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- --- Forest Fire Fighter ---
- By Ian Adam Vancouver BC
- Out here in the woods of British
- Columbia, fire is an ever-present
- threat. The forests are so important
- - for recreation, lumber, paper, or as
- a valuable natural environment. In
- fact, they are the number one industry
- in the province.
- Each year, there are hundreds of
- forest fires that destroy trees,
- endanger animals, and threaten towns.
- In summer, the woods are tinder-dry,
- and the fires spread quickly. Started
- perhaps by lightning and driven by
- unpredictable winds, they cause
- millions of dollars in damage. But,
- if it were not for the heroic efforts
- and careful strategies of the fearless
- firefighters, or 'smoke eaters', the
- toll would be even greater than it
- already is.
- The challenge for you is to control
- these wild fires. Put yourself in the
- shoes of the smoke eaters - prepare
- your strategies, check your will, and
- watch your hair doesn't catch on fire.
- You have three basic tools in this
- mission. The first is a water bomber:
- just point out the location, and your
- veteran pilot will drop a load of
- retardant-treated water. Drop it on a
- fire and you just may put it out - or
- at least speed its departure. Drop it
- on the forest or a house, and you will
- reduce its chance of catching fire.
- Your second tool is the backfire.
- This requires dropping your smokies
- into an unburned area, where they will
- start a small fire of their own. The
- idea is that this fire will consume
- fuel and act as a barrier to the main
- fire. This small fire should burn out
- quickly (provided the wind doesn't
- catch it, of course!)
- Your final weapon is the firebreak,
- and it is also the hardest to use. You
- and one of your trusty crews must drop
- by rope from a helicopter, directly
- into the path of the fire. There, you
- will cut a swath through the forest,
- in order to break the progress of the
- fire. Pray that the chopper pilot is
- able to return to pick you up!
- Because of the blood, sweat, and
- tears involved in cutting a firebreak,
- not to mention the time required, a
- crew will only become available once
- every three turns. However, you will
- start out with two crews on standby.
- It is only rarely that a fire will
- be able to jump over such a carefully
- constructed break.
- Your greatest concern must be the
- wind. Watch its direction carefully,
- and try to anticipate the fire's
- spread. With luck you will contain
- the fire. But watch for a sudden
- change in wind direction, which could
- turn your plans to ashes!
- This simulation gives you a choice
- of four difficulty levels. Until you
- learn the ropes, I would strongly
- suggest that you stay with the
- beginner levels!
- After you have selected your level
- of difficulty, the forest area that
- you have to patrol will be shown next.
- You will quickly recognize the fires
- shown in red (then yellow), houses in
- white, and lakes in blue. Use the
- cursor keys to indicate a target, then
- press:
- - W for your water bomber
- - B to start a backfire
- - F to cut a firebreak
- - H for help (to review this manual).
- The screen will show how many crews
- are available to you for firebreaks.
- You can press Q to quit, if the going
- gets too tough. If you don't quit,
- but put the fires out instead, you
- will be given your score, based on how
- much forest and how many homes you
- have saved. If you have learned your
- lessons well, you may be awarded the
- ultimate honour of placing your name
- in the 'Smoke Eaters Hall of Flame'.
- Good luck, and may you live long
- enough to benefit from the experience!
- Manual printed courtesy of Jeffrey
- Jones, honorary smoke eater.