home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 printchr$(147);chr$(14);:poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 15 gosub 61000
- 20 nr=11:nv=33:nn=6:no=6:rm=1:m=0:v4=100
- 30 dimmp(nr,7),vb$(nv),nn$(nn),no$(no,1),rn$(nr),op(no)
- 40 fori=1tonv:readvb$(i):next:fori=1tonn:readnn$(i):next
- 50 fori=1tonr:forj=1to6:readmp(i,j):next:readrn$(i):next
- 60 fori=1tono:readob$(i,0),ob$(i,1),op(i):next
- 70 mp(1,7)=1:print"[200][197][204][208] is available.":goto640
- 80 if(int(rnd(1)*100)+1<10)orm=0thena$="[217]pv gfbq fwokptjpmt!":gosub880
- 90 ifm>60then1750
- 100 ifrm=10andop(3)=0then1660
- 110 ifrm=10andv2=1then1700
- 120 ifv4<mthenprint"[212]he lifeboat has launched without you!":goto800
- 130 ifv5=1thenprintv4-m+1"moves to launch."
- 140 a1=0:print"[215]hat now? ";:limit=25:gosub50000:print:iflen(am$)>20then80
- 150 fori=1tolen(am$):ifmid$(am$,i,1)<>" "thennext:w1$=am$:w2$="":goto170
- 160 w1$=left$(am$,i-1):w2$=mid$(am$,i+1,15)
- 170 fori=1tonv
- 175 ifvb$(i)<>left$(w1$,3)thennext:print"[201] don't know "w1$:goto80
- 180 w1=i:ifw2$=""thenw2=0:goto220
- 190 fori=1tonn:ifnn$(i)=left$(w2$,3)thenw2=i:goto220
- 200 next:fori=1tono:ifleft$(w2$,3)=ob$(i,1)thenw2=i:a1=1:goto220
- 210 next:w2=100
- 220 m=m+1:ifw1=1thenprintm"moves.":print:goto80
- 230 ifw1<12then360
- 240 ifw1<14then560
- 250 ifw1<16then610
- 260 ifw1<19then640
- 270 ifw1<24then690
- 280 ifw1<26then730
- 290 ifw1<28then760
- 300 ifw1<30then800
- 310 ifw1<32then920
- 320 ifw1=32andw2$="something"andrm=7then1580
- 330 ifw1=32andw2$="something"thena$="[206]p lfzapbqc!":gosub880:goto80
- 340 ifw1=33thenprint"type something":ifrm=7thenprint"here!"
- 350 ifw1=33then80
- 360 ifrm=4and(w1=3orw2=2)andv1=0then390
- 370 ifrm=6and(w1=2orw2=1)andv1=0then390
- 380 goto400
- 390 a$="[195]bqhp jt mps oqfttvqjyfc.":gosub880:goto80
- 400 ifw1>8andw2$="hatch"and(rm=3orrm=7)thenprint"[201]t's locked!":goto80
- 410 ifw1>8andw2$="hatch"thenprint"[215]hat hatch?":goto80
- 420 ifw1<8or(w1>7andw2<7)then440
- 430 print"[196]o what?":goto80
- 440 ifw1<8thenw2=w1-1
- 450 ifmp(rm,w2)>0then500
- 460 ifmp(rm,w2)<0thenprint"[212]he door is locked!":goto80
- 470 ifw2<5thenprint"[211]omething solid hits you in the face!":goto80
- 480 ifw2=5thenprint"[217]ou can't climb air!":goto80
- 490 print"[217]ou fall on your face.":goto80
- 500 rm=mp(rm,w2):print:print""rn$(rm):ifmp(rm,7)=1thengosub840:goto80
- 510 mp(rm,7)=1
- 520 de=0:onrmgosub1160,1200,1280,1240,1320,1350,1380,1430,1470,1510,1540
- 530 gosub840
- 540 ifde=1then800
- 550 goto80
- 560 ifw2=2thena1=0
- 570 ifw2=1thena1=0
- 580 ifa1=0thenprint"[217]ou can't take that.":goto80
- 590 ifop(w2)<>rmthenprint"[217]ou don't see it.":goto80
- 600 op(w2)=0:printchr$(asc(left$(w2$,1))+32);mid$(w2$,2,10);" taken."
- 605 goto80
- 610 ifa1=0orop(w2)<>0thenprint"[217]ou don't have it.":goto80
- 620 op(w2)=rm:printchr$(asc(left$(w2$,1))+32);mid$(w2$,2,10);" dropped."
- 630 goto80
- 640 ifw2=5andrm=1thenprint"[212]here is something under it!":goto80
- 650 ifw1=18andw2=1andrm=5andop(3)=11thengosub1800:goto80
- 660 ifw1=18andw2=1andrm=5thenprint"[201]t is empty.":goto80
- 670 ifw1=18thenprint"[217]ou see nothing special.":goto80
- 680 print""rn$(rm):goto520
- 690 ifrm=1andw2=5andop(6)=11thenprint"[217]ou find "ob$(6,0)".":op(6)=1:goto80
- 700 ifw2=5andop(6)<>11thenprint"[217]ou already did that!":goto80
- 710 ifrm<>1andw2=5thenprint"[196]on't see it!":goto80
- 720 print"[215]hy?":goto80
- 730 ifw1=24andrm=5andw2=1andop(3)=11andop(4)=0thengosub1810
- 740 ifv3=1thengosub880:v3=0:op(3)=5:goto530
- 750 print"[217]ou can't do that.":goto80
- 760 ifop(6)<>0thenprint"[217]ou have no key.":goto80
- 770 ifrm>2thenprint"[212]hat door doesn't lock."
- 780 ifw1=26thenmp(1,3)=-2:mp(2,4)=-1:print"[207]k.":goto80
- 790 mp(1,3)=2:mp(2,4)=1:print"[207]k.":goto80
- 800 print:print"[194]etter luck next time."
- 810 print"[212]ry again? (y/n)"
- 815 gety$:ify$<>"y"andy$<>"n"then815
- 820 ify$="y"thenrun
- 830 print"[147]":goto 60000
- 840 am=0:fori=1tono:ifrm=op(i)andam=0thenam=1:print"[217]ou see ";
- 850 ifrm=op(i)thenprintob$(i,0)", ";
- 860 next:ifam>0thenprint"[157][157]."
- 870 return
- 880 fori=1tolen(a$):a=1:b=asc(mid$(a$,i,1))
- 890 ifb<65orb>90thenprintchr$(b);:nexti:print:return
- 900 ifb/2=int(b/2)thena=-1
- 910 printchr$(b+a);:nexti:print:return
- 920 print"[217]ou are carrying:"
- 930 am=0:fori=1tono:ifop(i)=0thenam=1:printob$(i,0)
- 940 next:ifam=0thenprint"[206][207][212][200][201][206][199]!"
- 950 goto80
- 960 datatim,n,s,e,w,u,d,go,ent,wal,run,tak,get,dro,lea,l,loo,exa
- 970 datamov,pus,pul,sho,hit,ope,clo,loc,unl,qui,end,i,inv,typ,hel
- 980 datanor,sou,eas,wes,up,dow
- 990 data0,0,-2,0,0,0,"[217]our cabin"
- 1000 data4,6,0,-1,0,0,"[200]allway"
- 1010 data11,4,0,0,0,0,"[197]ngine room"
- 1020 data3,5,9,2,0,0,"[208]assageway"
- 1030 data4,6,0,0,0,0,"[195]argo"
- 1040 data5,7,9,2,0,0,"[208]assageway"
- 1050 data6,8,0,0,0,0,"[195]omputer room"
- 1060 data7,0,0,0,0,0,"[194]ridge"
- 1070 data4,6,10,0,0,0,"[204]ifeboat bay"
- 1080 data9,9,9,9,0,0,"[204]ifeboat"
- 1090 data0,0,0,0,0,0,"[197]ngines"
- 1100 data"a large crate",cra,5
- 1110 data"a hatch in the floor",hat,3
- 1120 data"a small device",dev,11
- 1130 data"a bent crowbar",cro,8
- 1140 data"a large bed",bed,1
- 1150 data"a keycard",key,11
- 1160 a$="[217]pv tjs xjsgjm zpvq qppn, dpmsfnokbsjmh":gosub880
- 1170 a$="xgbs sp cp mfws. [212]gf cppqxbz jt jm sgf":gosub880
- 1180 a$="fbts xbkk, avs sgf evqmjtgjmht bqf spp":gosub880
- 1190 a$="fmsjdjmh sp kfbuf.":gosub880:return
- 1200 a$="[217]pv tsbmc ivts pvstjcf zpvq fwofmtjuf":gosub880
- 1210 a$="dbajm pm sgf kvwvqz kjmfq. [212]gf gbkkxbz":gosub880
- 1220 a$="qvmt mpqsg-tpvsg xjsg zpvq dbajm sp sgf":gosub880
- 1230 a$="xfts. [211]jqfmt xbjk xjsgjm sgf tgjo.":gosub880:return
- 1240 a$="[198]qpn gfqf js jt opttjakf sp hp mpqsg,":gosub880
- 1250 a$="tpvsg, fbts, pq xfts. [212]p sgf tpvsg jt":gosub880
- 1260 a$="sgf dbqhp abz, xgjdg jt mpqnbkkz mps":gosub880
- 1270 a$="oqfttvqjyfc.":gosub880:return
- 1280 a$="[212]gjt jt sgf nbtsfq fmhjmf qppn. [193]":gosub880
- 1290 a$="tgqjkk tpvmc fdgpft eqpn sgf mpqsgfqm":gosub880
- 1300 a$="dqbxkxbz. [193] qvtsfc cppq fwjst sp sgf":gosub880
- 1310 a$="tpvsg.":gosub880:return
- 1320 a$="[193]kk pe sgftf dqbsft dpmsbjm dbqhp sp af":gosub880
- 1330 a$="sblfm sp zpvq cftsjmbsjpm. [193] efx njhgs":gosub880
- 1340 a$="dpmsbjm tobqf obqst. [196]ppqt kfbc mpqsg bmc tpvsg."
- 1345 gosub880:return
- 1350 a$="[207]mf pe sgf nbmz obttbhfxbzt pm sgf":gosub880
- 1360 a$="tgjo, eqpn gfqf js jt opttjakf sp hp":gosub880
- 1370 a$="mpqsg, tpvsg, fbts, bmc xfts.":gosub880:return
- 1380 a$="[211]sqfxm bapvs sgf ekppq pe sgjt dpnovsfq":gosub880
- 1390 a$="qppn bqf aqplfm nfnpqz dqztsbkt,":gosub880
- 1400 a$="boobqfmskz eqpn sgf tgjo't nbjm":gosub880
- 1410 a$="dpnovsfq. [193] kpdlfc gbsdg jt jm sgf":gosub880
- 1420 a$="ekppq, bmc fwjst bqf mpqsg bmc tpvsg.":gosub880:return
- 1430 a$="[212]gf aqjchf jt jm tgbnakft! [211]pnfpmf gbt":gosub880
- 1440 a$="cfejmbsfkz tbapsbhfc sgf tgjo. [193]qf":gosub880
- 1450 a$="zpv hfssjmh xpqqjfc zfs? [207]mf fwjs":gosub880
- 1460 a$="kfbct mpqsg.":gosub880:return
- 1470 a$="[212]xp pe sgf sgqff kjefapbst bqf njttjmh;":gosub880
- 1480 a$="sgf kbts kjefapbs jt sp sgf fbts. [212]xp":gosub880
- 1490 a$="dvqujmh obttbhfxbzt fwjs eqpn gfqf, pmf":gosub880
- 1500 a$="mpqsg bmc pmf tpvsg.":gosub880:return
- 1510 a$="[212]gf kjefapbs jt b kjsskf abmhfc-vo.":gosub880
- 1520 a$="[211]pnf obqst tffn sp af njttjmh. [201]s jt":gosub880
- 1530 a$="bt je zpv bqf mps xbmsfc sp kfbuf!":gosub880:return
- 1540 a$="[215]gz cjc zpv cp sgbs? [215]bt js mps":gosub880
- 1550 a$="paujpvt sgbs sgftf bqf sgf fmhjmft?":gosub880
- 1560 a$="[217]pv gbuf dpmtfrvfmskz jmdfmfqbsfc":gosub880
- 1570 a$="zpvqtfke. [193]qf zpv gbooz mpx?":gosub880:goto800
- 1580 print"[212]he screen replies:"
- 1590 a$="[197]msfq 1 sp oqfttvqjyf dbqhp.":gosub880
- 1600 a$="[197]msfq 2 sp bdsjubsf [204]jef[194]pbs.":gosub880
- 1610 print"[197]nter your choice now-> [146]"
- 1615 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:a=val(a$)
- 1620 ifa<1ora>2then80
- 1630 print"[207][203].":ifa=1thenv1=1:goto80
- 1640 ifop(3)<>12thenprint"[206]on-functional.":goto80
- 1650 v5=1:v2=1:v4=m+3:goto80
- 1660 op(3)=12:a$="[212]gf tnbkk cfujdf boobqfmskz ejst b gpkf":gosub880
- 1670 a$="jm sgf jmtsqvnfms apbqc. [215]jsg dbqf zpv":gosub880
- 1680 a$="jmtfqs sgf cfujdf. [212]gf kjefapbs gvnt":gosub880
- 1690 a$="xjsg fmfqhz.":gosub880:goto80
- 1700 a$="[193]t zpv fmsfq, sgf kjefapbs tfbkt bmc":gosub880
- 1710 a$="tkpxkz kjest bxbz eqpn sgf tgjo. [217]pv":gosub880
- 1720 a$="gbuf nbcf hppc zpvq ftdbof.":gosub880
- 1730 a$="[195]pmhqbsvkbsjpmt eqpn [193]msgpmz [205]bqp,":gosub880
- 1740 a$="oqphqbnnfq. [203]ffo bcufmsvqf hbnjmh!":gosub880:print:goto60000
- 1750 a$="[196]pm's zpv sgjml sgbs zpv gbuf sblfm":gosub880
- 1760 a$="kpmh fmpvhg? [212]gf tgjo gbt tvccfmkz":gosub880
- 1770 a$="aqplfm vo, fwofkkjmh zpv jmsp sgf":gosub880
- 1780 a$="ubdvvn pe tobdf. [217]pv gbuf cjfc.":gosub880:goto800
- 1800 print"[211]omething is in there!":return
- 1810 a$="[217]pv ejmc tpnfsgjmh!":v3=1:return
- 50000 w$="":c=0:print">[146][157]";:iflimit=0thenlimit=80
- 50010 geta$:ifa$="[145]"ora$=""ora$="[157]"ora$=""ora$=""ora$="[147]"ora$=""then50010
- 50020 as=asc(a$):ifas=13oras=141oras=20then50070
- 50030 ifpeek(653)=2orpeek(653)=4then50010
- 50040 ifc=limit and(as<>20andas<>13andas<>141)then50010
- 50050 ifas=34or(as>=133andas<=140)or(as>=1andas<=31)then50010
- 50060 c=c+1:w$=w$+a$:printa$">[146][157]";:goto50010
- 50070 ifas=20andw$<>""thenw$=left$(w$,len(w$)-1):print"[157]<[146] [157][157]";:c=c-1:goto50010
- 50075 ifas=13andw$=""then50010
- 50080 ifas=20andw$=""then50010
- 50090 ifas=13thenprint" ":lw=len(w$):v=val(w$):fl$=left$(w$,1):ll$=right$(w$,1)
- 50100 limit=0:am$=w$:return
- 60000 fort=1to2000:next
- 60005 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 60020 a$="hello connect":q$=chr$(34):poke53281,7:poke53280,7:print"[147]"
- 60030 print"[158]load"q$a$q$",8"
- 60040 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 61000 poke214,15:print:print" [155][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][184][152]"
- 61130 fori=1to3:print" ":next
- 61150 print" [208]ublished on [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] #59 "
- 61160 print" Subscriptions 1-800-831-2694 "
- 61170 print" CHANGING[160]THIS[160]NOTICE[160]IS[160]ILLEGAL "
- 61180 print" "
- 61190 print" [151][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185][185]"
- 61200 au$="[204][201][198][197][194][207][193][212]":poke214,17:print:printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$
- 61210 au$="[194]y [193]nthony [205]aro ([195]) 1989":poke214,18:print
- 61220 printspc(20-len(au$)/2)"[152]"au$""
- 61230 print""tab(12)"[159][204] [201] [198] [197] [194] [207] [193] [212]"
- 61235 printtab(8)"[154][193] [215]aterlogged [193]dventure"
- 61240 qq=qq+1:geta$:ifa$=""andqq<200then61240
- 61250 print"[147]":return