home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- open =$ffc0
- readst =$ffb7
- setlfs =$ffba
- setnam =$ffbd
- load =$ffd5
- getin =$ffe4
- clrchn =$ffcc
- close =$ffc3 ;a
- chrin =$ffcf
- chkout =$ffc9 ;x
- chkin =$ffc6 ;x
- plot =$fff0
- chrout =$ffd2
- color'pointer =243
- screen'line'pointer =209
- print'number =$bdcd ;x,a
- clear'line =59903
- .org $801
- .obj "@0:ls briefs.o"
- .byt $0b,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00;10 sys2061
- ;mem
- start lda #0
- sta 53280
- sta 53281
- sta 198
- sta 55
- lda #160
- sta 56
- jsr print'boxes
- ldx #2
- ldy #5
- clc
- jsr plot
- lda #15
- sta 646
- ldy #0
- - lda briefs'title,y
- beq print'options
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- print'options ldx #9
- ldy #6
- clc
- jsr plot
- lda #15
- sta 646
- sta 199
- ldy #0
- get'option lda first'options,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- sty temp
- lda 211
- bne get'option
- inc 214
- lda #6
- sta 211
- inc 199
- jsr 58732
- ldy temp
- bne get'option
- + lda #0
- sta item
- jsr select
- jsr wait'key
- lda item
- cmp #3
- bne +
- jsr appender
- jmp start
- + cmp #2
- bne +
- jsr print'forms
- jmp start
- + jmp dynamic'keyboard'loader
- wait'key jsr getin
- beq wait'key
- cmp #17
- beq crsr'down
- cmp #145
- beq crsr'up
- cmp #13
- beq selected
- cmp "1"
- bcc wait'key
- cmp "6"
- bcs wait'key
- sta 631
- jsr deselect
- lda 631
- sec
- sbc #49
- sta item
- jsr select
- - bit 197
- bvc -
- rts
- crsr'down jsr deselect
- inc item
- lda item
- cmp #5
- bcc +
- lda #0
- sta item
- + jsr select
- jmp wait'key
- crsr'up jsr deselect
- dec item
- bpl +
- lda #4
- sta item
- + jsr select
- jmp wait'key
- selected lda item
- adc #48
- sta 631
- rts
- select lda item
- asl
- clc
- adc #9
- tax
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #35
- - lda (209),y
- and #127
- sta (209),y
- lda #1
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy #4
- bne -
- rts
- deselect lda item
- asl
- clc
- adc #9
- tax
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #35
- - lda (209),y
- ora #128
- sta (209),y
- lda #15
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy #4
- bne -
- rts
- print'boxes lda #147
- jsr chrout
- ldy #39
- - lda #228
- sta (209),y
- lda #1
- sta (243),y
- dey
- bpl -
- lda #13
- jsr chrout
- ldy #119
- - lda #160
- sta (209),y
- lda #15
- sta (243),y
- dey
- bpl -
- lda #4
- sta 214
- jsr 58732
- ldy #39
- - lda #227
- sta (209),y
- lda #12
- sta (243),y
- dey
- bpl -
- print'menu ldx #7
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #36
- - lda #228
- sta (209),y
- lda #1
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy #3
- bne -
- lda #11
- sta temp
- - lda #13
- jsr chrout
- ldy #36
- - lda #160
- sta (209),y
- lda #15
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy #3
- bne -
- dec temp
- bne --
- lda #13
- jsr chrout
- ldy #36
- - lda #227
- sta (209),y
- lda #12
- sta (243),y
- dey
- cpy #3
- bne -
- print'prompt ldx #23
- ldy #3
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #0
- sty 199
- - lda prompt,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- + rts
- appender lda #0
- sta 198
- jsr print'boxes
- ldx #2
- ldy #2
- clc
- jsr plot
- lda #15
- sta 646
- sta 199
- ldy #0
- - lda title,y
- beq print'appender'options
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- print'appender'options ldx #9
- ldy #6
- clc
- jsr plot
- lda #15
- sta 646
- sta 199
- ldy #0
- get'appender'option lda options,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- sty temp
- lda 211
- bne get'appender'option
- inc 214
- lda #6
- sta 211
- inc 199
- jsr 58732
- ldy temp
- bne get'appender'option
- + lda #1
- sta 199
- jsr print'device'number
- lda #0
- sta item
- jsr select
- jsr wait'key
- lda item
- beq show'dir
- cmp #1
- bne +
- jsr change'device
- jsr print'device'number
- jmp appender
- + cmp #2
- bne +
- jsr print'instructions
- jmp appender
- + cmp #3
- bne +
- jsr set'up'pointers
- jmp appender
- + rts
- show'dir ldy #0
- - lda dir'text,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- + jsr directory
- ldy #0
- - lda dir'prompt,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- / jsr getin
- beq -
- jmp appender
- set'up'pointers lda <stuff
- sta 251
- lda >stuff
- sta 252
- ldy #0
- print'append'prompt ldx #23
- jsr clear'line
- ldy #0
- sty 198
- - lda append'prompt,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- / jsr getin
- beq -
- cmp " "
- beq +
- rts
- + ldx #23
- ldy #1
- clc
- jsr plot
- print'working'text ldy #0
- - lda working'text,y
- beq open'error'channel
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- open'error'channel lda #3
- ldx <disk'command
- ldy >disk'command
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #15; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #15
- jsr $ffba; setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- jsr clrchn
- open'append'file lda #14
- ldy #>append'name
- ldx #<append'name
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #2; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #2
- jsr $ffba; setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- jsr clrchn
- ldx #2
- jsr chkout
- ldy #0
- let's'go lda (251),y
- beq quit
- jsr chrout
- bump'pointers inc 251
- bne +
- inc 252
- + bne let's'go
- quit jsr clrchn
- lda #147
- jsr chrout
- ldx #12
- jsr 59903
- lda #1
- sta 646
- - ldx #15
- jsr chkin
- jsr getin
- sta temp
- jsr clrchn
- lda temp
- cmp #13
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- bne -
- + lda #2
- jsr close
- lda #15
- jsr close
- lda #0
- sta 198
- - jsr getin
- beq -
- rts
- dynamic'keyboard'loader lda #30
- ldy #>name
- ldx #<name
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #15; file number
- ldx #8
- ldy #15
- jsr $ffba; setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- ldx #15
- jsr $ffc6; set for input
- jsr $ffcf; get byte
- sta input
- jsr $ffcf
- sta input+1
- ldy #0
- sty 199
- - jsr $ffcf
- iny
- cpy #32
- bne -
- lda #15
- jsr $ffc3; close 15
- jsr $ffcc; clear channels
- ldx #255
- lda input
- cmp #"6"
- bne nope
- lda input+1
- cmp #"3"
- bne nope
- lda 53281
- sta 646
- lda item
- bne +
- lda <feedback
- sta 251
- lda >feedback
- sta 252
- bne print'file
- + cmp #1
- bne +
- lda <printer
- sta 251
- lda >printer
- sta 252
- bne print'file
- + cmp #4
- bne +
- lda <connect
- sta 251
- lda >connect
- sta 252
- bne print'file
- + jmp start
- print'file ldy #0
- - lda dynamic'keyboard,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- + ldy #0
- - lda (251),y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- + ldy #0
- - lda d'keyboard'ii,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- + lda #13
- sta 631
- sta 632
- sta 633
- lda #3
- sta 198
- rts
- nope lda #147
- jsr chrout
- rts
- directory lda #8
- ldy #>dir'name
- ldx #<dir'name
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #17; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #0
- jsr $ffba; n setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- ldx #17
- jsr $ffc6;
- jsr get'byte
- jsr get'byte; skip first two bytes
- first jsr $ffb7; read status
- and #64
- bne dir'out
- jsr get'byte
- jsr get'byte; skip two bytes
- second jsr $ffb7
- and #64; eof?
- bne dir'out
- jsr get'byte
- tax
- jsr get'byte
- jsr $bdcd
- lda " "
- jsr $ffd2
- jsr $ffb7
- and #64; eof?
- bne dir'out
- third jsr get'byte
- bne +
- lda #13
- jsr $ffd2
- jmp first
- + jsr $ffd2
- jsr $ffb7
- and #64
- bne dir'out
- jmp third
- get'byte jsr $ffcf; chrin
- rts
- dir'out lda #17
- jsr $ffc3; close17
- jsr $ffcc ;clear chan
- rts
- change'device inc device
- lda device
- cmp #16
- bcc +
- lda #8
- sta device
- + lda #0
- tax
- tay
- jsr setnam
- lda #17; file number
- ldx device
- ldy #0
- jsr $ffba; n setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- lda #17
- jsr close
- jsr readst
- bmi change'device
- rts
- print'device'number lda #15
- sta 646
- ldx #11
- ldy #28
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldx device
- lda #0
- jmp print'number
- print'instructions ldx #5
- stx temp
- - jsr clear'line
- inc temp
- ldx temp
- cpx #24
- bne -
- lda <instruction'text
- sta 251
- lda >instruction'text
- sta 252
- ldy #0
- get'instructions lda (251),y
- beq quit'instructions
- jsr chrout
- bump'instruction'pointers inc 251
- bne +
- inc 252
- + bne get'instructions
- quit'instructions jsr getin
- beq quit'instructions
- rts
- print'forms ldx #23
- jsr clear'line
- ldx #23
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #0
- sty 199
- sty 198
- - lda form'query,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- / jsr getin
- beq -
- cmp "p"
- beq set'submission
- cmp "s"
- beq set'subscription
- rts
- set'submission lda <submission'text
- sta 251
- lda >submission'text
- sta 252
- bne print'print'prompt
- set'subscription lda <subscription'text
- sta 251
- lda >subscription'text
- sta 252
- print'print'prompt ldx #23
- jsr clear'line
- ldx #23
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #0
- sty 198
- sty 199
- - lda form'prompt,y
- beq +
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- / jsr getin
- beq -
- cmp " "
- beq print'printing
- rts
- print'printing ldx #23
- jsr clear'line
- ldx #23
- ldy #0
- clc
- jsr plot
- ldy #0
- sty 198
- sty 199
- - lda printing'text,y
- beq open'printer
- jsr chrout
- iny
- bne -
- open'printer lda #0
- tax
- tay
- jsr $ffbd; setnam
- lda #4; file number
- ldx #4
- ldy #7
- jsr $ffba; setlfs
- jsr $ffc0; open
- jsr clrchn
- ldx #4
- jsr chkout
- ldy #0
- get'forms lda (251),y
- beq quit'printing
- jsr chrout
- bump'print'pointers inc 251
- bne +
- inc 252
- + bne get'forms
- quit'printing jsr clrchn
- lda #4
- jsr close
- rts
- disk'command .asc "i0:"
- dir'name .asc "$index.*"
- dir'text .byt 147,13,159:.asc "Index data files on this disk...":.byt 5,13,13,0
- dir'prompt .byt 159:.asc "Press any key...":.byt 0
- append'name .asc "index.data,p,a"
- device .byt 8
- name .asc "r0:hello connect=hello connect":.byt 0
- input .buf 2
- dynamic'keyboard .byt 147,17,17,17
- .asc "load":.byt 34,0
- d'keyboard'ii .byt 34:.asc ",8":.byt 13,17,17,17,17
- .asc "run":.byt 19,17,0
- connect .asc "hello connect":.byt 0
- feedback .asc "machine":.byt 0
- printer .asc "text printer":.byt 0
- briefs'title .byt 18,14,8:.asc "L O A D S T A R B R I E F S":.byt 0
- title .asc "L I B R A R Y A P P E N D E R #84":.byt 0
- temp .byt 0
- item .byt 1
- first'options .asc "1. Feedback Machine":.byt 13
- .asc "2. Text Printer":.byt 13
- .asc "3. Print LOADSTAR Forms":.byt 13
- .asc "4. LOADSTAR Library Appender":.byt 13
- .asc "5. Return To LOADSTAR":.byt 0
- options .asc "1. See Directory":.byt 13
- .asc "2. Current Device is:":.byt 13
- .asc "3. Instructions":.byt 13
- .asc "4. Append New Data To Library":.byt 13
- .asc "5. Return To Main Menu":.byt 0
- prompt .byt 159:.asc "Use ":.byt 5:.asc "CRSR Keys ":.byt 159:.asc "And ":.byt 5:.asc "RETURN ":.byt 159:.asc "To Select":.byt 19,0
- instruction'text .byt 19,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,159
- .asc " LIBRARY APPENDER will append":.byt 13
- .asc " the current issue information to your":.byt 13
- .asc " LOADSTAR LIBRARY database. Once you":.byt 13
- .asc " have appended this month's data to":.byt 13
- .asc " your database, DO NOT repeat the":.byt 13
- .asc " process until next month.":.byt 13,13
- .asc " When prompted to insert your":.byt 13
- .asc " library disk, insert a COPY of":.byt 13
- .asc " LOADSTAR LIBRARY in the selected":.byt 13
- .asc " device. If using a hard drive, make":.byt 13
- .asc " sure that the current partition or":.byt 13
- .asc " subdirectory has LOADSTAR LIBRARY":.byt 13
- .asc " and its files visible.":.byt 13,13,13,5
- .asc " Press any key...":.byt 0
- append'prompt .byt 5,146:.asc " Insert Library Disk/Press SPACE or Q":.byt 0
- working'text .byt 5,146:.asc " Appending new data. Please wait...":.byt 0
- submission'text .byt 13,13
- .asc " LOADSTAR":.byt 13
- .asc " P.O. Box 30008":.byt 13
- .asc " Shreveport, Louisiana 71130-0008":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Thank you for your submission. Each submission receives":.byt 13
- .asc " careful evaluation and consideration. We acknowledge receipt of":.byt 13
- .asc " of your submission right away, but please allow 1-2 months for":.byt 13
- .asc " evaluation.":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Please complete this form and return it to us along with":.byt 13
- .asc " your submission. This information will help us in evaluating":.byt 13
- .asc " your work. Please type or print clearly.":.byt 13,13
- .asc " ABOUT THE AUTHOR:":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Name:....................... Social Security #:....................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Address:...........................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " City:.................. State:....... Zip:.........................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Telephone (day):............... Evening:...........................":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " ABOUT THE SUBMISSION":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Computer: ........ Commodore 64 ........ Commodore 128":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Format: ........ 40-Column ........ 80-Column":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Name Of Submission:.................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Purpose:............................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Assemblers/Compilers Used:..........................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Start-up Filename:..................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Files Used:.........................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " .........................................................":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " I, ..............................., hereby certify that as of":.byt 13
- .asc " ...................., the submission described above, and in the":.byt 13
- .asc " accompanying documentation, is my original work, and that":.byt 13
- .asc " it has not been previously published, and is not currently":.byt 13
- .asc " under consideration by another publisher.":.byt 13,13
- .asc " NOTE: Adventure games require complete maps and complete":.byt 13
- .asc " Submissions must be on a 5 and 1/4 inch disk. Programs MUST":.byt 13
- .asc " include all files necessary to run them (this includes":.byt 13
- .asc " documentation on use of the program).":.byt 13,13
- .asc " All submissions (disks and accompanying printed material)":.byt 13
- .asc " MUST be labeled with the author's name, complete address,":.byt 13
- .asc " telephone number(s), submission name and type of computer.":.byt 13,0
- subscription'text .byt 13,13
- .asc " P.O. Box 30008":.byt 13
- .asc " Shreveport, Louisiana 71130-0008":.byt 13,13
- .asc " ..... 3 issues - $19.95 ..... 3 issues - $24.95 ..... 3 issues - $27.95":.byt 13,13
- .asc " ..... 6 issues - $39.95 ..... 6 issues - $49.95 ..... 6 issues - $59.95":.byt 13,13
- .asc " .....12 issues - $69.95 .....12 issues - $79.95 .....12 issues - $99.95":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Louisiana Residents add 4% Sales Tax":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " PLEASE PRINT":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " Name:..................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Address:...............................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " City:..................................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " State And Zip:.........................................":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " ......Mastercard ......DISCOVER":.byt 13,13
- .asc " ......VISA ......American Express":.byt 13,13,13
- .asc " Card Number:...........................................":.byt 13,13
- .asc " Expiration Date:.......................................":.byt 13,13,13,13
- .asc " Signature:.............................................":.byt 13,0
- form'query .byt 5,146
- .asc " Subscription/Program submission? (S/P)":.byt 0
- form'prompt .byt 5,146
- .asc " Ready printer and press SPACE or Q":.byt 0
- printing'text .byt 5,146
- .asc " P R I N T I N G . . .":.byt 0
- current'issue .byt 84
- stuff .scr "\84_";****____DON'T FORGET NEW ISSUE NUMBER!!!!
- .scr "Multiple Drives and PEEK (186)_"
- .scr "Tucker, Fender_"
- .scr "7_"
- .scr "Dirtovar V2_"
- .scr "Tucker, Fender_"
- .scr "7_"
- .scr "Instant High Score_"
- .scr "Jones, Jeffrey_"
- .scr "7_"
- .scr "Review: Videobyte/Computereyes_"
- .scr "Dave Matthews_"
- .scr "3_"
- .scr "Sys Toolbox_"
- .scr "Nash and Jones_"
- .scr "1_
- .scr "Possessive Power_"
- .scr "McAleer, Paul_"
- .scr "4_"
- .scr "Dina Math_"
- .scr "Henry Cochran_"
- .scr "4_"
- .scr "Puzzle Page #84_"
- .scr "Schulak, Barbara_"
- .scr "4_"
- .scr "TV Gram_"
- .scr "Schulak, Barbara_"
- .scr "4_"
- .scr "Cryptic Printout_"
- .scr "Schulak, Barbara_"
- .scr "4_"
- .scr "Jukebox - Shockley_"
- .scr "Shockley, William_"
- .scr "5_"
- .scr "Grafix - Walt's Workshop #3_"
- .scr "Harned, Walt_"
- .scr "2_"
- .scr "Inertiania_"
- .scr "Rose, Anthony_"
- .scr "0_"
- .scr "Fortune Hunter_"
- .scr "Blackmer, Bob_"
- .scr "0_"
- .scr "Calc Templates_"
- .scr "Various Authors_"
- .scr "3_"
- .scr "Ocean Life (Geos clip art)_"
- .scr "Stoehr, Thomas_"
- .scr "6_"
- .scr "@"