home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 3 poke53280,12:poke53281,0:clr:print"[147]"chr$(14)chr$(8)
- 5 gosub60100:goto430
- 9 :
- 10 rem====any key===geta$(14)=======
- 11 :
- 12 x=08:y=24:w$=" [208]lease press a key [145][145]":gosub66
- 14 geta$:ifa$=""then14
- 15 return
- 21 :
- 22 rem========memory check===========
- 23 :
- 24 rem"start of basic program:";peek(43)+256*peek(44)
- 26 print"[211]tart of simple variables:";peek(45)+256*peek(46)
- 28 print"[197]nd of simple variables:";peek(47)+256*peek(48)-1:return
- 29 print"[211]tart of arrays: ";peek(47)+256*peek(48)
- 30 print"[197]nd of arrays: ";peek(49)+256*peek(50)-1 :return
- 31 print"[195]urrent bottom of strings: ";peek(51)+256*peek(52)
- 32 print"[208]revious bottom of strings: ";peek(53)+256*peek(54) :return
- 33 print" >>>[212]ime is--";g1-g;" "d" strings"
- 40 return
- 55 :
- 56 rem=====time garbage collection====
- 57 :
- 58 dimx$(d):fori=1tod:x$(i)="[212]his is a real test":next:goto60
- 59 dimx$(d):fori=1tod:x$(i)=str$(rnd(1)):next
- 60 g=ti:i=fre(0):g1=ti:return
- 63 :
- 64 rem========print at=======
- 65 :
- 66 poke 783,peek(783)and254:poke782,x:poke781,y:sys65520:printw$
- 67 poke783,peek(783)or1:return
- 68 :
- 69 rem print time
- 70 :
- 74 printtab(4);d;tab(13);peek(47)+256*peek(48)-1;tab(23);peek(51)+256*peek(52);
- 76 printtab(34)g1-g
- 80 return
- 81 :
- 82 rem please be patient
- 83 :
- 84 w$="[156] [208]lease be patient . . .":gosub66:return
- 90 w$=" ":gosub66:return
- 131 :
- 132 rem ==== diskread subroutine ======
- 133 :
- 134 print"[147]":l=len(f$):b=951:pokeb,l+2:pokeb+l+1,44:pokeb+2+l,80
- 136 l=len(f$):b=951:pokeb,l+2:pokeb+l+1,44:pokeb+2+l,80
- 138 fori=0tol-1:pokeb+1+i,asc(mid$(f$,i+1,1)):next
- 139 print"[147]";
- 140 poke909,1:sys828:return
- 427 :
- 428 rem ========menu===================
- 429 :
- 430 print"[150][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]"
- 432 print"[158] [193][160][196][197][205][207][206][211][212][210][193][212][201][207][206][160][207][198][160][212][200][197]"
- 434 print:print" [211][208][197][197][196][160][207][198][160][199][193][210][194][193][199][197][160][195][207][204][204][197][195][212][201][207][206]"
- 436 print:print"[159] by [205]aurice [202]ones"
- 438 print:print:print" (1) [153][210]un demo"
- 439 print:print" (2)";"[153] [210]ead information"
- 440 print:print" (3)";"[153] [210]eturn to [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 441 print:print"[158] [208]lease enter a number"
- 442 print:print"[150][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]";
- 443 gosub14:ifa$< "1"ora$>"3"thengosub14
- 444 onval(a$)goto500,800,60000
- 497 :
- 498 rem ======== run demo=========
- 499 :
- 500 f$="sd":poke53281,1:poke53280,1:gosub134:gosub12
- 502 print"[147] [212][201][205][201][206][199][160][199][193][210][194][193][199][197][160][195][207][204][204][197][195][212][201][207][206]"
- 504 print"[144] [206]umber of [212]op of [194]ottom of [212]ime"
- 506 print" strings arrays strings used"
- 508 print:print" << [211]trings above code >>"
- 510 print" << [211]trings in code >>"
- 512 x=5:y=9:gosub84
- 514 d=100:gosub59:gosub90:x=0:y=8:w$="":gosub66:gosub74:clr
- 516 x=5:y=11:gosub84
- 518 d=150:gosub59:gosub90:x=0:y=10:w$="":gosub66:gosub74:clr
- 520 x=5:y=13:gosub84
- 522 d=200:gosub59:gosub90:x=0:y=12:w$="":gosub66:gosub74:clr
- 526 x=0:y=16:w$="":gosub66:d=100:gosub58:gosub74:clr
- 530 x=0:y=18:w$="":gosub66:d=300:gosub58:gosub74:clr
- 534 x=0:y=20:w$="":gosub66:d=500:gosub58:gosub74
- 788 print"":gosub12
- 790 poke53280,12:poke53281,0:print"[147]":goto430
- 797 :
- 798 rem=====read information screens===
- 799 :
- 800 poke53280,1:poke53281,1
- 802 f$="sexp1":gosub134:gosub12:f$="sexp2":gosub134:gosub12:f$="sexp3":gosub134
- 804 gosub12
- 810 poke53280,12:poke53281,0:print"[147]":goto430
- 10000 open15,8,15,"s0:strings":close15:save"strings",8:end
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 60020 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34)
- 60025 poke646,peek(53281)
- 60030 print"[147]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 60040 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 60100 fori=828to969:reada:pokei,a:next:return
- 60102 data 173,183,003,162,184,160,003
- 60104 data 032,189,255,169,001,162,008
- 60106 data 160,000,032,186,255,032,192
- 60108 data 255,162,001,032,198,255,032
- 60110 data 207,255,032,207,255,032,207
- 60112 data 255,141,059,003,032,183,255
- 60114 data 041,064,208,068,173,059,003
- 60116 data 201,128,176,236,173,059,003
- 60118 data 201,064,176,033,173,059,003
- 60120 data 201,031,144,034,173,059,003
- 60122 data 201,031,240,035,173,059,003
- 60124 data 032,210,255,162,020,160,000
- 60126 data 136,208,253,202,208,248,076
- 60128 data 093,003,173,059,003,105,127
- 60130 data 076,137,003,173,059,003,105
- 60132 data 064,076,137,003,169,013,076
- 60134 data 137,003,169,001,032,195,255
- 60136 data 032,204,255,096,007,066,076
- 60138 data 085,082,066,044,080,048,048
- 60140 data 048,048,048,048,048,048,048
- 60142 data 048,048