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- 100 rem color chaser demo program
- 110 :
- 120 f$="color.chase.o":poke147,0:sys57812f$,8,1:sys62631
- 130 :
- 140 print"[147]":poke53281,0
- 150 :
- 160 l$="[162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]"
- 170 b$="[161][146] [161]"
- 180 :
- 190 rem draw boxes
- 200 :
- 210 forw=1to12
- 220 print"";
- 230 forx=1tow:print"";:nextx
- 240 printspc(w);"[172]";l$;"[187]"
- 250 forx=1to10:printspc(w);b$:nextx
- 260 printspc(w);"[188]";l$;"[146][190]"
- 270 :
- 280 rem poke rectangle boundaries
- 290 rem into memory
- 300 :
- 310 poke251,w:poke252,w
- 320 poke253,27:poke254,12
- 330 sys49152
- 340 nextw
- 350 :
- 360 rem clear inside of last rectangle
- 370 :
- 380 print""
- 390 forx=1to10:printspc(w);" ":nextx
- 400 :
- 410 rem display menu inside rectangle
- 420 :
- 430 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145]";tab(w+3);" r [146] [154]run demo again"
- 440 print"";tab(w+3);" q [146] [154]quit to loadstar"
- 450 :
- 460 rem 'chase' colors on rectangle
- 470 rem while waiting for a keypress
- 480 :
- 490 geta$:ifa$<>""then510
- 500 sys49155:forx=1to5:nextx:goto490
- 510 ifa$="r"thengoto140
- 520 ifa$<>"q"then490
- 530 :
- 540 :
- 550 rem return to l o a d s t a r
- 560 :
- 570 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 580 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke53281,7:poke53280,7:print"[147]"
- 590 print"[158]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 600 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end