400 gosub9600:poke646,tx
- 9405 poke214,22:print:print"[208]rinter [210]eady? ";
- 9410 sys49152,tx,tx,1
- 9415 return
- 9420 :
- 9500 sysad+18:poke646,m
- 9501 print""tab(9)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 9502 printtab(9)"[221] [221]"
- 9503 printtab(9)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 9504 ac=0:ac$="0"
- 9505 ac$=right$(sp$+ac$,10):poke646,tx
- 9506 print""tab(17)ac$
- 9510 sysad+3,6+64,10,9,m+64,h,tx,m9$(1),m9$(2),m9$(3),m9$(4),m9$(5),m9$(6)
- 9520 getk$:k$=str$(asc(k$)-48):k=val(k$)
- 9525 ifk=6thensysad+18:return
- 9530 ifk=1thenac=0:goto9565
- 9535 gosub9100
- 9540 w=val(w$):ifw=0then9505
- 9545 ifk=2thenac=ac+w
- 9550 ifk=3thenac=ac-w
- 9555 ifk=4thenac=ac*w
- 9560 ifk=5thenac=ac/w
- 9565 ac$=str$(ac):goto9505
- 9570 :
- 9600 fori=217to242:pokei,peek(i)or128:next
- 9602 poke214,22:print:print" "
- 9605 return
- 9610 :
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:2441":close15:save"0:2441",8:end
- 10998 :
- 10999 rem menu0
- 11000 data 8
- 11001 data "[204]oad [198]ile "
- 11002 data "[211]ave [198]ile "
- 11003 data "[208]rint [198]ile "
- 11004 data "[208]art [201][201]: [204]ines 2-8 "
- 11005 data "[208]art [201][201]: [204]ines 9-16 "
- 11007 data "[208]art [201][201][201]: [204]ines 17-21"
- 11008 data "[208]art [201][201][201]: [204]ines 22-26"
- 11014 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
- 11015 :
- 11099 rem menu1
- 11100 data 12
- 11101 data "[205]arried filing jointly "
- 11102 data " 2. [193]mount paid 0"
- 11103 data " 3. # of persons 0"
- 11104 data " 4. [209]ualified expenses 0"
- 11105 data " 5. [195]alculated 0"
- 11106 data " 6. [197]xcluded benefits 0"
- 11107 data " 7. [204]ine 5 - line 6 0"
- 11108 data " 8. [211]maller of line 4 and 7 0"
- 11109 data "[206]otepad "
- 11110 data "[195]alculator "
- 11111 data "[200]elp "
- 11112 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
- 11113 :
- 11199 rem menu2
- 11200 data 12
- 11201 data " 9. [197]arned income 0"
- 11202 data "10. [211]pouse's earned income 0"
- 11203 data "11. [195]alculated 0"
- 11204 data "12. [193][199][201], line 32, 1040 0"
- 11205 data "13. [211]ee [200][197][204][208] 0"
- 11206 data "14. [204]ine 11 * line 13 0"
- 11207 data "15. 1990 expenses 0"
- 11208 data "16. [195][210][197][196][201][212] 0"
- 11210 data "[206]otepad "
- 11211 data "[195]alculator "
- 11212 data "[200]elp "
- 11213 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
- 11214 :
- 11300 data 9
- 11301 data "17. [197]mployer benefits 0"
- 11302 data "18. [193]mount forfeited 0"
- 11303 data "19. [204]ine 17 - line 18 0"
- 11304 data "20. [209]ualified expenses 0"
- 11305 data "21. [211]maller of line 19/20 0"
- 11309 data "[206]otepad "
- 11310 data "[195]alculator "
- 11311 data "[200]elp "
- 11312 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
- 11313 :
- 11399 rem menu4
- 11400 data 9
- 11401 data "22. [197]arned income 0"
- 11402 data "23. [211]pouse's earned income 0"
- 11403 data "24. [195]alculated 0"
- 11404 data "25. [197]xcluded benefits 0"
- 11405 data "26. [212][193][216][193][194][204][197] [194][197][206][197][198][201][212][211] "
- 11409 data "[206]otepad "
- 11410 data "[195]alculator "
- 11411 data "[200]elp "
- 11412 data "[205]ain [205]enu "
- 11413 :
- 11899 rem menu9
- 11900 data 6
- 11901 data "[218]ero [193]ccumulator "
- 11902 data "[193]dd to [193]cc. "
- 11903 data "[211]ubtract from [193]cc."
- 11904 data "[205]ultiply [193]cc. "
- 11905 data "[196]ivide [193]cc. "
- 11906 data "[197]xit "
- 12001 data "[205]arried filing jointly "
- 12002 data "[207]ther "
- 12005 data "5000","2500"