home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 q=q+1:onqgoto3,4,5
- 2 goto10
- 3 load"wb.fnt",8,1
- 4 load"utl",8,1
- 5 poke53281,14:print"[147]":ifpeek(53265)<>27thensys51459
- 10 ifa3=0thenpoke20480,0:poke20481,0
- 20 rb=256*peek(20480)+peek(20481)
- 30 ifa2thenrb=rb+1:goto2680
- 40 ifa1then1170
- 50 poke52,56:poke56,56:poke55,0:poke51,0
- 60 goto1080
- 62 print"":poke646,cl
- 63 printtab(26)"[176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 64 printtab(26)"[221]w[146] o[146] r[146] d[146][221]"
- 65 printtab(26)"[221] [221]"
- 66 printtab(26)"[221]b[146] o[146] w[146] l[146][221]"
- 67 printtab(26)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 68 return
- 70 :
- 80 :rem ===ending===
- 90 :
- 100 print"[147][149]"spc(13)"do you want to:"
- 110 printspc(10)"p[151][146]lay another game?"
- 120 printspc(10)"r[151][146]eturn to first menu?"
- 130 printspc(10)"e[151][146]xit to loadstar?"
- 135 poke198,0
- 140 geta$
- 150 ifa$="p"then1170
- 160 ifa$="r"then2280
- 170 ifa$<>"e"then140
- 180 print"[147]"spc(10)"[149]returning to loadstar"
- 190 poke55,0:poke56,160:poke53272,21
- 200 load"hello connect",8
- 222 print"":fort=0to20:print:next
- 224 print" press any key to play another game "
- 226 print" [145]"
- 228 return
- 230 :
- 240 :rem ===screen===
- 250 :
- 260 ifd=0thenpp%(fr)=221:return
- 270 ifd=1thenpp%(fr)=220:return
- 280 pp%(fr)=48+(11-d):return
- 290 print"[144]":fori=1to19:print:next
- 300 printspc(15);:fori=1tor:print"-";:next:print:print
- 310 print" f1 [151]reveal a letter f3 [151]scores"
- 320 print" f7 [151]instructions f8 [151]new game/quit [145]"
- 325 cl=6:gosub62
- 330 return
- 340 :
- 350 :rem ===triangle===
- 360 :
- 370 fori=0tor-1:q%(i)=0:next
- 380 fori=0tor-1
- 390 f=int(rnd(1)*r)
- 400 ifq%(f)then390
- 410 f$(i)=mid$(g$(fr),f+1,1)
- 420 q%(f)=1
- 430 next:return
- 440 :
- 450 :rem ===score sheet===
- 460 :
- 470 print"";
- 480 print" [144][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 490 print" [180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [219][146][180] [170]"
- 500 print" [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [180] [170]"
- 510 print" [204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][204][175][175][175][175][186][151]"
- 520 return
- 530 :
- 540 :rem ===get word===
- 550 :
- 560 fori=1to10:g$(i)="":cj=cj+1
- 570 ra=int(rnd(1)*rb):ifcj<rb-10thenifrq%(ra)then570
- 580 forj=0tor-1
- 590 g$(i)=g$(i)+chr$(peek(bf+j+ra*r))
- 600 ifcj<rb-10thenrq%(ra)=1
- 610 next:next
- 620 return
- 630 :
- 640 :rem ===load scores===
- 650 :
- 660 open15,8,15
- 665 open2,8,2,"0:sco,p,r"
- 670 fori=10to4step-1:forj=0to3
- 680 input#2,hs%(i,j)
- 690 input#2,na$(i,j)
- 700 next:next:close2
- 710 gosub792:return
- 720 :
- 730 :rem ===save scores===
- 740 :
- 750 open15,8,15
- 755 open2,8,2,"@0:sco,p,w"
- 760 fori=10to4step-1:forj=0to3
- 765 ifbqthenhs%(i,j)=10:na$(i,j)="------"
- 770 print#2,hs%(i,j)
- 780 print#2,na$(i,j)
- 790 next:next:close2:gosub792:return
- 792 input#15,er,er$
- 794 ifer$<>"ok"thenprint"[145][145]"er$
- 796 print#15,"i0"
- 800 close15:return
- 810 :
- 820 :rem ===show words===
- 830 :
- 840 cl=15:gosub62:print"":fori=1to10
- 850 l=25:ifi=10thenl=24
- 860 printtab(l)""i" [151]"g$(i)
- 870 next
- 880 ifflthenfl=0:return
- 885 poke198,0
- 890 geta$:ifa$=""then890
- 900 return
- 910 :
- 920 :rem ===big four===
- 930 :
- 940 sys828,4,64:sys828,216,68
- 950 pokecb,0:pokecb+1,0
- 960 print"[147]"tab(14)"the big[146] four"
- 970 fori=10to4step-1
- 975 print"[152] "r$(i)"pins[146]"
- 978 forj=0to3
- 980 print"[154]"tab(25-len(na$(i,j)))na$(i,j)
- 990 print"[145][159]"tab(28)hs%(i,j)
- 992 next
- 995 ifi<>7then1005
- 1000 print" [158]press any key for more scores[145]"
- 1002 poke198,0
- 1003 geta$:ifa$=""then1003
- 1004 print"[147]"tab(14)"the big[146] four"
- 1005 next
- 1010 print" [158]press any key to return to the game"
- 1015 poke198,0
- 1020 geta$:ifa$=""then1020
- 1030 pokecb,15:pokecb+1,15
- 1040 sys828,64:sys828,68,216:return
- 1050 :
- 1060 :rem ===initialization===
- 1070 :
- 1080 cb=53280:poke53272,31
- 1090 printchr$(8)
- 1100 dimrq%(308),m%(11),f$(11),g$(11),p%(11),pp%(13),y%(11),u%(11)
- 1105 dimhs%(11,4),na$(11,4),mh%(3)
- 1110 s=1024:c=54272:w=775:z=40:t=rnd(-ti):bf=20482:rb=0:a3=1
- 1115 mh%(0)=10:mh%(1)=2:mh%(2)=9
- 1118 sp$=" "
- 1120 fori=0to9:readm%(i):next
- 1130 fori=10to4step-1:readr$(i):next
- 1140 fori=1to10:p%(i)=s+121+i*3:u%(i)=p%(i)+39:next
- 1150 gosub660
- 1160 goto2280
- 1170 print"[147]"
- 1180 pokecb+1,15:pokecb,15
- 1190 fr=0:sc=0
- 1200 gosub560:gosub470
- 1210 fori=1to10:pokep%(i)+c,0:next
- 1220 fr=fr+1:qz=0:d=0
- 1230 fori=0tor-1:pokes+w+i,32:pokes+w+i+c,9:next
- 1240 gosub290:gosub370
- 1250 fori=0tor-1:pokes+m%(i),asc(f$(i))+64
- 1260 pokes+m%(i)+c,6:next
- 1270 print" ";
- 1280 fori=1to10
- 1290 ifi=frandfr=10thenprinti;"[157][157][157][157]>[146]"spc(2)"?[146]";:goto1320
- 1300 ifi=frthenprinti;"[157][157][157]>[146]"spc(1)"?[146]";:goto1320
- 1310 printi;"[157] ";
- 1320 next:print"total"
- 1330 k=0
- 1340 ifk<0thenk=0
- 1350 ifk>r-1thenk=r-1
- 1360 v2=peek(s+w+k+c)and15
- 1370 v=s+w+k:v1=peek(v):gosub260:pokeu%(fr),pp%(fr):pokeu%(fr)+c,1
- 1380 ifpp%(fr)=220thenpokeu%(fr)-z,100:pokeu%(fr)-z+c,1
- 1390 ifv1>128thenv1=v1-128:pokev+c,v2:goto1410
- 1400 ifv1<128thenv1=v1+128:pokev+c,1
- 1410 pokev,v1:pokes+825+c,15
- 1420 geta$:ifa$=""then1370
- 1430 ifv1>128thenv1=v1-128:pokev,v1:pokev+c,v2
- 1440 ifa$<>chr$(133)then1530
- 1450 ifv2<>1andv2<>9then1420
- 1460 pokev,asc(mid$(g$(fr),v-(s+w-1),1))-64:pokes+w-1+v-(s+w-1)+c,6:v2=6
- 1500 d=d+1:ifr-d<0thend=d-1
- 1510 pokeu%(fr),32:ifpeek(u%(fr)-z)=100thenpokeu%(fr)-z,32
- 1520 goto1420
- 1530 ifa$=chr$(13)then1710
- 1540 ifa$=chr$(140)then100
- 1550 ifa$=chr$(134)thengosub940:goto1420
- 1551 ifa$<>chr$(135)then1560
- 1552 sys828,4,64:sys828,216,68:print"":fori=0to21:print:next
- 1553 print"[145] [149]do you really want to clear the "
- 1554 print" high scores? y[151]es or n[151]o ":poke198,0
- 1555 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then1555
- 1556 ifa$="n"then1558
- 1557 bq=1:gosub750:bq=0
- 1558 sys828,64,4:sys828,68,216
- 1559 goto1420
- 1560 ifa$<>chr$(136)then1620
- 1580 gosub5000
- 1610 goto1420
- 1620 ifa$="[157]"thenpokev,v1:k=k-1:goto1340
- 1630 ifa$=""thenpokev,v1:k=k+1:goto1340
- 1640 ifa$=chr$(20)thenif(peek(v+c)and15)<>6thenpokev,32:k=k-1:goto1340
- 1650 ifa$=chr$(20)thenk=k-1:goto1340
- 1660 ifa$<"a"ora$>"z"then1420
- 1670 ifv1<>32andv2=6then1690
- 1680 pokev,asc(a$)-64
- 1690 k=k+1
- 1700 goto1340
- 1710 e$="":fori=0tor-1:ifpeek(s+w+i)>128thenpokes+w+i,peek(s+w+i)-128
- 1720 e$=e$+chr$(peek(s+w+i)+64):next
- 1730 pokeu%(fr),32:ifpeek(u%(fr)-z)=100thenpokeu%(fr)-z,32
- 1733 qw=0
- 1735 cl=1:gosub62:cl=6:gosub62:qw=qw+1:ifqw<3then1735
- 1740 ife$<>g$(fr)then1800
- 1750 pokep%(fr),pp%(fr)
- 1770 printspc(27)"[145][145][145][145] [157][157][157][157][157][157]right[157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 1772 fort=1to2000:next:cl=6:gosub62
- 1780 iffr=10then1840
- 1790 goto1220
- 1800 d=d+1:ifr-d<0thend=d-1
- 1810 printspc(27)"[145][145][145][145] [157][157][157][157][157][157]sorry[157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 1820 fort=1to2000:next:cl=6:gosub62
- 1830 goto1270
- 1840 sc=0:pp%(11)=221:pp%(12)=221
- 1850 fori=1to10
- 1860 ifpp%(i)<>221then1930
- 1870 ifpp%(i+1)<>221then1910
- 1880 ifpp%(i+2)=221thensc=sc+30:goto1980
- 1890 ifpp%(i+2)=220thensc=sc+29:goto1980
- 1900 sc=sc+20+pp%(i+2)-48:goto1980
- 1910 ifpp%(i+1)=220thensc=sc+20:goto1980
- 1920 sc=sc+10+pp%(i+1)-48:goto1980
- 1930 ifpp%(i)<>220then1970
- 1940 ifpp%(i+1)=221thensc=sc+20:goto1980
- 1950 ifpp%(i+1)=220thensc=sc+19:goto1980
- 1960 sc=sc+10+pp%(i+1)-48:goto1980
- 1970 sc=sc+pp%(i)-48
- 1980 next
- 1990 fl=1:gosub840
- 2000 fori=0to9:ifsc>hs%(r,i)then2020
- 2010 next
- 2015 gosub222:goto2247
- 2020 print"":fort=0to20:print:next
- 2030 print" [149]do you want to register your score? "
- 2040 print" y[151]es or n[151]o ":poke198,0
- 2080 print""tab(33)sc
- 2090 fort=1to50:next
- 2100 print"[149]"tab(33)sc
- 2110 fort=1to50:next
- 2120 geta$:ifa$=""then2080
- 2130 ifa$="y"then2170
- 2140 ifa$="n"then2245
- 2160 goto2120
- 2170 print"":fort=0to21:print:next
- 2180 print" your name [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 2190 sf=1:ln=16:gosub4000:n$=a$:sf=0
- 2200 forj=3toi+1step-1
- 2210 hs%(r,j)=hs%(r,j-1):na$(r,j)=na$(r,j-1)
- 2220 next
- 2230 hs%(r,i)=sc:na$(r,i)=n$
- 2240 gosub750:gosub660
- 2245 gosub222
- 2246 poke198,0
- 2247 geta$:ifa$=""then2247
- 2250 goto1170
- 2260 data690,572,568,450,446,454,328,332,336,324
- 2270 dataten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four
- 2280 pokecb+1,0:pokecb,0:print"[147]"
- 2290 fori=25to0step-1:forj=2to0step-1
- 2300 pokes+87+i+j*z,161+i+j*32
- 2310 next:next
- 2320 fori=0to25:forj=0to2
- 2330 pokes+87+i+j*z+c,mh%(j)
- 2340 next:next
- 2350 print""spc(16)"[154]tenpins"
- 2360 printspc(16)"ninepins"
- 2370 printspc(16)"eightpins"
- 2380 printspc(16)"sevenpins"
- 2390 printspc(16)"sixpins"
- 2400 printspc(16)"fivepins"
- 2410 printspc(16)"fourpins"
- 2420 print"[151] use cursor[146] keys[146] [151]then return"
- 2430 y=5:zv=0:a1=0:a2=0
- 2440 print"":fori=1toy:print:next
- 2450 printspc(13)"?[157][146]";
- 2455 poke198,0
- 2460 geta$:ifa$=""then2460
- 2462 ifa$=chr$(13)then2510
- 2465 ifa$<>""then2475
- 2470 print" ":y=y+2:ifzvthenify>21theny=19
- 2473 ifzv=0thenify>17theny=5
- 2475 ifa$<>""then2500
- 2480 print" ":y=y-2:ifzvthenify<19theny=21
- 2485 ifzv=0thenify<5theny=17
- 2500 goto2440
- 2510 print"?[146]":ifzvthen2580
- 2520 r=11-(y-3)/2
- 2530 print"":fori=1to19:print:next
- 2540 printspc(16)"[159]play the game"
- 2550 printspc(16)"add to the word list"
- 2560 zv=1:y=19
- 2570 goto2440
- 2580 a1=1
- 2585 print"":fori=0to22:print:next:print" loading "r$(r)"-letter words [145]"
- 2590 ify=21thena2=1
- 2600 onr-3gosub2610,2620,2630,2640,2650,2660,2670
- 2610 load"four",8,1
- 2620 load"five",8,1
- 2630 load"six",8,1
- 2640 load"seven",8,1
- 2650 load"eight",8,1
- 2660 load"nine",8,1
- 2670 load"ten",8,1
- 2680 pokecb,15:pokecb+1,15
- 2700 print"[147]":fori=0to19:print:next
- 2710 printspc(7)"l[146][151]ist m[146][151]enu s[146][151]ave"
- 2715 printspc(14)"i[146][151]nstructions"
- 2720 print"[144]"spc(17);:fori=1tor:print"-";:next:print
- 2730 print"[145][145][151] word "rb+1
- 2740 printspc(11)"[145]#"spc(3)"[154] ";
- 2750 b$="":ln=r:gosub4000:b$=a$
- 2755 ifb$<>"i"then2760
- 2758 gosub5000:goto2700
- 2760 ifb$="l"then2830
- 2765 ifb$="s"thengosub2990:goto2700
- 2770 ifb$<>"m"then2810
- 2772 print"":fori=0to21:print:next
- 2774 print"do you want to save first? y[151]es or n[151]o[145]"
- 2775 poke198,0
- 2776 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then2776
- 2778 ifa$="n"then2280
- 2780 gosub2990:goto2280
- 2810 fori=1tor:pokebf+(rb)*r+i-1,asc(mid$(b$,i,1)):next
- 2815 rb=rb+1
- 2820 goto2700
- 2830 print"[147]":pokecb,0:pokecb+1,0
- 2840 fori=0to21:print:next:printspc(6)"[158]press [159]shift[158][146] to halt listing[155] ";
- 2850 fori=1torb:a$=""
- 2860 ifpeek(653)=1then2860
- 2870 forj=0tor-1
- 2880 a$=a$+chr$(peek(bf+j+(i-1)*r))
- 2890 next
- 2900 ifpos(0)>37-rthenprint:print" ";
- 2910 ifpeek(214)<22then2940
- 2920 print:printsp$:print
- 2930 printspc(6)"[158][145]press [159]shift[158][146] to halt listing[155] [145][145][145]";:goto2950
- 2940 print" "a$" ";
- 2950 next
- 2960 print"":fori=0to21:print:next:printspc(6)"[158] press any key to continue "
- 2965 poke198,0
- 2970 geta$:ifa$=""then2970
- 2980 goto2680
- 2990 pokebf-2,int(rb/256)
- 3000 pokebf-1,rb-256*int(rb/256)
- 3010 open15,8,15,"i0"
- 3020 fr$=r$(r)
- 3030 sys57812"@0:"+fr$,8
- 3040 poke193,0:poke194,80
- 3050 poke174,0:poke175,int((bf+rb*r)/256)+1:sys62954
- 3060 input#15,a$,a$
- 3070 ifa$="ok"thena$="saved"
- 3080 printtab(15)""a$:fort=1to3000:next
- 3085 ifa$<>"saved"thenprint#15,"i0"
- 3090 close15
- 3100 return
- 4000 poke198,0:k$=""
- 4010 print" [157][146]";
- 4020 fort=1to10:next
- 4030 print" [157][149]";
- 4040 fort=1to10:next
- 4050 geta$:ifa$=""then4010
- 4060 l=len(k$)
- 4070 ifa$=chr$(13)thena$=k$:print:return
- 4080 ifa$=chr$(20)andlthenprint" [157][157]";:k$=left$(k$,l-1):goto4010
- 4085 ifa$=" "andsfthen4100
- 4090 if(a$<"a"ora$>"z")then4010
- 4100 ifl>=lnthen4010
- 4110 printa$;:k$=k$+a$
- 4120 goto4010
- 5000 sys828,4,64:sys828,216,68
- 5001 poke53281,0:poke53281,0
- 5002 print"[147]"tab(12)"w[146] o[146] r[146] d[146] b[146] o[146] w[146] l"
- 5005 print" [154]playing the game"
- 5010 print" [159]unscramble the letters on the pins"
- 5020 print" and enter the word on the dotted line."
- 5030 print" if you are correct, you make the score"
- 5040 print" that's in the frame on the scoreboard"
- 5050 print" if you're wrong, you lose a pin."
- 5070 print" if you want to reveal a letter,"
- 5080 print" position the cursor on the dotted line"
- 5090 print" and press f1[159]. it costs you a pin."
- 5100 print" press f3[159] to see the big[146] four[146][159] of"
- 5110 print" each level."
- 5115 print" press f7[159] to see these instructions."
- 5117 print" press f5[159] to clear the high scores."
- 5120 print" to quit the game, press f8"
- 5130 print" [158]press any key to continue[145]"
- 5135 poke198,0
- 5140 geta$:ifa$=""then5140
- 5150 poke53272,31:poke53281,0:print"[147]"tab(12)"w[146] o[146] r[146] d[146] b[146] o[146] w[146] l"
- 5160 print" [154]adding to the word list"
- 5170 print" [159]enter your words on the dotted"
- 5180 print" line. try not to enter words that can"
- 5190 print" be anagrammed two or more different"
- 5195 print" ways."
- 5200 print" when you're through, press return[159]"
- 5210 print" without entering anything."
- 5220 print" to see the list, enter l[146][159]."
- 5222 print" to save your list, enter s[146][159]."
- 5225 print" to return to the menu, enter m[146][159]."
- 5230 print" always save your new list before"
- 5240 print" returning to the menu."
- 5250 print" [158]press any key to continue[145]"
- 5255 poke198,0
- 5260 geta$:ifa$=""then5260
- 5265 sys828,64,4:sys828,68,216:pokecb,15:pokecb+1,15
- 5270 return