home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 150 p1=53280:p2=53281:print"[147]":pokep1,1:pokep2,1:poke53269,255:poke53269,0
- 170 printchr$(142)" one moment please..."
- 180 a=646:d=1:dimt$(100),wq(45):goto5530
- 190 pokev+41,1:pokev+29,4:poke53269,peek(53269)or4:poke53269,0
- 200 pokev+39,1:pokev+29,1:poke53269,peek(53269)or1:poke53269,0:fort=41to46:pokev+t,2:nextt
- 220 v1=10:w1=17:u1=33:l1=134:a1=10:c1=1200
- 225 jj=1
- 226 goto 270
- 260 poke49,peek(47):poke50,peek(48)
- 270 w=0:print"[147]":pokep1,0:pokep2,0:printtab(9)"[158] roman numeral teacher "
- 280 printtab(13)"[153](c) mcmlxxxviii":ifd=1thengosub4050:d=0
- 290 ifj<>1thenv1=12:w1=17:u1=50:l1=58:a1=10:c1=1350:gosub5240
- 300 j=0:v=0:v1=8:print"":printtab(5)"[154]select one letter: (l/r/q/e)[158]"
- 320 printtab(5)"l[146] learning roman numerals":printtab(5)"r[146] roman numeral examples":kk=0
- 340 printtab(5)"q[146] roman numerals quiz":printtab(5)"e[146] end[154]":print:print:iffs>0thengosub470
- 370 v1=10:w1=17:u1=67:l1=12:a1=10:c1=900:gosub5240
- 380 w1=17:c1=1000:u1=100:l1=117:a1=15
- 390 getd$:ifd$="r"then850
- 410 ifd$="l"thenprint""tab(5)" ":goto1090
- 420 ifd$="q"theng=0:goto3150
- 430 ifd$="e"thengosub7000
- 450 goto390
- 460 :
- 470 fort=1to250:nextt:m$="quiz tally:":n$="[157] right out of":p$="[157] tries":printtab(2)"";
- 490 formm=1to13:printmid$(m$,mm,1);:next:printft;:fornn=1to14
- 500 printmid$(n$,nn,1);:next:printfs;:forps=1to7:printmid$(p$,ps,1);:next:print:mm=0:nn=0:pp=0:return
- 540 poke53248+29,2:poke53269,peek(53269)or2:printtab(5)"[158] right! ";
- 560 ifb=1orb=3thenprinta$" ="x:goto580
- 570 print"[157]"x"= "a$;
- 580 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145]":poke781,19:sys59903:ct=0:ft=ft+1:fs=fs+1:cj=1:cp=1:gosub5320
- 600 z=z+1:zz=zz+1:fort=1to1000:nextt:g=0:poke53269,peek(53269)and(253)
- 610 cc=1:pp=1:rr=0:gosub4650:poke781,22:sys59903:poke214,17:print:poke211,0
- 630 print"[153]"z"[157] right out of"zz" ";:printint((z/zz)*100)"[157]% ":return
- 670 print"[147]":print" important point!":c1=1000:w1=17:a1=15:gosub5240
- 690 print" one more thing before going back to the main menu..."
- 700 print" if you put a bar over a roman-numeral"
- 710 print" letter, the value of that letter":print" is multiplied by 1000."
- 720 printtab(7)"[210]"tab(23)"[210]":print" like: x=10,000...or...m=1,000,000":print" usually only"
- 750 print" the letters 'v', 'x' and 'm' are used":print" so..."
- 760 printtab(15)"[198]":printtab(15)"vmdclxvii":print" equals: 5000+1000+500+100+50+10+5+1+1"
- 780 printtab(17)"6667":print" none of these examples appear in quiz!"
- 800 printtab(7)"[156] for main menu, press 'm'";:ifk=1thenk=0
- 810 getm$:ifm$="m"thenj=1:return
- 820 goto810
- 850 pokep1,1:pokep2,1:gosub5240:a$="":aa=1:bb=3999
- 860 gosub3740:print" example":print" roman numeralstandard number"
- 890 print" "a$tab(22)x:ifv=1thenprinttab(9)"([158]subtraction needed)":v=0
- 900 poke214,20:print:poke211,1:print"want another example? press 'a'"
- 910 print" return to main menu?? press 'm'":jj=1:gosub990
- 930 getf$:iff$=""then930
- 940 iff$="a"thena$="":goto860
- 950 iff$="m"thenj=1:goto270
- 960 goto930
- 990 forr=54272to54295:poker,0:next:vl=54296:wf=54276:ad=54277:nh=54273:nl=54272
- 1010 pokevl,15:pokewf,33:pokead,10:pokenh,200:pokenl,243:ifjj=1thenforn=1to500:next:goto1030
- 1020 forn=1to1500:next
- 1030 pokenh,0:pokenl,0:pokead,0:ifjj=1thenjj=0:return
- 1050 getg$:ifg$=chr$(13)thenreturn
- 1060 goto1050
- 1090 pokep1,7:pokep2,7:a1=15:print"[147]":gosub5240:print"[147]":print" roman numerals"
- 1110 print" roman numerals use letters instead of regular numerals.";
- 1120 print" you should remember that specific letters";
- 1130 print" are used for":print" specific standard (arabic) numbers."
- 1140 print"[156] press <return> for roman numeral chart[151]":gosub1050
- 1180 c1=100:gosub5240
- 1190 print" roman standard ":ifk=1thenc1=100:gosub5240
- 1210 printtab(7)"[145]numeral number":printtab(13)"i"tab(19)"="tab(25)"1"
- 1230 printtab(13)"v"tab(19)"="tab(25)"5":printtab(13)"x"tab(19)"="tab(25)"10":printtab(13)"l"tab(19)"="tab(25)"50"
- 1260 printtab(13)"c"tab(19)"="tab(25)"100":printtab(13)"d"tab(19)"="tab(25)"500"
- 1280 printtab(13)"m"tab(19)"="tab(25)"1000":ifv=1thenv=0:print"":goto1330
- 1290 print" by combining certain letters, you can build the roman";
- 1300 print" numeral you need.";:print"..by observing the letters you have, ";
- 1310 print"you can easily change any roman numeral into an everyday";
- 1320 print" arabic number."
- 1330 ifk=1ors=1thenprinttab(5)"[158]to return to previous page, 'p'"
- 1340 printtab(4)"to go to learning menu, press 'l'[144]";
- 1350 geth$:ifh$=""then1350
- 1360 ifh$="l"thens=0:v=0:goto1410
- 1370 ifh$="p"andk=1ors=1thenreturn
- 1380 goto1350
- 1410 c1=500:k1=0:gosub5240:pokep1,3:pokep2,3:print"[147]":print"[151] how to"
- 1440 print" select one: (1/2/3/4)"
- 1450 print" 1[146] change roman numerals to standard":k=0
- 1460 print" 2[146] change standard numbers to roman"
- 1470 print" 3[146] return to roman numeral chart":print" 4[146] return to main menu":d=0
- 1490 gett$:ift$=""then1490
- 1500 ift$="1"thenv=1:k$=" #1":gosub6340:goto1550
- 1510 ift$="2"thenk$=" #2":gosub6340:goto2250
- 1520 ift$="3"thenv=1:print"[147] roman numerals.":c1=200:gosub5240:goto1190
- 1530 ift$="4"thenj=1:goto270
- 1540 goto1490
- 1550 c1=100:gosub5240:ifk1=1thenk=1
- 1570 print"[147] how to "k$"[146]";:ifk=1thenprint" "
- 1580 ifk<>1thenprint" press <return> to continue"
- 1590 print" when changing from a roman numeral to an ordinary";
- 1600 print" number, read your roman numeral from right to left (_)":ifk<>1thengosub1050
- 1620 print" here's an example.":print" change lxxvi to an arabic numeral.":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1640 print" read it backwards -- right to left (_)"
- 1650 print" since i=1, v=5, x=10, x=10, l=50..."
- 1660 print" (remember your roman numeral chart?)":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1680 print" and since the numbers do not get"
- 1690 print" smaller: 1...5...10...10...50, just":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1710 print" add 'em all up -- 1+5+10+10+50 = 76":printtab(15)"lxxvi=76":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1730 print"[156] continue lesson? press <return>"
- 1740 print" go to roman numeral chart? press 'r'"
- 1750 print" how to"k$"[146] ":ifk<>1thenc1=100:gosub5240
- 1770 ifk=1thenk=0
- 1780 getj$:ifj$=chr$(13)then1820
- 1790 ifj$="r"thenv=1:k=1:print"[147] roman numerals.":gosub1190:goto1550
- 1800 goto1780
- 1810 jj=1:gosub990
- 1820 c1=100:gosub5240:ifk1=1thenk=1
- 1840 print"[147] how to"k$"[146]";:ifk=1thenprint" "
- 1850 ifk<>1thenprint" press <return> to continue"
- 1860 print" sometimes roman numerals get tricky.":ifk<>1thengosub1050
- 1880 print" look at this example.":print" change xciv to an arabic numeral."
- 1890 ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1900 print" as you read 'backwards' (_), notice"
- 1910 print" some numbers are smaller than ones"
- 1920 print" to their right: v=5, i=1, c=100, x=10"
- 1930 print" (forget your roman numeral chart?)":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 1950 print" if a letter of smaller value is on the"
- 1960 print" left";:print" of a larger one, you subtract";
- 1970 print" the smaller one from the greater one.":ifk=1then2000
- 1990 gosub990
- 2000 ifk=1thenprint" *";:goto2020
- 2010 print" [158]*";
- 2020 print"subtract 'i' from 'v' ... (5-1)=4":ifk=1then2070
- 2040 poke214,6:print:poke211,10:print"[158][197][197]":gosub990
- 2060 ifk<>1thenpoke214,6:print:poke211,8:print"[158][197][197] "
- 2070 ifk=1thenprint" *";:goto2090
- 2080 print" [158]*";
- 2090 print"subtract 'x' from 'c' ... (100-10)=90":ifk=1then2130
- 2110 gosub990:ifk<>1thenpoke214,6:print:poke211,8:print" "
- 2130 print" now, add these answers up ... 90+4=94":printtab(16)"xciv=94":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2160 print"[156] go to roman numeral chart? press 'r'":print" go to main menu? press 'm'"
- 2180 print" how to"k$"[146] ":ifk<>1thenc1=100:gosub5240
- 2200 ifk=1thenk=0
- 2210 geth$:ifh$="r"thenv=1:k=1:print"[147] roman numerals.":gosub1190:goto1820
- 2230 ifh$="m"thengosub670:goto270
- 2240 goto2210
- 2250 c1=100:gosub5240:ifk1=1thenk=1
- 2270 print"[147] how to"k$"[146]";:ifk=1thenprint" "
- 2280 ifk<>1thenprint" press <return> to continue"
- 2290 print" arabics to roman numerals? it's easy!":ifk=1then2320
- 2310 gosub1050
- 2320 print" here's an example.":print" change 625 to a roman numeral.":ifk=1then2350
- 2340 gosub990
- 2350 print" first, separate the number into its"
- 2360 print" place-value parts: 625 = 600 + 20 + 5":ifk=1then2380
- 2370 gosub990
- 2380 print" then. what roman numeral letters...":print" combine to equal '600'?";
- 2400 ifk<>1thenpoke214,9:print:poke211,25:print"[158] [197][197][197] "
- 2410 ifk=1then2430
- 2420 gosub990
- 2430 printtab(24)" d and c (dc";:print")":ifk=1then2450
- 2440 gosub990
- 2450 print" combine to equal '20'?";:ifk=1then2480
- 2460 ifk<>1thenpoke214,9:print:poke211,25:print"[158] [197][197] "
- 2470 gosub990
- 2480 printtab(24)" x and x (xx";:print")":ifk=1then2500
- 2490 gosub990
- 2500 print" combine to equal '5'?";:ifk=1then2530
- 2510 ifk<>1thenpoke214,9:print:poke211,25:print"[158] [197]"
- 2520 gosub990
- 2530 printtab(24)" just: v (v";:print")":ifk=1then2560
- 2540 gosub990:ifk<>1thenpoke214,9:print:poke211,25:print" [197][197][197] "
- 2560 print" (note! 600 is 'dc' -- 'cd' means 400)":ifk=1then2600
- 2580 gosub990:ifk<>1thenpoke214,9:print:poke211,25:print" "
- 2600 print" combine the letters, going biggest arabic numbers to";
- 2610 print" smallest -- dc+xx+v":printtab(15)"625=dcxxv":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2630 print"[156] continue lesson? press <return>"
- 2640 print" go to roman numeral chart? press 'r'"
- 2650 print" how to."k$"[146] ":ifk<>1thenc1=100:gosub5240
- 2670 ifk=1thenk=0
- 2680 getj$:ifj$=chr$(13)then2710
- 2690 ifj$="r"thenv=1:k=1:print"[147] roman numerals.":gosub1190:goto2250
- 2700 goto2680
- 2710 c1=100:gosub5240:ifk1=1thenk=1
- 2730 print"[147] how to."k$"[146]";:ifk=1thenprint" "
- 2740 ifk<>1thenprint" press <return> to continue"
- 2750 print" sometimes changing to roman numerals"
- 2760 print" needs extra concentration...":ifk<>1thengosub1050
- 2780 print" this example shows why.":print" to change 479 to a roman numeral..."
- 2800 ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2810 print" separate your number into the proper"
- 2820 print" place-value parts: 400 + 70 + 9":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2830 ifk<>1thenpoke214,10:print:poke211,20:print"[158][197][197][197] [145]"
- 2840 print" what letters make up 400?";:ifk<>1thengosub990:print"";
- 2860 print" not c+c+c+c!":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2870 print" you may use a letter no more than 3 times";
- 2880 print" in a row.";:ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2890 print" you must subtract!":print" (cd";:print") _ smaller on left";
- 2910 print" 400 = 500-100":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2920 ifk<>1thenpoke214,10:print:poke211,20:print" [158][197][197] "
- 2930 print" (lxx) _ no subtracting! 70 = 50+10+10":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 2950 ifk<>1thenpoke214,10:print:poke211,20:print" [158][197]"
- 2960 print" (ix";:print") _ smaller on left 9 = 10-1":ifk<>1thengosub990:print"";
- 2980 ifk<>1thenpoke214,10:print:poke211,20:print"[158][197][197][197] [197]"
- 2990 ifk=1thenprint" smaller letter on left means subtract!":goto3030
- 3000 print" [158]smaller letter on left means subtract!":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 3020 ifk<>1thenpoke214,10:print:poke211,20:print" "
- 3030 printtab(14)"479=cdlxxix":ifk<>1thengosub990
- 3040 print"[156] go to roman numeral chart? press 'r'":print" go to main menu? press 'm'"
- 3060 print" how to"k$"[146] ":ifk<>1thenc1=100:gosub5240
- 3080 ifk=1thenk=0
- 3090 geth$:ifh$="r"thenv=1:k=1:print"[147] roman numerals":gosub1190:goto2710
- 3110 ifh$="m"thengosub670:goto270
- 3120 goto3090
- 3150 pokep1,6:pokep2,6:gosub5240
- 3160 print"[147]":printtab(8)"[158] roman numerals quiz ":ifdd=1then3240
- 3170 printtab(9)"do you know them ?!":fort=1to800:nextt:print""
- 3190 printtab(7)"[159]press <return> to start[153]"
- 3200 v1=12:w1=17:u1=50:l1=58:a1=10:c1=1350:gosub5240
- 3210 getq$:ifq$=chr$(13)thendd=1:goto3230
- 3220 goto3210
- 3230 print"[147]":printtab(8)"[158] roman numerals quiz "
- 3240 printtab(7)" ":b=0
- 3250 printtab(2)"[153]you get 3 tries, then a new problem":ifdd=1thenprint
- 3260 printtab(7)"select level: (1/2/3/4)":e=0:ifdd=1thenprint
- 3270 printtab(7)"1[146] roman to arabic. easy":ifdd=1thenprint
- 3280 printtab(7)"2[146] arabic to roman. easy":ifdd=1thenprint
- 3290 printtab(7)"3[146] mixed. medium":ifdd=1thenprint
- 3300 printtab(7)"4[146] mixed. easy/medium/hard":ifdd=1thenprint:print
- 3310 printtab(7)"[158]5[146] return to main menu":ifdd=1thenprint
- 3320 c1=500:a1=15:u1=50:l1=58:w1=17:gosub5240:f=0
- 3340 getq$:ifq$="1"thenb=1:goto3430
- 3360 ifq$="2"thenb=2:goto3490
- 3370 ifq$="3"thenb=3:goto3550
- 3380 ifq$="4"thenb=4:goto3630
- 3390 ifq$="5"thenj=1:goto270
- 3400 goto3340
- 3430 print"[147][153] [159]quiz #1. easy[153]":print" roman to arabic":kk=1:c1=100:gosub5240:aa=1:bb=100
- 3450 gosub3700:ifs=1theng=g-1:goto4150
- 3470 ifk<>1thenfort=1to900:nextt
- 3480 z=0:zz=0:goto4130
- 3490 print"[147][153] [159]quiz #2. easy[153]":print" arabic to roman":kk=1:c1=100:gosub5240:aa=1:bb=100
- 3510 gosub3700:ifs=1theng=g-1:goto4150
- 3530 ifk<>1thenfort=1to900:nextt
- 3540 z=0:zz=0:goto4130
- 3550 iff=2andcv=0then3640
- 3560 print"[147][153] [159]quiz #3. medium[153]":print" arabic to roman / roman to arabic"
- 3570 iff=2andcv=0then3780
- 3580 kk=1:aa=100:bb=1000:e=1:c1=100:gosub5240
- 3590 gosub3700:ifs=1theng=g-1:goto4150
- 3610 ifk<>1thenfort=1to900:nextt
- 3620 z=0:zz=0:goto5030
- 3630 iff=2andcv=0then3560
- 3640 print"[147][153] [159]quiz #4. easy/medium/hard[153]":print" arabic to roman / roman to arabic"
- 3660 iff=2andcv=0then3580
- 3670 kk=1:e=2:c1=100:gosub5240:aa=10:bb=3999:goto3590
- 3700 print"[158] after entering answer, press <return>"
- 3710 print" enter 'q' to return to quiz menu"
- 3720 print" enter 'r' to see roman numeral chart":return
- 3740 ::hm=(bb-aa)+1:x=int(rnd(0)*hm)+aa:n=x:ifkk<>1thenprint"[147]"
- 3780 print""
- 3790 ifn-1000<0then3810
- 3800 p=1000:z$="m":goto4000
- 3810 ifn-500<0then3840
- 3820 ifint(n/100)=9thenz$="cm":n=n-900:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3830 p=500:z$="d":goto4000
- 3840 ifn-100<0then3870
- 3850 ifint(n/100)=4thenz$="cd":n=n-400:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3860 p=100:z$="c":goto4000
- 3870 ifn-50<0then3900
- 3880 ifint(n/10)=9thenz$="xc":n=n-90:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3890 p=50:z$="l":goto4000
- 3900 ifn-10<0then3930
- 3910 ifint(n/10)=4thenz$="xl":n=n-40:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3920 p=10:z$="x":goto4000
- 3930 ifn-5<0then3960
- 3940 ifn=9thenz$="ix":n=n-9:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3950 p=5:z$="v":goto4000
- 3960 ifn-1<0then3990
- 3970 ifn=4thenz$="iv":n=n-4:p=0:v=1:goto4000
- 3980 p=1:z$="i":goto4000
- 3990 goto4020
- 4000 n=n-p:a$=a$+z$:goto3790
- 4020 return
- 4050 c=40:l=23:print"[153]":printchr$(19);:forh=1toc:printchr$(18)chr$(32);:next:forv=1tol:printchr$(18)chr$(32);
- 4080 printchr$(146)spc(c-2)chr$(18)chr$(32);:next:forh=1toc-2:forh=1toc-2:printchr$(18)chr$(32);:next
- 4100 printchr$(18)chr$(32)chr$(157)chr$(148)chr$(32);:return
- 4130 :
- 4140 a$="":aa$="":gosub3740
- 4150 g=g+1:poke781,14:sys59903:ifg=4thengosub5090
- 4170 ifg=4and(b=3orb=4)theng=0:goto5030
- 4180 ifg=4theng=0:goto4140
- 4190 print"[150]"g"[157]. [153]"
- 4200 ifb=2orb=4thengosub4840:goto4260
- 4210 print" your roman numeral: [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][150]"a$
- 4220 ifs<>1thenc1=100:v1=10:w1=33:u1=34:l1=75:a1=15:gosub5240
- 4230 print"[153] change it":print" to an arabic (regular) number.":ifs=1thengosub4670
- 4250 xx$=""
- 4260 w=w+1:ln=0:print"[153] your answer is?[146] ";:gosub5990
- 4280 getvv$:tm=tm+1:iftm=225thengosub5990
- 4290 ifvv$=""then4280
- 4300 ifvv$=chr$(13)and(b=2orb=4)thengosub4910:goto4570
- 4310 ifvv$=chr$(13)then4460
- 4320 ifvv$=chr$(20)thengosub4800:tm=0:goto4280
- 4330 ifvv$="[145]"orvv$=""orvv$="[157]"orvv$=""orvv$=chr$(32)orvv$=chr$(19)then4280
- 4340 ifvv$="0"orvv$="1"orvv$="2"orvv$="3"then4400
- 4350 ifvv$="4"orvv$="5"orvv$="6"orvv$="7"then4400
- 4360 ifvv$="8"orvv$="9"orvv$="i"orvv$="v"then4400
- 4370 ifvv$="x"orvv$="l"orvv$="c"orvv$="d"orvv$="m"then4400
- 4380 ifvv$="q"orvv$="r"then4400
- 4390 goto4280
- 4400 printvv$;:cv=0:ifb=2orb=4thenaa$=aa$+vv$:ln=len(aa$):tm=0:goto4430
- 4420 xx$=xx$+vv$:ln=len(xx$):tm=0
- 4430 ifln=19thenprint"":printtab(10)"[150] answer too long! ":fl=1:goto4480
- 4440 goto4280
- 4450 ifb=2orb=4thengosub4910:goto4570
- 4460 ifxx$=""thenw=w-1:if(w-1)<0thenw=0
- 4470 ifxx$=""then4280
- 4480 t$(w)=xx$:print"":ifxx$="q"thendd=1:g=0:w=0:cv=0:cj=0:ct=0:goto3160
- 4500 ifxx$="r"thenv=1:cv=1:s=1:print"[147][153] roman numerals."
- 4510 ifxx$="r"thent$(w)=t$(w-1):if(w-1)<0thenw=0
- 4520 ifxx$="r"ande=1thengosub1180:goto3550
- 4530 ifxx$="r"ande=2thengosub1180:goto3630
- 4540 ifxx$="r"thengosub1180:goto3430
- 4550 ifval(xx$)=xthengosub540:ifb=3then5030
- 4560 ifval(xx$)=xthen4130
- 4570 poke781,19:sys59903:ifg=3thengosub5170:gosub6060:goto4640
- 4590 ifk=1thenk=0
- 4600 iffl=1thenfl=0:goto4620
- 4610 gosub6160
- 4620 pp=1:rr=1:zz=zz+1:c1=1500:w1=33:u1=17:l1=33:a1=15:gosub5240
- 4640 fort=1to2500:next:gosub4650:goto4150
- 4650 poke53269,peek(53269)and(254):poke781,22:sys59903:poke781,16:sys59903
- 4670 ifs=1thenprint"":ifzz=0thens=0:print"[145][145][145][145][145]":return
- 4680 ifpp<>1then4730
- 4690 ifcp=1thencp=0:goto4710
- 4700 print"[153]"z"[157] right out of"zz" ";:printint((z/zz)*100)"[157]% "
- 4710 ifg>1andct=1andcv=1thenprint"[145][145]":goto4730
- 4720 ifct=1andcv=1thenprint"[145]"
- 4730 poke781,19:sys59903:ifcc=1thencc=0:return
- 4740 ifrr<>1then4770
- 4750 ift$(w)<>"r"thenprint"[158] your wrong answer: "t$(w):poke781,15:sys59903
- 4760 poke198,0:fs=fs+1:ifpp=1thencj=0
- 4770 ifs=1thenprint"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":s=0:ifpp=0andrr=0thenprint""
- 4780 ifcj=1andcv=1thenprint"[145]"
- 4790 return
- 4800 ifln<>0thenprintchr$(20);
- 4810 ln=ln-1:ifln<0thenln=0
- 4820 xx$=left$(xx$,ln):aa$=left$(aa$,ln):return
- 4840 print" your arabic number: [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][150]"x
- 4850 print"[145] ":ifs<>1thenc1=100:v1=10:w1=33:u1=34:l1=75:a1=15:gosub5240
- 4870 print"[153] change it":print" to a roman numeral. ":ifs=1thengosub4670
- 4890 aa$="":return
- 4910 ifaa$=""thenw=w-1:if(w-1)<0thenw=0
- 4920 ifaa$=""then4280
- 4930 t$(w)=aa$:print"":ifaa$="q"thendd=1:g=0:w=0:cv=0:cj=0:ct=0:goto3160
- 4950 ifaa$="r"thenv=1:cv=1:s=1:print"[147][153] roman numerals."
- 4960 ifaa$="r"thent$(w)=t$(w-1):if(w-1)<0thenw=0
- 4970 ifaa$="r"ande=1andb=4thengosub1180:goto3550
- 4980 ifaa$="r"ande=2andb=4thengosub1180:goto3630
- 4990 ifaa$="r"thengosub1180:goto3490
- 5000 ifaa$=a$and(b=1orb=2)thengosub540:goto4130
- 5010 ifaa$=a$thengosub540:goto5030
- 5020 return
- 5030 f=int(rnd(0)*100)+1:iff/2=int(f/2)thenf=1:goto4140
- 5050 f=2:ifb=4thenb=3:goto4140
- 5070 b=4:goto4140
- 5090 ifb=2orb=4thenprint"[150] answer is: "a$"[146] wait. ":goto5110
- 5100 ifb=1orb=3thenprint"[150] answer is:"x"[146][157] wait. "
- 5110 rr=0:c1=1500:w1=33:u1=34:l1=75:a1=15:jt=220:v=53248
- 5112 fort=1to6:poke53288+t,7:nextt:fort=1to2200:nextt
- 5113 pokev+5,jt:pokev+7,jt:pokev+9,jt:pokev+11,jt:pokev+13,jt:pokev+15,jt
- 5114 foryt=1to3:poke53269,252:jj=1:gosub990:poke53269,0:fort=1to50:nextt
- 5116 nextyt:fort=1to700:nextt:gosub5240:poke781,19:sys59903:return
- 5170 poke53248+29,1:poke53269,peek(53269)or1:iffl=1thenprint"[145][145][145]"
- 5180 zz=zz+1:poke214,17:print:poke211,0:print"[153]"z"[157] right out of"zz" ";:printint((z/zz)*100)"[157]% "
- 5200 printtab(6)"[158] still not right. (next problem)[145][145][145][145][145][145]":fl=0:ct=1:cp=1:f=0:return
- 5240 forr=54272to54295:poker,0:next:vl=54296:wf=54276:ad=54277:nh=54273:nl=54272
- 5260 pokevl,v1:pokewf,w1:pokead,a1:pokenh,u1:pokenl,l1:forn=1toc1:next:c1=0:pokenl,0:pokenh,0:pokead,0:return
- 5320 c1=150:u1=150:l1=24:forr=54272to54295:poker,0:next
- 5330 vl=54296:wf=54276:ad=54277:nh=54272:nl=54273:forcs=0to4
- 5350 pokevl,15:pokewf,17:pokead,15:pokenh,u1+(10*cs):pokenl,l1+(15*cs)
- 5360 ifd$="e"thengosub5400:forn=1to200:nextn:goto5380
- 5370 forn=1toc1:next:c1=c1+(125*cs):pokep1,2+cs:pokep2,2+cs
- 5380 nextcs:pokenl,0:pokenh,0:pokead,0:pokep1,6:pokep2,6
- 5400 ifd$="e"andcs<6thenpoke646,cs+1
- 5410 ifd$="e"thenpoke214,3:print:poke211,10:print"mcmlxxxviii = 1988!"
- 5420 ifcs=4andd$="e"thenprint"":cs=cs+1:goto5410
- 5430 return
- 5530 ::v=53248:pokev+40,7:forsp=0to7:poke2040+sp,32+sp:next:qr=2112:gosub5972
- 5570 data255,255,255,128,0,1,128,0,1:data128,0,1,134,0,97,134,0,97
- 5590 data128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1:data128,24,1,128,24,1,128,0,1
- 5610 data128,0,1,132,0,33,130,0,65:data129,0,129,128,129,1,128,126,1
- 5630 data128,0,1,128,0,1,255,255,255,255:pokev+2,36:pokev+3,220
- 5670 qr=2048:gosub5972:data255,255,255,128,0,1,128,0,1:data128,0,1,134,0,97,134,0,97
- 5710 data128,0,1,128,0,1,128,0,1:data128,24,1,128,24,1,128,0,1
- 5730 data128,0,1,128,0,1,128,255,1:data130,0,129,130,0,65,132,0,33
- 5750 data132,0,33,128,0,1,255,255,255,255:pokev,36:pokev+1,220:qr=2176:gosub5972
- 5790 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,30,1,255,63,1,153,99,128,24,65,128,24,65,128,24
- 5800 data1,128,24,3,12,24,6,12,24,12,0,24,12,0,24,12,0,24,0,0,24,0,0,24
- 5810 data12,1,153,12,1,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255:qr=2240:gosub5972
- 5820 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,135,128,15,135,128,15,1,128,12,1,128,12,0,192,24
- 5830 data48,192,24,48,96,48,0,96,48,0,48,96,0,48,96,0,24,192,0,24,192,0,13,128
- 5840 data128,31,192,128,31,192,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255:qr=2304:gosub5972
- 5850 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,126,31,143,16,6,6,24,12,6,12,24,6,6,48,6
- 5860 data99,97,134,097,193,134,0,192,6,1,224,6,3,48,6,6,24,6,12,12,6,24,6,6
- 5870 data126,31,143,126,31,143,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255:qr=2368:gosub5972
- 5880 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,192,0,31,192,0,59,0,0,192,0,1,128,0,3,128
- 5890 data0,195,0,0,195,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,3,128,2,1,128,2,0,192
- 5900 data254,0,59,254,0,31,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255:qr=2432:gosub5972
- 5910 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,193,252,0,193,246,0,64,51,0,0,49,128,0,48,192
- 5920 data0,48,64,12,48,102,12,48,102,0,48,96,0,48,64,0,48,192,0,49,128,64,51,0
- 5930 data193,246,0,193,254,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255:qr=2496:gosub5972:goto5975
- 5940 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,240,240,60,121,224,126,121
- 5950 data224,199,111,96,131,102,96,131,102,96,3,96,102,6,96,102
- 5960 data12,96,96,24,96,96,24,96,96,24,96,96,0,96,96,0
- 5970 data240,240,24,240,240,24,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,255
- 5972 forn=0to63:readq:pokeqr+n,q:next:return
- 5975 x=1:forct=1to8:pokev+29,x:x=x*2:nextct:goto190
- 5990 ::fort=1to200:nextt:tm=0:forsp=1to4:v1=9:c1=400:u1=67:l1=12:a1=15:w1=17
- 6020 forsp=1to4:poke214,13:print:poke211,17+ln:print" [146][157]":gosub5240
- 6030 poke214,13:print:poke211,17+ln:print" [157]";:fortv=1to50:nexttv:nextsp:return
- 6060 ::ck=54272:pokeck+4,0:pokeck+6,240:poke54296,3:poke54295,0:pokeck+1,4:pokeck+5,0:pokeck+4,33
- 6100 forzp=5024to100step-75:pokeck+1,zp/256:pokeck,zpand255:nextzp:pokeck+4,0:return
- 6160 ::en=int(rnd(0)*13+1)
- 6180 onengoto6190,6200,6210,6220,6230,6240,6250,6260,6270,6280,6290,6300,6310
- 6190 print"[150] sorry, not right. do try again.":return
- 6200 print"[150] nice try... but you can do better.":return
- 6210 print"[150] well... give it another go. ":return
- 6220 print"[150] nope. now give it your best. ":return
- 6230 print"[150] good answer... but it's not right. ":return
- 6240 print"[150] that's not right. (but don't give up!)":return
- 6250 print"[150] no. you'll just have to try again.":return
- 6260 print"[150] this is not right. try one more time. ":return
- 6270 print"[150] incorrect. can you do better?":return
- 6280 print"[150] no. no. no. think. then go again. ":return
- 6290 print"[150] no. give it some extra thought.":return
- 6300 print"[150] wrong. how about another try?":return
- 6310 print"[150] that's not it. review roman numerals?":return
- 6340 pokep1,5:pokep2,5:pokea,9:print"[147] display option"
- 6360 print" for your roman numeral instructons,"
- 6370 print" you can use a step-by-step screen display...or"
- 6380 print" you can go full-screen instead":printtab(10)" select: (s/f)"
- 6400 printtab(9)" s[146] step-by-step":printtab(9)" f[146] full-screen":c1=100:gosub5240
- 6420 gets$:ifs$=""then6420
- 6430 ifs$="s"thenpokep1,3:pokep2,3:return
- 6440 ifs$="f"thenk1=1:pokep1,3:pokep2,3:return
- 6450 goto6420
- 6460 ::fort=1to700:next:poke54272,0:poke54273,0:poke54274,0:poke54275,8:poke54278,240:poke54296,3
- 6510 poke54277,0:poke54276,65:forf=0to38535step1000:h=int(f/256):l=int(f-(256*h))
- 6522 poke54272,l:poke54273,h:fort=1to20:next:next:fori=1to20:poke54296,0:forio=1to10:poke54296,2:nextio:nexti
- 6525 fort=1to100:nextt:poke54276,0:return
- 7000 print"are you sure you want to quit? (y/n)[145]"
- 7005 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then7005
- 7006 ifa$="y"then7010
- 7007 print" ":return
- 7010 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er,er$:close15
- 7020 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 7030 poke44,8:poke2048,.:load"hello connect",8