home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 ifpeek(828)<>173thenload"dr",8,1
- 2 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147][155]"chr$(14)
- 3 dimq$(29),q%(56),bb$(15),h$(24)
- 4 r=rnd(-ti)
- 5 goto727
- 6 fori=1to14:ifb$=bb$(i)thencx=i:return
- 7 next:ifkd=0thenprint"[215]here?"
- 8 yy=1:cx=0:return
- 9 print"[212]he room is completely dark. [204]ike a tomb.":return
- 10 aa$="":a$="":print"[159]? [158]";
- 11 print">[157]";:fort=1to20:next:print"[219][157]";:fort=1to20:next:print"<[157]";:fort=1to20:next
- 12 getaa$:ifaa$=""then11
- 13 ifaa$=chr$(13)then20
- 14 ifaa$=chr$(20)theniflen(a$)thenprintaa$;:a$=left$(a$,len(a$)-1):goto11
- 15 ifaa$>="a"andaa$<="z"oraa$=" "oraa$="*"then19
- 16 ifaa$>="[193]"andaa$<="[218]"thenaa$=chr$(asc(aa$)-128):goto19
- 17 ifaa$>="0"andaa$<="9"then19
- 18 goto11
- 19 a$=a$+aa$:printaa$;:goto11
- 20 print" [155]":cx=1:return
- 21 kd=0:yy=0:gosub72:gosub10:gosub77:cx=0:return
- 22 fl=0:ifc$="up"thenq%(34+k)=k:printz$(1):q%(39)=0:gosub99:yy=1:return
- 23 ifc$="do"thenq%(34+k)=0:printz$(0):q%(39)=0:gosub99:yy=1:return
- 24 ifa$="losw"thenprintz$(-(q%(34+k)>0)):ifvb=0thenf$="fm":gosub106:print:yy=1
- 25 return
- 26 ifq%(45)andq%(46)andq%(47)andq%(48)thenq%(49)=1
- 27 return
- 28 fl=0:ifa$="takn"andq%(26)=0andq%(49)thengosub30:q%(26)=1:fl=1:return
- 29 return
- 30 r=fnaa(3):printff$(r):return
- 31 fori=10to13:ifq%(i)=5thenq$(i)=g$(1,i-10)+" key"
- 32 next:goto34
- 33 print
- 34 onq%(0)+1goto752,543,553,620,654,638,693,125,117,178,187,201,206
- 35 onq%(0)-12goto218,227,238,251,269,278,292,301,310,318,329,337
- 36 onq%(0)-24goto354,363,377,382,392,401,411,427,444,453,467,472
- 37 onq%(0)-36goto479,488,499,507,674,700,710,593,604,568
- 38 m=m+1:ifm>4thenm=1
- 39 printspc(40*abs((len(a$)=1)))m$(m):return
- 40 a$="":print"[129][198]ilename[158]";:gosub10:ifa$=""thenprint"[155][145]":return
- 41 open15,8,15:open2,8,2,a$+",p,w":fori=0to56:print#2,q%(i):next:close2:print"[155]"
- 42 i=0:input#15,a,a$:ifa=0thenprint"[211]aved":close15:yy=1:kd=1:return
- 43 print""a$
- 44 i=i+1:ifi<100thenprint"[144][145]"a$"[145]":goto43
- 45 print#15,"i0":close15:yy=1:return
- 46 a$="":print"[129][198]ilename[158]";:gosub10:ifa$=""thenprint"[155]":goto34
- 47 open15,8,15:open2,8,2,a$+",p,r":fori=0to56
- 48 input#2,q%(i)
- 49 next:close2:print"[155]":i=0
- 50 input#15,a$,a$:ifa$="ok"thenclose15:goto31
- 51 print""a$
- 52 i=i+1:ifi<100thenprint"[144][145]"a$"[145]":goto51
- 53 print#15,"i0"
- 54 close15:yy=1:return
- 55 print"[212]he signs say, '";:return
- 56 print"[212]wo signs say, '";:return
- 57 print"[212]he other sign is quite illegible.":return
- 58 print"[215]hether it's paralysis or rigor mortis,"
- 59 print"that note is well clutched.":return
- 60 print" [217]ou're in a small triangular room.":return
- 61 print" [217]ou're in a large triangular room.":return
- 62 print"[212]here are two doors, a sign above each.":return
- 63 print"[212]here are three doors with signs above.":return
- 64 print"[212]he scroll is blank and is apparently a scroll-key.":return
- 65 print"[207]n the wall is an [213]p/[196]own light switch.":return
- 66 print"[217]ou can't read [204]atin, la [205]ort.":return
- 67 print"[193] message in [204]atin is carved below it.":return
- 68 d$="[210][207][207][205] of the "+d$:print"[129]"spc(int(40-len(d$))/2)d$"[155]":d$="":i=fre(1):return
- 69 print"[217]ou are in a small triangular room, the"
- 70 print"one door closed snugly behind you.":return
- 71 print"[193]bove the door it says, '";:return
- 72 r=fnaa(4)+1
- 73 print:print"[159][145]";p$(r)"[158]";:return
- 74 ifc$="pa"orc$="fo"orc$="ci"orc$="go"thenifq%(32)=0then76
- 75 return
- 76 ifkd=0thenprint"[217]ou haven't earned entrance yet.":yy=1:return
- 77 ifleft$(a$,1)=" "andlen(a$)>1thena$=right$(a$,len(a$)-1):goto77
- 78 print"[155]";:fori=3tolen(a$):ifmid$(a$,i,1)=" "thenb$=mid$(a$,i+1,2):bh=1
- 79 ifbhthenbh=0:bh$=right$(a$,len(a$)-i):goto93
- 80 next
- 81 iflen(a$)=1thenb$="":c$="":return
- 82 a$=left$(a$,3):ifa$="qui"thengosub934:return
- 83 ifa$="loo"ora$="lo"thena$="l":goto81
- 84 ifa$="ver"thenvb=0:c$="":print"[214]erbose you got.":yy=1:return
- 85 ifa$="bri"thenvb=1:c$="":print"[194]rief you got.":yy=1:return
- 86 ifa$="sav"thengosub40:yy=1:return
- 87 ifa$="loa"then46
- 88 ifa$="inv"thengosub785:yy=1:return
- 89 ifa$="fon"thendf=df+1:df=dfand1:poke53272,19+3*df:yy=1:return
- 90 ifa$<>"hel"then93
- 91 print"[147]";:f$="h1":gosub106:print:gosub110:print
- 92 print"[147]":f$="h2":gosub106:print:yy=1:return
- 93 print"[155]":c$=left$(a$,2)
- 94 ifc$="ex"thenc$="lo"
- 95 ifc$="ge"thenc$="ta"
- 96 ifc$="pr"thenc$=b$:a$="pq":yy=1:return
- 97 a$=c$+b$
- 98 return
- 99 h=0:fori=35to38:h=h+q%(i):next:ifh<>q%(56)then101
- 100 print"[212]he whole [204]ibrary is lit!":q%(39)=1:return
- 101 q%(39)=0
- 102 ifq%(39)then105
- 103 print"[193]t this time only the rooms of the"
- 104 print"[207][212][212][197][210], [212][207][193][196], [199][201][210][193][198][198][197] and [208][201][199] are lit."
- 105 return
- 106 b=951:pokeb,4:pokeb+3,44:pokeb+4,80
- 107 fori=0to1:pokeb+1+i,asc(mid$(f$,i+1,1)):next:poke909,1
- 108 sys828
- 109 f$="":return
- 110 print:printtab(7)"[158][208]ress any key to continue[155]"
- 111 geta$:ifa$=""then111
- 112 return
- 113 ifa$<>"d"anda$<>"gotu"then125
- 114 print"[212]he tunnel leads to a well in the court-
- 115 [153]"onyard in the center of the (NULL)ibrary.
- 116 goto119
- 117 print" [129][212][200][197] [195][207][213][210][212][217][193][210][196] of the [195][200][201][205][197][210][193][155]"
- 118 ifq%(40)=0thenprint"[217]ou see a well with a pewter bucket.
- 119 [153]"(NULL)here are doors to the north, east,"
- 120 [153]"south and west with signs above saying,"
- 121 [153]"'(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)', '(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$', 'chr$right$(NULL)atnascascval' and '(NULL)right$chr$',"
- 122 [153]"respectively. valach door is fastened with a holy-lock."
- 123 [139]q%(54)[178]0[167][153][163]19)"on(NULL)n the edge of the well is a chalice."
- 124 q%(0)[178]8:[141]21:[137]131
- 125 [139]vb[167][153]"(NULL)ibrary":[137]127
- 126 [153]"load":f$[178]"li":[141]106
- 127 q%(0)[178]7:[141]21
- 128 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 129 [139]a$[178]"l"[167][153]:[137]125
- 130 [141]784:[137]127
- 131 [139]a$[178]"l"[167][153]:[137]117
- 132 [145][171](c$[178]"ot")[171]2[172](c$[178]"to")[171]3[172](c$[178]"gi")[171]4[172](c$[178]"pi")[137]178,269,354,444
- 133 [139]a$[178]"gotu"[167]620
- 134 [139]a$[178]"clro"[176]a$[178]"goro"[176]a$[178]"clbe"[176]a$[178]"gobe"[175]q%(50)[177]1[167]a$[178]"gowe"
- 135 [139]a$[179][177]"gowe"[167]140
- 136 [139]q%(50)[178]0[167]620
- 137 [139]q%(50)[178]2[167]q%(50)[178]3:[153]"lenlimbing down the rope you see a priest hole.":[137]124
- 138 [153]"(NULL)he knot slips when you put tension on the rope ";
- 139 [153]"and you almost fall into the well.":q%(50)[178]0:[137]124
- 140 [139](a$[178]"goho"[176]a$[178]"gopr")[175](q%(50)[178]3)[167]529
- 141 [139]a$[179][177]"lobu"[167]144
- 142 [139]q%(40)[167][153]"(NULL)he bucket is gone.":[137]124
- 143 [153]"(NULL)here's something etched in the bottom too small to make out.":[137]124
- 144 [139]a$[179][177]"loro"[175]a$[179][177]"taro"[167]147
- 145 [139]q%(40)[175](q%(50)[178]0)[167][153]"(NULL)here's no rope.":[137]124
- 146 [153]"(NULL)he rope is tied to the well beam.":[137]124
- 147 [139]a$[178]"tabu"[175]q%(40)[178]0[167][153]"right$t's too heavy to take.":[137]124
- 148 [139]a$[179][177]"losp"[176]q%(54)[178]0[167]150
- 149 f$[178]"dc":[141]106:[153]:[137]124
- 150 [139]a$[179][177]"fibu"[176]q%(40)[167]152
- 151 f$[178]"bu":[141]106:[153]:q%(40)[178]1:[137]124
- 152 [139]a$[179][177]"lowe"[167]161
- 153 f$[178]"we":[141]106:[153]
- 154 [139]q%(40)[178]0[167]157
- 155 [153]"mid$ust above the water line there is"
- 156 [153]"something you can't quite make out."
- 157 [139]q%(50)[178]0[167]124
- 158 [153]"(NULL)he bellrope is tied at the top and is"
- 159 [153]"dangling into the well."
- 160 [137]124
- 161 [139]a$[179][177]"rein"[175]a$[179][177]"loin"[167]166
- 162 [139]q%(8)[178]0[167]165
- 163 [153][163]10)"for(NULL)he (NULL)ell of (NULL)t (NULL)purious"
- 164 [153]"list(NULL)he well is the center of all knowledge.onon":[137]124
- 165 [153]"(NULL)atin has never been your strong suit, right$nspector.":[137]124
- 166 [139]a$[179][177]"tibe"[175]a$[179][177]"tiro"[176]q%(25)[178]0[167]170
- 167 q%(25)[178]0:[153]"for(NULL)hich knot do you prefer";:[141]10
- 168 [139][200](a$,2)[178]"sl"[167][153]"listatn wise choice.":q%(50)[178]2:[137]124
- 169 [153]"listright$f you say so.":q%(50)[178]1:[137]124
- 170 [139]a$[179][177]"tach"[176]q%(54)[167]175
- 171 [153]"(NULL)oops! (NULL)he chalice, which appeared to"
- 172 [153]"be filled with "z$(3[170]q%(33))", falls into the":q%(54)[178]1
- 173 [153]"well. (NULL)here's a spot on the well where"
- 174 [153]"the chalice was.":[137]124
- 175 [139]a$[178]"loch"[175]q%(54)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)he chalice has something in it.":[137]124
- 176 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][153]"(NULL)he four doors are locked with holy-locks.":[137]124
- 177 [141]784:[137]124
- 178 d$[178]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)":[141]68
- 179 [141]60:[141]62:[141]55:[153]"lenleft$right$(NULL)val(NULL)atn' 'lenatn(NULL)'.":[141]65:[141]67
- 180 q%(0)[178]9:[141]21
- 181 [145][171](c$[178]"ca")[171]2[172](c$[178]"ch")[171]3[172](a$[178]"l")[137]187,117,33
- 182 [139]a$[179][177]"lome"[175]a$[179][177]"reme"[167]185
- 183 [139]q%(8)[167][153]"'(NULL)here are 100000 rooms in the (NULL)ibrary.'onon":[137]180
- 184 [141]66:[137]180
- 185 k[178]1:[141]22
- 186 [141]784:[137]180
- 187 [139]q%(39)[178]0[167][141]9:[137]192
- 188 d$[178]"lenatn(NULL)":[141]68:[141]60:[141]63
- 189 [141]56:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)' ' val(NULL) atn (NULL)'.":[141]57
- 190 [139]q%(10)[167]192
- 191 [153]"atn scroll entitled '(NULL)peek(NULL)(NULL)atnpeek' written by (NULL)t atnnagramas is on a table.
- 192 q%(0)=10:gosub21
- 193 ifc$<>"el"then196
- 194 ifq%(12)<2thenprint"[212]he door has a scroll-lock.":goto192
- 195 ifq%(39)then201
- 196 on-(c$="ot")-2*(c$="be")-3*(a$="l")goto178,329,33
- 197 ifq%(39)=0then187
- 198 ifa$="tasc"andq%(10)=0thenq%(10)=1:gosub30:goto192
- 199 ifa$="losc"andq%(10)=0thengosub64:goto192
- 200 gosub784:goto192
- 201 d$="[197][204][197][208][200][193][206][212]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub63
- 202 gosub55:print"[195][193][212]' [160]'[199][206][213]' '[194][207][193][210]'.
- 203 q%(0)[178]11:[141]21
- 204 [145][171](c$[178]"ca")[171]2[172](c$[178]"bo")[171]3[172](c$[178]"gn")[171]4[172](a$[178]"l")[137]187,206,218,33
- 205 [141]784:[137]203
- 206 d$[178]"peek(NULL)atn(NULL)":[141]68
- 207 [141]69
- 208 [141]71:[153]"val(NULL)val(NULL)left$atn(NULL)(NULL)'."
- 209 [139]u[178]0[167][153]"atn thick, acrid smog makes you feel a bitstrange.
- 210 q%(0)=12:gosub21:ifc$="el"then201
- 211 ifa$="l"then33
- 212 ifa$="tabu"andq%(9)=0thenq%(9)=1:u=0:gosub30:goto210
- 213 ifa$="lobu"andq%(9)=0thenprint"[201]t looks like your average [208]apal [194]ull.":goto210
- 214 ifa$<>"hobr"andu=0thengosub38:goto210
- 215 ifu=0thenprint"[212]he hallucinations diminish a little.":u=1
- 216 ifuthenifq%(9)=0thenprint"[217]ou see the [208]apal [194]ull of 303 [193][196].":goto210
- 217 gosub784:goto210
- 218 d$="[199][206][213]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub62
- 219 gosub55:print"[207][216]' '[197][204][197][208][200][193][206][212]'."
- 220 ifq%(41)then224
- 221 print"[212]hrough the window overlooking the
- 222 [153]"(NULL)ovices' (NULL)uarters, you see a light in
- 223 print"[206]ovice [211]cotia's room.":q%(41)=1
- 224 q%(0)=13:gosub21
- 225 on-(c$="ox")-2*(c$="el")-3*(a$="l")goto227,201,33
- 226 gosub784:goto224
- 227 d$="[207][216]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub63
- 228 gosub56:print"[199][206][213]' '[210][193][205]'.
- 229 [153]"atnbove the other door it says, '(NULL)o enter the (NULL)oom of the (NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)left$val(NULL), ";
- 230 [153]"you must solve the (NULL)wo (NULL)uzzles of (NULL)t lenaliban.
- 231 ifq%(8)then233
- 232 print"[212]he rest of the sign is in [204]atin.":goto235
- 233 print"[212]he [210]oom of the [198]irst [208]uzzle must be"
- 234 print"entered from the [210]oom of the [194]ear.'
- 235 kd[178]0:q%(0)[178]14:[141]21:[141]74:[139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 236 [145][171](c$[178]"gn")[171]2[172](c$[178]"ra")[170]3[172]((c$[178]"pa")[175]q%(32))[137]218,238,251
- 237 [141]784:[137]235
- 238 d$[178]"(NULL)atn(NULL)":[141]68:[141]60:[141]62
- 239 [153]"(NULL)ne says '(NULL)(NULL)', the other is illegible."
- 240 [139]q%(22)[167]243
- 241 [153]"peekehind some books you find a pornscroll illustrated with a ";
- 242 [153]"rather (NULL)ister str$ebbie-like figure.
- 243 q%(0)=15:gosub21
- 244 on-(c$="ox")-2*(c$="be")-3*(a$="l")goto227,453,33
- 245 ifa$="tapo"thenifq%(22)=0thenq%(22)=1:gosub30:goto243
- 246 ifa$="lopo"andq%(22)=0thenprint"[217]our average pornscroll.":goto243
- 247 ifa$<>"loru"then250
- 248 ifq%(43)then764
- 249 print"[200]mmm. [212]his rug, also signed by [211]t [195]al himself, is different.":goto243
- 250 gosub784:goto243
- 251 d$="[208][193][206][212][200][197][210]":gosub68:gosub69:gosub71:print"[207][216]'."
- 252 print"[207]n the floor lies [211]ister [196]ebbie, a note
- 253 [153]"clutched in her hand. (NULL)he note says,
- 254 gosub526
- 255 print"[208]anther'.
- 256 [141]528
- 257 [139]q%(45)[178]0[167][153][163]11)"on(NULL)ister str$ebbie gasps, '(NULL)lease hear my confession?'"
- 258 q%(0)[178]16:[141]21
- 259 [139]c$[178]"ox"[167]227
- 260 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 261 [139]a$[179][177]"heco"[176]q%(45)[167]266
- 262 q%(45)[178]1:[141]26
- 263 [153]"(NULL)ister str$ebbie whispers in your ear,":[129]t[178]0[164]3000:[130]
- 264 [153]"load":f$[178]"sd":[141]106:[153]
- 265 [141]524:[137]258
- 266 [139]a$[178]"tano"[176]a$[178]"lono"[167][141]58:[137]258
- 267 [141]28:[139]fl[167]fl[178]0:[137]258
- 268 [141]784:[137]258
- 269 d$[178]"(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$":[141]68
- 270 [141]60:[141]62:[141]55:[153]"'lenleft$right$(NULL)val(NULL)atn' 'str$valval(NULL)'.":[141]65:[141]67
- 271 q%(0)[178]17:[141]21
- 272 [145][171](c$[178]"de")[171]2[172](c$[178]"ch")[171]3[172](a$[178]"l")[137]278,117,33
- 273 [139]a$[179][177]"lome"[175]a$[179][177]"reme"[167]276
- 274 [139]q%(8)[167][153]"'(NULL)here are 1100 small triangular rooms'":[137]271
- 275 [141]66:[137]271
- 276 k[178]2:[141]22
- 277 [141]784:[137]271
- 278 [139]q%(39)[178]0[167][141]9:[137]283
- 279 d$[178]"str$valval(NULL)":[141]68:[141]60:[141]63
- 280 [141]56:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$' ' (NULL) atn(NULL)'.":[141]57
- 281 [139]q%(11)[167]283
- 282 [153]"atn scroll entitled 'val(NULL)(NULL)chr$atnval(NULL)' written by (NULL)t atnnagramas is on a table.
- 283 q%(0)=18:gosub21:ifc$="co"thenq%(44)=1:goto411
- 284 ifc$<>"wo"then287
- 285 ifq%(13)<2thenprint"[193] scroll-lock bars the way.":goto283
- 286 ifq%(39)then292
- 287 on-(c$="to")-2*(a$="l")goto269,33
- 288 ifq%(39)=0then278
- 289 ifa$="tasc"andq%(11)=0thenq%(11)=1:gosub30:goto283
- 290 ifa$="losc"andq%(11)=0thengosub64:goto283
- 291 gosub784:goto283
- 292 d$="[215][207][205][194][193][212]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub63
- 293 gosub55:print"[196][197][197][210]' '[215][207][204][198]' '[197][204][203]'."
- 294 ifq%(24)then297
- 295 print"[213]nder one of the many rugs found in the
- 296 [153]"(NULL)ibrary you spy a little black book.
- 297 q%(0)=19:gosub21
- 298 on-(c$="de")-2*(c$="wo")-3*(c$="el")-4*(a$="l")goto278,301,310,33
- 299 ifa$="tabo"andq%(24)=0thenq%(24)=1:gosub30:goto297
- 300 gosub784:goto297
- 301 d$="[215][207][204][198]":gosub68:gosub69
- 302 gosub71:print"[215][207][205][194][193][212]'."
- 303 ifq%(15)=0thenprint"[193] cruet of wine sits on a table.
- 304 q%(0)[178]20:[141]21
- 305 [145][171](c$[178]"wo")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]292,33
- 306 [139]a$[179][177]"tacr"[175]a$[179][177]"tawi"[176]q%(15)[167]308
- 307 [153]"(NULL)nder the cruet you find a note.":q%(15)[178]1:[137]304
- 308 [139]a$[178]"tano"[175]q%(18)[178]0[167]q%(18)[178]1:[141]30:[137]304
- 309 [141]784:[137]304
- 310 d$[178]"val(NULL)(NULL)":[141]68:[141]61:[141]62
- 311 [141]55:[153]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)peekatn(NULL)' 'left$(NULL)val(NULL)atn'."
- 312 [139]q%(42)[167]315
- 313 [153]"(NULL)hrough the window overlooking the
- 314 print"[195]hurch you see a glow in the belfry.":q%(42)=1
- 315 q%(0)=21:gosub21
- 316 on-(c$="wo")-2*(c$="hy")-3*(a$="l")goto292,318,33
- 317 gosub784:goto315
- 318 d$="[200][217][197][206][193]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub63
- 319 gosub56:print"[197][204][203]' '[194][197][193][214][197][210]'."
- 320 print"[193]bove the other door it says, '[212]o enter the [210]oom of the [198][207][216], ";
- 321 print"you must solve the [212]wo [208]uzzles of [211]t [195]aliban.
- 322 [139]q%(8)[167]324
- 323 [153]"(NULL)he rest of the sign is in (NULL)atin.":[137]326
- 324 [153]"(NULL)he (NULL)oom of the ascirst (NULL)uzzle shares a"
- 325 [153]"wall with the (NULL)oom of the (NULL)tter.'
- 326 kd=0:q%(0)=22:gosub21:gosub74:ifa$="l"then33
- 327 on-(c$="el")-2*(c$="be")+3*((c$="fo")andq%(32))goto310,329,337
- 328 gosub784:goto326
- 329 d$="[194][197][193][214][197][210]":gosub68:gosub60:gosub62
- 330 print"[207]ne says '[200][217][197][206][193]', one is illegible."
- 331 ifq%(23)=0thenprint"[207]n an altar is a grey candle."
- 332 q%(0)=23:gosub21
- 333 on-(c$="hy")-2*(c$="ca")-3*(a$="l")goto318,187,33
- 334 ifa$="taca"andq%(23)=0thenq%(23)=1:gosub30:goto332
- 335 ifa$="loca"andq%(23)=0thenprint"[212]here's something odd about it.":goto332
- 336 gosub784:goto332
- 337 d$="[198][207][216]":gosub68:gosub69:gosub71:print"[200][217][197][206][193]'."
- 338 print"[201]n a corner lies [206]ovice [211]cotia, a note
- 339 [153]"clutched in his hand. (NULL)he note says,
- 340 gosub526
- 341 print"[198]ox.'
- 342 [141]528
- 343 [139]q%(46)[178]0[167][153][163]11)"on(NULL)ovice (NULL)cotia gasps, '(NULL)ill you hear my confession?'"
- 344 q%(0)[178]24:[141]21
- 345 [145][171](c$[178]"hy")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]318,33
- 346 [139]a$[179][177]"heco"[176]q%(46)[167]351
- 347 q%(46)[178]1:[141]26
- 348 [153]"(NULL)ovice (NULL)cotia whispers in your ear,":[129]t[178]0[164]3000:[130]
- 349 [153]"load":f$[178]"ns":[141]106:[153]
- 350 [141]524:[137]344
- 351 [139]a$[178]"tano"[176]a$[178]"lono"[167][141]58:[137]344
- 352 [141]28:[139]fl[167]fl[178]0:[137]344
- 353 [141]784:[137]344
- 354 d$[178]"chr$right$(NULL)atnascascval":[141]68
- 355 [141]60:[141]62:[141]55:[153]"lenleft$right$(NULL)val(NULL)atn' '(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)'.":[141]65:[141]67
- 356 q%(0)[178]25:[141]21
- 357 [145][171](c$[178]"li")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[171]3[172](c$[178]"ch")[137]363,33,117
- 358 [139]a$[179][177]"lome"[175]a$[179][177]"reme"[167]361
- 359 [139]q%(8)[167][153]"'10 walls in each room are equal in length.'":[137]356
- 360 [141]66:[137]356
- 361 k[178]3:[141]22
- 362 [141]784:[137]356
- 363 [139]q%(39)[178]0[167][141]9:[137]368
- 364 d$[178]"(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)":[141]68:[141]60:[141]63
- 365 [141]56:[153]"chr$right$(NULL)atnascascval' ' peek(NULL) (NULL)'.":[141]57
- 366 [139]q%(12)[167]368
- 367 [153]"atn scroll entitled '(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)atnleft$(NULL)val(NULL)' written by(NULL)t atnnagramas is on a table.
- 368 q%(0)=26:gosub21
- 369 ifc$<>"ba"then372
- 370 ifq%(10)<2thenprint"[201]'m afraid there is a scroll-lock.":goto368
- 371 ifq%(39)then377
- 372 on-(c$="gi")-2*(a$="l")-3*(c$="ho")goto354,33,499
- 373 ifq%(39)=0then363
- 374 ifa$="tasc"andq%(12)=0thenq%(12)=1:gosub30:goto368
- 375 ifa$="losc"andq%(12)=0thengosub64:goto368
- 376 gosub784:goto368
- 377 d$="[194][193][194][207][207][206]":gosub68:gosub61:gosub63
- 378 gosub55:print"[204][201][207][206]' '[193][210][205][193][196][201][204][204][207]'[160]'[210][193][212]'."
- 379 q%(0)=27:gosub21
- 380 on-(c$="li")-2*(c$="ar")-3*(c$="ra")-4*(a$="l")goto363,382,392,33
- 381 gosub784:goto379
- 382 d$="[193][210][205][193][196][201][204][204][207]":gosub68:gosub69
- 383 gosub71:print"[194][193][194][207][207][206]'."
- 384 print"[193] deep red light permeates the room.
- 385 [139]q%(19)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)n a table is a missal."
- 386 q%(0)[178]28:[141]21
- 387 [145][171](c$[178]"ba")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]377,33
- 388 [139]a$[179][177]"lomi"[175]a$[179][177]"remi"[167]390
- 389 [153]"(NULL)ther than the typical prayers, it seemsto be blank.":[137]386
- 390 [139]a$[178]"tami"[175]q%(19)[178]0[167]q%(19)[178]1:[141]30:[137]386
- 391 [141]784:[137]386
- 392 d$[178]"(NULL)atn(NULL)":[141]68:[141]61:[141]62
- 393 [141]55:[153]"peekatnpeek(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)close (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)str$'.
- 394 ifq%(14)then398
- 395 print"[212]hrough the window overlooking the
- 396 [153]"lenloister you see a light in (NULL)other"
- 397 [153]"(NULL)uleze's window.":q%(14)[178]2
- 398 q%(0)[178]29:[141]21
- 399 [145][171](c$[178]"ba")[171]2[172](c$[178]"le")[171]3[172](a$[178]"l")[137]377,401,33
- 400 [141]784:[137]398
- 401 d$[178]"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)str$":[141]68:[141]61:[141]63
- 402 [141]56:[153]"(NULL)atn(NULL)' 'len(NULL)(NULL)'."
- 403 [153]"atnbove the other door it says, '(NULL)o enter the (NULL)oom of the lenright$(NULL)val(NULL), ";
- 404 [153]"you must solve the (NULL)wo (NULL)uzzles of (NULL)t lenaliban.
- 405 ifq%(8)then407
- 406 print"[212]he rest of the sign is in [204]atin.":goto408
- 407 print"[212]he [211]econd [208]uzzle is near the [210]oom of the [199]iraffe.'
- 408 kd[178]0:q%(0)[178]30:[141]21:[141]74:[139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 409 [145][171](c$[178]"ra")[171]2[172](c$[178]"co")[170]3[172]((c$[178]"ci")[175]q%(32))[137]392,411,427
- 410 [141]784:[137]408
- 411 d$[178]"len(NULL)(NULL)":[141]68:[141]60:[141]62
- 412 [153]"(NULL)ne says '(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)str$', one is illegible."
- 413 [139]q%(53)[167]417
- 414 [153]"right$n the fireplace you spy the ash of an"
- 415 [153]"official summons from the (NULL)atican to"
- 416 [153]"atnbbot lenostello."
- 417 q%(0)[178]31:[141]21
- 418 [145][171](c$[178]"le")[171]2[172](c$[178]"de")[171]3[172](a$[178]"l")[137]401,278,33
- 419 [139]a$[178]"tasu"[176]a$[178]"taas"[167][153]"right$t crumbles into powder.":q%(53)[178]1:[137]417
- 420 [139]a$[179][177]"losu"[175]a$[179][177]"loas"[175]a$[179][177]"resu"[176]q%(53)[167]423
- 421 [153]"'(NULL)nder penalty of excommunication you"
- 422 [153]"shall bring the peekull to (NULL)ome where it belongs.'":[137]417
- 423 [139]a$[179][177]"loru"[167]426
- 424 [139]q%(44)[167]775
- 425 [153]"(NULL)here's something different about this rug by (NULL)t lenaliban.":[137]417
- 426 [141]784:[137]417
- 427 d$[178]"lenright$(NULL)val(NULL)":[141]68:[141]69:[141]71:[153]"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)str$'."
- 428 [153]"(NULL)n the floor lies ascather (NULL)oster, a note
- 429 print"clutched in his hand. [212]he note says,
- 430 [141]526
- 431 [153]"lenivet.'
- 432 gosub528
- 433 ifq%(47)=0thenprinttab(11)"[145][198]ather [206]oster gasps, '[215]ill you hear my confession?'"
- 434 q%(0)=32:gosub21
- 435 on-(c$="le")-2*(a$="l")goto401,33
- 436 ifa$<>"heco"orq%(47)then441
- 437 q%(47)=1:gosub26
- 438 print"[198]ather [206]oster whispers in your ear,":fort=0to3000:next
- 439 print"[147]":f$="fn":gosub106:print
- 440 gosub524:goto434
- 441 ifa$="tano"ora$="lono"thengosub58:goto434
- 442 gosub28:ifflthenfl=0:goto434
- 443 gosub784:goto434
- 444 d$="[208][201][199]":gosub68
- 445 gosub60:gosub62:gosub55:print"[195][200][201][205][197][210][193]' '[194][197][193][210]'.":gosub65:gosub67
- 446 q%(0)=33:gosub21
- 447 on-(c$="be")-2*(a$="l")-3*(c$="ch")goto453,33,117
- 448 ifa$<>"lome"anda$<>"reme"then451
- 449 ifq%(8)thenprint"'[195]arvings by [211]t [194]inarius.'":goto446
- 450 gosub66:goto446
- 451 k=4:gosub22
- 452 gosub784:goto446
- 453 ifq%(39)=0thengosub9:goto458
- 454 d$="[194][197][193][210]":gosub68:gosub60:gosub63
- 455 gosub56:print"[208][201][199]' ' [193] [197] [204][197]'.":gosub57
- 456 ifq%(13)then458
- 457 print"[193] scroll entitled '[205][212][193][215][194][207]' written by [211]t [193]nagramas is on a table.
- 458 q%(0)[178]34:[141]21:[139]c$[178]"ra"[167]q%(43)[178]1:[137]238
- 459 [139]c$[179][177]"ga"[167]462
- 460 [139]q%(11)[179]2[167][153]"(NULL)h oh. atn scroll-lock.":[137]458
- 461 [139]q%(39)[167]467
- 462 [145][171](c$[178]"pi")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]444,33
- 463 [139]q%(39)[178]0[167]453
- 464 [139]a$[178]"tasc"[175]q%(13)[178]0[167]q%(13)[178]1:[141]30:[137]458
- 465 [139]a$[178]"losc"[175]q%(13)[178]0[167][141]64:[137]458
- 466 [141]784:[137]458
- 467 d$[178]"chr$atn(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)val":[141]68:[141]61:[141]63
- 468 [141]55:[153]"peekvalatn(NULL)' '(NULL)right$chr$val(NULL)' '(NULL)left$right$(NULL)(NULL)'.onon"
- 469 q%(0)[178]35:[141]21
- 470 [145][171](c$[178]"be")[171]2[172](c$[178]"ti")[171]3[172](c$[178]"rh")[171]4[172](a$[178]"l")[137]453,472,479,33
- 471 [141]784:[137]469
- 472 d$[178]"(NULL)right$chr$val(NULL)":[141]68:[141]69
- 473 [141]71:[153]"chr$atn(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)val'."
- 474 [139]q%(20)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)n a table is a cruet of water."
- 475 q%(0)[178]36:[141]21
- 476 [145][171](c$[178]"ga")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]467,33
- 477 [139]a$[178]"tawa"[176]a$[178]"tacr"[175]q%(20)[178]0[167]q%(20)[178]1:[141]30:[137]475
- 478 [141]784:[137]475
- 479 d$[178]"(NULL)left$right$(NULL)(NULL)lenval(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)":[141]68:[141]61:[141]62
- 480 [141]55:[153]"chr$atn(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)val' 'str$(NULL)chr$'."
- 481 [139]q%(21)[167]485
- 482 [153]"(NULL)hrough the window overlooking the"
- 483 [153]"monks' quarters you see a light in"
- 484 [153]"ascather (NULL)oster's office.":q%(21)[178]2
- 485 q%(0)[178]37:[141]21
- 486 [145][171](c$[178]"ga")[171]2[172](c$[178]"do")[171]3[172](a$[178]"l")[137]467,488,33
- 487 [141]784:[137]485
- 488 d$[178]"str$(NULL)chr$":[141]68:[141]61:[141]63
- 489 [153]"'(NULL)left$right$(NULL)(NULL)lenval(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)' 'left$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val'."
- 490 [153]"atnbove the other door it says, '(NULL)o enter the (NULL)oom of the chr$(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)atn,
- 491 printtab(25)"[145]you must solve the [212]wo [208]uzzles of [211]t [195]aliban.
- 492 [139]q%(8)[167]494
- 493 [153]"(NULL)he rest of the sign is in (NULL)atin.":[137]496
- 494 [153]"(NULL)he room of the (NULL)econd (NULL)uzzle must be"
- 495 [153]"entered via the (NULL)oom of the str$eer.'
- 496 kd=0:q%(0)=38:gosub21:gosub74:ifa$="l"then33
- 497 on-(c$="rh")-2*(c$="ho")+3*((c$="go")andq%(32))goto479,499,507
- 498 gosub784:goto496
- 499 d$="[200][207][210][211][197]":gosub68:gosub60:gosub62
- 500 print"[207]ne says '[196][207][199]', the other is illegible.":ifq%(17)then502
- 501 ifq%(17)=0thenprint"[213]nder a desk you spy a torn page."
- 502 q%(0)=39:gosub21
- 503 on-(c$="do")-2*(c$="li")-3*(a$="l")goto488,363,33
- 504 ifa$="tapa"andq%(17)=0thenq%(17)=1:gosub30:goto502
- 505 ifa$="lopa"andq%(17)=0thenprint"[201]t's hard to see under the desk.":goto502
- 506 gosub784:goto502
- 507 d$="[199][207][210][201][204][204][193]":gosub68:gosub69:gosub71:print"[196][207][199]'."
- 508 print"[201]n a corner lies [205]other [208]uleze, a note
- 509 [153]"clutched in her hand. (NULL)he note says,
- 510 gosub526
- 511 print"[199]orilla.'
- 512 [141]528
- 513 [139]q%(48)[178]0[167][153][163]11)"on(NULL)other (NULL)uleze gasps, '(NULL)lease hear my confession.'"
- 514 q%(0)[178]40:[141]21
- 515 [145][171](c$[178]"do")[171]2[172](a$[178]"l")[137]488,33
- 516 [139]a$[179][177]"heco"[176]q%(48)[167]521
- 517 q%(48)[178]1:[141]26
- 518 [153]"(NULL)other (NULL)uleze whispers in your ear,":[129]t[178]0[164]3000:[130]
- 519 [153]"load":f$[178]"mp":[141]106:[153]
- 520 [141]524:[137]514
- 521 [139]a$[178]"tano"[176]a$[178]"lono"[167][141]58:[137]514
- 522 [141]28:[139]fl[167]fl[178]0:[137]514
- 523 [141]784:[137]514
- 524 [139]q%(49)[178]0[176]q%(26)[167][142]
- 525 [153]"atns you hear bells toll you spy a knife lying under the body.":[142]
- 526 [153]"'right$t is extremely important that you"
- 527 [153]"meet me in the (NULL)oom of the ";:[142]
- 528 [153]"right$t's signed with the seal of atnbbot lenostello.":[142]
- 529 [153]"load":f$[178]"f1":[141]106:[153]:[141]110
- 530 [153]"load":f$[178]"f2":[141]106:[153]:[141]110
- 531 [153]"open(NULL)hich one will you help, (NULL)a (NULL)ort?"
- 532 [153][163]8)"(syslenlist)ardinal (NULL)usial"
- 533 [153][163]8)"(sysstr$list)octor str$eelist"
- 534 [161]a$
- 535 [139]a$[178]"len"[167]a$[178]"c"
- 536 [139]a$[178]"str$"[167]a$[178]"d"
- 537 [139]a$[179][177]"c"[175]a$[179][177]"d"[167]534
- 538 [139]q%(33)[175]a$[178]"c"[167]f$[178]"c1":[153]"load":[141]106
- 539 [139]q%(33)[175]a$[178]"d"[167]f$[178]"c2":[153]"load":[141]106
- 540 [139]q%(33)[178]0[175]a$[178]"c"[167]f$[178]"c3":[153]"load":[141]106
- 541 [139]q%(33)[178]0[175]a$[178]"d"[167]f$[178]"c4":[153]"load":[141]106
- 542 [153]:[137]933
- 543 [139]vb[167][153]"left$ouse":[137]545
- 544 f$[178]"ah":[141]106:[153]
- 545 [139]q%(3)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)n a small table is a diary."
- 546 q%(0)[178]1:[141]21
- 547 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 548 [145]cx[137]752,543,553,620,638,654,693,113,568,674,593,604,710,700
- 549 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 550 [139]a$[178]"tadi"[175]q%(3)[178]0[167]q%(3)[178]1:[141]30:[137]546
- 551 [139]a$[178]"lodi"[175]q%(3)[178]0[167][153]"right$t's a weekly diary.":[137]546
- 552 [141]784:[137]546
- 553 [139]vb[167][153]"lenhurch":[137]555
- 554 f$[178]"ch":[141]106:[153]
- 555 q%(0)[178]2:[141]21
- 556 [139]a$[179][177]"lost"[167]559
- 557 [153]"peekeneath the statue is an inscription,"
- 558 [153]"'(NULL)here is knowledge nil until you fill'. onon":[137]555
- 559 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 560 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 561 [139]a$[179][177]"loal"[167]563
- 562 [153]"(NULL)he altar has been bombed. (NULL)nder it is a small catacomb.":[137]555
- 563 [139]a$[179][177]"loca"[167]566
- 564 [139]q%(42)[167][153]"right$n the catacomb is a perfect footprint.":[137]555
- 565 [153]"(NULL)he catacomb is now empty.":[137]555
- 566 [139]a$[178]"lofo"[175]q%(42)[167][153]"(NULL)here's a"w$(q%(33))"etched in the heel.":[137]555
- 567 [141]784:[137]555
- 568 [139]vb[175]q%(55)[178]0[167][153]"peekelfry":[137]571
- 569 q%(0)[178]46:f$[178]"bf":[141]106:[153]
- 570 [139]q%(42)[167][153]"(NULL)omeone's been cutting the bellropes!"
- 571 [141]21
- 572 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 573 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 574 [139]a$[179][177]"tabe"[175]a$[179][177]"taro"[176]q%(55)[178]0[167]576
- 575 [153]"(NULL)he bellropes are tied tightly.":[137]571
- 576 [139]a$[179][177]"curo"[175]a$[179][177]"cube"[167]581
- 577 [139]q%(26)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)ith your bare hands?":[137]571
- 578 [139]q%(55)[175]q%(25)[178]0[167]q%(25)[178]1:[141]950:[137]571
- 579 [139]q%(55)[178]0[167][153]"(NULL)ou're all out of bellropes.":[137]571
- 580 [153]"(NULL)ou can only carry one bellrope at a time.":[137]571
- 581 [139]a$[179][177]"lobe"[167]584
- 582 [153]"valach bell is cast in solid molybdenum"
- 583 [153]"and has a bellrope made from the finest left$awaiian hemp.":[137]571
- 584 [139]a$[179][177]"ribe"[167]592
- 585 [153]"forright$n what order (e.g. 12345)sys";:[141]10:[153]"list"
- 586 [139]a$[178]"52413"[176]a$[178]"53142"[167]q%(52)[178]1:[137]590
- 587 r[178][165]aa(2)[170]1:[145]r[137]588,589
- 588 [153]"(NULL)a (NULL)ort, you excel in cacophany.":[137]571
- 589 [153]"peeketter stick to the tuba, la (NULL)ort.":[137]571
- 590 [153]"atns the (NULL)atins are rung, a loud whinny is
- 591 print"[145]heard from the stables.":goto571
- 592 gosub784:goto571
- 593 ifvbthenprint"[206]orth [195]onfessional":goto598
- 594 print"[217]our average confessional."
- 595 ifq%(4)then598
- 596 printtab(28)"[145][207]n the confessor's side is a breviary with a"
- 597 print"ribbon marking page nine."
- 598 q%(0)=44:gosub21
- 599 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 600 ifa$="l"then33
- 601 ifa$="tabr"andq%(4)=0thenq%(4)=1:gosub30:goto598
- 602 ifa$="lobr"andq%(4)=0thenprint"[193] typical prayerbook.":goto598
- 603 gosub784:goto598
- 604 ifvbthenprint"[211]outh [195]onfessional":goto609
- 605 print"[212]here are two parts to the confessional,separated by a partition"
- 606 printtab(25)"[145]with a wicker screen. [193]bbot [195]ostello was found on the floor
- 607 y$[178]"e":[139]q%(33)[167]y$[178]"o"
- 608 [153][163]6)"onon the confess"y$"r's side. (NULL)here is a kneeler on the other.
- 609 q%(0)=45:gosub21
- 610 ifa$="l"then33
- 611 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 612 ifa$="losc"thenprint"[200]ard to see through but quite porous.":goto609
- 613 ifa$<>"lokn"orq%(7)then616
- 614 print"[213]nderneath you find a rosary with the"
- 615 print"initials, [205].[208].":goto609
- 616 ifa$="loro"andq%(7)=0thenprint"[201]t's hard to see under the kneeler.":goto609
- 617 ifa$="takn"thenprint"[199]et serious, [204]a [205]ort!":goto609
- 618 ifa$="taro"andq%(7)=0thenq%(7)=1:gosub30:goto609
- 619 gosub784:goto609
- 620 ifvbthenprint"[211]tables":goto623
- 621 f$="st":gosub106:print
- 622 ifq%(52)thenprint"[193]n open trapdoor leads to a tunnel."
- 623 q%(0)=3:gosub21
- 624 ifa$<>"gotr"anda$<>"gotu"then627
- 625 ifq%(52)then117
- 626 print"[201]t's locked, [201]nspector.":goto623
- 627 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 628 ifa$<>"lotr"anda$<>"lodo"then631
- 629 ifq%(52)thenprint"[201]t's open.":goto623
- 630 print"[212]he trapdoor has a sound-sensitive lock on it.":goto623
- 631 ifa$="l"then33
- 632 ifa$<>"loge"anda$<>"lost"then635
- 633 ifq%(52)thenprint"[212]he gelding is ominously eyeing the trapdoor.":goto623
- 634 print"[212]he gelding has made a mess of the stall.":goto623
- 635 ifa$<>"clst"then637
- 636 print"[193]s you carry out the ordure of the day you see a trapdoor.":goto623
- 637 gosub784:goto623
- 638 ifvbthenprint"[194]arracks":goto644
- 639 f$="nb":gosub106:print
- 640 ifq%(41)=0then644
- 641 print"[217]our bloodhound nose catches the faint spoor of ";
- 642 ifq%(33)thenprint"alcohol.":goto644
- 643 print"incense."
- 644 q%(0)=5:gosub21
- 645 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 646 ifa$="l"then33
- 647 ifa$<>"locu"orq%(6)then651
- 648 print"[207]n the bed you find a memo from [193]bbot"
- 649 print"[195]ostello to [206]ovice [211]cotia."
- 650 goto644
- 651 ifa$="tame"andq%(6)=0thenq%(6)=1:gosub30:goto644
- 652 ifa$="lome"andq%(6)=0thenprint"[193] typical intra-[193]bbey memo.":goto644
- 653 gosub784:goto644
- 654 ifvbthenprint"[209]uarters":goto662
- 655 f$="mq":gosub106:print
- 656 ifcbthen662
- 657 cb=1:print"[217]ou notice that the [193]bbey is equipped"
- 658 print"with [198]ather [205]urphy's clever invention,"
- 659 print"soul-detecting lights. [193] great energy"
- 660 print"saver. [204]ights are only on when a soul"
- 661 print"is in the room."
- 662 q%(0)=4:gosub21
- 663 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 664 ifa$="l"then33
- 665 ifa$="tate"thenprint"[211]orry, but the textbooks are too heavy to carry.":goto662
- 666 ifa$<>"lote"anda$<>"rete"then673
- 667 a$="":print"[129][215]hich book[158]";:gosub10
- 668 ifa$=""then662
- 669 ifleft$(a$,2)<>"ho"then672
- 670 print"[155][201]n [198]ather [205]urphy's scrawl is the cryptic"
- 671 print"[145]message:[157][157][157][157][157] 'n1 e2 s3 w4 - ups added eq";q%(56)"[157]'.":goto662
- 672 print"[155][193] jolly good read but no clues.":goto662
- 673 gosub784:goto662
- 674 ifvbandq%(21)=0thenprint"[207]ffice":goto677
- 675 print"[198]ather [206]oster has one of the world's first hot tubs."
- 676 ifq%(21)=2thenprinttab(17)"[145][217]ou spy a suitcase in adark corner."
- 677 q%(0)=41:gosub21
- 678 ifc$="go"andb$<>"tu"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 679 ifa$="tasu"andq%(21)=2thenq%(21)=1:gosub30:goto677
- 680 ifa$="l"then33
- 681 ifa$="lotu"thenprint"[212]here's something in the deep end.":goto677
- 682 ifa$="tast"thenprint"[201]t's chained to the tub.":goto677
- 683 ifa$="tare"andq%(51)=2andq%(5)=0thenq%(5)=1:gosub30:goto677
- 684 ifa$<>"gotu"then688
- 685 print"[212]he water is great but too bad about"
- 686 print"your suit. [201]n the deep end you find a"
- 687 print"waterproof strongbox.":q%(51)=1:goto677
- 688 ifa$<>"opst"anda$<>"opbo"anda$<>"lost"then692
- 689 q%(51)=2
- 690 ifq%(5)thenprint"[212]he strongbox is empty.":goto677
- 691 print"[212]he strongbox is filled with receipts for 'art reprints'.":goto677
- 692 gosub784:goto677
- 693 ifvbthenprint"[195]loister":goto695
- 694 f$="cl":gosub106:print
- 695 q%(0)=6:gosub21
- 696 ifa$="loce"thenprint"[212]he doors to the cells are nailed open.":goto695
- 697 ifa$="l"then33
- 698 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 699 gosub784:goto695
- 700 q%(0)=42:ifq%(1)thenprint"[211]qualid nun's cells.":goto704
- 701 print"[211]ister [196]ebbie's cell is decorated in"
- 702 print"rather dull early gulag. [193] handbook by"
- 703 print"the bed is entitled '[203]nots of a [212]rappist[212]rapper' by [198]riar [202]ohn."
- 704 gosub21
- 705 ifa$="l"then33
- 706 ifc$="go"thengosub6:ifcxthen548
- 707 ifa$="taha"andq%(1)=0thenq%(1)=1:gosub30:goto704
- 708 ifa$="loha"andq%(1)=0thenprint"[201]t's well-thumbed.":goto704
- 709 gosub784:goto704
- 710 ifvbandq%(14)<>2thenprint"[194]oudoir":goto713
- 711 printtab(10)"[205]other [208]uleze's [194]oudoir
- 712 [153]"peeky the waterbed is a brassbound ledger."
- 713 q%(0)[178]43:[141]21
- 714 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 715 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 716 [139]a$[179][177]"lowa"[175]a$[179][177]"lobe"[167]719
- 717 [139]q%(14)[179][177]2[167][153]"(NULL)our average nun's waterbed.":[137]713
- 718 [153]"(NULL)n the bed is a perfume atomizer.":[137]713
- 719 [139]a$[179][177]"ople"[175]a$[179][177]"rele"[175]a$[179][177]"lole"[167]722
- 720 [139]q%(2)[178]0[167][153]"right$t's locked, la (NULL)ort.":[137]713
- 721 f$[178]"lg":[141]106:[153]:[137]713
- 722 [139]a$[178]"tale"[167][153]"(NULL)he book is chained to the bed.":[137]713
- 723 [139]a$[178]"taat"[175]q%(14)[178]2[167]q%(14)[178]1:[141]30:[137]713
- 724 [139]a$[179][177]"snat"[175]a$[179][177]"smat"[175]a$[179][177]"sqat"[176]q%(14)[179][177]2[167]726
- 725 [153]"(NULL)here is something ominous about the atomizer's spoor.":[137]713
- 726 [141]784:[137]713
- 727 [129]i[178]1[164]29:[135]q$(i):[130]:x[178][187]([171]ti)
- 728 [129]i[178]0[164]3:[129]j[178]0[164]1:[135]g$(j,i):[130]:[130]
- 729 [129]i[178]0[164]56:q%(i)[178]0:[130]:q%(55)[178]6
- 730 [129]i[178]1[164]14:[135]bb$(i):[130]
- 731 [129]i[178]0[164]23:[135]h$(i):[130]
- 732 q%(29)[178]1:q%(27)[178]1:q%(33)[178][181]([187](1)[170].5):cb[178]0
- 733 q%(29)[178]1:q%(27)[178]1:q%(33)[178][181]([187](1)[170].5)
- 734 z$(1)[178]"(NULL)he switch is up.":z$(0)[178]"(NULL)he switch is down."
- 735 z$(3)[178]"wafers":z$(4)[178]"liquid"
- 736 m$(1)[178]"(NULL)aisley squids begin attaching them- selves to your legs.
- 737 m$(2)="[208]acks of tie-died gerbils begin eating your mustache.
- 738 m$(3)[178]"(NULL)he room starts raining lentil soup and chives.
- 739 m$(4)="[201]t's the smoke, [201]nspector, get out or dosomething."
- 740 ff$(0)="[207]kay.":ff$(1)="[217]ou got it, [201]nspector.":ff$(2)="[201]t's yours."
- 741 pp$="[158] [208]ress any key to continue[155]"
- 742 p$(1)="[215]hat now, [201]nspector"
- 743 p$(2)="[215]hat next, la [205]ort"
- 744 p$(3)="[215]hat'll you do now"
- 745 p$(4)="[206]ow what"
- 746 def fnaa(x)=int(rnd(1)*x)
- 747 e$(0)="[200]uh?":e$(1)="[215]hat do you mean?":e$(2)="[215]hat are you saying?
- 748 w$(0)[178]" cross ":w$(1)[178]" caduceus "
- 749 q%(56)[178][165]aa(10)[170]1
- 750 [153][199](8)"for (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)str$val(NULL) right$(NULL) (NULL)left$val (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)list"
- 751 f$[178]"ga":[141]106:[153]:[137]757
- 752 [139]vb[167][153]"chr$ate":[137]758
- 753 [153]"(NULL)ou are at the atnbbey gate, a splendid"
- 754 [153]"example of medieval modernism."
- 755 [139]q%(28)[178]0[167][153][163]32)"on(NULL)nder a bush you spy a newspaper clipping."
- 756 [153]"(NULL)ou have a police info sheet and a map."
- 757 [153]"valnter 'help' at any time for protocol."
- 758 q%(0)[178]0:[141]21
- 759 [139]c$[178]"go"[167][141]6:[139]cx[167]548
- 760 [139]a$[178]"l"[167]33
- 761 [139]a$[178]"tacl"[167][139]q%(28)[178]0[167]q%(28)[178]1:[141]30:[137]758
- 762 [139]a$[178]"locl"[175]q%(28)[178]0[167][153]"right$t's from the atnbbey chr$azette.":[137]758
- 763 [141]784:[137]758
- 764 [153]"load":f$[178]"r1":[141]106
- 765 [153]:[153]"for(NULL)he three staffs (e.g. abc)";:[141]10
- 766 [129]i[178]0[164]23
- 767 [139]a$[178]h$(i)[167]769
- 768 [130]:[137]773
- 769 [153]"list(NULL)ou surprise me, la (NULL)ort. (NULL)ou have"
- 770 [153]"solved the ascirst (NULL)uzzle of (NULL)t lenaliban."
- 771 q%(30)[178]1:q%(32)[178]q%(30)[175]q%(31)
- 772 [137]243
- 773 [153]"list(NULL)ot quite, la (NULL)ort."
- 774 [137]243
- 775 [153]"load":f$[178]"r2":[141]106
- 776 [153]:[153]"for(NULL)he two staffs (e.g. ab)";:[141]10
- 777 [139]a$[179][177]"bo"[175]a$[179][177]"ob"[167]782
- 778 [153]"listchr$ood show, right$nspector, you've solved the
- 779 print"the [211]econd [208]uzzle of [211]t [195]aliban."
- 780 q%(31)=1:q%(32)=q%(30)andq%(31)
- 781 goto417
- 782 print"[155][201]'m afraid you're wrong, la [205]ort."
- 783 goto417
- 784 ifa$<>"i"then791
- 785 print"[153]":fl=0:fori=1to29
- 786 ifq%(i)<>1andq%(i)<>5then789
- 787 fl=fl+1:fl=fland1:ifflthenprinttab(6)q$(i):goto789
- 788 print"[145]"tab(24)q$(i)
- 789 next
- 790 return
- 791 ifa$<>"lobr"anda$<>"rebr"orq%(4)=0then794
- 792 print"[211]omeone has scribbled in the margin,"
- 793 print"'[212]hrice three and two are the [204]aws of the [200]oly [212]ablets.'":return
- 794 ifa$<>"recl"anda$<>"locl"orq%(28)=0then797
- 795 print"[193]n article about [198]ather [205]urphy's latest"
- 796 print"best-selling book, '[200]ow to [195]hange a [204]ight [194]ulb'.":return
- 797 ifa$<>"lore"anda$<>"rere"orq%(5)=0then800
- 798 print"[193]pparently [198]ather [206]oster receives $20 a"
- 799 print"scroll from a [195]apitol [200]ill bookstore.":return
- 800 ifa$<>"lome"anda$<>"reme"orq%(6)=0then805
- 801 print"'[206]ovice [211]cotia, you are bellringer for"
- 802 print"the week.' [201]t is signed '[193].[195].' [207]n the"
- 803 print"back is written, '[198]or [205]atins, do not"
- 804 print"ring adjacent bells consecutively.'":return
- 805 ifa$="logl"ora$="figl"thenprint"[211]orry. [217]ou left your bifocals at home.":return
- 806 ifa$<>"lori"orq%(4)=0then808
- 807 print"[201]t cryptically says, '[194]ull in [194]oar'.":return
- 808 ifa$="loab"thenf$="ab":gosub106:print:return
- 809 ifa$="loro"andq%(7)thenprint"[217]our average rosary. [195]ross and beads.":return
- 810 ifa$<>"lodi"anda$<>"redi"orq%(3)=0then817
- 811 print"[147]":f$="a1":gosub106
- 812 print:printpp$
- 813 geta$:ifa$=""then813
- 814 print"[147]":f$="a2":gosub106:print"[145][145]"
- 815 print:print
- 816 return
- 817 ifa$<>"losc"anda$<>"resc"then833
- 818 fori=10to13:ifq%(i)then820
- 819 next:goto833
- 820 print"[217]ou have the"
- 821 fori=10to13
- 822 ifq%(i)thenprinttab(5)g$(abs((q%(i)=5)),i-10);" scroll"
- 823 next
- 824 print"[193] scroll will be activated if you enter"
- 825 print"the correct name."
- 826 print"[129][212]he name[158]";:gosub10
- 827 fori=0to3
- 828 ifa$=g$(1,i)then831
- 829 next
- 830 print"[155][201]'m afraid that's not right.":goto832
- 831 q%(10+i)=5:q$(10+i)=g$(1,i)+" key":print"[155][212]hat's it!"
- 832 return
- 833 ifa$<>"lopa"anda$<>"repa"orq%(17)=0then837
- 834 print"'...if the [194]ull is as subversive as [201]"
- 835 print"suspect, you and [201] better update our"
- 836 print"resumes.' [201]t is signed '[212].[208].'":return
- 837 ifa$<>"lono"anda$<>"reno"orq%(18)=0then842
- 838 ifq%(34)=2then841
- 839 print"[212]he note is on a sacramental napkin."
- 840 print"[217]ou'll need to dip the note in a mixtureof water and wine.":return
- 841 f$="no":gosub106:print:return
- 842 ifa$<>"dino"then846
- 843 ifq%(18)andq%(20)andq%(15)thenq%(34)=2:print"[207]key-dokey.":return
- 844 ifq%(18)thenprint"[201]t only works with holy water and wine.":return
- 845 ifprint"[195]onsider it dipped, for all the good it will do you.":return
- 846 ifa$<>"remi"anda$<>"lomi"orq%(19)=0then849
- 847 print"[201]n [211]ister [196]ebbie's favorite ink, passion"
- 848 print"[145]red, '[201]f the boar gets strange, hold your breath.'":return
- 849 ifa$<>"opsu"then853
- 850 ifq%(8)thenprint"[201]t's empty.":return
- 851 print"[213]nder a false bottom you spy a handy"
- 852 print"[204]atin-[197]nglish translator.":return
- 853 ifa$<>"tatr"then856
- 854 ifq%(21)=0or(q%(21)=2andq%(0)<>41)then856
- 855 ifq%(8)=0thenq%(8)=1:gosub30:return
- 856 ifa$<>"losu"orq%(21)=0then859
- 857 ifq%(21)=2andq%(0)<>41then859
- 858 print"[212]he suitcase is made of rich [195]orinthian leather.":return
- 859 ifa$<>"lopo"anda$<>"repo"orq%(22)=0then861
- 860 f$="sk":gosub106:print:return
- 861 ifa$<>"loca"orq%(23)=0then868
- 862 print"[200]mmm. [212]he candle is putty-like with a"
- 863 print"rather large wick. [215]hat the duece do"
- 864 print"you deduce, la [205]ort?"
- 865 print"[129][212]he candle is really...[158]";:gosub10:c$=left$(a$,2)
- 866 ifc$="ex"orc$="dy"thenq%(23)=2:q%(16)=1:print"[155][212]hat's exactly right!":return
- 867 print"[155][207]h well, it's probably not important, anyway.":return
- 868 ifa$<>"lica"anda$<>"liex"anda$<>"lidy"then872
- 869 ifq%(16)=0then871
- 870 f$="ex":gosub106:print:return
- 871 print"[198]or some probably lucky reason, they won't light.":return
- 872 ifa$<>"lobu"anda$<>"rebu"orq%(9)=0then874
- 873 print"[147]":f$="pb":gosub106:print:return
- 874 ifa$<>"loco"anda$<>"reco"orq%(9)=0then876
- 875 f$="cv":gosub106:print:return
- 876 ifq%(14)<>1then880
- 877 ifa$<>"snpe"anda$<>"smpe"anda$<>"snat"anda$<>"smat"then880
- 878 print"[217]our ferret nose smells a powerful"
- 879 print"poison, arsenic di-cyanide.":return
- 880 ifa$<>"lobo"anda$<>"rebo"orq%(24)=0then884
- 881 print"[212]wo entries are interesting:
- 882 [153]" '(NULL)ubtract one from code.'
- 883 print" '[198]ind who stole my perfume atomizer.'":return
- 884 ifa$<>"lobe"orq%(25)=0then886
- 885 print"[212]he bellrope is a stout four meter length of rope.":return
- 886 ifa$<>"losh"anda$<>"resh"then890
- 887 print"[147]":f$="is":gosub106:print:gosub110
- 888 print"[147]":f$="md":gosub106:print:return
- 889 return
- 890 ifa$<>"loma"anda$<>"rema"then892
- 891 print"[147]";:f$="ma":gosub106:print:return
- 892 ifa$<>"loru"then894
- 893 print"[212]he rug is hand-woven and signed by [211]t [195]aliban.":return
- 894 ifa$<>"locr"orq%(7)=0orq%(2)then896
- 895 print"[211]acre bleu! [212]he crucifix is actually a key.":q%(2)=1:return
- 896 ifa$<>"loha"anda$<>"reha"orq%(1)=0then902
- 897 print"[212]here are knots for all occasions."
- 898 print"[129][215]hich knot do you like";:gosub10
- 899 print"[155]":ifleft$(a$,2)<>"sl"then901
- 900 f$="kn":gosub106:print:return
- 901 print"[193]n interesting knot, but irrelevant.":return
- 902 ifa$="drwa"andq%(20)=1thenprint"[200]mmm. [212]astes like holy water.":q%(20)=2:return
- 903 ifa$="drwi"andq%(15)=1thenq%(15)=2:print"[200]mmm. [212]astes like [212]hunderbird.":return
- 904 ifa$<>"resi"orq%(8)then906
- 905 print"[201]'m afraid your barroom [204]atin isn't up to this job, [201]nspector.":return
- 906 ifa$="pq"thenprint"[217]our prayer is apparently ignored.":return
- 907 ifyythenyy=0:return
- 908 ifc$<>"hi"andc$<>"br"andc$<>"ki"then911
- 909 iffnaa(3)>1thenprint"[212]hat borders on sacrilege, [204]a [205]ort!":return
- 910 print"[214]iolence will get you nowhere, la [205]ort.":return
- 911 iflen(a$)<>1then915
- 912 ifa$<>"n"anda$<>"e"anda$<>"s"anda$<>"w"anda$<>"u"anda$<>"d"then914
- 913 print"[212]o go somewhere enter 'go (place)'.":return
- 914 print"[212]he one-letter commands are l for look and i for inventory.":return
- 915 ifc$="re"thenprint"[215]ith your myopia, [201]nspector?":return
- 916 ifc$="go"thenprint"[195]an't go there from here.":return
- 917 ifc$<>"ta"then921
- 918 fori=1to29
- 919 ifb$=left$(q$(i),2)andq%(i)=1thenprint"[217]ou already have it.":return
- 920 :next:print"[195]an't take that.":return
- 921 ifc$="op"thenr=fnaa(3):print"[195]an't do it, la [205]ort.":return
- 922 ifa$=""thenprint"[206]othing will get you nowhere, la [205]ort.":return
- 923 ifa$="l"orc$="lo"thenprint"[212]he '"bh$"' yields no clues.":return
- 924 r=fnaa(3):printe$(r):return
- 925 datahandbook,key,diary,breviary,receipts,memo,rosary,translator
- 926 datapapal bull,scroll 1,scroll 2,scroll 3,scroll 4,atomizer,wine
- 927 datadynamite,page,note,missal,water,suitcase,pornscroll
- 928 datacandle,book,bellrope,knife,map,clipping,sheet
- 929 dataoabnob,baboon,zlaelge,gazelle,npehalet,elephant,mtawbo,wombat
- 930 dataga,ho,ch,st,ba,qu,cl,li,be,of,no,so,bo,ce
- 931 datajnp,jpn,njp,npj,pjn,pnj,jnm,jmn,nmj,njm,mnj,mjn
- 932 datampn,mnp,npm,nmp,pmn,pnm,mpj,mjp,jpm,jmp,pmj,pjm
- 933 gosub110
- 934 print"[204]a [205]ort, you may return to:"
- 935 printtab(8)"([158][194][155])[193][211][201][195]
- 936 [153][163]8)"(sys(NULL)list)oad(NULL)tar"
- 937 [153][163]8)"(sys(NULL)list)onastery"
- 938 [161]a$
- 939 [139]a$[178]"b"[176]a$[178]"peek"[167][158]64738
- 940 [139]a$[178]"l"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]943
- 941 [139]a$[178]"m"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167][138]2
- 942 [137]938
- 943 [151]44,8:[151]8[172]256,0:[151]53272,21
- 944 [153]"loadstopload"[199](34)"hello connect"[199](34)",8"
- 945 [153]""
- 946 [151]198,4:[151]631,13:[151]632,82:[151]633,213:[151]634,13
- 947 [162]
- 950 [153]"(NULL)ou've got yourself a bellrope. (NULL)hat leaves"q%(55)[171]1"left."
- 951 q%(55)[178]q%(55)[171]1:[142]