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- 1 remsave"r.minnie.v4.1",8
- 2 goto 400
- 3 rem ========raspberry========
- 4 :
- 5 r=54272:poker+6,240:poker+1,4:poker+5,0:poker+4,33:poker+24,15
- 6 forz=1024to512step-8:poker+1,z/256:poker,zand255:next:poker+4,0:return
- 7 :
- 8 rem==========fanfare=========
- 9 :
- 10 t=87:n$="251331421502421502"
- 11 s=54272:pokes+6,96:pokes+24,15
- 12 fori=1to18step3
- 13 pokes+1,val(mid$(n$,i,2)):pokes+4,33
- 14 forj=1tot*val(mid$(n$,i+2,1)):next
- 15 pokes+4,0:next:return
- 16 :
- 17 rem ======creates screen save
- 18 :
- 20 for i=828to972:reada:x=x+a:pokei,a:next
- 22 data169,000,133,251,133,253,141
- 23 data055,003,141,057,003,141,059
- 24 data003,162,000,160,000,177,251
- 25 data145,253,200,192,000,208,247
- 26 data230,252,230,254,232,224,004
- 27 data208,238,173,056,003,133,252
- 28 data173,058,003,133,254,238,059
- 29 data003,174,059,003,224,002,208
- 30 data214,096,169,004,133,252,169
- 31 data192,133,254,169,216,141,056
- 32 data003,169,196,141,058,003,076
- 33 data060,003,169,192,133,252,169
- 34 data004,133,254,169,196,141,056
- 35 data003,169,216,141,058,003,076
- 36 data060,003,169,004,133,252,169
- 37 data200,133,254,169,216,141,056
- 38 data003,169,204,141,058,003,076
- 39 data060,003,169,200,133,252,169
- 40 data004,133,254,169,204,141,056
- 41 data003,169,216,141,058,003,076
- 42 data060,003,000,000,000
- 43 dimch$(11):fori=1to9:ch$(i)=str$(i):next:ch$(10)="h":ch$(11)="q":return
- 47 :
- 48 rem==========again?==============
- 49 :
- 50 x=15:y=10:w$=" again? [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] (y/n) ":gosub66:goto62
- 54 :
- 55 rem==========any key-get a$=========
- 56 :
- 58 x=13:y=24:w$=" any key [145]":gosub66
- 59 :
- 60 rem============get a$===========
- 61 :
- 62 geta$:ifa$=""then 62:return
- 63 :
- 64 rem=======print at=============
- 65 :
- 66 poke783,peek(783)and254:poke782,x:poke781,y:sys65520:printw$
- 68 poke783,peek(783)or1:return
- 106 :
- 107 rem===dim,define,once only stuff===
- 109 :
- 111 nc=52:dims(nc),d$(14),va$(13),b(9,13):z9=0
- 112 fori=0to3:reads$(i):readco$(i):next
- 113 fori=0to12:readva$(i):next
- 115 data"[216]","[144]","[218]","","[211]","","[193]","[144]",2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,j,q,k,a
- 116 data2,5,10,5,18,5,26,5,2,14,10,14,18,14,26,14,34,7
- 117 for i=1 to 9:readx(i):ready(i):next
- 118 pu$=" pick up? ":dr$=" drop? "
- 119 c$="[158][176][192][192][192][192][174][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221]"
- 120 c$=c$+ "[157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][221] [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][173][192][192][192][192][189]"+"[145][145][145][145][145][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 121 b$=c$+"[158][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166][157][157][157][157][166][166][166][166]"
- 122 bl$=" [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 123 bl$=bl$+" [157][157][157][157][157][157] [157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 125 rem========shuffle & deal======
- 126 :
- 127 forj=0tonc-1:s(j)=j:next
- 128 forj=0tonc-2:j%=j+(rnd(0)*(nc-j))
- 129 temp=s(j):s(j)=s(j%):s(j%)=temp:next:fori=1to9:c(i)=0:next
- 130 k=0:fori=5to8:forj=1to10:b(i,j)=s(k):k=k+1:c(i)=c(i)+1:next:next
- 131 for j=1to 12:b(9,j)=s(k):k=k+1:c(9)=c(9)+1:next:return
- 137 :
- 138 rem ======suits,values,graphics===
- 139 :
- 140 su=(int(b(i,c(i))/13)):t=13*int(b(i,c(i))/13)
- 142 de$=co$(su)+va$(b(i,c(i))-t)
- 144 df$=de$+s$(su):df$=c$+df$:x=x(i):y=y(i):w$=df$
- 146 if c(i)=0thenw$=bl$
- 147 ifi=9andpd=2thenw$=b$
- 148 goto 66
- 207 :
- 208 rem======get pick/drop======
- 209 :
- 210 geta$:if a$=""then210
- 212 for i=1to11:ifa$=right$(ch$(i),1)then 216
- 214 next
- 215 goto210
- 216 return
- 219 :
- 220 rem=====help screen=====
- 222 print"[147]":printtab(4)"[164][175][185] mindless minnie's mania [185][175][164]":print
- 223 print
- 224 print" the object of the game is to remove all 12 cards from pile 9."
- 226 print
- 228 print" cards may be played on any empty spaceor on stacks 1-8 if the ";
- 232 print"top card has thesame value. on 5-9 a card can also be played";
- 236 print" if the top card has a value one larger.";
- 237 print" cards may be played from one pile to";
- 238 print" another.":print
- 240 print" aces are high only and suits are not important.";
- 242 print" when the cards are dealt there are ten";
- 244 print" cards in piles 5-9. ";
- 245 print" no pile can contain more than 13 cards."
- 247 print
- 248 print" the program does not decide when you "
- 250 print"lose, so type q if you want to give up."
- 252 print"also type q to return to loadstar."
- 300 sys886:z9=1:return
- 397 :
- 398 rem========start of program=======
- 399 :
- 400 z9=0:poke53280,5:poke53281,5: printchr$(8);chr$(142):print"[147]"
- 401 r$=" ":printr$"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 402 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 403 printr$"[221] mindless [221]"
- 404 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 405 printr$"[221] minnie's [221]"
- 406 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 407 printr$"[221] mania [221]"
- 408 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 409 printr$"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 410 gosub20:rem==load screen switch====
- 420 print"[147]"
- 421 printr$"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 422 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 423 printr$"[221] a game [221]"
- 424 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 425 printr$"[221] of [221]"
- 426 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 427 printr$"[221] solitaire [221]"
- 428 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 429 printr$"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 430 gosub111: rem first deal
- 440 print"[147]"
- 441 printr$"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 442 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 443 printr$"[221] by [221]"
- 444 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 445 printr$"[221] maurice [221]"
- 446 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 447 printr$"[221] jones [221]"
- 448 printr$"[221] [221]"
- 449 printr$"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 450 :
- 455 gosub 127: rem== only for delay==
- 457 :
- 458 rem =====playing board=============
- 459 :
- 460 print"[147] mindless minnie's mania "
- 461 print" 1 2 3 4 9"
- 462 print" 5 6 7 8 "
- 464 x=34:y=7:w$=b$:gosub66:fori=5to8: gosub140:next
- 466 x=32:y=22:w$=" h-help [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] q-quit [145]":gosub66
- 467 :
- 468 rem========pickup card=============
- 469 :
- 470 x=12:y=23:w$=pu$:gosub66:gosub210
- 472 sg=0:pd=1:onigoto474,474,474,474,474,474,474,474,700,990,993
- 474 if c(i)=0then gosub 5:gosub210:goto472
- 476 m=b(i,c(i)):c(i)=c(i)-1:tm=i:gosub140
- 477 rem========drop card=============
- 478 x=12:y=23:w$=dr$:gosub66:gosub210
- 480 pd=2:onigoto482,482,482,482,482,482,482,482,482,990,993
- 482 ifc(i)=13ori=9 then660
- 500 np=0:t5=b(i,c(i))-13*int(b(i,c(i))/13):t6=m-13*int(m/13)
- 510 ift5=t6then600
- 520 ifi>4andt5=t6+1 then 600
- 530 ifc(i)=0then600
- 540 goto660
- 600 iftm=9then 630
- 610 c(i)=c(i)+1:b(i,c(i))=m:gosub140:ifc(9)=0then800
- 620 goto470
- 630 tm=i:i=9:gosub140:i=tm:goto610
- 660 gosub5:i=tm:c(i)=c(i)+1:gosub140:goto470
- 700 m=b(i,c(i)):gosub140:c(i)=c(i)-1:tm=i: sg=1:goto478
- 797 :
- 798 rem========win screen============
- 799 :
- 800 w$=bl$:x=34:y=7:gosub66:gosub10:w$=" you win!!! "
- 802 x=3:y=1:fori=1to22:gosub66:x=x+1:y=y+1:next:goto993
- 967 :
- 980 x=5:y=23:w$="are you sure? (y/n)":gosub66:gosub62
- 982 if a$="y"then60000
- 983 ifa$<>"n"then980
- 984 x=5:y=23:w$=" ":gosub66:onpdgoto470,478
- 987 :
- 988 rem========display help screen====
- 989 :
- 990 sys928:if z9=0thengosub222
- 991 :
- 992 sys907:gosub58:sys949:gosub210:onpdgoto472,480
- 993 gosub50:rem== play again?==========
- 995 ifa$="n"then60000
- 997 if a$="y"thenprint"[147] dealing . . . "
- 998 gosub128:goto460
- 999 gosub 62:goto995
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 60020 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34)
- 60030 poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 60040 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end