home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 20 rem poke788,52:rem disable run/stop
- 30 rem trasmart software
- 40 rem vcr library
- 50 gosub3830:goto620
- 60 rem --------------------------- bell
- 70 s=54272:pokes+1,112:pokes+5,10:pokes+6,9:pokes+24,15:pokes+4,17:pokes+4,16
- 80 return
- 90 rem ------------------ title screen
- 100 l=len(k$):m=38-l/2:fori=1tolen(k$)-19
- 110 printl$spc(m)left$(k$,i)right$(k$,l-(l-i)):m=m-1:next:return
- 120 rem ---------------------- directory
- 130 sys49152
- 140 print"[147] [158]q to quit [158]p to pause / resume"
- 150 open8,8,0,"$0:*=r"
- 160 get#8,a$,b$:n$=chr$(0)
- 170 get#8,a$,b$:ifb$=""then260
- 180 get#8,a$,b$:a=asc(a$+n$):b=asc(b$+n$)
- 190 c$=mid$(str$(a+256*b),2)+chr$(32)
- 200 print" ";
- 210 printc$;:get#8,c$:ifc$<>""then210
- 220 print:getk$:ifk$="p"ork$="q"then240
- 230 getk$
- 240 ifk$="p"thenwait197,1:goto230
- 250 ifk$<>"q"then170
- 260 close8
- 270 print"[156]press space to continue[146]"
- 280 s=54272:pokes+1,112:pokes+5,10:pokes+6,9:pokes+24,15:pokes+4,17:pokes+4,16
- 290 ifpeek(203)<>60then290
- 300 goto780
- 310 rem -------------------- input data
- 320 poke198,0:y$="":z$=""
- 330 print"[156]_[157][146]";
- 340 forn=1to75 :getz$:ifz$<>""then380
- 342 next
- 350 print"_[157]";
- 360 forn=1to75 :getz$:ifz$<>""then380
- 362 next
- 370 getz$:ifz$=""then330
- 380 l=len(y$)
- 390 ifz$=chr$(13)andre=1thenprint"[156][157] ":return
- 400 ifz$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 410 ifz$=chr$(20)andlandre=1thenprint"[156] [157][157]";:y$=left$(y$,l-1):goto330
- 420 ifz$=chr$(20)andlthenprint" [157][157]";:y$=left$(y$,l-1):goto330
- 430 ifhl=2orhl=19thenif(z$<"a"orz$>"z")andz$<>" "and(z$<"0"orz$>"9")then330
- 440 ifhl=1orhl=3orhl=4thenif(z$<"0"orz$>"9")andz$<>" "then330
- 450 ifl>=hlthen330
- 460 ifre=1thenprint"[156]";z$;:y$=y$+z$:goto330
- 470 printz$;:y$=y$+z$
- 480 goto330
- 490 rem --------------------- error chk
- 500 input#15,e,e$,a,b
- 510 ife=0ore=73thenreturn
- 520 ife=50thenreturn
- 530 print"there is an i/o problem"
- 540 print"error # is";e;" ";e$
- 550 print"track";a;"; sector";b
- 560 close8:close15
- 570 print"[156]press space to continue[146][145][145]";
- 580 ifpeek(203)=64then580
- 590 ifpeek(203)<>60then580
- 600 goto780
- 610 close8:close15:end
- 620 rem ------------------------ start
- 630 h=0
- 640 sp$=" "
- 650 open15,8,15,"i0":close15
- 660 gosub3100
- 670 ll$=chr$(13)
- 680 ln=40
- 690 open15,8,15
- 700 gosub490
- 710 close8:close15
- 720 k$="[152][221] instructions (y/n) [221]":l$=l$+"":gosub100
- 730 poke198,0
- 740 ifpeek(203)=64then740
- 750 ifpeek(203)=39then780
- 760 ifpeek(203)=25thenis=1:gosub2760:goto780
- 770 goto730
- 780 sys49152
- 790 print"[147][156][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 800 print"[221] r[156]ead a tape";
- 810 print" w[156]rite a tape";
- 820 print" e[156]dit tape [221]";
- 830 print"[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]";
- 840 print"[221] p[156]rint label";
- 850 print" c[156]reate file";
- 860 print" d[156]irectory [221]";
- 870 print"[171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179]";
- 880 print"[221] h[156]elp screen";
- 890 print" s[156]ee all files";
- 900 print" l[156]oadstar [221]";
- 910 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][146]";
- 920 poke198,0
- 930 geta$:ifa$=""ora$=" "then930
- 940 gosub70
- 950 ifa$=chr$(80)ora$=chr$(87)ora$=chr$(82)then1020
- 960 ifa$=chr$(67)ora$=chr$(69)then1020
- 970 ifa$=chr$(76)then2400:rem l
- 980 ifa$=chr$(68)then120:rem d
- 990 ifa$=chr$(83)then3230:rem s
- 1000 ifa$=chr$(72)thenh=1:goto2760:rem h
- 1010 goto780
- 1020 print"[145][156][171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][146]"
- 1030 print"[145][156][221]what tape number to [221][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 1040 print"[156][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][146]"
- 1050 print"[145][145][145]"spc(21);
- 1060 ifa$=chr$(80)thenprint"print ";
- 1070 ifa$=chr$(87)thenprint"write ";
- 1080 ifa$=chr$(82)thenprint"read ";
- 1090 ifa$=chr$(67)thenprint"create ";
- 1100 ifa$=chr$(69)thenprint"edit ";
- 1110 ifa$<chr$(65)ora$>chr$(90)then790
- 1120 re=1:hl=3:gosub320:v$=y$:re=0
- 1130 gosub70
- 1140 ifval(v$)<1thenprint"file # must be greater than 0"
- 1150 ifval(v$)>200thenprint"file # must be less than 200"
- 1160 ifval(v$)<1orval(v$)>200thenprint"[156]press space to continue[146]"
- 1170 ifval(v$)<1orval(v$)>200thenwait197,4:a$="":goto780
- 1180 vw=0
- 1190 ifa$=chr$(80)then2470:rem p
- 1200 ifa$=chr$(82)then1260:rem r
- 1210 ifa$=chr$(87)then1550:rem w
- 1220 ifa$=chr$(67)then1780:rem c
- 1230 ifa$=chr$(69)then1950:rem e
- 1240 goto780
- 1250 :
- 1260 rem -------------------------- read
- 1270 open15,8,15
- 1280 gosub490
- 1285 print#15,"r0:"+v$+"="+v$:input#15,er
- 1286 if er<>63 then printspc(13)"file is empty [156]":rn=8:goto1450
- 1290 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 1300 gosub490
- 1310 rn=1
- 1320 rem return here for line 2 - 7
- 1330 gosub2460
- 1340 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 1350 gosub490
- 1360 input#8,aa$,bb$,cc$,dd$,ee$
- 1370 gosub490
- 1380 ifaa$="[255]"andrn=1thenprintspc(13)"file is empty [156]":rn=8:goto1450
- 1390 ifaa$="[255]"thenrn=8:goto1450
- 1400 ifcc$=""thencc$=" deleted[152]"
- 1410 ifrn=1thenprint"[156][221] tape number ";v$;" contains "
- 1420 ifrn=1thenprint"[156][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][146]";
- 1430 ifrn=1thenprint" title rated from to[152]"
- 1440 printaa$+". "tab(3)cc$tab(23)bb$tab(28)dd$tab(33)ee$
- 1450 ifrn>=8andvw=1thenclose8:close15:return
- 1460 ifrn>=8thenprint"[156]press space to continue[146]"
- 1470 ifrn>=8thenclose8:close15
- 1480 ifrn>=8thengosub70
- 1490 ifrn>=8thenifpeek(203)<>60then1490
- 1500 ifrn>=8then1530
- 1510 rn=rn+1
- 1520 goto1320
- 1530 goto780
- 1540 :
- 1550 rem ------------------------ write
- 1560 open15,8,15
- 1570 gosub490
- 1580 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 1590 gosub490
- 1600 print"ready to write tape #";v$
- 1610 print"line# (1 chr max) ";:hl=1:gosub320:aa$=y$
- 1620 ifaa$=""thenprint"cancelled":forpa=1to800:nextpa:goto1760
- 1630 rn=val(aa$)
- 1640 ifrn>=8thenclose8:close15:goto780
- 1650 print"rated (2 chr max) ";:hl=2:gosub320:bb$=y$
- 1660 print"title (19 chr max) ";:hl=19:gosub320:cc$=y$
- 1670 print"from (4 chr max) ";:hl=4:gosub320:dd$=y$
- 1680 print"to (4 chr max) ";:hl=4:gosub320:ee$=y$
- 1690 rc$=aa$+ll$+bb$+ll$+cc$+ll$+dd$+ll$+ee$
- 1700 gosub2460
- 1710 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 1720 gosub490
- 1730 if e=50 thenprint"the dos will expand the file now"
- 1740 print#8,rc$
- 1750 gosub490
- 1760 close8:close15:goto780
- 1770 :
- 1780 rem ------------------ create file
- 1790 print""
- 1800 print"setting up file...wait one moment"
- 1810 open15,8,15,"ui"
- 1820 gosub490
- 1830 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 1840 gosub490
- 1850 print""
- 1860 rn=7
- 1870 gosub2460
- 1880 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 1890 gosub490
- 1900 if e<>50thenprint"file "v$" exists"
- 1910 if e=50 thenprint"writing blank file to disk now"
- 1920 print#8,chr$(255)
- 1930 gosub490
- 1940 close8:close15:goto780
- 1950 rem ------------------------- edit
- 1960 vw=1:gosub1260:vw=0
- 1970 open15,8,15
- 1980 gosub490
- 1990 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 2000 gosub490
- 2010 print"ready to edit tape #";v$
- 2020 gosub70
- 2030 print"line# (1 chr max) ";:hl=1:gosub320:aa$=y$
- 2040 ifaa$=""thenprint"cancelled":forpa=1to999:nextpa:goto2170
- 2050 rn=val(aa$)
- 2060 ifrn>=8thenclose8:close15:goto780
- 2070 print"rated (2 chr max) ";:hl=2:gosub320:bb$=y$
- 2080 print"title (19 chr max) ";:hl=19:gosub320:cc$=y$
- 2090 print"from (4 chr max) ";:hl=4:gosub320:dd$=y$
- 2100 print"to (4 chr max) ";:hl=4:gosub320:ee$=y$
- 2110 rc$=aa$+ll$+bb$+ll$+cc$+ll$+dd$+ll$+ee$
- 2120 gosub2460
- 2130 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 2140 gosub490
- 2150 print#8,rc$
- 2160 gosub490
- 2170 print""
- 2180 printsp$
- 2190 printsp$
- 2200 printsp$
- 2210 printsp$
- 2220 printsp$
- 2230 printsp$
- 2240 printsp$
- 2250 printsp$
- 2260 printsp$
- 2270 printsp$
- 2280 printsp$
- 2290 printsp$
- 2300 printsp$
- 2310 printsp$
- 2320 printsp$;
- 2330 print""
- 2340 close8:close15:vw=1:gosub1260:vw=0
- 2350 print"[156]press space to continue[146]"
- 2360 gosub70
- 2370 ifpeek(203)<>60then2370
- 2380 goto780
- 2390 :
- 2400 close3:close8:close15
- 2410 rem ------------------------- quit
- 2420 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er%:close15
- 2430 ifer%<>63thenprint"[147]you made a boo-boo":end
- 2440 load"hello connect",8
- 2450 end
- 2460 rh=int(rn/256):rl=rn-(256*rh):return
- 2470 rem ------------------ print label
- 2480 open3,4,0:close3
- 2490 ifst<>0thenprint"printer not detected":goto2350
- 2500 open15,8,15
- 2510 gosub490
- 2520 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 2530 gosub490
- 2540 open3,4
- 2550 rn=1
- 2560 rem return here for line 2 & up
- 2570 gosub2460
- 2580 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 2590 gosub490
- 2600 input#8,aa$,bb$,cc$,dd$,ee$:sq$=" "
- 2601 cc$=left$(cc$+sq$,20):dd$=right$(sp$+dd$,4):ee$=right$(sp$+ee$,4)
- 2610 gosub490
- 2615 ifrn=1thenprint#3,"*************************************"
- 2620 iflen(bb$)=1thenbb$=bb$+" "
- 2630 ifbb$=""then goto2690
- 2640 ifaa$="[255]"thenrn=8:goto2690
- 2650 ifrn=1thenprint#3,spc(10);"tape number ";v$
- 2670 ifrn=1thenprint#3,spc(5);"title";spc(12);"rtd";spc(2);"from";spc(3);"to"
- 2680 print#3,aa$;" ";cc$;bb$;" ";dd$;" ";ee$
- 2690 rn=rn+1
- 2700 ifrn>=8thenprint#3,"*************************************"
- 2710 ifrn>=8thenprint"file "v$" has been printed":close8:close15:close3
- 2720 ifrn>=8thenforpa=1to999:nextpa:goto2740
- 2730 goto2560
- 2740 goto780
- 2750 rem ------------------------ help
- 2760 print"[147][156]video cassette library"
- 2770 print"[156]enter first letter of option"
- 2780 print"this program has a maximum capacity of 200 tapes with 7 lines ";
- 2790 print"of information per tape. (7 entries per tape)."
- 2800 print"[159]read a tape: read tape (x)."
- 2810 print"[159]write a tape: write tape (x) line (y)."
- 2820 print"hit return alone at line # to cancel."
- 2830 print"[159]create file: you must create file (x) before writing to it. ";
- 2840 print"it will not erase an existing file."
- 2850 print"[159]edit a tape: use to update or delete line (y) on tape (x). ";
- 2860 print"hit return alone at line # to cancel or enter line # thenhit ";
- 2870 print"return alone for title, rating and tape counts to delete that line."
- 2880 print"[156]press space to continue[146]"
- 2890 gosub70
- 2900 ifpeek(203)<>60then2900
- 2910 print"[147][159]directory: view disk directory"
- 2920 print"[159]help screen: these two screens"
- 2930 print"[159]see all files: view all records on disk"
- 2940 print"[159]print label: print cassette label"
- 2950 print"[159]loadstar: return to loadstar"
- 2960 print" [156]---- sample ----"
- 2970 print"tape # 1 rated from to "
- 2980 print"1. jaws pg 0000 1234"
- 2990 print"2. jaws ii pg 1235 2394"
- 3000 print"3. beverly hills cop r 2395 3173"
- 3010 print"4. 48 hours r 3174 4285"
- 3020 print"5. short circuit g 4286 4921"
- 3030 print"6. snow white g 4922 5491"
- 3040 print"7. jungle book g 5492 6000"
- 3050 print"[156]press space to continue[146][145][145]"
- 3060 gosub70
- 3070 ifpeek(203)<>60then3070
- 3080 ifis=1thenis=0:return
- 3090 h=0:goto780
- 3100 a=49152:x=0
- 3110 forj=atoa+107:readb:pokej,b:x=x+b:nextj
- 3120 ifx<>17061thenprint"error in data...":end
- 3130 data169,20,133,250,169,0,162,4,160,216,133,251
- 3140 data133,253,134,252,132,254,162,24,160,38,177,251
- 3150 data200,145,251,136,177,253,200,145,253,136,136,192
- 3160 data20,176,239,160,20,169,32,145,251,160,1,177
- 3170 data251,136,145,251,200,177,253,136,145,253,200,200
- 3180 data192,21,144,239,160,19,169,32,145,251,165,251
- 3190 data24,105,40,133,251,144,2,230,252,165,253,24
- 3200 data105,40,133,253,144,2,230,254,202,16,181,160
- 3210 data10,202,208,253,136,208,250,198,250,208,153,96
- 3220 return
- 3230 rem ------------- see all records
- 3240 print"[145][156][171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][146]"
- 3250 v$="1":v=1
- 3260 open15,8,15
- 3265 print#15,"r0:"v$"="v$:input#15,er
- 3266 ifer<>63 then printspc(8)"that file is empty ("v$")":goto3460
- 3270 gosub490
- 3280 open8,8,8,"0:"+(v$)+",l,"+chr$(ln)
- 3290 gosub490
- 3300 rn=1
- 3310 rem return here for 2-7
- 3320 gosub2460
- 3330 print#15,"p"+chr$(96+8)+chr$(rl)+chr$(rh)+chr$(1)
- 3340 gosub490
- 3350 input#8,aa$,bb$,cc$,dd$,ee$
- 3360 gosub490
- 3370 ifrn=1thenprint"[156][221] tape number ";v$;" contains [221][157][157]"
- 3380 ifrn=1thenprint"[156][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][146]";
- 3390 ifaa$="[255]"andrn=1thenprintspc(8)"that file is empty ("v$")":goto3460
- 3400 ifaa$="[255]"thenrn=8:goto3460
- 3410 ifcc$=""thencc$=" deleted[152]"
- 3420 ifrn=1thenprintspc(5);"title";spc(11);"rated";spc(2);"from";spc(2);"to[152]"
- 3430 printaa$+". "tab(3)cc$tab(23)bb$tab(28)dd$tab(33)ee$
- 3440 rn=rn+1
- 3450 goto3310
- 3460 close8
- 3470 print"[156]enter +[156] for next file or -[156] for previous"
- 3480 print"q[156] to quit"
- 3490 gosub70
- 3500 poke198,0
- 3510 getch$:ifch$=""then3510
- 3520 ifch$=chr$(81)thenclose8:close15:goto780
- 3530 ifch$<>chr$(43)andch$<>chr$(45)then3510
- 3540 ifch$=chr$(43)thenv=v+1
- 3550 ifch$=chr$(45)thenv=v-1
- 3560 ifv=0thenclose8:close15:goto3810
- 3570 ifv>=201thenclose8:close15:goto3810
- 3580 v$=str$(v)
- 3590 ifv<=9thenv$=right$(v$,1)
- 3600 ifv>=10andv<=99thenv$=right$(v$,2)
- 3610 ifv>=100andv<=200thenv$=right$(v$,3)
- 3620 print""
- 3630 printsp$
- 3640 printsp$
- 3650 printsp$
- 3660 printsp$
- 3670 printsp$
- 3680 printsp$
- 3690 printsp$
- 3700 printsp$
- 3710 printsp$
- 3720 printsp$
- 3730 printsp$
- 3740 printsp$
- 3750 printsp$
- 3760 printsp$
- 3770 printsp$;
- 3780 print""
- 3790 close8:close15
- 3800 goto3260
- 3810 goto780
- 3820 rem ------------------------ title
- 3830 poke53280,.:poke53281,.:poke198,0:printchr$(142):print"[147]"
- 3840 k$="[158][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]":l$="":gosub100
- 3850 k$="[158][221] loadstar presents [221]":l$="":gosub100
- 3860 k$="[158][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]":l$="":gosub100
- 3870 k$="[156][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]":l$="":gosub100
- 3880 k$="[156][221] vcr library [221]":l$="":gosub100
- 3890 k$="[156][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]":l$="":gosub100
- 3900 k$="[151][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]":l$=l$+"":gosub100
- 3910 k$="[151][221] (c) 1988 by ted atwood [221]":l$=l$+"":gosub100
- 3920 k$="[151][221] tra[211]smart software [221]":l$=l$+"":gosub100
- 3930 k$="[151][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]":l$=l$+"":gosub100
- 3940 print" [152][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 3950 print" [152][221] [221]"
- 3960 print" [152][221] [221]"
- 3970 print" [152][221] [146] [221]"
- 3980 print" [152][221] [146] [221]"
- 3990 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4000 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4010 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4020 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4030 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4040 print" [152][221] [146] [146][144] [146] [152] [221]"
- 4050 print" [152][221] [146] [221]"
- 4060 print" [152][221] [146] [221]"
- 4070 print" [152][202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]";
- 4080 return