home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 30 fori=1to8:readb$(i),c$(i),d$(i),e$(i):next
- 40 print"[147]"chr$(14)chr$(9):y=1
- 50 printtab(10)" "
- 60 printtab(10)" [197][216][212][197][210][205][201][206][193][212][207][210] [152] "
- 70 printtab(10)" [152] "
- 80 printtab(11)" "
- 90 fori=1to8
- 100 printtab(5)"[152]"b$(i)"[129] "c$(i)
- 110 next
- 120 poke214,14:print
- 130 printtab(12)"[155][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 140 printtab(12)"[221][213]se [195][210][211][210] keys[221]"
- 150 printtab(12)"[221] then press [221]"
- 160 printtab(12)"[221] [210][197][212][213][210][206] [221]"
- 170 printtab(12)"[221] [221]"
- 180 printtab(12)"[221] [208]ress [209] [221]"
- 190 printtab(12)"[221]to return to [221]"
- 200 printtab(12)"[221] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [221]"
- 210 printtab(12)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 220 print"[154]"
- 230 print" [164][146]>[157][157][157][157]";
- 240 geta$:ifa$=""then240
- 250 ifa$=chr$(13)then330
- 260 ifa$=""ora$="[157]"thenprint" ":y=y+1:ify>8theny=1:goto220
- 270 ifa$=""ora$="[145]"thenprint" [145][145]":y=y-1:ify<1theny=8:poke214,12:print
- 280 ifa$<>"q"then320
- 290 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect"
- 300 input#15,er%:close15:ifer%<>63thenend
- 310 print"[144]":load"hello connect",8
- 320 goto230
- 330 print"[147][129]"
- 340 printtab(11)"[212]he problem with"
- 350 printtab(18-(len(c$(y))/2))c$(y)"[129] is:"
- 360 printe$(y)"."
- 370 print"[152] [201]f this is the problem you want fixed,"
- 380 print" then press [210][197][212][213][210][206][146]. [201]f not, then press"
- 390 print" the [211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210][146] to return to the menu."
- 400 geta$:ifa$=""then400
- 410 ifa$=" "then40
- 420 ifa$<>chr$(13)then400
- 430 open15,8,15,"i0":close15
- 440 print"[144] [204]oading "d$(y)
- 450 print"[144]load"chr$(34)d$(y)chr$(34)",8"
- 460 print"run[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 470 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2
- 480 data"#45","[215]ord [194]owl","f.word bowl"
- 490 data"[215]hen you add words to the word lists, a garbage word is added"
- 500 data"#46","[194][193][211][201][216] 128","f.basix 128"
- 510 data"[215]hen you choose '[210]un [201]t' from the menu, you get 'file not found'"
- 540 data"#48","[205]arienbad","f.marienbad"
- 550 data "[205]ove the joystick too far to the right and get 'bad subscript'"
- 560 data"#49","[193]nimals","f.animals"
- 570 data"[201]f you save a file to the same disk you get 'file type mismatch'"
- 580 data"#49","[195]ris-[195]ros [208]oker","f.cris-cros poker"
- 590 data"[211]ound is wrong. [208]ressing [197] and number >5 gives 'bad subscript'"
- 620 data"#50","[195]alendar [205]aker","f.calendar maker"
- 630 data"'[207]ut of memory' error when you have a lot of notes"
- 640 data"#50","[205]odulation [215]edge 128","f.mod wedge 128"
- 650 data"[217]ou cannot [210]ead or [210]un the program from the 128 menu"
- 660 data"[194][207][204] #4","[194][193][211][201][216] 64","f.basix 64"
- 670 data"[217]ou get a 'load error in 5145' when you choose '[210]ead [201]t'"