home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem **** hbh4 ****
- 12 ifa=1goto130
- 15 v=53248:poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 20 rem...sprite pointers:
- 25 p0=2040:p1=2041:p2=2042:p3=2043:p4=2044:p5=2045:p6=2046:p7=2047
- 27 fori=1topeek(709):nm$=nm$+chr$(peek(709+i)):next
- 42 print"[147][158]after crossing the field to get to"
- 44 print"the next street, our friends find they"
- 46 print"have to pass the local cemetery. there"
- 48 print"were a lot of strange sounds there, so"
- 50 print"they hid behind the big tree and peeked"
- 52 print"around to see what was happening.
- 54 [153]"everything looks peaceful, but then"
- 56 [153]"it is often said that things are not
- 58 print"always as they seem. remember, this is"
- 60 print"[129]"tab(25)"[164][164] [164][164]"
- 65 print"[204][186] [206][205] [180] [180] [207][208] [180] [170] [204] [204] [170][205] [180]
- 70 [153]"sgn+ (NULL)(NULL) (NULL)and (NULL)and (NULL)sqr (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)and (NULL)and+ (NULL)sgn
- 80 f$="sleepy acres"
- 120 a=1:loadf$,8,1
- 130 gosub3010
- 135 gosub4004:rem read data
- 140 poke24568,8:poke24569,9:poke24570,10:poke24571,11
- 145 pokev,58:pokev+2,48:pokev+4,48:pokev+6,38
- 150 pokev+1,150:pokev+3,129:pokev+5,150:pokev+7,150
- 155 pokev+39,1:pokev+40,7:pokev+41,14:pokev+42,1
- 160 pokev+28,6:pokev+37,10:pokev+38,1
- 165 pokev+27,0
- 170 gosub5400:pokev+21,15:rem cemetery pic
- 180 gosub4122:gosub5110
- 200 pokev+21,0:gosub5305:rem shut off hi-res
- 205 print"[147][158]it looks like there may be something
- 210 [153]"happening over by those flat stones
- 215 print"and the mausoleum. let's take a close
- 220 [153]"look......
- 230 gosub4202
- 235 pokep4,216:pokep5,215
- 240 pokev+43,15:pokev+44,15
- 245 pokev+8,175:pokev+10,210
- 250 pokev+9,131:pokev+11,175
- 255 gosub5110
- 260 poke53280,0
- 265 sys51721,1,2:pokev+21,48
- 270 fort=1to2000:next
- 275 pokev+43,1
- 280 gosub5010:print"[159](man ghost) hey mabel, wake up! it's
- 285 [153]" halloween.":[141]5110
- 290 [151]v[170]44,1
- 295 [141]5010:[153]"open(woman ghost) what do you want, horace?"
- 300 [153]" i was sleeping so well.":[141]5110
- 305 [141]5010:[153]"open(man ghost) this is the one night each
- 310 print" year we get to go out.":gosub5110
- 315 gosub5010:print"[159](woman ghost) oh, big deal. where are
- 320 [153]" we going to go?":[141]5110
- 325 [141]5010:[153]"open(man ghost) i don't know. let's go
- 330 print" haunt a house or something.":gosub5110
- 335 gosub5010:print"[159](man ghost) first i want to stretch."
- 350 fori=131to109step-1:pokev+9,i:fort=1to50:next:next:pokev+23,16
- 355 print" that feels better!":gosub5110
- 360 gosub5010:print"[159](woman ghost) i'll try that, too.
- 365 [129]i[178]175[164]154[169][171]1:[151]v[170]11,i:[129]t[178]1[164]50:[130]:[130]:[151]v[170]23,48
- 370 [153]" ahh, just what i needed!":[141]5110
- 375 [151]v[170]21,0
- 400 [143] *** mausoleum scene
- 405 [158]51721,1,3
- 410 [151]p6,217:[151]v[170]45,1:[151]v[170]12,175:[151]v[170]13,155:[151]v[170]23,112
- 412 [151]v[170]21,64
- 415 [141]5010:[153]"open(skeleton) what's going on out here?":[129]t[178]1[164]1000:[130]
- 420 [153]" you're so noisy i can't sleep.":[141]5110
- 425 [151]v[170]21,48:[158]51721,1,2
- 430 [141]5010:[153]"open(man ghost) this is halloween. you
- 435 print" should be out scaring people.":gosub5110
- 440 sys51721,1,3:pokev+21,64
- 445 gosub5010:print"[159](skeleton) i'm getting too old for
- 450 [153]" that. i'm going back to bed.":[141]5110
- 455 [158]51721,1,2:[151]v[170]21,48
- 460 [141]5010:[153]"open(man ghost) suit yourself. we're going
- 465 print" house haunting. come on mabel!":gosub5110
- 470 fory=154to109step-1:pokev+11,y:fort=1to20:next:next
- 475 fory=109to0step-1:pokev+9,y:pokev+11,y:fort=1to20:next:next:pokev+23,0
- 500 print"[147]":poke53280,0:gosub5405:rem cemetery
- 505 poke24572,12:poke24573,13:pokev+23,0:rem ghosts
- 510 pokev+43,1:pokev+44,1:pokev+9,130:pokev+11,130:rem ghosts color & y pos
- 515 pokev+8,180:pokev+10,205:rem x pos
- 520 pokev+21,63
- 525 fory=130to0step-1:pokev+9,y:pokev+11,y:fort=1to20:next:next
- 530 fort=1to2000:next:gosub5310:pokev+21,0
- 550 print"[147][158]":poke214,14:print"huggy bear and the kids decided the
- 555 [153]"cemetery was a little too spooky, so
- 560 print"they left and started down the street.
- 565 [153]"soon they came to an old house that
- 570 print"appeared to be empty.
- 575 [141]5110
- 580 [153]"stop"
- 590 [153]"new"
- 600 [153]"load"[199](34)"0:hbh5"[199](34)",8"
- 610 [153]"run"
- 620 [153]"":[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]633,13:[151]198,3
- 630 [128]
- 900 [137]900
- 3000 :
- 3005 [143] *** m/l data ***
- 3010 [143]...memory mover
- 3012 [129]i[178]832[164]908:[135]a:[151]i,a:[130]
- 3014 [131]162,0,134,251,32,253,174,32,158,173,32,247,183,166,251,165,20,149
- 3016 [131]169,165,21,149,170,232,232,224,6,208,229,160,0,177,169,145,171,56
- 3018 [131]165,173,233,1,133,173,176,8,198,174,165,174,201,255,240,24,24,165
- 3020 [131]169,105,1,133,169,144,3,230,170,24,165,171,105,1,133,171,144,213
- 3022 [131]230,172,176,209,96
- 3024 [142]
- 4000 :
- 4002 [143] *** sprite data ***
- 4004 [129]i[178]0[164]255:[135]a:[151]16896[170]i,a:[130]
- 4006 [143]...boy standing, right
- 4008 [131]0,60,0,0,255,0,3,243
- 4010 [131]0,3,255,192,3,255,192,3
- 4012 [131]255,0,0,252,0,0,252,0
- 4014 [131]0,252,0,0,252,0,0,252
- 4016 [131]0,0,252,0,0,220,0,0
- 4018 [131]60,0,0,60,0,0,60,0
- 4020 [131]0,60,0,0,60,0,0,60
- 4022 [131]0,0,15,0,0,5,0,0
- 4024 [143]...girl top, right
- 4026 [131]0,42,128,0,42,128,0,170
- 4028 [131]160,0,170,160,2,165,64,2
- 4030 [131]165,64,10,148,64,10,149,80
- 4032 [131]10,85,64,10,149,0,10,149
- 4034 [131]64,10,148,0,10,148,10,149
- 4036 [131]191,0,10,191,192,2,191,192
- 4038 [131]2,188,192,2,191,192,2,60
- 4040 [131]192,0,63,192,0,60,192,0
- 4042 [143]...girl bottom rt
- 4044 [131]0,175,112,0,175,112,0,170
- 4046 [131]0,0,170,0,0,170,0,2
- 4048 [131]170,128,2,170,128,2,170,128
- 4050 [131]10,170,160,10,170,160,0,20
- 4052 [131]0,0,20,0,0,20,0,0
- 4054 [131]20,0,0,20,0,0,20,0
- 4056 [131]0,20,0,0,60,0,0,60
- 4058 [131]0,0,63,0,0,63,0,0
- 4060 [143]...hb right
- 4062 [131]0,224,0,1,191,0,1,157
- 4064 [131]128,0,255,192,0,255,128,0
- 4066 [131]127,0,0,60,0,0,126,0
- 4068 [131]0,255,0,0,255,0,0,255
- 4070 [131]0,0,255,0,0,254,0,0
- 4072 [131]124,0,0,120,0,0,120,0
- 4074 [131]0,120,0,0,120,0,0,112
- 4076 [131]0,0,124,0,0,62,0,127
- 4078 [142]
- 4120 :
- 4122 [129]i[178]0[164]191:[135]a:[151]13760[170]i,a:[130]
- 4124 [143]...woman ghost p,215
- 4126 [131]0,170,0,3,85,128,6,170
- 4128 [131]192,9,1,32,10,108,160,4
- 4130 [131]16,64,12,130,96,4,124,64
- 4132 [131]14,0,224,5,199,64,10,170
- 4134 [131]160,21,85,80,10,170,160,37
- 4136 [131]85,72,10,170,160,85,85,84
- 4138 [131]42,170,160,245,85,94,10,170
- 4140 [131]160,5,85,64,10,170,160,255
- 4142 [143]...man ghost p,216
- 4144 [131]0,170,0,3,85,128,14,0
- 4146 [131]224,4,108,64,12,16,96,4
- 4148 [131]0,64,12,56,96,4,68,64
- 4150 [131]14,0,224,5,255,64,10,254
- 4152 [131]160,21,125,80,10,186,160,37
- 4154 [131]85,88,10,170,160,85,85,84
- 4156 [131]42,170,168,245,85,94,10,170
- 4158 [131]160,5,85,64,10,170,160,255
- 4160 [143]...skeleton p,217
- 4162 [131]0,124,0,0,170,0,1,131
- 4164 [131]0,1,187,0,0,130,0,0
- 4166 [131]124,0,0,56,0,1,255,0
- 4168 [131]2,56,128,2,124,128,2,56
- 4170 [131]128,4,124,64,0,124,0,0
- 4172 [131]108,0,0,198,0,1,131,0
- 4174 [131]3,1,128,3,1,128,3,1
- 4176 [131]128,3,1,128,7,131,192,255
- 4178 [142]
- 4200 :
- 4202 [129]i[178]0[164]127:[135]a:[151]17152[170]i,a:[130]
- 4206 [143]...woman ghost 24572,12
- 4208 [131]0,170,0,3,85,128,6,170
- 4210 [131]192,9,1,32,10,108,160,4
- 4212 [131]16,64,12,130,96,4,124,64
- 4214 [131]14,0,224,5,199,64,10,170
- 4216 [131]160,21,85,80,10,170,160,37
- 4218 [131]85,72,10,170,160,85,85,84
- 4220 [131]42,170,160,245,85,94,10,170
- 4222 [131]160,5,85,64,10,170,160,255
- 4224 [143]...man ghost 24573,13
- 4226 [131]0,170,0,3,85,128,14,0
- 4228 [131]224,20,108,80,12,16,96,20
- 4230 [131]0,80,44,56,104,20,68,80
- 4232 [131]46,0,232,21,85,80,42,170
- 4234 [131]168,21,85,80,42,170,168,21
- 4236 [131]85,80,42,170,168,21,85,80
- 4238 [131]42,170,168,21,85,80,42,170
- 4240 [131]168,21,85,80,42,170,168,255
- 4242 [142]
- 5000 :
- 5005 [143] **** basic subroutines ****
- 5010 [143]...text window clear & pos.
- 5015 [158]680:[153]"":[151]214,19:[153]:[142]
- 5050 :
- 5055 [143] *** wipe screen vertically ***
- 5060 c1[178]23:c2[178]19:c3[178]24:c4[178]39:c5[178]59903
- 5065 [129]j[178]0[164]c1:c2$[178]c2$[170][199](32)[170][199](157)[170][199](17):[130]:c2$[178]c2$[170][199](145)
- 5070 [129]j[178]0[164]c2:[139]j[178]0[167][151]781,c3:[158]c5
- 5075 [153]"";[163]j);c2$:[153]""[163]c4[171]j);c2$
- 5080 [130]:[153]"load";:c2$[178]""
- 5090 [142]
- 5100 :
- 5105 [143] *** get key ***
- 5110 [151]198,0:z9[178]0
- 5112 z9[178]z9[170]1:[161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[175]z9[179]200[167]5112
- 5114 [142]
- 5200 :
- 5205 [143] *** print from center ***
- 5210 a[178][195](a$):[139]a[173]2[179][177][181](a[173]2)[167]a$[178]a$[170]""
- 5215 [129]i[178]1[164]a[173]2:[153]""b$[163]20[171]i);[200](a$,i)[201](a$,i):[153]""
- 5220 [129]h[178]1[164]40:[130]:[130]:[142]
- 5300 :
- 5305 [143] *** turn off hi-res ***
- 5310 [151]56576,151:[151]53272,20
- 5315 [151]53270,[194](53270)[175]239
- 5320 [151]53265,[194](53265)[175]223
- 5325 [153][199](147):[142]
- 5400 :
- 5405 [143] convert koala format
- 5410 [151]53281,[194](34576)
- 5415 [158]832,32576,23552,999
- 5420 [158]832,33576,55296,999
- 5425 [143]....turn on hi-res
- 5430 [151]53270,[194](53270)[176]16
- 5435 [151]53265,[194](53265)[176]32
- 5440 [151]53272,120:[151]56576,2
- 5445 [142]