home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem save"puss.v6.1",8
- 2 gosub20:deffns(x)=int(x/12):deffnv(x)=x-12*int(x/12)
- 3 dimx,y,z3,jj,ii,fr,j,f,rd,nc,j%,t,t2,tc,te,tt,wf,wt
- 5 printchr$(142);chr$(8):gosub111:goto400
- 8 rem==========fanfare=========
- 9 :
- 10 t=87:n$="251331421502421502"
- 11 pokef+6,96:pokef+24,15
- 12 fori=1to18step3
- 13 pokef+1,val(mid$(n$,i,2)):pokef+4,33
- 14 forj=1tot*val(mid$(n$,i+2,1)):next
- 15 pokef+4,0:next:x=3:y=12:w$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][221]you win[221][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 16 gosub66:return
- 17 rem ======creates screen save
- 18 :
- 20 for i=828to972:reada:pokei,a:next:return
- 22 data169,000,133,251,133,253,141
- 23 data055,003,141,057,003,141,059
- 24 data003,162,000,160,000,177,251
- 25 data145,253,200,192,000,208,247
- 26 data230,252,230,254,232,224,004
- 27 data208,238,173,056,003,133,252
- 28 data173,058,003,133,254,238,059
- 29 data003,174,059,003,224,002,208
- 30 data214,096,169,004,133,252,169
- 31 data192,133,254,169,216,141,056
- 32 data003,169,196,141,058,003,076
- 33 data060,003,169,192,133,252,169
- 34 data004,133,254,169,196,141,056
- 35 data003,169,216,141,058,003,076
- 36 data060,003,169,004,133,252,169
- 37 data200,133,254,169,216,141,056
- 38 data003,169,204,141,058,003,076
- 39 data060,003,169,200,133,252,169
- 40 data004,133,254,169,204,141,056
- 41 data003,169,216,141,058,003,076
- 42 data060,003,000,000,000
- 43 :
- 51 :
- 52 rem==========again?==============
- 53 :
- 54 x= 8:y=16:w$="[144] again? [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] (y/n) ":gosub66:goto62
- 55 :
- 56 rem==========any key-get a$=========
- 57 x=13:y=23:w$="[158][208]ress any key[145]":gosub66:goto62
- 58 x=13:y=23:w$="press any key[145]":gosub66
- 59 :
- 60 rem============get a$===========
- 61 :
- 62 geta$:ifa$=""then 90:return
- 64 rem=======print at=============
- 65 :
- 66 poke211,x:poke214,y:sys58732:printw$:return
- 68 :
- 69 ======dkwoody's card sound========
- 70 :
- 71 pokef+24,6:pokef+5,128:pokef+4,129:forii=1to50:next:pokef+4,128:pokef+5,0
- 72 pokef+24,0:pokef+24,15:pokef+4,129:pokef+4,128:return
- 90 ifjj=>nc-2then62
- 91 jj=jj+1:j%=jj+int(rnd(0)*(nc-jj)):temp=s(jj):s(jj)=s(j%):s(j%)=temp:goto62
- 106 :
- 107 rem===dim,define,once only stuff===
- 109 :
- 111 nc=48:dims(nc),va$(13),c(9),b(9,48):z9=0:f=54272
- 112 fori=0to3:reads$(i):readco$(i):next
- 113 fori=0to11:readva$(i):next
- 114 fori=1to9:readx(i),y(i):next:return
- 115 data"[216]","[144]","[218]","","[211]","","[193]","[144]", 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,j,q,k
- 116 data3,4,12,1,12,16,33,1,33,16,19,4,26,4,19,13,26,13
- 117 ch$="123456789hq"
- 119 c$="[176][192][192][192][192][174][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [176][174] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][221] [221]"
- 120 c$=c$+ "[157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [173][189] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][173][192][192][192][192][189]"+"[145][145][145][145][145][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 121 b$=c$+"[166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166]"
- 122 bl$=" [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 123 bl$=bl$+" [157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 125 rem========shuffle & deal======
- 126 :
- 127 forj=0tonc-1:s(j)=j:next
- 128 forj=0tonc-2:j%=j+int(rnd(0)*(nc-j)):temp=s(j):s(j)=s(j%):s(j%)=temp:next
- 132 :
- 133 rem=======deal=============
- 134 :
- 135 for i=0to47:b(1,i+1)=s(i):next
- 136 c(1)=48:fori=2to9:c(i)=0:next:return
- 137 :
- 138 rem =====print card-deck is 1=====
- 139 :
- 140 j=c(i):x=x(i):y=y(i): if c(i)=0thenw$=bl$:goto66
- 141 ifi=1andwf=0and c(i)<>0thenw$=b$:goto66
- 142 iffnv(b(i,j))<>8then146
- 143 w$=c$+co$(fns(b(i,j)))+va$(fnv(b(i,j)))+"[157][157]"+s$(fns(b(i,j)))+""
- 144 w$=w$+ s$(fns(b(i,j)))+"[157][157]"+va$(fnv(b(i,j)))
- 145 goto148
- 146 w$=c$+co$(fns(b(i,j)))+va$(fnv(b(i,j)))+"[157]"+ s$(fns(b(i,j)))+""
- 147 w$=w$+ s$(fns(b(i,j)))+"[157]"+va$(fnv(b(i,j)))
- 148 gosub71:goto66
- 157 :
- 158 rem=======print board=======
- 159 :
- 160 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:print"[144][147]"chr$(142)tab(14)"2"tab(34)"4"
- 162 print"1 6 7
- 164 [153]" 8 9
- 166 print"35
- 168 x[178]x(1):y[178]y(1):w$[178]b$:[141]66:x[178]x(6):y[178]y(6):w$[178]c$[170]"acmd(NULL)(NULL)cmda":[141]66
- 169 x[178]x(7):y[178]y(7):w$[178]c$[170]"acmd(NULL)(NULL)cmda":[141]66
- 170 x[178]x(8):y[178]y(8):w$[178]c$[170]"stopacmdatnatncmda":[141]66
- 171 x[178]x(9):y[178]y(9):w$[178]c$[170]"stopacmd(NULL)(NULL)cmda":[141]66
- 172 x[178]3:y[178]19:w$[178]"h-help":[141]66:x[178]3:y[178]21:w$[178]"q-quit":[141]66
- 173 [142]
- 192 [139]c(i)[178]0[167]210:[137]500
- 194 [137]510
- 200 [141]140:[137]510
- 205 [129]i[178]1[164]11:[139]a$[178][202](ch$,i,1)[167]208
- 206 [130]
- 207 [145]z3[137]500,510
- 208 [145]z3[137]503,514
- 209 [143]=======illegal aside=======
- 210 x[178]3:y[178]13:w$[178]"illegal":[141]66:[129]i[178]1[164]1000:[130]:[137]500
- 219 :
- 220 [143]=====second screen=====
- 222 [153]"loadcont (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) right$(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)"
- 223 [153]"def by (NULL)aurice mid$onesopen"
- 225 [153]:[153]" (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) right$(NULL) len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL) is a traditional game"
- 226 [153]"of solitaire. (NULL)inning chances are
- 227 print"often quoted as one in three.
- 229 [153]:[153]" (NULL)he object of the game is to play
- 230 print"all of the cards to the center piles"
- 231 print"(6-9) in ascending order by color only.
- 234 [153]:[153]" lenards are drawn from the deck (1)
- 235 print"one at a time and each card must be"
- 236 print"played to one of the waste piles (2-5).
- 240 [153]:[153]" (NULL)nly the top card of each waste pile
- 242 print"is available for play to the center.
- 244 [153]:[153]" (NULL)ne redeal is allowed.
- 250 return
- 267 :
- 268 rem======play card=======
- 269 :
- 270 c(t2)=c(t2)+1:b(t2,c(t2))=b(fr,c(fr)):c(fr)=c(fr)-1:i=fr:gosub140
- 272 i=t2:gosub140:goto970
- 287 :
- 288 rem======exceptions======
- 289 :
- 290 ifi>9then504
- 291 ifi=1andrd=1then604
- 292 ifi<10andc(i)=0then210:goto500
- 293 wf=0:ifi=1thenwf=1
- 294 goto504
- 397 :
- 398 rem========start of program=======
- 399 :
- 400 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147][159]"
- 410 gosub60000:gosub117:gosub222:gosub127:gosub57
- 498 tt=0:jj=0:rd=0:gosub160
- 500 x=0:y=13:w$=" from ? [157][157]":gosub66:gosub62:z3=1:goto205
- 503 goto290
- 504 fr=i:onigoto200,192,192,192,192,210,210,210,210,1038,950
- 510 x=0:y=13:w$=" to ? [157][157]":gosub66:gosub62:z3=2:goto205
- 514 t2=i:onigoto210,700,700,700,700,800,800,800,800,1038,950
- 597 :
- 598 rem====redeal======
- 599 :
- 600 i=1:gosub140:tt=tt+1:iftt>=2then500
- 601 rd=1
- 602 x=3:y=15:w$="redeal":gosub66:goto500
- 604 fori=2to5:ifc(i)=0then612
- 608 forj=1toc(i):c(1)=c(1)+1:b(1,c(1))=b(i,j):next
- 612 next
- 616 fori=2to5:c(i)=0:x=x(i):y=y(i):w$=bl$:gosub66:gosub71
- 617 forj=1to500:next:next:rd=0
- 618 x=x(1):y=y(1):w$=b$:gosub66:x=3:y=15:w$=" ":gosub66:gosub71:goto500
- 697 :
- 698 rem======play to corners=========
- 699 :
- 700 iffr>1then210
- 702 wf=0:i=1:gosub140
- 704 c(t2)=c(t2)+1
- 706 b(t2,c(t2))=b(1,c(1)):c(1)=c(1)-1:i=t2:gosub140:goto970
- 797 :
- 798 rem======play to center==========
- 799 :
- 800 fc=b(fr,c(fr)):tc=b(t2,c(t2)):ct=c(t2)
- 801 iffr<>1then804
- 802 wf=0:i=1:gosub140
- 804 ont2-5goto810,810,814,814
- 810 iffns(b(fr,c(fr)))= 1orfns(b(fr,c(fr)))= 2then820
- 812 goto210:goto500
- 814 iffns(b(fr,c(fr)))= 0orfns(b(fr,c(fr)))= 3then850
- 816 goto210:goto500
- 820 ifc(t2)<>0then 830
- 824 iffnv(b(fr,c(fr)))<>0then210:goto500
- 828 goto270
- 830 iffnv(b(fr,c(fr)))-1<>fnv(b(t2,c(t2))) then210:goto500
- 834 goto270
- 850 ifc(t2)<>0then 860
- 854 iffnv(b(fr,c(fr)))<>0then210:goto500
- 858 goto270
- 860 iffnv(b(fr,c(fr)))-1<>fnv(b(t2,c(t2)))then210:goto500
- 864 goto270
- 947 :
- 948 rem===quit======
- 949 :
- 950 sys886:x=11:y=12:w$="[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 951 w$=w$+"[221] [151]you sure? (y/n) [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 952 gosub66:gosub62
- 953 if a$="y"then960
- 954 ifa$<>"n"thengosub62:goto953
- 956 sys907:onz3goto500,510
- 960 sys907:fi$=str$(c(2)+c(3)+c(4)+c(5)+c(1)):x=3:y=11:w$=" cards left"+fi$
- 961 w$=" cards [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] left [157][157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157]"+fi$:gosub66:goto980
- 968 rem==check for win- redeal====
- 969 :
- 970 wt=c(9)+c(8)+c(7)+c(6):ifwt<>48then974
- 973 gosub10:goto980
- 974 ifc(1)=0andrd=0 then600
- 975 ifc(1)=0andrd=1andfr=1then604
- 976 goto500
- 980 x=1:y=15:w$="play again (y/n)?":gosub66
- 981 gosub62:ifa$="n"then2000
- 982 ifa$<>"y"then981
- 984 gosub135:goto498
- 1038 sys886:poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]";
- 1046 print"[129] [208][213][211][211] [201][206] [195][207][210][206][197][210]"
- 1050 print"[159] [198]ollow the prompts at the left of
- 1052 [153]"the screen using the numbers below the
- 1054 print"piles. [215]hen you have exhausted the
- 1056 [153]"deck once,def (NULL)valstr$valatn(NULL) openwait will be displayed.
- 1058 print"[212]he next time you choose 1 at the 'from'";
- 1060 print"prompt, the piles will be collected and"
- 1062 print"placed in pile 1.
- 1064 [153]" right$f 'illegal' is displayed briefly,
- 1066 print"your choice is wrong for the situation"
- 1068 print"at hand. [206]o problem, since you will be
- 1070 [153]"prompted again.
- 1072 print" [193]fter the second time through, if
- 1074 [153]"no play is available, use the 'quit'
- 1076 print"option to end the game.
- 1078 [153]" (NULL)he help and quit options are
- 1080 print"available at any prompt."
- 1082 gosub57:sys907:printchr$(142):poke53281,1:poke53280,1:poke646,0:onz3goto500,510
- 2000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 2010 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 2020 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34)
- 2030 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 2040 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:bits":close15:save"bits",8:end
- 60000 b9$=" "
- 60010 poke214,14:print:print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][152]"
- 60020 fori=0to7:printb9$:next:print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][152]"
- 60030 b9$(0)="[208][213][211][211] [201][206] [195][207][210][206][197][210]"
- 60040 b9$(1)="by [205]aurice [202]ones
- 60050 b9$(2)[178]"(len) 1990 by (NULL)oftdisk, right$nc."
- 60060 b9$(3)[178]"(NULL)ublished on (NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) #73"
- 60070 b9$(4)[178]"(NULL)ubscriptions 1-800-831-2694"
- 60080 b9$(5)[178]"atnll (NULL)ights (NULL)eserved"
- 60090 [151]214,16:[153]:[129]i[178]0[164]5:[153][163]20[171]([195](b9$(i))[173]2))""b9$(i):[130]
- 60092 [151]214,7:[153]:[153]"for (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) right$ (NULL) len (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL)"
- 60094 [153]"open atn lenlassic lenard (NULL)olitaire"
- 60099 [142]