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- uno
- one
- dos
- two
- tres
- three
- cuatro
- four
- cinco (seen-ko)
- five
- seis (sase)
- six
- siete (see-ay-tay)
- seven
- ocho (oh-cho)
- eight
- nueve (new-A-vay)
- nine
- diez (dee-ez)
- ten
- domingo
- Sunday
- lunes
- Monday
- martes
- Tuesday
- mi{CBM-POUND}rcoles (me-air-co-les)
- Wednesday
- jueves (wave-es)
- Thursday
- viernes (vee-air-nes)
- Friday
- yo
- I
- tu
- you (informal)
- hola (oh-la)
- hello
- alto
- stop
- ha (ah)
- has
- donde (don-day)
- where
- agua
- water
- blanco
- white
- negro (nay-grow)
- black
- casa
- house
- claro
- clear
- como (ko-mo)
- how
- cuando
- when
- ella (A-ya)
- she
- he
- fr{CBM-B}o
- cold
- caliente
- hot
- hay (eye)
- there is
- muy
- very
- nada (naa-daa)
- nothing
- para
- for
- todo
- all
- irnos (ear-nos)
- leave (plural)
- nosotros
- we
- y (ee)
- and
- con (cone)
- with
- Ud. (ooh-sted)
- you (formal)
- fu{CBM-POUND} (fway)
- was
- todos
- everybody
- unos cuantos
- a few
- de lo contrario
- otherwise
- de d{CBM-B}a
- before dark
- tarde o temprano
- sooner or later
- muchas gracias
- thanks a lot
- todos los
- every
- por docena
- by the dozen
- sobre todo
- above all
- por favor
- please
- por qu{CBM-POUND}
- why
- ]Cu{CBM--}ntos?
- How many?
- eso es todo
- that's all
- ven aqu{CBM-B}
- come here
- Hasta luego.
- So long.
- m{CBM--}s all{CBM--}
- farther on
- tanto como
- as much as
- est{CBM--} bien
- all right
- y tu
- and you (informal)
- Debemos irnos.
- We have to go.
- Todav{CBM-B}a no.
- Not yet.
- Buenos d{CBM-B}as.
- Good morning.
- d@nde est{CBM--}
- where is
- ]Cu{CBM--}nto?
- How much?
- se dice
- they say
- por poco
- nearly
- dos veces
- two times
- de m{CBM--}s
- too much
- Como Ud. quiera.
- As you like.
- cuando m{CBM--}s
- at the most
- en total
- in a word
- a tiempo
- on time
- Tengo fr{CBM-B}o.
- I'm cold.
- de una vez
- right now
- hay que
- it's necessary
- por suerte
- fortunately
- No es nada.
- It's nothing.
- ]Para d@nde?
- Where to?
- a todo
- all out
- del todo
- completely
- ya que
- since
- tal vez
- perhaps
- y Ud.
- and you (formal)
- al vuelo
- right away
- menos de
- less than
- por ciento
- per cent
- Tomemos un taxi.
- Let's take a taxi.
- ]Ha venido el correo?
- Has the mail come?
- Son las tres y cuarto.
- It's a quarter past three.
- Parta Ud. cuatro entre dos.
- Divide four by two.
- ]Tiene Ud. cambio?
- Do you have any change?
- ]De qu{CBM-POUND} tama~o?
- What size?
- Deme una docena.
- Give me a dozen.
- Pasarme el az^car.
- Pass me the sugar.
- ]Como le va?
- How are you?
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} piensa Ud.?
- What do you think?
- ]Cu{CBM--}nto cuesta?
- How much does it cost?
- Eso es por dem{CBM--}s.
- That's too much.
- Espere un momento.
- Wait a moment.
- Un vaso de agua.
- A glass of water.
- _All{CBM--} veremos!
- Time will tell.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} es aquello?
- What's that?
- Acabo de llegar.
- I've just arrived.
- _Aguante duro!
- Hang on tight!
- _Hola! ]C@mo est{CBM--}s?
- Hello. How are you?
- Vamos a casa.
- Let's go home.
- _Tanto bueno por aqu{CBM-B}!
- It's good to see you here!
- ]Ad@nde va Ud.?
- Where are you going?
- Tienes buena cara.
- You're looking well.
- Se prohibe fumar.
- No smoking.
- Ya se fueron.
- They've already left.
- Queda lejos de aqu{CBM-B}.
- It's far from here.
- ]C@mo est{CBM--} Ud.?
- How are you?
- ]C@mo no me lo dijo?
- Why didn't you tell me?
- Esta no ajusta.
- This doesn't fit.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} le debo?
- How much?
- Estaba muy contento.
- He was very happy.
- La sopa est{CBM--} fr{CBM-B}a.
- The soup's cold.
- La sopa est{CBM--} muy caliente.
- The soup's very hot.
- ]Cu{CBM--}ndo llegaremos?
- When will we arrive?
- No es verdad.
- It's not true.
- No s{CBM-POUND} nada acerca de eso.
- I don't know anything about that.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} quiere decir eso?
- What does that mean?
- _Eso es todo!
- That's all!
- Voy a ir adentro.
- I'm going inside.
- Nosotros estamos listos.
- We're ready.
- Sali@ ahora mismo.
- He just left.
- ]Va Ud. de paseo?
- Are you going for a walk?
- _An{CBM-B}mese Ud.!
- Come on!
- Fuimos a pie.
- We went on foot.
- Eso cuesta demasiado.
- That costs too much.
- otro (o-tro)
- other
- correo (ko-ray-o)
- mail
- veces (ve-ses)
- times
- tama~o (ta-man-yo)
- size
- f{CBM--}cil (FA-sil)
- easy
- dijo (dee-ho)
- said
- invierno
- winter
- libro
- book
- ba~o (ban-yo)
- bath
- abajo (a-baa-ho)
- down
- norte (nor-tay)
- north
- hacerlo (ah-ser-lo)
- to do
- aqu{CBM-B}
- here
- queso (kay-so)
- cheese
- quien (key-in)
- who
- tanto
- so much
- verdad
- true
- verde (vair-day)
- green
- once (own-say)
- eleven
- doce (doe-say)
- twelve
- trece (tray-say)
- thirteen
- catorce (ka-tor-say)
- fourteen
- quince (keen-say)
- fifteen
- verano
- summer
- primavera
- spring
- oto~o (o-ton-yo)
- autumn
- este (es-tay)"
- east
- sur
- south
- oeste (o-es-tay)
- west
- hombre (om-bray)
- man
- derecho
- right
- izquierdo
- left
- espa~ol (es-span-yol)
- Spanish
- hasta (ast-ta)
- until
- hace (ah-say)
- does
- azul
- blue
- amarillo (am-a-ree-yo)
- yellow
- naranja (na-ron-ha)
- orange
- rojo (ro-ho)
- red
- p^rpura
- purple
- cu{CBM--}l (kual)
- which
- semana
- week
- teine (tee-en-nay)
- has
- menos (may-nos)
- less
- hables (ab-les)
- speak
- otra vez
- again
- cada uno
- each one
- al d{CBM-B}a
- per day
- en veces
- occasionally
- por lo visto
- apparently
- _Socorro!
- Help!
- Perd@n.
- Excuse me.
- No lo s{CBM-POUND}.
- I don't know.
- paso a paso
- step by step
- que pas@
- what happened
- cuarto de ba~o
- bathroom
- No, en absoluto.
- Not at all.
- es imposible
- it's impossible
- Tenga cuidado.
- Be careful.
- _all{CBM--} est{CBM--}!
- There it is!
- entre tanto
- meanwhile
- a prop@sito
- by the way
- Vamos afuera.
- Let's go out.
- poco a poco
- little by little
- en vez de
- instead of
- _Est{CBM--} bueno!
- That's enough!
- sopa de pasta
- noodle soup
- cuesta arriba
- uphill
- de d{CBM-B}a en d{CBM-B}a
- day by day
- al contrario
- on the contrary
- Estoy deshecho.
- I'm exhausted.
- m{CBM--}s de
- more than
- _Qu{CBM-POUND} l{CBM--}stima!
- What a pity!
- ]Entonces?
- Then what?
- por desgracia
- unfortunately
- cuesta abajo
- downhill
- en todas partes
- everywhere
- negocio redondo
- good deal
- Hay que hacerlo.
- It has to be done.
- a lo m{CBM--}s
- at most
- _A ver!
- Let's see!
- para siempre
- forever
- ante todo
- first of all
- _Ap^rale!
- Hurry up!
- de confianza
- informal
- aqu{CBM-B} mismo
- right here
- con todo
- however
- Tengo sed.
- I'm thirsty.
- por lo menos
- at least
- voy a comprar
- I'm going to buy
- ]Quiere Ud. alguna otra cosa?
- Do you want anything else?
- ]Ech@ Ud. las cartas al correo?
- Did you mail the letters?
- Son las tres y media.
- It's half past three.
- Consta que es as{CBM-B}.
- It's clear that it's so.
- Primero las damas.
- Ladies first.
- ]Es Ud. casado o soltero?
- Are you married or single?
- ]Comprende Ud. mi espa~ol?
- Do you understand my Spanish?
- ]De qu{CBM-POUND} lugar es Ud.?
- Where are you from?
- Tiene Ud. raz@n.
- You're right.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} hora es?
- What time is it?
- Me parece muy bien.
- It seems alright to me.
- Ahora voy a casa.
- I'm going home now.
- No est{CBM--} aqu{CBM-B}.
- He isn't here.
- _Hasta ma~ana!
- See you tomorrow!
- ]Qui{CBM-POUND}n sabe?
- Who knows?
- Lleg@ un tanto cansado.
- He arrived rather tired.
- No era verdad.
- It wasn't true.
- ]Se puede entrar?
- May I come in?
- Son cerca de las once.
- It's about eleven o'clock.
- No le hace.
- Never mind.
- No estoy muy bueno.
- I'm not feeling very well.
- ]Qui{CBM-POUND}n llamo?
- Who called?
- No olvide escribirme.
- Don't forget to write.
- Necesito ayuda en esto.
- I need help with this.
- Siga a la derecha.
- Keep to the right.
- ]Est{CBM--} muy lejos?
- Is it very far?
- No hables tan alto.
- Don't talk so loud.
- Esto me contrar{CBM-B}a mucho.
- This annoys me very much.
- Haga esto primero.
- Do this first.
- Me alegro mucho de verla.
- I'm very glad to see you.
- Estoy acabado.
- I'm worn out.
- Tengo veinte a~os.
- I'm twenty years old.
- Le ha dicho la verdad.
- He's told you the truth.
- Corre un viento muy fresco.
- A very cool wind's blowing.
- Es un buen hombre.
- He's a good man.
- _Ah! Ya comprendo.
- Oh! Now I understand.
- Estoy sin aliento.
- I'm out of breath.
- Estas naranjas son muy dulce.
- These oranges are very sweet.
- Eso es muy f{CBM--}cil de hacer.
- That's very easy to do.
- Nosotros estamos listos.
- We're ready.
- ]Cu{CBM--}l es el total?
- What's the total?
- Convengo con Ud.
- I agree with you.
- Siga Ud. adelante.
- Go ahead.
- Env{CBM-B}elo por correo a{CBM-POUND}reo.
- Send it airmail.
- _Ya lo creo!
- Of course!
- cerrado (ser-ra-doe)
- closed
- abierto (ah-bee-air-tow)
- open
- d{CBM-B}a (dee-uh)
- day
- tarde (tar-day)
- afternoon
- noche (no-chay)
- night
- huevos (way-vos)
- eggs
- hora (ore-ah)
- hour
- entiende (en-tee-en-day)
- understand
- feo (fay-oh)"
- ugly
- que (kay)
- what
- lluviendo (you-vee-in-doe)
- raining
- r{CBM--}pido
- quick
- posible (poe-seeb-lay)
- possible
- hasta (ast-a)
- until
- all{CBM--} (ah-YA)
- there
- ma~ana (man-yawn-a)
- tomorrow
- hijo (ee-ho)
- son
- pollo (poe-yo)
- chicken
- ni~os (neen-yos)
- children
- hice (ee-say)
- did
- cuenta (koo-in-ta)
- bill
- llamo (ya-mo)
- call
- alguno
- any
- a~os (ann-yos)
- years
- seguro
- certain
- lejos (lay-hos)
- far
- m{CBM--}s
- more
- carta
- letter
- luz (loose)
- light
- mira (me-ra)
- look
- almuerzo
- lunch
- comida (co-me-da)
- meal
- dicho (dee-cho)
- has said
- nunca (noon-ka)
- never
- frijoles (free-ho-lays)
- beans
- hecho (etch-oh)
- made
- hacer (ah-ser)
- do
- manzana (mon-sauna)
- apple
- casta~o (cas-tan-yo)
- brown
- listo (lees-tow)
- ready
- mismo (mees-mo)
- same
- parece (pa-ray-say)
- seems
- da~o (dan-yo)
- hurt
- traje (tra-hay)
- dress
- creo (kray-o)
- think
- uno que otro
- now and then
- en un dos por tres
- in a jiffy
- todo el d{CBM-B}a
- all day
- a m{CBM--}s tardar
- at the latest
- muy de noche
- late at night
- despacho de billetes
- ticket office
- Ya lo s{CBM-POUND}.
- I know.
- Es muy bonito.
- It's very pretty.
- no por cierto
- certainly not
- siempre que
- whenever
- esta lluviendo
- it's raining
- parece mentira
- it seems impossible
- por aqu{CBM-B} certa
- near here
- c{CBM-POUND}dula personal
- identification card
- ]Qui{CBM-POUND}n sabe?
- Who knows?
- por la tanto
- therefore
- ]A qu{CBM-POUND} son?
- For what reason?
- _Feliz a~o nuevo!
- Happy New Year!
- todo la contrario
- just the opposite
- lo hice
- I did
- ]Cu{CBM--}ntas veces?
- How many times?
- _Feliz cumplea~os!
- Happy birthday!
- Reci{CBM-POUND}n me entero.
- I just found out.
- en busca de
- in search of
- No estoy seguro.
- I'm not sure.
- dicho y hecho
- no sooner said than done
- el m{CBM--}s
- the most
- dentro de poco
- in a short time
- sin tomar aliento
- in a great hurry
- cada vez que
- everytime
- le saluda atentamente
- yours sincerely
- Ahora vuelvo.
- I'll be right back.
- Contrajeron deudas.
- They ran into debt.
- No hay de que.
- Don't mention it.
- surtidor de gasolina
- filling station
- _Prohibido el paso!
- Keep out!
- _Feliz Navidad!
- Merry Christmas!
- sobre todo
- especially
- _Tome Ud.!
- Here you are!
- Es muy lista.
- She's very clever.
- a la misma vez
- at the same time
- con mucho gusto
- with pleasure
- Pruebe Ud. este
- Taste this.
- No se apure Ud.
- Don't worry.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} tal?
- How's everything?
- M{CBM--}s vale tarde que nunca.
- Better late than never.
- _Qu{CBM-POUND} d{CBM-B}as m{CBM--}s caluroso!
- What a hot day!
- ]A qu{CBM-POUND} dia estamos hoy?
- What day's today?
- ]Va Ud. a pagar al contado?
- Will you pay cash?
- Se alquilan habitaciones.
- Rooms for rent.
- ]C@mo quiere Ud. los huevos?
- How do you like your eggs?
- Una docena de huevos por favor.
- A dozen eggs please.
- Eso se entiende.
- That's understood.
- ]Qu{CBM-POUND} quiere dar a entender?
- What are you driving at?
- _Qu{CBM-POUND} l{CBM--}stima!
- What a pity!
- Llegar{CBM--} dentro de poco.
- He'll be here soon.
- Necesito un rollo de pel{CBM-B}cula.
- I need a roll of film.
- Aqu{CBM-B} estoy.
- Here I am.
- Es muy abandonado.
- He's very sloppy.
- Vamonos por all{CBM--}.
- Let's go that way.
- Pora favor abra la puerta.
- Please open the door.
- Cualquiera puede hacer eso.
- Anyone can do that.
- Es muy aficionado a la lectura.
- He's very fond of reading.
- ]Necesita Ud. alguna cosa m{CBM--}s?
- Do you need anything else?
- Me hice da~o en el pie.
- I hurt my foot.
- Cuente Ud. el cambio.
- Count your change.
- ]C@mo se llama?
- What's your name?
- Eso corre por mi cuenta.
- I'll take care of that.
- Eso no me tiene cuenta.
- That isn't convenient for me.
- Le compadezco a Ud.
- I sympathize with you.
- ]Es muy lejos de aqu{CBM-B}?
- Is it very far from here?
- Es m{CBM--}s claro que el aqua.
- It's clear as crystal.
- Esta carta es para m{CBM-B}.
- This letter's for me.
- Se me acab@ el dinero.
- I ran out of money.
- Se lo compr{CBM-POUND} a Juan.
- I bought it from John.
- ]En qu{CBM-POUND} puedo complacerla?
- How can I help you?
- No estoy de acuerdo con Ud.
- I don't agree with you.
- Cierre Ud. la puerta por favor.
- Please close the door.
- ]Quiere Ud. tomar asiento?
- Won't you sit down?
- Es la hora de salir.
- It's time to leave.
- Las ventanas est{CBM--}n abiertas.
- The windows are open.
- Eso le di@ mucho c@lera.
- That made him very angry.
- Quiero comprar unos zapatos.
- I want to buy some shoes.
- Cual el padre tal el hijo.
- Like father like son.
- Acaso venga ma~ana.
- Maybe he'll arrive tomorrow.
- Me gusta tal cual es.
- I like it as it is.
- ]Quiere Ud. pollo?
- Would you like chicken?
- Termine tu trabajo pronto.
- Finish your work quickly.
- Tiene el pelo casta~o.
- He has brown hair.
- No lo creo.
- I don't think so.