home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:printchr$(142)"[147]":clr
- 15 cl$=" "
- 20 s=54272:forl=0to24:pokes+l,3:nextl
- 30 dimpc(30),pc$(30),cc(30),cc$(30),pt(30),ct(30)
- 40 ta=14:co=1:gosub930
- 50 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"tab(ta+2)"o n e"
- 60 print""tab(ta+3)"for"
- 70 print""tab(ta+3)"one[146]"
- 80 fora=1to40:print"[158][192]";:nexta:print
- 90 print"[145]created and designed by:jeff babuschak"
- 100 fora=1to40:print"[158][192]";:nexta:print
- 110 printtab(6)"press the spacebar[146] to begin":open1,0
- 115 print" press q to quit"
- 120 geta$:ifa$=""then120
- 130 ifa$=" "then150
- 135 ifa$="q"then60000
- 140 goto120
- 150 print"[147][158]"tab(8)"stack"tab(21)"card in play"
- 160 cn=1:nc=1:ta=6:co=1:gosub930
- 170 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"tab(ta+2)" one"
- 180 print""tab(ta+3)"for"
- 190 print""tab(ta+3)"one[146]"
- 200 print:print
- 210 fora=1to39:print"[192]";:nexta:print
- 220 rem *** main routine ***
- 230 print"":ta=23:c=1:gosub370:ifpc(1)>9then230
- 240 co=pt(1):cc=co:gosub930:nc=1:cp=pc(1)
- 250 print"one moment - shuffling cards[145]"
- 260 forzz=1to7:nc=zz:cn=zz:gosub370:nc=zz:cn=zz:gosub630:gosub2310:nextzz
- 270 gosub2100
- 280 printtab(13)"[145]dealing cards[146]"
- 290 ifcn=1thenprinttab(9)"[145]the computer has one card [146]":gosub3000
- 300 cr=0:ifcn=0ornc=0then2210
- 310 gosub1060:gosub2160
- 320 gosub2100
- 330 fora=1tonc:ifpt(a)=ccorpc(a)=13orpc(a)=14orpc(a)=cpthen1300
- 340 nexta
- 350 printtab(12)"[145]you must draw a card[146]":fort=1to1000:nextt:gosub2100
- 360 nc=nc+1:gosub370:gosub2160:goto1630
- 370 rem *** player get card ***
- 380 du=0:pc(nc)=int(0+rnd(1)*15):pt(nc)=int(10+rnd(1)*4):gosub1060
- 390 ifpc(nc)=0then430
- 400 ifpc(nc)=13orpc(nc)=14thenpt(nc)=12:goto570
- 410 goto490
- 420 rem *** check # of zero cards ***
- 430 fora=1tonc:ifpc(a)=pc(nc)andpt(a)=pt(nc)thendu=du+1
- 440 ifpc(a)=cc(nc)andpt(a)=ct(nc)thendu=du+1
- 450 ifpc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 460 nexta
- 470 ifdu>1then380
- 480 goto890
- 490 rem *** check # of reg. cards ***
- 500 fora=1tonc:ifpc(a)=pc(nc)andpt(a)=pt(nc)thendu=du+1
- 510 ifpc(a)=cc(nc)andpt(a)=ct(nc)thendu=du+1
- 520 ifpc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 530 nexta
- 540 ifdu>2then380
- 550 goto890
- 560 rem *** check # of wild cards ***
- 570 fora=1tonc:ifpc(a)=pc(nc)andpt(a)=pt(nc)thendu=du+1
- 580 ifpc(a)=cc(nc)andpt(a)=ct(nc)thendu=du+1
- 590 ifpc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 600 nexta
- 610 ifdu>4then380
- 620 goto890
- 630 rem *** computer get card ***
- 640 du=0:cc(cn)=int(0+rnd(1)*15):ct(cn)=int(10+rnd(1)*4):gosub1190
- 650 ifcc(cn)=0then690
- 660 ifcc(cn)=13orcc(cn)=14thenct(cn)=12:goto830
- 670 goto750
- 680 rem *** check # of zero cards ***
- 690 fora=1tocn:ifcc(a)=pc(cn)andct(a)=pt(cn)thendu=du+1
- 700 ifcc(a)=cc(cn)andct(a)=ct(cn)thendu=du+1
- 710 ifcc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 720 nexta
- 730 ifdu>1then640
- 740 goto910
- 750 rem *** check # of reg. cards ***
- 760 fora=1tocn:ifcc(a)=cc(cn)andct(a)=ct(cn)thendu=du+1
- 770 ifcc(a)=pc(cn)andct(a)=pt(cn)thendu=du+1
- 780 ifcc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 790 nexta
- 800 ifdu>2then640
- 810 goto910
- 820 rem *** check # of wild cards ***
- 830 fora=1tocn:ifcc(a)=cc(cn)andct(a)=ct(cn)thendu=du+1
- 840 ifcc(a)=pc(cn)andct(a)=pt(cn)thendu=du+1
- 850 ifcc(a)=ccthendu=du+1
- 860 nexta
- 870 ifdu>4then640
- 880 goto910
- 890 rem *** assign player ***
- 900 du=0:gosub1060:return
- 910 rem *** assign computer ***
- 920 du=0:gosub1190:return
- 930 rem *** draw card ***
- 940 poke646,co:pc$(0)="[169] "
- 950 printtab(ta)"[213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 960 ifcr<>1thenprinttab(ta)"[221]";mid$(pc$(c),1,3)" [223][146] [221]"
- 970 ifcr=1thenprinttab(ta)"[221]";mid$(cc$(c),1,3)" [223][146] [221]"
- 980 printtab(ta)"[221] [223][146][221]"
- 990 printtab(ta)"[221] [146][221]"
- 1000 printtab(ta)"[221] [146][221]"
- 1010 printtab(ta)"[221] [146][221]"
- 1020 printtab(ta)"[221][223] [146][221]"
- 1030 printtab(ta)"[221] [223] [146][169][221]"
- 1040 printtab(ta)"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 1050 return
- 1060 rem *** assign values ***
- 1070 fora=1tonc
- 1080 ifpc(a)=>0andpc(a)<=9thenpc$(a)=right$(str$(pc(a)),1)+" "
- 1090 ifpt(a)=10thenpt(a)=6
- 1100 ifpt(a)=11thenpt(a)=5
- 1110 ifpt(a)=12thenpt(a)=2
- 1120 ifpt(a)=13thenpt(a)=7
- 1130 ifpc(a)=10thenpc$(a)="d2"
- 1140 ifpc(a)=11thenpc$(a)="re"
- 1150 ifpc(a)=12thenpc$(a)="sk"
- 1160 ifpc(a)=13thenpc$(a)="wi":pt(a)=12
- 1170 ifpc(a)=14thenpc$(a)="w4":pt(a)=12
- 1180 nexta:return
- 1190 fora=1tocn:ifcc(a)=>0andcc(a)<=9thencc$(a)=right$(str$(cc(a)),1)+" "
- 1200 ifct(a)=10thenct(a)=6
- 1210 ifct(a)=11thenct(a)=5
- 1220 ifct(a)=12thenct(a)=2
- 1230 ifct(a)=13thenct(a)=7
- 1240 ifcc(a)=10thencc$(a)="d2"
- 1250 ifcc(a)=11thencc$(a)="re"
- 1260 ifcc(a)=12thencc$(a)="sk"
- 1270 ifcc(a)=13thencc$(a)="wi":ct(a)=12
- 1280 ifcc(a)=14thencc$(a)="w4":ct(a)=12
- 1290 nexta:return
- 1300 rem *** player's routine ***
- 1310 print"[145]"tab(7)"put cursor on card to play[146]":lo=1545:c=1
- 1320 uc=peek(lo):pokelo,160:fort=1to100:nextt
- 1330 pokelo,uc:fort=1to100:nextt
- 1340 getk$:ifk$=""then1320
- 1350 ifk$="[145]"andlo>1585thenpokelo,uc:lo=lo-80:c=c-11:goto1320
- 1360 ifk$=""andpeek(lo+80)<>160thenpokelo,uc:lo=lo+80:c=c+11:goto1320
- 1370 ifk$="[157]"andpeek(lo-3)<>32thenpokelo,uc:lo=lo-3:c=c-1:goto1320
- 1380 ifk$=""andpeek(lo+3)<>160thenpokelo,uc:lo=lo+3:c=c+1:goto1320
- 1390 ifk$=chr$(13)then1410
- 1400 goto1320
- 1410 ifpt(c)=ccorpc(c)=cporpc(c)=13orpc(c)=14thenta=23:cc=pt(c):cp=pc(c)
- 1420 ifpt(c)=ccorpc(c)=cporpc(c)=13orpc(c)=14thenprint"":goto1450
- 1430 print"[145]"tab(6)"that card can not be laid down[146]":fort=1to500:nextt
- 1440 gosub2100:goto1310
- 1450 co=cc:gosub930
- 1460 ifpc(c)=13orpc(c)=14thengosub2100:gosub3100
- 1470 ifpc(c)<>13andpc(c)<>14then1530
- 1480 input#1,c$:ok=.
- 1485 ifleft$(c$,1)="b"thencc=6:co=cc:cp=pc(c):ta=23:print"":gosub930:ok=-1
- 1490 ifleft$(c$,1)="g"thencc=5:co=cc:ta=23:cp=pc(c):print"":gosub930:ok=-1
- 1500 ifleft$(c$,1)="r"thencc=2:co=cc:ta=23:cp=pc(c):print"":gosub930:ok=-1
- 1510 ifleft$(c$,1)="y"thencc=7:cp=pc(c):ta=23:print"":co=cc:gosub930:ok=-1
- 1520 ifnot(ok)thengosub3200
- 1530 ifpc(c)=14thengosub3300
- 1540 ifpc(c)=14thenforx=1to4:cn=cn+1:gosub630:nextx
- 1550 ifpc(c)=10thengosub3400
- 1560 ifpc(c)=10thencn=cn+1:gosub630:cn=cn+1:gosub630
- 1570 ifpc(c)=10orpc(c)=11orpc(c)=12orpc(c)=14thenpl=1
- 1580 fora=ctonc:pc(a)=pc(a+1):pt(a)=pt(a+1):nexta:nc=nc-1:gosub1060
- 1590 ifnc=0orcn=0then2210
- 1600 gosub2130:gosub2100
- 1610 ifpl=1thenpl=0:c=1:goto290
- 1620 gosub2160
- 1630 rem *** computer's routine ***
- 1640 ifcp=>0andcp<10andcr=1then290
- 1650 ifcp=13andcr=1then290
- 1660 gosub1190:gosub2100
- 1665 d2=0:wi=0:w4=0:t2=0:cl=0:sc=0:b=0:g=0:r=0:y=0:cr=1:gc=0
- 1670 printtab(8)"[145]it is the computer's turn[146]"
- 1675 fort=1to1000:nextt:gosub2100
- 1680 ifcn=1thenprinttab(9)"[145]the computer has one card [146]":gosub3500
- 1690 fora=1tocn:ifcc(a)=10andct(a)=ccorcc(a)=cpthend2=a
- 1700 ifcc(a)=13thenwi=a
- 1710 ifcc(a)=14thenw4=a
- 1720 ifcc(a)=11andct(a)=ccthent2=a
- 1730 ifcc(a)=12andct(a)=ccthent2=a
- 1740 ifcc(a)=11andcc(a)=cpthent2=a
- 1750 ifcc(a)=12andcc(a)=cpthent2=a
- 1760 ifcc(a)=cporct(a)=ccthencl=a
- 1770 ifct(a)=ccthensc=a
- 1780 ifct(a)=6thenb=b+1
- 1790 ifct(a)=5theng=g+1
- 1800 ifct(a)=2thenr=r+1
- 1810 ifct(a)=7theny=y+1
- 1820 nexta
- 1830 ifb=>gandb=>randb=>ythengc=6
- 1840 ifg=>bandg=>randg=>ythengc=5
- 1850 ifr=>bandr=>gandr=>ythengc=2
- 1860 ify=>bandy=>gandy=>rthengc=7
- 1870 ift2<>0thena=t2:gosub1960:goto1630
- 1880 ifw4<>0andsc=0andnc<3thena=w4:ct(a)=gc:gosub1960:goto1630
- 1890 ifd2<>0thena=d2:gosub1960:goto1630
- 1900 ifcl<>0andnc<>1thena=cl:gosub1960:goto290
- 1910 ifwi<>0thena=wi:ct(a)=gc:gosub1960:goto290
- 1920 ifw4<>0andsc=0thena=w4:ct(a)=gc:gosub1960:goto1630
- 1930 ifcl<>0thena=cl:gosub1960:goto290
- 1940 printtab(6)"[145]the computer must draw a card":fort=1to500:nextt
- 1950 cn=cn+1:gosub630:gosub2100:gosub1190:goto290
- 1960 rem *** com. lay down card **
- 1970 ifct(a)=12thenct(a)=gc
- 1980 co=ct(a):cp=cc(a):cc=co:cn=cn-1:c=a:ta=23:print"":cr=1:gosub930
- 1990 ifcc(a)=14thenprinttab(8)"you must draw four cards[146]":gosub3600
- 2000 ifcc(a)=10thenprinttab(8)"you must draw two cards[146]":gosub3600
- 2010 ff=a
- 2020 ifcc(a)=14thenforx=1to4:nc=nc+1:gosub370:nextx:gosub1060:gosub2160
- 2030 a=ff
- 2040 ifcc(a)=10thenforx=1to2:nc=nc+1:gosub370:nextx:gosub1060:gosub2160
- 2050 a=ff
- 2060 forz=atocn:cc(z)=cc(z+1):ct(z)=ct(z+1):nextz:gosub1190
- 2070 gosub2100:a=ff
- 2080 ifcn=0ornc=0then2210
- 2090 return
- 2100 rem *** clear status line ***
- 2110 print"":forx=1to39:print" ";:nextx:print
- 2120 return
- 2130 rem *** clear screen bottom ***
- 2140 print""
- 2142 fori=0to11:printcl$:next
- 2150 return
- 2160 rem *** deal cards ***
- 2170 cr=0:ta=-3:fora=1tonc:c=a:ta=ta+3:co=pt(a):gosub930:print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 2180 ifta=>28thenprint"":ta=-3
- 2190 nexta
- 2200 return
- 2210 rem *** player wins ***
- 2220 gosub2100:gosub2130
- 2230 fora=1to15
- 2240 poke646,a
- 2250 ifnc=0thenprint""tab(3)"congratulations-you won !!!"
- 2260 ifcn=0thenprinttab(5)""tab(6)"sorry-the computer wins"
- 2270 fort=1to200:nextt
- 2280 print""tab(7)"[158]press any key to play again[146]"
- 2290 geta$:ifa$=""thennexta:goto2230
- 2300 run
- 2310 rem *** shuffling sound ***
- 2320 pokes,45:pokes+1,33:pokes+5,49:pokes+22,1:pokes+23,1:pokes+24,79
- 2330 forn=1to30:pokes+4,129
- 2340 fort=1to1:nextt:pokes+4,128:fort=1to1:nextt:nextn:pokes+24,0
- 2350 return
- 3000 fort=1to1500:nextt:gosub2100:return
- 3100 printtab(6)"[145]change color to what?";:return
- 3200 gosub2100:goto1460:return
- 3300 gosub2100:printtab(4)"[145]the computer is drawing four cards[146]":return
- 3400 gosub2100:printtab(5)"[145]the computer is drawing two cards[146]":return
- 3500 fort=1to1500:nextt:gosub2100:return
- 3600 fort=1to500:nextt:return
- 3700 fort=1to500:nextt:return
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 ifer<>63thenend
- 60020 load"hello connect",8