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- 10 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 20 printchr$(14);chr$(8);"[147] [205]initel/64 [196]ocumentation [210]eader"
- 30 print"[208]ress any key to pause output and then"
- 40 print"press again to resume. [208]ress [[211][212][207][208]]"
- 50 print"to quit."
- 60 print"[207]utput to screen or printer (s/p)? s[157]";:poke204,0
- 70 poke198,0
- 80 getdv$
- 90 ifdv$=chr$(13)thendv$="s":goto120
- 100 ifdv$="s"ordv$="p"then120
- 110 goto80
- 120 poke204,1
- 130 d=3:ifdv$="p"thend=4:s=7
- 140 ifd=4thengosub190
- 150 open1,8,2,"doc.minitel/64,m,r":open2,d,s:printchr$(14):print"[147]"
- 160 get#1,a$:ifst=0thenprint#2,a$;:wait198,1,1:poke198,0:goto160
- 170 print#2:close1:close2
- 180 end
- 190 print:print"[208]rinter device address (4/5)? 4[157]";:poke204,0
- 200 poke198,0
- 210 getpa$
- 220 ifpa$=chr$(13)thenpa$="4":goto250
- 230 ifpa$="4"orpa$="5"then250
- 240 goto210
- 250 d=4:ifpa$="5"thend=5
- 260 poke204,1:return