home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 rem *********************************
- 1 rem ** video ventures disk editor! **
- 2 rem ** copyright 1987 **
- 3 rem ** **
- 4 rem ** programmed by shawn ort **
- 5 rem *********************************
- 6 poke53280,12:poke53281,12:poke646,0
- 8 poke650,128
- 9 print"[147]";chr$(9);chr$(8);
- 10 print" [211][197][195][212][207][210] [197][196][201][212][207][210]"
- 15 print" [194][217] [211][200][193][215][206] [207][210][212] ([195]) 1987"
- 20 print" [146]"
- 22 print" 1. [197][196][201][212] [196][201][211][203] [144] [146]"
- 24 print" 2. [196][201][210][197][195][212][207][210][217] [144] [146]"
- 26 print" 3. [194][207][207][212] [196][201][211][203] [144] [146]"
- 28 print" [146]"
- 30 print" [161] [146][161]"
- 32 print" [161] [192][178][192] [192][178][192] [192][178][192] [146][161]"
- 34 print" [161] [173][174] [173][174] [176][189] [146][161]"
- 36 print" [161] [173][174] [173][174] [176][189] [146][161]"
- 38 print" [161] [173][174] [173][174][176][189] [146][161]"
- 40 print" [161] [173][174] [171][189] [146][161]"
- 42 print" [161] [173][174] [176][189] [146][161]"
- 44 print" [161] [173][174] [176][189] [146][161]"
- 46 print" [161] [173][174] [176][189] [146][161]"
- 48 print" [161] [173][174][176][189] [146][161]"
- 50 print" [161] [173][189] [146][161]"
- 52 print" [161] [146][161]"
- 53 print"[144]"
- 55 mn$(1)=" 1. [197][196][201][212] [196][201][211][203] [144]"
- 56 mn$(2)=" 2. [196][201][210][197][195][212][207][210][217] [144]"
- 57 mn$(3)=" 3. [194][207][207][212] [196][201][211][203] [144]"
- 58 c=1
- 59 print"":rem print down
- 60 forx=1to3
- 61 ifx=cthen print tab(11);"[158]";mn$(x):goto63
- 62 print tab(11);"";mn$(x)
- 63 nextx
- 64 get a$:ifa$=""then64
- 65 ifa$="[145]"then69
- 66 ifa$=""then71
- 67 ifa$=chr$(13)ora$="1"ora$="2"ora$="3"then75
- 68 goto64
- 69 ifc=1thenc=3:goto59
- 70 c=c-1:goto59
- 71 ifc=3thenc=1:goto59
- 72 c=c+1:goto59
- 75 rem goto routine
- 76 poke781,23:sys59903:ifa$="1"then100
- 77 ifa$="2"then1000
- 78 ifa$="3"then90
- 80 ifc=1then100
- 81 ifc=2then1000
- 82 ifc=3then90
- 83 run
- 90 rem ** boot disk **
- 91 print"[147] [193]re you sure you want to quit? ([217]/[206])"
- 92 geta$:ifa$=""then92
- 93 ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"[217]"thenrun
- 94 open15,8,15,"r:hello connect=hello connect":poke646,12
- 95 input#15,a$:close15:print"":ifa$="63"then98
- 96 open15,8,15,"i0":close15:print"[144][201]nsert [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] disk!":forx=1to1500:next
- 97 goto90
- 98 print"load"chr$(34);"hello connect";chr$(34)",8,1[145][145][145]"
- 99 poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,85:poke634,78:poke635,13:poke198,5:end
- 100 rem *******************************
- 105 rem ** start of editor program **
- 110 rem *******************************
- 115 rem
- 120 print"[144][197]nter [212]rack:";:gosub1500:ift<>99then122
- 121 gosub5000:goto120
- 122 printchr$(9):ift=0thent=18:s=0
- 124 print"[147]";chr$(14):gosub125:goto225
- 125 rem ** read block **
- 126 if t<0 or t>41thenreturn
- 127 if s>20thenreturn
- 130 gosub2200:open15,8,15:open2,8,2,"#"
- 131 j=128:gosub600:gosub155
- 132 print#15,"m-r"chr$(0)chr$(3)chr$(255)
- 135 sys49152:rem read and store 1
- 140 print#15,"m-r"chr$(224)chr$(3)chr$(255)
- 145 sys49310:rem read and store 2
- 150 close2:gosub2000:close15:sys49447
- 155 print"";:forx=1to8:print" [181]";tab(36);"[182]":nextx
- 160 print" [183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]":return
- 165 rem ** edit and save **
- 168 gosub400
- 170 print"[144][212]rack";t;"[157] [211]ector";s;"[157] ":print""
- 172 print"[206]ext track & sector ";peek(1028);",";peek(1029)
- 173 print"[208]ress: [198]1[146] to exit without writing"
- 174 print" [198]3[146] to edit in assembly"
- 175 print" [198]7[146] to edit in hex or decimal"
- 176 print"[144][208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [144]when ready to write sector";
- 179 sys49616
- 180 p=peek(254):wait207,1:poke204,1:poke198,0
- 181 ifp=13then194
- 182 ifp=133then190
- 183 ifp=134then40000
- 184 ifp=136then800
- 185 goto179
- 190 rem ** exit **
- 192 print"[147]":sys49447:poke199,0:gosub155:goto225
- 194 rem ** save **
- 195 gosub400:poke199,0:poke204,1:sys49342
- 196 print"[144][146] ";t;",";s:tt=t:ss=s
- 198 input"[146][145]save at track, sector";t,s
- 199 if t=tt then ifs=ssthen204
- 200 print"save at track";t;"sector";s:print"are you sure?"
- 201 geta$:ifa$=""then201
- 202 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then204
- 203 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thent=tt:s=ss:goto195
- 204 gosub2200:open2,8,2,"#":open15,8,15:print#15,"b-p:"2;0
- 205 sys49592
- 210 print#15,"u2:"2;0;t;s
- 215 gosub2100:close2:close15:print"[147]":gosub130:goto225
- 220 rem
- 225 rem ** sub-menu
- 230 print""
- 235 print"[211]-[211]elect track, sector [197]-[197]dit sector"
- 240 print"[198]-[198]orward [194]-[194]ackward"
- 245 print"[193]-[193]uto mode [204]-[204]ock/unlock"
- 246 print"[208]-[208]rint contents [200]-[200]eader info"
- 247 print"[206]-[206]ext track, sector [216]-[197]xit"
- 250 print"[144][212]rack";t;"[157] [211]ector";s;"[157] ":print""
- 251 print"[206]ext [212]rack, [211]ector [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";peek(1028);peek(1029);" "
- 252 geta$:ifa$=""then252
- 257 ifa$=""then252
- 258 ifa$="s"ora$="[211]"then115
- 260 ifa$="e"ora$="[197]"then165
- 265 ifa$="f"ora$="[198]"thengosub300:if e<>1thensys49436:gosub155
- 270 ifa$="b"ora$="[194]"thengosub340:if e<>1thensys49436:gosub155
- 275 ifa$="a"ora$="[193]"then500
- 280 ifa$="x"ora$="[216]"then run
- 281 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thengosub450
- 282 ifa$="p"ora$="[208]"then700
- 283 ifa$="l"ora$="[204]"then750
- 284 ifa$="h"ora$="[200]"then1100
- 285 ifa$="+"thentt=t:t=t-1:gosub3000
- 286 ifa$="-"thentt=t:t=t+1:gosub3000
- 287 goto250
- 300 rem ** forward **
- 302 s=s+1
- 305 ift=35ands>16thenaa$="off":s=16:return
- 310 bq=20
- 320 ift<18thengosub332:goto325
- 321 ift<25thengosub334:goto325
- 322 ift<31thengosub336:goto325
- 323 ift<41thengosub338:goto325
- 325 goto125
- 332 ifs>20thent=t+1:s=0
- 333 return
- 334 ifs>18thent=t+1:s=0
- 335 return
- 336 ifs>17thent=t+1:s=0
- 337 return
- 338 ifs>16thent=t+1:s=0
- 339 return
- 340 rem ** backward **
- 341 s=s-1
- 342 ift=1ands<0thens=s+1:return
- 345 ift<19thengosub352:goto350
- 346 ift<26thengosub354:goto350
- 347 ift<32thengosub356:goto350
- 348 ift<36thengosub358:goto350
- 350 goto130
- 352 ifs<0thent=t-1:s=20
- 353 return
- 354 ifs<0thent=t-1:s=18
- 355 return
- 356 ifs<0thent=t-1:s=17
- 357 return
- 358 ifs<0thent=t-1:s=16
- 359 return
- 400 rem clear bottom window
- 405 forx=10to25:poke781,x:sys59903:nextx
- 410 return
- 450 rem * next track and sector *
- 452 ifpeek(1028)=0thenreturn
- 454 ifpeek(1028)>35thenreturn
- 456 ifpeek(1029)>22thenreturn
- 458 t=peek(1028):s=peek(1029):goto125
- 500 rem ** auto mode **
- 505 gosub400:gosub560:gosub520
- 510 geta$:ifa$=""then510
- 512 ifa$="f"ora$="[198]"then530
- 514 ifa$="b"ora$="[194]"then540
- 516 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then550
- 518 ifa$="x"ora$="[216]"thengosub400:goto225
- 519 goto510
- 520 rem update
- 522 print"[144][212]rack";t;"[157] [211]ector";s;"[157] ":print""
- 524 print"[206]ext [212]rack, [211]ector [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";peek(1028);peek(1029);" "
- 526 return
- 530 rem auto forward
- 532 geta$:ifa$="f"ora$="[198]"then500
- 534 gosub300:gosub520
- 535 if e<>1thengosub560
- 536 goto532
- 540 rem auto backward
- 542 geta$:ifa$="b"ora$="[194]"then500
- 544 gosub340:gosub520
- 545 if e<>1thengosub560
- 546 goto542
- 550 rem auto next
- 552 geta$:ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then500
- 553 tt=t:ss=s
- 554 gosub520:t=peek(1028):s=peek(1029)
- 556 if t=0thent=tt:s=ss:gosub520:goto500
- 557 gosub450:ife<>1then500
- 558 goto550
- 560 print""
- 565 print" auto mode"
- 570 print"[198]-forward [194]-backward"
- 575 print"[206]-next track, sector [216]-exit"
- 578 print"-options are toggled with the same key-"
- 580 return
- 600 rem job queue : job in j
- 605 x=0
- 610 print#15,"m-w"chr$(6)chr$(0)chr$(2)chr$(t)chr$(s)
- 615 print#15,"m-w"chr$(0)chr$(0)chr$(1)chr$(j)
- 620 x=x+1
- 625 print#15,"m-r"chr$(0)chr$(0)
- 630 get#15,e$
- 635 if e$=""thene$=chr$(0)
- 640 e=asc(e$)
- 645 if x=500 then return
- 650 if e>127 then620
- 655 return
- 700 gosub400:rem * print contents *
- 705 print"print disk contents"
- 710 print"[144][208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [144]to print,"
- 715 print"any other key to abort."
- 720 geta$:ifa$=""then720
- 725 ifa$<>chr$(13)then735
- 730 open4,4:print#4,"":close4:ifst<>0thenprint"turn printer on!":goto705
- 731 gosub400:print"printing, please wait..."
- 732 gosub30000
- 735 gosub400:goto225
- 750 rem ** lock/unlock disk **
- 755 forx=10to25:poke781,x:sys59903:nextx
- 760 print"[204]ock/[213]nlock [196]isk"
- 761 print"[208]ress: [204] to lock disk"
- 762 print" [213] to unlock disk"
- 763 print"[144][208]ress any other key to abort"
- 765 geta$:ifa$=""then765
- 770 ifa$="l"ora$="[204]"then775
- 771 ifa$="u"ora$="[213]"then785
- 772 rem ** go back to view menu **
- 773 forx=10to25:poke781,x:sys59903:nextx:goto225
- 775 rem ** lock disk **
- 776 gosub2200:open15,8,15,"i0":open2,8,2,"#"
- 777 print#15,"u1:";2;0;18;0:gosub2100
- 778 print#15,"b-p:";2;2
- 779 print#2,chr$(1);:gosub2100
- 780 print#15,"u2:";2;0;18;0:gosub2100
- 781 close2:print#15,"i0":close15:goto773:rem go to menu
- 785 rem ** unlock disk **
- 786 gosub2200:open15,8,15:print#15,"i0":open2,8,2,"#"
- 787 print#15,"u1:";2;0;18;0:gosub2100
- 788 print#15,"b-p:";2;2
- 789 print#2,chr$(65);:gosub2100
- 790 print#15,"m-w";chr$(1);chr$(1);chr$(1);chr$(65)
- 791 print#15,"m-w";chr$(2);chr$(7);chr$(1);chr$(65)
- 792 print#15,"u2:";2;0;18;0:gosub2100
- 793 close2:print#15,"i0":close15
- 794 goto773
- 800 rem ** edit in hex and decimal **
- 802 gosub400:poke204,1:x=4:y=0
- 805 gosub900
- 810 geta$:a=1024+x+(40*y):p=peek(a)
- 815 if p>127thenpokea,p-128
- 820 if p<128thenpokea,p+128
- 825 d=p:gosub896:pokea,p:gosub850
- 830 ifa$="[145]"theny=y-1:ify<0theny=7:goto810
- 832 ifa$=""theny=y+1:ify>7theny=0:goto810
- 834 ifa$="[157]"thenx=x-1:ifx<4thenx=35:goto810
- 836 ifa$=""thenx=x+1:ifx>35thenx=4:goto810
- 838 ifa$="[133]"then190:rem exit
- 840 ifa$="[134]"then860:rem hex
- 842 ifa$="[135]"then878:rem dec
- 844 ifa$="[136]"thenpokea,p:print"[144]":printtab(20);" ":goto165
- 846 ifa$=chr$(13)then194
- 848 goto810
- 850 print"[144][214]alue under cursor "
- 851 print"[145][214]alue under cursor [157][157][157][157][158]";p;"$";h$;" [144]"
- 852 print"[206]ext track & sector "
- 853 print"[145][206]ext track & sector [158]";peek(1028);",";peek(1029)
- 854 print"[144]":printtab(20);"[208]osition: "
- 855 print"[145]";tab(20);"[208]osition: [158]";((y*32)+x)-4
- 856 :return
- 860 rem * enter hex value *
- 862 d=peek(a):gosub896:rem dec to hex
- 864 print" "
- 866 print" ";h$
- 868 input"[197]nter new value ";v$
- 870 iflen(v$)<>2thenv$=left$(v$,2)
- 872 h$=chr$(48)+chr$(48)+v$
- 874 gosub 890:ifd>255ord<0then870
- 876 pokea,d:goto805
- 878 rem * enter decimal value *
- 880 print" "
- 882 print" ";peek(a)
- 884 input"[197]nter new value ";v
- 886 ifv>255orv<0then882
- 888 pokea,v:goto805
- 890 rem convert hex to decimal
- 892 d=0:fori=1to4:d%=asc(h$):d%=d%-48+(d%>64)*7:h$=mid$(h$,2):d=16*d+d%:next
- 894 return:rem decimal is in d
- 896 rem convert decimal to hex
- 898 h$="":d=d/4096:fori=1to4:d%=d:h$=h$+chr$(48+d%-(d%>9)*7):d=16*(d-d%):next
- 899 h$=right$(h$,2):return
- 900 rem edit in hex and dec menu
- 902 print""
- 904 print"[208]ress: [198]1[146] to exit"
- 906 print" [198]3[146] to change value in hex "
- 908 print" [198]5[146] to change value in decimal"
- 910 print" f7[146] to edit in text "
- 912 print"[144][208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [144]when done"
- 914 return
- 999 end
- 1000 rem ** dir **
- 1005 gosub2200:open15,8,15,"i0":close15
- 1010 open1,8,2,"$"
- 1012 print"[147] [146]";
- 1013 print"[212]ype [212]rk,[211]ctr [198]ilename size [146]";
- 1014 print" [146]";chr$(9)
- 1015 sys24576
- 1020 close1
- 1021 z$=chr$(0):open1,8,0,"$0:"
- 1022 forzz=1to18:get#1,a$,b$:nextzz:close1
- 1023 f=asc(a$+z$)+256*(asc(b$+z$))
- 1024 print"[157]";f;"[194]locks free."
- 1025 print"[144][208]ress [211][208][193][195][197] [144]to continue"
- 1030 wait197,32
- 1035 run
- 1100 rem header info
- 1105 gosub400
- 1107 print""
- 1110 open15,8,15
- 1115 print#15,"m-r"chr$(22)chr$(0)chr$(5)
- 1120 get#15,a$:a$=a$+chr$(0)
- 1125 print"id#1 ";asc(a$)""
- 1130 get#15,a$:a$=a$+chr$(0)
- 1135 print"id#2 ";asc(a$)""
- 1140 get#15,a$:a$=a$+chr$(0)
- 1145 print"track ";asc(a$)""
- 1150 get#15,a$:a$=a$+chr$(0)
- 1155 print"sector ";asc(a$)""
- 1160 get#15,a$:a$=a$+chr$(0)
- 1165 print"checksum ";asc(a$)""
- 1168 close15
- 1170 print"press any key to return to menu"
- 1175 geta$:ifa$=""then1175
- 1180 gosub400:goto225
- 1500 rem input routine
- 1505 t$="":sys25042:poke782,14:poke781,23:sys65520
- 1510 poke204,0:wait198,255:wait207,1
- 1515 geta$:ifpeek(203)=0then1515
- 1520 ifa$=chr$(13)then1540
- 1522 ifa$<chr$(48)ora$>chr$(57)then1515
- 1525 t$=t$+a$:iflen(t$)>2thenprint" ":wait207,1:poke204,1:goto1505
- 1530 wait207,1:printa$;
- 1535 goto1515
- 1540 wait207,1:poke204,1:s$="":sys25042:poke782,20:poke781,23:sys65520
- 1542 wait207,1:poke204,1:print" [211]ector: ";
- 1545 poke204,0:wait198,255:wait207,1
- 1550 geta$:ifpeek(203)=0then1550
- 1555 ifa$=chr$(13)then1570
- 1558 ifa$<chr$(48)ora$>chr$(57)then1550
- 1560 s$=s$+a$:iflen(s$)>2thenprint" ":wait207,1:poke204,1:goto1540
- 1565 wait207,1:printa$;:goto1550
- 1570 ift$=""thent=0:wait207,1:poke204,1:return
- 1575 t=val(t$):s=val(s$)
- 1580 wait207,1:poke204,1
- 1585 ift>0andt<18ands<21thenreturn
- 1590 ift>17andt<25ands<19thenreturn
- 1595 ift>24andt<31ands<18thenreturn
- 1600 ift>30andt<42ands<17thenreturn
- 1605 t=99:return
- 2000 close15:close2:close1
- 2005 if e=1thenpoke53280,12:return
- 2010 poke53280,0:return
- 2100 input#15,a,a$,b,c
- 2105 ifa$="ok"thenreturn
- 2108 print"error on save"
- 2110 close15:close2:close1
- 2115 forx=9to25:poke781,x:sys59903:nextx
- 2120 print"";a;a$;b;c
- 2125 goto115
- 2200 rem check if drive is present
- 2205 open15,8,15:close15
- 2210 ifst=0thenreturn
- 2215 print"[147]device not present!!!!"
- 2220 print"turn your disk drive back on and press"
- 2225 print"any key to go to the main menu."
- 2230 geta$:ifa$=""then2230
- 2235 run
- 2600 rem send to printer
- 2605 print"printing... please wait."
- 2610 open4,4:print#4,"":close4:ifst=0then2635
- 2615 print"printer isn't present!"
- 2620 print"press any key to return to main menu"
- 2625 geta$:ifa$=""then2625
- 2630 run
- 2635 open4,4:open2,8,2,"edit.doc,s,r"
- 2640 print"[147]";chr$(14):sys 25115
- 2655 close1:print#4,"":close4
- 2660 print:print"done!":goto2570
- 3000 rem + decrease track
- 3005 gosub1585
- 3010 ift=99thent=tt:return
- 3015 goto125
- 5000 print:print"[145] illegal track or sector! "
- 5010 fora=1to50:poke54296,15:poke54296,.:next
- 5020 fora=1to500:next
- 5030 print"[145] ":return
- 30000 rem screen copy
- 30010 r$=chr$(145):v$=chr$(146):open4,4:forg=0to400
- 30020 p=1024+g:c=peek(p)
- 30021 ifc=162thenc$=chr$(8)+chr$(255)+chr$(248)+chr$(255)+chr$(248)+chr$(255)
- 30022 ifc=162thenc$=c$+chr$(128)+chr$(15):c=1222:goto30025
- 30023 ifc=34thenc$=chr$(8)+chr$(128)+chr$(135)+chr$(128)+chr$(135)+chr$(128)
- 30024 ifc=34thenc$=c$+chr$(128)+chr$(15):c=1222:goto30025
- 30025 if(g)/40=int((g)/40)thenprint#4,chr$(8):print#4,chr$(15);
- 30028 ifc=1222then30065
- 30029 c$=""
- 30030 ifc>128thenc=c-128:c$=chr$(18)
- 30040 ifc<32orc>95thenc=c+64:goto30060
- 30050 ifc>63andc<96thenc=c+128
- 30060 c$=c$+chr$(c)
- 30065 iflen(c$)>1thenc$=c$+v$+r$
- 30070 print#4,chr$(17);c$;:next:print#4,"":close4:return
- 40000 rem edit in assembly
- 40001 poke52300+300,t:poke52300+301,s:clr:print"[147]"
- 40002 poke53265,peek(53265)and239:dim cd$(256),tp(256)
- 40003 forx=0to255:readcd$(x),tp(x):nextx
- 40004 poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 40005 print"[147][144] edit in assembly command summary:";chr$(142)
- 40006 print"note: xxxx is any memory location"
- 40007 print" between $cc4c and $cd4c."
- 40008 print"d xxxx disassemble at xxxx"
- 40009 print"p xxxx disassemble to printer"
- 40010 print"xxxx 4c 00 80 change memory"
- 40011 print"#53380 convert number to hex"
- 40012 print"$c000 convert number to decimal";
- 40013 print"x exit this mode"
- 40015 open1,0:input#1,a$:close1
- 40016 ifleft$(a$,1)="d"then40025:goto40015
- 40017 ifleft$(a$,1)="x"then40150
- 40018 ifmid$(a$,5,1)=" "thengosub40125:a$="d":goto40016
- 40019 ifleft$(a$,1)="#"thenb$=mid$(a$,2,5):d=val(b$):gosub40115:printh$:h$=""
- 40020 ifleft$(a$,1)="$"thenh$=mid$(a$,2,4):gosub40120:printd
- 40021 ifleft$(a$,1)="p"thenopen4,4:cmd4:goto40025
- 40024 printchr$(13);:goto40015
- 40025 rem * disassemble *
- 40026 h$=right$(a$,4):gosub40120:ifd<52300ord>52300+500then40024
- 40027 rl=d:print"[147]";
- 40028 forx=0to22
- 40029 d=rl:gosub40115
- 40030 printh$;" ";
- 40031 ol=rl:p=peek(rl):pp=tp(p)
- 40032 ifpp=1thengosub40050
- 40033 ifpp=2thengosub40055
- 40034 ifpp=3thengosub40060
- 40035 ifpp=4thengosub40065
- 40036 ifpp=5thengosub40070
- 40037 ifpp=6thengosub40075
- 40038 ifpp=7thengosub40080
- 40039 ifpp=8thengosub40085
- 40040 ifpp=10thengosub40090
- 40041 ifpp=11thengosub40100
- 40042 ifpp=12thengosub40105
- 40044 ifpp=14thengosub40110
- 40045 nextx:close4:d=rl:gosub40115:print"d ";h$;chr$(13);"[145]";:goto40015
- 40050 rem * accumulator, implied
- 40051 d=p:gosub40115
- 40052 printright$(h$,2);
- 40053 print" ";cd$(p)
- 40054 rl=rl+1:return
- 40055 rem * immediate
- 40056 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40057 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40058 print" ";cd$(p);" #$";right$(h$,2)
- 40059 rl=rl+2:return
- 40060 rem * zero page
- 40061 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40062 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40063 print" ";cd$(p);" $";right$(h$,2)
- 40064 rl=rl+2:return
- 40065 rem * zero page,x
- 40066 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40067 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40068 print" ";cd$(p);" $";right$(h$,2);",x"
- 40069 rl=rl+2:return
- 40070 rem * zero page,y
- 40071 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40072 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40073 print" ";cd$(p);" $";right$(h$,2);",y"
- 40074 rl=rl+2:return
- 40075 rem * absolute
- 40076 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);:d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115
- 40077 b$=right$(h$,2):print" ";b$;:d=peek(rl+2):gosub40115:a$=right$(h$,2)+b$
- 40078 print" ";right$(h$,2);" ";cd$(p);" $";a$
- 40079 rl=rl+3:return
- 40080 rem * absolute,x
- 40081 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";:d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115
- 40082 b$=right$(h$,2):printb$;:d=peek(rl+2):gosub40115:a$=right$(h$,2)+b$
- 40083 print" ";right$(h$,2);" ";cd$(p);" $";a$;",x"
- 40084 rl=rl+3:return
- 40085 rem * absolute,y
- 40086 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";:d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115
- 40087 b$=right$(h$,2):printb$;:d=peek(rl+2):gosub40115:a$=right$(h$,2)+b$
- 40088 print" ";right$(h$,2);" ";cd$(p);" $";a$;",y"
- 40089 rl=rl+3:return
- 40090 rem * relative
- 40091 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";:d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115
- 40092 printright$(h$,2);:d=peek(rl+1):ifd=255thend=1:goto40095
- 40093 ifd=254thend=0:goto40095
- 40094 d=d+2
- 40095 d=ol+d:gosub40115:print" ";cd$(p);" $";h$
- 40096 rl=rl+2:return
- 40100 rem * (indirect,x)
- 40101 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40102 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40103 print" ";cd$(p);" ($";right$(h$,2);",x)"
- 40104 rl=rl+2:return
- 40105 rem * (indirect,y)
- 40106 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);" ";
- 40107 d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);
- 40108 print" ";cd$(p);" ($";right$(h$,2);"),y"
- 40109 rl=rl+2:return
- 40110 rem * (indirect)
- 40111 d=p:gosub40115:printright$(h$,2);:d=peek(rl+1):gosub40115
- 40112 b$=right$(h$,2):printb$;:d=peek(rl+2):gosub40115:a$=right$(h$,2)+b$
- 40113 printtab(15);cd$(p);"($";a$;")"
- 40114 rl=rl+3:return
- 40115 rem dec to hex
- 40116 h$="":d=d/4096:fori=1to4:d%=d:h$=h$+chr$(48+d%-(d%>9)*7):d=16*(d-d%):next
- 40117 return
- 40120 rem hex to dec
- 40121 iflen(h$)<>4thenreturn
- 40122 d=0:fori=1to4:d%=asc(h$):d%=d%-48+(d%>64)*7:h$=mid$(h$,2):d=16*d+d%:next
- 40123 return
- 40125 rem * change *
- 40126 h$=left$(a$,4):gosub40120:rl=d
- 40127 h$="00"+mid$(a$,6,2):gosub40120
- 40128 pokerl,d:b$=mid$(a$,9,2)
- 40129 ifb$=" "thenreturn
- 40130 h$="00"+b$:gosub40120
- 40131 pokerl+1,d:b$=mid$(a$,12,2)
- 40132 ifb$=" "thenreturn
- 40133 h$="00"+b$:gosub40120
- 40134 pokerl+2,d:return
- 40150 rem return to edit in text
- 40151 t=peek(52300+300)
- 40152 s=peek(52300+301)
- 40153 print"[147]":sys49447:poke199,0
- 40154 gosub155:printchr$(14)
- 40155 goto170
- 50000 rem * data for edit in assembly *
- 50001 rem * command, opcode, type (mode)
- 50002 data brk,1
- 50003 data ora,11
- 50004 data ???,1
- 50005 data ???,1
- 50006 data ???,1
- 50007 data ora,3
- 50008 data asl,3
- 50009 data ???,1
- 50010 data php,1
- 50011 data ora,2
- 50012 data asl,1
- 50013 data ???,1
- 50014 data ???,1
- 50015 data ora,6
- 50016 data asl,6
- 50017 data ???,1
- 50018 data bpl,10
- 50019 data ora,12
- 50020 data ???,1
- 50021 data ???,1
- 50022 data ???,1
- 50023 data ora,7
- 50024 data asl,7
- 50025 data ???,1
- 50026 data clc,1
- 50027 data ora,7
- 50029 data ???,1
- 50030 data ???,1
- 50031 data ???,1
- 50032 data ora,7
- 50033 data asl,7
- 50034 data ???,1
- 50035 data jsr,6
- 50036 data and,11
- 50037 data ???,1
- 50038 data ???,1
- 50039 data bit,3
- 50040 data and,3
- 50041 data rol,3
- 50042 data ???,1
- 50043 data plp,1
- 50044 data and,2
- 50045 data rol,1
- 50046 data ???,1
- 50047 data bit,6
- 50049 data and,6
- 50050 data rol,6
- 50051 data ???,1
- 50052 data bmi,10
- 50053 data and,12
- 50054 data ???,1
- 50055 data ???,1
- 50056 data ???,1
- 50057 data and,4
- 50058 data rol,4
- 50059 data ???,1
- 50060 data sec,1
- 50061 data and,8
- 50062 data ???,1
- 50063 data ???,1
- 50064 data ???,1
- 50065 data and,7
- 50066 data rol,7
- 50067 data ???,1
- 50068 data rti,1
- 50069 data eor,11
- 50070 data ???,1
- 50071 data ???,1
- 50072 data ???,1
- 50073 data eor,3
- 50074 data lsr,3
- 50075 data ???,1
- 50076 data pha,1
- 50077 data eor,2
- 50078 data lsr,1
- 50079 data ???,1
- 50080 data jmp,6
- 50081 data eor,6
- 50082 data lsr,6
- 50083 data ???,1
- 50084 data bvc,10
- 50085 data eor,12
- 50086 data ???,1
- 50087 data ???,1
- 50088 data ???,1
- 50089 data eor,4
- 50090 data lsr,4
- 50091 data ???,1
- 50092 data cli,1
- 50093 data eor,8
- 50094 data ???,1
- 50095 data ???,1
- 50096 data ???,1
- 50097 data eor,7
- 50098 data lsr,7
- 50099 data ???,1
- 50100 data rts,1
- 50101 data adc,11
- 50102 data ???,1,???,1
- 50103 data ???,1
- 50104 data adc,3
- 50105 data ror,3
- 50106 data ???,1
- 50107 data pla,1
- 50108 data adc,2
- 50109 data ror,1
- 50110 data ???,1
- 50115 data jmp,14
- 50116 data adc,6
- 50117 data ror,6
- 50118 data ???,1
- 50119 data bvs,10
- 50120 data adc,12
- 50121 data ???,1
- 50122 data ???,1
- 50123 data ???,1
- 50124 data adc,4
- 50125 data ror,4
- 50126 data ???,1
- 50127 data sei,1
- 50128 data adc,8
- 50129 data ???,1
- 50130 data ???,1
- 50131 data ???,1
- 50132 data adc,7
- 50133 data ror,7
- 50134 data ???,1
- 50135 data ???,1
- 50136 data sta,11
- 50137 data ???,1
- 50138 data ???,1
- 50139 data sty,3
- 50140 data sta,3
- 50141 data stx,3
- 50142 data ???,1
- 50143 data dey,1
- 50144 data ???,1
- 50145 data txa,1
- 50146 data ???,1
- 50147 data sty,6
- 50148 data sta,6
- 50149 data stx,6
- 50150 data ???,1
- 50151 data bcc,10
- 50152 data sta,12
- 50153 data ???,1
- 50154 data ???,1
- 50155 data sty,4
- 50156 data sta,4
- 50157 data stx,5
- 50158 data ???,1
- 50159 data tya,1
- 50160 data sta,8
- 50161 data txs,1
- 50162 data ???,1
- 50163 data ???,1
- 50164 data sta,7
- 50165 data ???,1
- 50166 data ???,1
- 50167 data ldy,2
- 50168 data lda,11
- 50169 data ldx,2
- 50170 data ???,1
- 50171 data ldy,3
- 50172 data lda,3
- 50173 data ldx,3
- 50174 data ???,1
- 50175 data tay,1
- 50176 data lda,2
- 50177 data tax,1
- 50178 data ???,1
- 50179 data ldy,6
- 50180 data lda,6
- 50181 data ldx,6
- 50182 data ???,1
- 50183 data bcs,10
- 50184 data lda,12
- 50185 data ???,1
- 50186 data ???,1
- 50187 data ldy,4
- 50188 data lda,4
- 50189 data ldx,5
- 50190 data ???,1
- 50191 data clv,1
- 50192 data lda,8
- 50193 data tsx,1
- 50194 data ???,1
- 50195 data ldy,7
- 50196 data lda,7
- 50197 data ldx,8
- 50198 data ???,1
- 50199 data cpy,2
- 50200 data cmp,11
- 50201 data ???,1
- 50202 data ???,1
- 50203 data cpy,3
- 50204 data cmp,3
- 50205 data dec,3
- 50206 data ???,1
- 50207 data iny,1
- 50208 data cmp,2
- 50209 data dex,1
- 50210 data ???,1
- 50211 data cpy,6
- 50212 data cmp,6
- 50213 data dec,6
- 50214 data ???,1
- 50215 data bne,10
- 50216 data cmp,12
- 50217 data ???,1
- 50218 data ???,1
- 50219 data ???,1
- 50220 data cmp,4
- 50221 data dec,4
- 50222 data ???,1
- 50223 data cld,1
- 50224 data cmp,8
- 50225 data ???,1
- 50226 data ???,1
- 50227 data ???,1
- 50228 data cmp,7
- 50229 data dec,7
- 50230 data ???,1
- 50231 data cpx,2
- 50232 data sbc,11
- 50233 data ???,1
- 50234 data ???,1
- 50235 data cpx,3
- 50236 data sbc,3
- 50237 data inc,3
- 50238 data ???,1
- 50239 data inx,1
- 50240 data sbc,2
- 50241 data nop,1
- 50242 data ???,1
- 50243 data cpx,6
- 50178 data sbc,6
- 50245 data inc,6
- 50246 data ???,1
- 50247 data beq,10
- 50248 data sbc,12
- 50249 data ???,1,???,1,???,1
- 50250 data sbc,4
- 50251 data inc,4
- 50252 data ???,1
- 50253 data sed,1
- 50254 data sbc,8
- 50255 data ???,1
- 50256 data ???,1
- 50257 data ???,1
- 50258 data sbc,7
- 50259 data inc,7
- 50260 data ???,1