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- 1 poke53281,9:poke53280,9:print""tab(13)"please wait..."
- 2 ifpeek(52498)<>226thenpoke147,0:sys57812"windows.o",8,1:sys62631
- 3 wi=52496:ad=49152
- 5 m$(1)="highlighted options"
- 6 m$(2)="pointer to options"
- 7 m$(3)="numbered options"
- 8 m$(4)="lettered options"
- 9 m$(5)="pull-down menus"
- 10 m$(6)="return to loadstar"
- 11 m$(7)="pull up submenu"
- 19 goto100
- 37
- 38 --- box w/out memory ---
- 39
- 40 sys52496,fr,fc,tr,tc,ad,fu,co,rv:return
- 47
- 48 --- change box color ---
- 49
- 50 sys52496,fr,fc,tr,tc,ad,fu,co,rv,cc:return
- 57
- 58 --- box with memory ---
- 59
- 60 sys52496,fr,fc,tr,tc,ad,fu,co,rv
- 61 if(fuand1)thenad=ad+(tr-fr+1)*(tc-fc+1)*2:n=n+1
- 62 if(fuand1)thenfr(n)=fr:fc(n)=fc:tr(n)=tr:tc(n)=tc
- 63 return
- 67
- 68 --- restore memory ---
- 69
- 70 fr=fr(n):fc=fc(n):tr=tr(n):tc=tc(n)
- 71 ad=ad-(tr-fr+1)*(tc-fc+1)*2:n=n-1
- 72 sys52496,fr,fc,tr,tc,ad,8,1,1
- 73 return
- 97
- 98 --- highlighted options ---
- 99
- 100 print""tab(11)"highlighted bars menu"
- 110 fori=1to6:printtab(12)m$(i):print:next:k=1
- 115 poke214,22:print:printtab(5)"use cursor keys and then return"
- 120 poke214,1+2*k:print
- 130 printtab(12)""m$(k)"":poke198,0
- 140 geta$:ifa$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>chr$(13)then140
- 150 ifa$=chr$(13)thenonkgoto100,200,300,400,500,800
- 160 printtab(12)m$(k)
- 170 ifa$=""thenk=k+1:ifk>6thenk=1
- 180 ifa$=""thenk=k-1:ifk<1thenk=6
- 190 goto120
- 197
- 198 --- pointer to options ---
- 199
- 200 print""tab(10)"pointer to options menu"
- 210 fori=1to6:printtab(12)m$(i):print:next:k=1
- 215 poke214,22:print:printtab(5)"use cursor keys and then return"
- 220 poke214,1+2*k:print
- 230 printtab(8)"-->""":poke198,0
- 240 geta$:ifa$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>chr$(13)then240
- 250 ifa$=chr$(13)thenonkgoto100,200,300,400,500,800
- 260 printtab(8)" "
- 270 ifa$=""thenk=k+1:ifk>6thenk=1
- 280 ifa$=""thenk=k-1:ifk<1thenk=6
- 290 goto220
- 297
- 298 --- numbered options ---
- 299
- 300 print""tab(10)"numbered options menu"
- 310 fori=1to6:printtab(8)""i". "m$(i):print:next:k=1
- 320 poke214,22:print:printtab(8)"press a number (1 - 6)"
- 330 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"5"then330
- 340 onval(a$)goto100,200,300,400,500,800
- 397
- 398 --- lettered options ---
- 399
- 400 print""tab(10)"lettered options menu"
- 410 fori=1to6:printtab(9)""chr$(i+64)". "m$(i):print:next:k=1
- 420 poke214,22:print:printtab(9)"press a letter (a - f)"
- 430 geta$:ifa$<"a"ora$>"e"then430
- 440 onasc(a$)-64goto100,200,300,400,500,800
- 497
- 498 --- pull-down menus ---
- 499
- 500 print"":fori=0to15:print" whatever is on your screen at the time":next
- 510 fori=0to3
- 520 fr=0:fc=10*i:tr=2:tc=9+10*i:fu=4:co=7:rv=7:gosub40
- 530 next
- 540 print"menu 1menu 2menu 3menu 4":k=1
- 550 poke214,22:print:printtab(5)"use cursor keys and then return"
- 560 fr=0:fc=(k-1)*10:tr=2:tc=9+(k-1)*10:fu=16:co=1:rv=0:cc=1:gosub50
- 570 geta$:ifa$<>""anda$<>""anda$<>chr$(13)then570
- 580 fr=0:fc=(k-1)*10:tr=2:tc=9+(k-1)*10:fu=16:co=7:rv=7:cc=7:gosub50
- 585 ifa$=chr$(13)then600
- 590 ifa$=""thenk=k+1:ifk>4thenk=1
- 595 ifa$=""thenk=k-1:ifk<1thenk=4
- 597 goto560
- 600 fr=2:fc=0:tr=13:tc=39:fu=3:co=7:rv=0:gosub60
- 610 fr=2:fc=0:tr=13:tc=39:fu=4:co=7:rv=0:gosub60:l=1
- 620 poke214,1:print:printtab((k-1)*10)"{CBM-X} {CBM-Z}"
- 630 ifk=1thenprint"{SHIFT--}"
- 635 ifk=4thenprint""tab(39)"{SHIFT--}"
- 640 poke214,4:print:fori=1to7:printtab(9)m$(i):next
- 650 poke214,3+l:print:printtab(9)""m$(l):poke198,0
- 660 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)anda$<>""anda$<>""then660
- 670 ifa$=chr$(13)thengosub70:onlgoto100,200,300,400,500,800,560
- 680 poke214,3+l:print:printtab(9)m$(l)
- 690 ifa$=""thenl=l+1:ifl>7thenl=1
- 700 ifa$=""thenl=l-1:ifl<1thenl=7
- 720 goto640
- 800 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 810 ifer<>63thenend
- 820 load"hello connect",8