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- 1 poke88,.:poke89,192:poke90,.:poke91,192:poke781,33:poke782,.:sys41964
- 2 poke88,254:poke89,255:poke90,254:poke91,255:poke781,33:poke782,.:sys41964
- 3 poke59639,12:poke1,53
- 10 print"[147] press 'q' to quit[158]"
- 15 :
- 16 :
- 17 rem setup the sprite
- 25 v=53248
- 30 poke 53280,0:poke53281,0
- 40 fora=12288to12350:pokea,255:nexta
- 50 poke 2040,192:poke v+39,1:pokev+21,1
- 60 poke v,24:pokev+1,50:r=24:d=50
- 65 :
- 66 :
- 70 gosub850:rem one way to check the joystick (lines 850-895)
- 71 :
- 72 rem another way to check the joystick (lines 73-560)
- 73 joy=peek(56320):fire=joyand16: di=15-(joyand15)
- 74 if fire <> 16 thengosub730
- 75 ifpeek(203)=62then60000
- 76 if di=0 then 70
- 80 on di gosub150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,560
- 90 goto 70
- 100 :
- 110 :
- 120 :
- 149 rem move the sprite in the direction of the joystick
- 150 d=d-1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:return
- 155 :
- 200 d=d+1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:return
- 210 :
- 250 return
- 255 :
- 300 r=r-1:gosub600:pokev,r:return
- 310 :
- 350 r=r-1:d=d-1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:pokev,r:return
- 355 :
- 400 r=r-1:d=d+1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:pokev,r:return
- 410 :
- 450 return
- 455 :
- 500 r=r+1:gosub600:pokev,r:return
- 510 :
- 550 r=r+1:d=d-1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:pokev,r:return
- 555 :
- 560 r=r+1:d=d+1:gosub600:pokev+1,d:pokev,r:return
- 565 :
- 590 :
- 595 rem keep sprite on screen
- 600 if d=251thend=0
- 610 if d=-1then d=250
- 620 if peek(v+16)=1then700
- 650 if r=-1 then pokev+16,peek(v+16)+1:r=88
- 655 if r=256 then r=0:pokev+16,peek(v+16)+1
- 660 return
- 700 if r=89 then poke v+16,peek(v+16)-1:r=0
- 710 if r=-1then poke v+16,peek(v+16)-1:r=255
- 720 return
- 730 c=c+1:ifc>15thenc=0
- 740 poke53280,c:poke53281,c:return
- 800 :
- 810 :
- 820 :
- 830 rem another way to check joystick
- 850 joy=peek(56320)and15:ok=0
- 855 print"";:if(peek(56320)and16)=.thenprint"";
- 860 if (joyor14)<>15 then print"up",:ok=1
- 870 if (joyor07)<>15 then print"right",:ok=1
- 880 if (joyor13)<>15 then print"down",:ok=1
- 890 if (joyor11)<>15 then print"left",:ok=1
- 893 if (ok) then print
- 895 return
- 10000 :
- 20000 :
- 30000 rem reconnect to loadstar
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 pokev+21,.:ifer<>63thenend
- 60020 poke1,55:load"hello connect",8