home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 ifa=0thena=1:load"pa.f",8,1
- 15 ifa=1thena=2:load"pa.o",8,1
- 20 poke53272,31:printchr$(14)chr$(8):goto940
- 25 poke214,17:print:print""cl$:print""cl$:return
- 27 forn=30to5step-2:pokec+1,n:forr=1to20:next:next:pokec+1,0:forr=1to900:next
- 28 return
- 30 printpeek(197):goto30
- 40 sq=sq+40:l=0:pokec+1,rnd(.)*40+30:gosub80:return
- 50 sq=sq-40:l=1:pokec+1,rnd(.)*40+30:gosub80:return
- 60 sq=sq+1:pokec+1,rnd(.)*5+30:gosub80:return
- 70 sq=sq-1:pokec+1,rnd(.)*30+10:gosub80:return
- 80 forn=1to2:next
- 100 iftm=0thenpokec+1,30:fort=1to30:next:pokec+1,0:return
- 101 poke214,2:print:printtab(15)se
- 105 ifse/10=int(se/10)thenpokec+1,30
- 110 ifse=999thenpoke1163,32
- 115 ifse=99thenpoke1162,32
- 120 ifse=9thenpoke1161,32
- 125 pokec+1,0:return
- 130 sc=0:se=50+(sm)*100:m=0:sh=224
- 131 sq=1309+int(rnd(.)*sk)+int(rnd(.)*sk)*40
- 132 print" ";
- 133 printtab(28)hs
- 134 poke214,17:print:print"[155] level"sm;spc((tb(sm)-6))lv$(sm)
- 135 pokesq,sh:pokesq+c,l
- 140 j=peek(e):o=peek(197)
- 145 iftmthense=se-1:gosub100
- 146 sys49152,55581,55601,sk:ifpeek(2)then560
- 147 sys49155,sk+2
- 148 iftmthenifse<1then280
- 149 ifo=64andj=127then140
- 150 print""m
- 190 ifo=37orj=125thenifpeek(sq+40)<>42thenm=m+1:gosub40:goto135
- 200 ifo=33orj=126thenifpeek(sq-40)<>42thenm=m+1:gosub50:goto135
- 210 ifo=42orj=119thenifpeek(sq+1)<>42thenm=m+1:gosub60:goto135
- 220 ifo=34orj=123thenifpeek(sq-1)<>42thenm=m+1:gosub70:goto135
- 230 ifo<>21then240
- 235 xx=peek(sq+c):forw=0to45:pokesq,sh:pokesq+c,w:next:pokesq+c,xx:m=m+2:goto135
- 240 if o=13thenz=z+1:pokec+24,15*(zand1):goto135
- 260 ifo=62then932:rem quit
- 270 ifo=23thenm=m+3:gosub520:goto135:rem clr
- 277 goto140
- 280 gosub25:gosub27:print"[145][145] out of time! ":poke198,0:goto640
- 290 poke53281,6:print"[147] [150][208] [204] [193] [206] [193] [200] [197] [193] [196]"
- 295 print"[159] [176][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][174] [176][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][174] [176][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][174]"
- 300 print" [221] moves [221] [221] timer [221] [221] top score [221]":p=1329
- 310 print" [221] [221] [221] [221] [221] [221]"
- 325 print" [173][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][189] [173][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][189] [173][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][189][155]"
- 330 poke1247,27:poke1247+c,15:forn=1tosk+2:poke1247+n,42:poke1247+n+c,15:next
- 332 poke1247+n,29:poke1247+n+c,15
- 335 poke1287,42:poke1287+c,15:poke1287+sk+3,42:poke1287+sk+3+c,15
- 340 forq=1tosk:pokep-2,42:pokep-2+c,15
- 350 forr=0tosk-1:v%=rnd(.)*2:pokep+r+c,v%:pokep+r,224
- 360 next:pokep+r+1,42:pokep+r+1+c,15:p=p+40:next
- 365 pokep-2,42:pokep-2+c,15:pokep+sk+1,42:pokep+sk+1+c,15:p=p+40
- 370 pokep-2,88:pokep-2+c,15:forn=0tosk+1:pokep-1+n,42:pokep-1+n+c,15:next
- 372 pokep+n-1,90:pokep+n-1+c,15
- 375 print""tab(28)hs
- 376 print"[159]"
- 377 print" [176][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][174]"
- 378 print" [221]"spc(33)"[221]"
- 379 print" [221]"spc(33)"[221]"
- 380 print" [173][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][189][155]"
- 385 print" i[158] - up, white f[158] - find cursor"
- 390 print" k[158] - down, black x[158] - clear whole area"
- 400 print" j[158] - left s[158] - toggle sound"
- 410 print" l[158] - right q[158] - quit this game"
- 430 print"[155]"
- 450 print" [";:forn=1tosk+2:print"*";:next:print"]"
- 452 forn=1tosk+2:print" * "spc(sk)" *":next
- 454 print" [216]";:forn=1tosk+2:print"*";:next:print"[218]"
- 460 iftm=0thenprint"[159]off[155]"
- 470 return
- 480 print""
- 490 print"";:fori=1tosk+2:print" ";:next:print
- 500 fori=1tosk:print" ";:forq=1tosk:print"";:next:print" ":next
- 510 print"";:fori=1tosk+2:print" ";:next:print
- 515 return
- 520 print""
- 540 forq=1tosk:print""left$(cl$,sk+1):next
- 550 return
- 560 iftm=0thensc=(sk*50)-m:goto590
- 565 iftmthensc=sc+se-m
- 590 ifsc>hsthenhs=sc
- 610 forr=1to3:forn=45to75:pokec+1,n:next:gosub80:next
- 620 gosub25:print"[145][145][155] right! your score is"sc
- 640 print"(s[155])ame grid (n[155])ew grid (q[155])uit"
- 650 geta$:ifa$<>"s"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"q"then650
- 660 ifa$="n"thengoto960
- 670 ifa$="q"then932
- 675 gosub25:gosub520:goto130
- 770 pokec+1,0:open15,8,15:print#15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er
- 771 print"[147]":poke53272,21
- 780 ifer<>63then end
- 790 load"hello connect",8,1
- 800 pokec+1,0:print"[147] @ [208]lan [193]head: [201]nstructions +
- 810 [153]" (NULL)ry to match the pattern on the right"
- 820 [153]" by pressing the i, j, k and m keys."
- 830 [153]" right$ moves you up and changes the cursor"
- 840 [153]" to white. (NULL) moves you down and makes"
- 850 [153]" the cursor black. mid$ and (NULL) move you"
- 860 [153]" left and right without changing the"
- 870 [153]" cursor color. lenlearing the area or"
- 880 [153]" finding the cursor will cost you some"
- 890 [153]" moves and lower your score. level 5"
- 900 [153]" is the most difficult."
- 910 [153]" @ (NULL)ress any key to begin. + ":[151]198,0
- 920 [161]w$:[139]w$[178]""[167]920
- 930 [142]
- 932 [141]25:[153]"ononlist back to loadstar? (y/n)"
- 934 [161]w$:[139]w$[179][177]"y"[175]w$[179][177]"n"[167]934
- 936 [139]w$[178]"n"[167]960
- 937 [137]770
- 940 c[178]54272:[129]n[178]c[164]c[170]24:[151]n,0:[130]:[151]c[170]5,129:[151]c[170]6,129:[151]c[170]24,15:sh[178]160
- 945 [129]i[178]1[164]5:[135]lv$(i),tb(i):[130]
- 950 [151]c[170]4,33:[151]53281,6:[141]1100:e[178]56320:[141]800
- 955 cl$[178]" "
- 960 [151]198,0:[151]c[170]1,0:[141]1050:[153]"open"
- 970 [151]214,7:[153]:[153][163]10)"pick a level (1 to 5)"
- 980 [161]w$:[139]w$[179]"1"[176]w$[177]"5"[167]980
- 990 sm[178][197](w$):sk[178]sm[170]3
- 1000 [153]""[163]tb(sm))"level"sm;lv$(sm)
- 1010 [153]"(t)imed or (u)ntimed"
- 1015 [161]w$:[139]w$[179][177]"t"[175]w$[179][177]"u"[167]1015
- 1020 se[178]1:tm[178]0:[139]w$[178]"t"[167]tm[178]1
- 1040 [141]290:[151]53280,6:[137]130
- 1050 [153]"load def(NULL) (NULL) atn (NULL) atn left$ val atn str$"
- 1060 [153]" ******************************"
- 1070 [129]n[178]1[164]16:[153]" ** **":[130]
- 1080 [153]" ******************************":[142]
- 1090 [151]c[170]1,[187](1)[172]24[170]3:[129]r[178]1[164]150:[130]:[151]c[170]1,0:[142]
- 1100 [151]53280,4:[153]"load loadstar proudly presents"
- 1105 p$[178]"list wait]cmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmd wait(NULL)cmdcmdcmdcmd cmd cmd wait"
- 1110 l$[178]" cmd cmd cmd cmd cmd "
- 1120 a$[178]"wait[ wait]cmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmd cmdcmdcmdcmd wait waitcmdcmdcmdcmd wait waitcmdcmdcmdcmd wait wait "
- 1130 h$[178]" wait cmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmd cmdcmdcmdcmd wait waitcmdcmdcmdcmd wait waitcmdcmdcmdcmd wait wait "
- 1140 e$[178]" cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd cmd cmd cmdcmdcmd cmd "
- 1150 n$[178]" wait cmdcmdcmdwait cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd wait wait cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd wait cmdcmdcmdcmdcmd wait
- 1160 d$="[155] ][157][157] ["
- 1170 print" "p$:gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(7)l$:gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(13)a$
- 1180 gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(18)n$:poke1162,160:poke1163,160:poke1326,160
- 1190 poke1326+c,15:poke1163+c,15:poke1162+c,15:gosub1090
- 1200 printspc(17)""a$:gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(22)h$:gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(27)e$
- 1210 gosub1090:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][146]"spc(33)a$:gosub1090
- 1220 print" by"
- 1230 print" [215]. [205]. [211]hoc";:forn=1to1000:next
- 1240 gosub27
- 1250 print"k[157]l[157]e[157]y[145]"
- 1260 print"[145][145] (c) 1988"
- 1270 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"spc(38)d$
- 1280 forn=1to2000:next
- 1290 return
- 2000 data"the owimpics",10,"the mediocrities",8,"the challenger",9
- 2010 data"the destroyer",10,"the ultimate",10