home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 rem *****************************
- 110 rem **** disk menu sequence ****
- 120 rem *****************************
- 130 rem
- 140 dim f1$(105)
- 150 dim f2$(105)
- 160 dim f3%(105)
- 170 dim mc$(20)
- 180 dim m1$(20)
- 190 dim m2$(20)
- 200 dim m3%(20)
- 210 dim mx$(20)
- 220 ct%=0
- 230 gosub500
- 240 rem
- 250 gosub310
- 260 goto1310
- 270 rem
- 280 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 290 rem border routine
- 300 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 310 print"[147][158]";chr$(142)chr$(8);:poke53280,14:poke53281,0
- 320 fori=1to38:print"[166][146]";:next
- 330 fori=1to22:print"[157][166][146]";:next
- 340 fori=1to37:print"[157][157][166][146]";:next
- 350 fori=1to22:print"[145][157][166][146]";:next
- 360 return
- 370 rem
- 380 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 390 rem clear list routine
- 400 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 410 print "[147] i am working"
- 420 for i=1to105
- 430 f1$(i)="zzz":f2$(i)="z":f3%(i)=0
- 440 next i
- 450 return
- 460 rem
- 470 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 480 rem clear menu routine
- 490 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 500 for i=1to20
- 510 mc$(i)="z":m1$(i)="zzz"
- 520 m2$(i)="x":m3%(i)=0
- 530 next i
- 540 ct%=0
- 550 return
- 560 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 570 rem read group in
- 580 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 590 print "[147] please wait !!!!!"
- 600 print "[158]reading ";nf$;"[158] from disk"
- 610 open15,8,15,"io"
- 620 gosub1030
- 630 open5,8,5,"0:"+nf$+",seq,r"
- 640 gosub1030
- 650 if en=62 then return
- 660 for i=1 to 105
- 670 input#5,f1$(i)
- 680 gosub1030
- 690 if f1$(i)="zzz" then goto750
- 700 input#5,f2$(i)
- 710 gosub1030
- 720 input#5,f3%(i)
- 730 gosub1030
- 740 next i
- 750 close5:close15
- 760 return
- 770 rem
- 780 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 790 rem write group to disk
- 800 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 810 print "[147] please wait !!!!!"
- 820 print "writing ";nf$;" to disk"
- 830 open15,8,15,"io"
- 840 gosub1030
- 850 open5,8,5,"@0:"+nf$+",seq,w"
- 860 gosub1030
- 870 for i=1 to 105
- 880 print#5,f1$(i)
- 890 gosub1030
- 900 print#5,f2$(i)
- 910 gosub1030
- 920 print#5,f3%(i)
- 930 gosub1030
- 940 if f1$="zzz" then goto960
- 950 next i
- 960 close5:close15
- 970 ct%=0
- 980 return
- 990 rem
- 1000 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1010 rem error read routine
- 1020 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1030 input#15,en,em$,et,es
- 1040 if en=0 then return
- 1050 if en=62 then goto1130
- 1060 print "";em$
- 1070 print " see your drive manual for the specfic "
- 1080 print " error condition for number [158]";en
- 1090 close5:close15
- 1100 ti$ ="000000"
- 1110 if ti$ < "000008" then goto1110
- 1120 goto230
- 1130 print " file not started "
- 1140 print " please enter data on next screen "
- 1150 ti$ ="000000"
- 1160 if ti$ < "000008" then goto1160
- 1170 close5:close15
- 1180 return
- 1190 rem
- 1200 :
- 1210 open15,4,15:close15:if(st=.)then1218
- 1212 print" [150]printer not online![145]"
- 1214 fora=1to55:poke54296,15:poke54296,.:next
- 1216 print" [145]":return
- 1218 print" [154]printing -- please wait.[145]"
- 1219 open1,3:open2,4,7:print#1,chr$(19);
- 1220 for m=1 to 23:a$=" "
- 1230 forl=1to40:get#1,b$:a$=a$+b$:next
- 1240 r$=chr$(13):if b$=r$ then1260
- 1250 print#2,a$:next m:goto1270
- 1260 print#2,a$;:next m
- 1270 print#2:close 2:print#1:close 1
- 1275 print" [145]"
- 1280 return
- 1290 rem
- 1300 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1310 print""
- 1320 printtab(16)"loadstar"
- 1330 printtab(16)"presents"
- 1340 print" calorie "
- 1350 print" selector "
- 1360 print" program"
- 1370 print"[158] by"
- 1380 print" richard melanson"
- 1390 print" copyright 1987"
- 1400 ti$ ="000000"
- 1410 if ti$ < "000002" then goto1410
- 1420 rem
- 1430 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1440 gosub310
- 1450 print"[158] "
- 1460 print" calorie selector "
- 1470 print"[158] "
- 1480 print" function selection "
- 1490 print"[158]f. food files[158]"
- 1500 print" add,change,or[160]review"
- 1510 print" your food files"
- 1520 print" make selections"
- 1530 print" for a daily meal menu"
- 1540 print"m. menu review[158]"
- 1550 print" review, or save the"
- 1560 print" current work menu"
- 1570 print"g. general[160]information[158]"
- 1580 print"q. quit[158] program"
- 1590 print"[145][159]input function letter"
- 1600 rp$="":poke198,.
- 1610 get rp$:if rp$=""then goto1610
- 1620 if rp$ ="f" then goto1800
- 1630 if rp$ ="m" then goto3970
- 1640 if rp$ ="3" then goto1710
- 1650 if rp$ ="4" then goto1710
- 1660 if rp$ ="5" then goto1710
- 1670 if rp$ ="6" then goto1710
- 1680 if rp$ ="g" then goto4900
- 1690 if rp$ ="q" then1745
- 1700 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1710 print"[145] not defined "
- 1720 ti$ ="000000"
- 1730 if ti$ < "000001" then goto1730
- 1740 goto1450
- 1745 print"[147] are you absolutely, positively"
- 1746 print" sure you want to quit? (y[159]/n[159])"
- 1747 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then1747
- 1748 ifa$="n"then1440
- 1750 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 1760 ifer<>63thenend
- 1770 poke.,47:load"hello connect",8
- 1780 rem
- 1790 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 1800 gosub310
- 1810 print"[158] "
- 1820 print" calorie selector "
- 1830 print"[158] food "
- 1840 print" group selection "
- 1850 print"1. [158]starch groups"
- 1860 print"2. [158]protein items"
- 1870 print"3. [158]fruit items"
- 1880 print"4. [158]vegetables"
- 1890 print"5. [158]fast foods"
- 1900 print"6. [158]fat items"
- 1910 print"7. [158]free items"
- 1920 print"8. [158]mixed foods"
- 1930 print"g. general information"
- 1940 print"r. back to function screen"
- 1950 print"[145][159]input group number"
- 1960 rp$=""
- 1970 get rp$:if rp$=""then goto1970
- 1980 if rp$ ="1" then goto2150
- 1990 if rp$ ="2" then goto2560
- 2000 if rp$ ="3" then goto2570
- 2010 if rp$ ="4" then goto2580
- 2020 if rp$ ="5" then goto2590
- 2030 if rp$ ="6" then goto2600
- 2040 if rp$ ="7" then goto2610
- 2050 if rp$ ="8" then goto2620
- 2060 if rp$ ="r" then goto1440
- 2070 if rp$ ="g" then goto4900
- 2080 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2090 print"[145] not defined "
- 2100 ti$ ="000000"
- 2110 if ti$ < "000002" then goto2110
- 2120 goto1810
- 2130 rem
- 2140 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2150 gosub310
- 2160 print"[158] "
- 2170 print" calorie selector "
- 2180 print"[158] food "
- 2190 print" starch selection "
- 2200 print"1. [158]breads"
- 2210 print"2. [158]cereals"
- 2220 print"3. [158]pastas"
- 2230 print"4. [158]cookies"
- 2240 print"5. [158]deserts"
- 2250 print"6. [158]crackers"
- 2260 print"7. [158]vegetables"
- 2270 print"q. back to group selection"
- 2280 print""
- 2290 print""
- 2300 print"[145][159]input starch number"
- 2310 rp$=""
- 2320 get rp$:if rp$=""then goto2320
- 2330 if rp$ ="1" then goto2490
- 2340 if rp$ ="2" then goto2500
- 2350 if rp$ ="3" then goto2510
- 2360 if rp$ ="4" then goto2520
- 2370 if rp$ ="5" then goto2530
- 2380 if rp$ ="6" then goto2540
- 2390 if rp$ ="7" then goto2550
- 2400 if rp$ ="q" then1800
- 2410 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2420 print"[145] not defined "
- 2430 ti$ ="000000"
- 2440 if ti$ < "000002" then goto2440
- 2450 goto2160
- 2460 rem
- 2470 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2480 rem
- 2490 nf$="breads":goto2650
- 2500 nf$="cereals":goto2650
- 2510 nf$="pasta":goto2650
- 2520 nf$="cookies":goto2650
- 2530 nf$="dessert":goto2650
- 2540 nf$="crackers":goto2650
- 2550 nf$="stch-veget":goto2650
- 2560 nf$="protein":goto2650
- 2570 nf$="fruit":goto2650
- 2580 nf$="vegetable":goto2650
- 2590 nf$="fast-foods":goto2650
- 2600 nf$="fat-items":goto2650
- 2610 nf$="free-items":goto2650
- 2620 nf$="mixed-foods":goto2650
- 2630 rem
- 2640 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2650 gosub410 :rem clear work
- 2660 gosub590 :rem read file in
- 2670 print "[147][158]";tab(14);"food group"
- 2680 print tab(16)"";nf$;"[158]"
- 2690 print "# item measure calories"
- 2700 for i=1 to 105
- 2710 print " "
- 2720 print "[145]";i;tab(6)f1$(i);tab(26)f2$(i);tab(33)f3%(i)
- 2730 if i=15 then goto2820
- 2740 if i=30 then goto2820
- 2750 if i=45 then goto2820
- 2760 if i=60 then goto2820
- 2770 if i=75 then goto2820
- 2780 if i=90 then goto2820
- 2790 if i=105 then goto2820
- 2800 if i < 1 then goto2670
- 2810 next i
- 2820 print " "
- 2830 print "enter c[158]ont b[158]ack e[158]dit q[158]uit p[158]rint s[158]elect"
- 2840 rp$=""
- 2850 get rp$:if rp$="" then goto2850
- 2860 if rp$="b" then print "":i=i-30:goto2800
- 2870 if rp$="c"and i>104 then goto2670
- 2880 if rp$="c" then print "":goto2810
- 2890 if rp$="e" then goto2950
- 2900 if rp$="p" then gosub1210
- 2910 if rp$="s" then goto3480
- 2920 if rp$="q" then3260
- 2930 goto2840
- 2940 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 2950 r$="x":rp$=""
- 2960 print "[145] "
- 2970 print"[145] input number to change";:lg=2:gosub60040
- 2980 if rp$="q" then2670
- 2990 ne%=val(rp$)
- 3000 if ne% < 1 then goto2950
- 3010 if ne% > i then goto2950
- 3020 if ne% > 105 then goto2950
- 3030 print "[145] ":rp$=""
- 3040 print "[145] input description ";:lg=14:gosub60040
- 3050 if rp$="q" then2670
- 3060 if len(rp$)=0 then f1$(ne%)="zzz":f2$(ne%)="z":f3%(ne%)=0:goto3230
- 3070 ifrp$<"a"orrp$>"z"then3030
- 3080 f1$(ne%)=rp$
- 3090 print "[145] ":rp$=""
- 3100 print "[145] input measure ";:lg=6:gosub60040
- 3110 ifrp$="q" then2670
- 3120 ifrp$<"0"orrp$>"9"then3090
- 3130 if len(rp$) < 1 then goto3100
- 3140 f2$(ne%)=rp$
- 3150 print "[145] ":rp$=""
- 3160 print "[145] input calories ";:lg=4:gosub60040
- 3170 ifrp$="q" then2670
- 3180 ifrp$<"0"orrp$>"9"then3150
- 3190 if len(rp$) < 1 then goto3160
- 3200 aa%=val(rp$)
- 3210 if aa% > 700 then goto3150
- 3220 f3%(ne%)=aa%
- 3230 print "":i=i-14:goto2710
- 3240 rem
- 3250 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 3260 if r$="x"then gosub3320 :gosub810
- 3270 r$=""
- 3280 goto1800
- 3290 rem
- 3300 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 3310 rem this is the actual sort
- 3320 print "[147] changes made to list"
- 3330 print " sorting alpha by item "
- 3340 m=1:x=105
- 3350 rem
- 3360 t=0:for i=1 to x - m
- 3370 if f1$(i) < f1$(i+1) then3420
- 3380 if f1$(i) = f1$(i+1) then3420
- 3390 w$=f1$(i):f1$(i)=f1$(i+1):f1$(i+1)=w$
- 3400 w$=f2$(i):f2$(i)=f2$(i+1):f2$(i+1)=w$
- 3410 w%=f3%(i):f3%(i)=f3%(i+1):f3%(i+1)=w%:t=1
- 3420 next i
- 3430 m = m + 1
- 3440 if t<> 0 then goto3360
- 3450 return
- 3460 rem
- 3470 rem *************************
- 3480 rp$=""
- 3490 print "[145] "
- 3500 print "[145]enter c[159]ont q[159]uit or [159]select #[158] ";:lg=2:gosub60040
- 3510 if rp$="c"then print"":goto2810
- 3520 if rp$="q"then2670
- 3530 ne%=val(rp$)
- 3540 if ne% < 1 then goto3490
- 3550 if ne% > i then goto3490
- 3560 if ne% > 105 then goto3490
- 3570 ml$=""
- 3580 print "[145] "
- 3590 print "[145] what meal b - l - d - s ";:lg=1:gosub60040:ml$=rp$
- 3600 if ml$="b" then goto3650
- 3610 if ml$="l" then goto3660
- 3620 if ml$="d" then goto3670
- 3630 if ml$="s" then goto3680
- 3640 goto3570
- 3650 ml$="1":goto3690
- 3660 ml$="2":goto3690
- 3670 ml$="3":goto3690
- 3680 ml$="4"
- 3690 ct%=ct%+1
- 3700 if ct% >20 then goto3760
- 3710 mc$(ct%)=ml$
- 3720 m1$(ct%)=f1$(ne%)
- 3730 m2$(ct%)=f2$(ne%)
- 3740 m3%(ct%)=f3%(ne%)
- 3750 goto3480
- 3760 print "[147] only allowed 20 items on menu"
- 3770 ti$ ="000000"
- 3780 if ti$ < "000003" then goto3780
- 3790 goto1440
- 3800 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 3810 print "[147] selection made to menu"
- 3820 print " sorting by meal "
- 3830 m=1:x=20
- 3840 rem
- 3850 t=0:for i=1 to x - m
- 3860 if mc$(i) < mc$(i+1) then3920
- 3870 if mc$(i) = mc$(i+1) then3920
- 3880 w$=mc$(i):mc$(i)=mc$(i+1):mc$(i+1)=w$
- 3890 w$=m1$(i):m1$(i)=m1$(i+1):m1$(i+1)=w$
- 3900 w$=m2$(i):m2$(i)=m2$(i+1):m2$(i+1)=w$
- 3910 w%=m3%(i):m3%(i)=m3%(i+1):m3%(i+1)=w%:t=1
- 3920 next i
- 3930 m = m + 1
- 3940 if t<> 0 then goto3850
- 3950 return
- 3960 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 3970 gosub310
- 3980 print"[158] "
- 3990 print" calorie selector "
- 4000 print"[158] "
- 4010 print" menu processing "
- 4020 print"[158]a. current work menu"
- 4030 print"b. previous menus"
- 4040 print"c. start new work menu"
- 4050 print" (will clear work menu)[158]"
- 4060 print"d. directory of files"
- 4070 print"r. return to function screen"
- 4080 print"[145][159]input process letter"
- 4090 rp$=""
- 4100 get rp$:if rp$=""then goto4100
- 4110 if rp$ ="a" then goto4210
- 4120 if rp$ ="b" then goto4750
- 4130 if rp$="c"then gosub500 :goto1800
- 4140 if rp$="d"then gosub5590 :goto3970
- 4150 if rp$ ="r" then goto1440
- 4160 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 4170 print"[145] not defined "
- 4180 ti$ ="000000"
- 4190 if ti$ < "000002" then goto4190
- 4200 goto4080
- 4210 gosub3810
- 4220 print "[147]";tab(15)"work - menu[158]"
- 4230 for i=1to20
- 4240 if mc$(i)="1"then mx$(i)="brkfst"
- 4250 if mc$(i)="2"then mx$(i)="lunch "
- 4260 if mc$(i)="3"then mx$(i)="dinner"
- 4270 if mc$(i)="4"then mx$(i)="snack "
- 4280 next i
- 4290 tc%=0
- 4300 for i=1 to 20
- 4310 if mc$(i)="z" then goto4340
- 4320 print mx$(i);" ";m1$(i);tab(25)m2$(i);tab(32)m3%(i)
- 4330 tc%=tc%+m3%(i)
- 4340 next i
- 4345 iftc%=0thenprint" nothing on menu[158]":goto4360
- 4350 print tab(25)"total";tc%
- 4360 print "[158] enter p[158]rint c[158]ont s[158]ave"
- 4370 rp$=""
- 4380 get rp$:if rp$="" then goto4380
- 4390 if rp$="c" then goto3970
- 4400 if rp$="p"thengosub1210:goto3970
- 4410 if rp$="s" then goto4440
- 4420 goto4370
- 4430 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 4440 print "[147] input q[158] to skip saving this menu"
- 4450 nm$=""
- 4460 print "save the menu"
- 4470 print " name ? [159]";:lg=15:gosub60040:nm$=rp$
- 4480 if nm$="q" then goto4580
- 4490 open15,8,15,"io"
- 4500 gosub4590
- 4510 open5,8,5,"0:"+nm$+",seq,w"
- 4520 gosub4590
- 4530 for i=1to20
- 4540 print#5,mc$(i):print#5,m1$(i)
- 4550 print#5,m2$(i):print#5,m3%(i)
- 4560 next i
- 4570 close5:close15
- 4580 goto3970
- 4590 input#15,en,em$,et,es
- 4600 if en=0 then return
- 4610 if en=62 then goto4690
- 4620 if en=63 then goto4650
- 4630 print " error ";en;em$;et;es
- 4640 close5:close15:end
- 4650 print " file exists"
- 4660 ti$ ="000000"
- 4670 if ti$ < "000003" then goto4670
- 4680 goto4570
- 4690 print " file not found"
- 4700 ti$ ="000000"
- 4710 if ti$ < "000003" then goto4710
- 4720 close5:close15
- 4730 goto3970
- 4740 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
- 4750 print "[147] "
- 4760 gosub500
- 4770 nm$=""
- 4775 print" load a menu"
- 4777 print"this will clear the current work menu"
- 4778 print"press return[146] without entering anything"
- 4779 print"to go back and keep current work menu."
- 4780 print "name of menu? ";:lg=15:gosub60040:nm$=rp$
- 4800 open15,8,15,"io"
- 4810 gosub4590
- 4820 open5,8,5,"0:"+nm$+",seq,r"
- 4830 gosub4590
- 4840 for i=1to20
- 4850 input#5,mc$(i):input#5,m1$(i)
- 4860 input#5,m2$(i):input#5,m3%(i)
- 4870 next i
- 4880 close5:close15
- 4890 goto4220
- 4900 printchr$(9)chr$(14):print "[147][158] [199]eneral [201]nformation"
- 4910 print "[158] [212]his program will maintain up to 105"
- 4920 print "food items within each type group."
- 4930 print " [217]ou may change or delete food items "
- 4940 print "as your taste may dictate. [213]se the [197][158]dit"
- 4950 print "instruction then type information as "
- 4960 print "requested. [206]o description entered"
- 4970 print "will move zzz to description for sort."
- 4975 print " [209][158] will return you to main menu or"
- 4980 print "previous screen. [193]ny change and the"
- 4990 print "system will sort and rewrite to disk."
- 5000 print " [217]ou create a work menu from these"
- 5010 print "food types. [211][158]elect the number of the"
- 5020 print "item you want and what meal, [194][158]reakfast"
- 5030 print "[204][158]unch, [196][158]inner, or [211][158]nack. [212]he system"
- 5040 print "will build your work menu, then you "
- 5050 print "[211][158]ave the work menu with a new name"
- 5060 print "for use or printing at a later date."
- 5070 print ""
- 5080 rp$=""
- 5090 print " [158][208]ress [211][208][193][195][197][146] [158]to continue [208][158] to print"
- 5100 geta$:ifa$=""then5100
- 5110 ifa$=chr$(32) then5150
- 5120 ifa$="p" then gosub1210
- 5130 print "[145][145]"
- 5140 goto5080
- 5150 print "[147][211]pecific [198]unctions[158]"
- 5160 print " [212]o execute phases enter the first"
- 5170 print "letter or number shown then [[210][197][212][213][210][206]]
- 5180 [153] " str$right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) val(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL) atnlen(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)"
- 5190 [153] " syslen(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) len lenontinues listing"
- 5200 [153] " peekatnlen(NULL) peek (NULL)crolls back"
- 5210 [153] " valstr$right$(NULL) val (NULL)oads edit screen for"
- 5220 [153] " maintenance on item"
- 5230 [153] " (NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL) (NULL) (NULL)tops and backs up"
- 5240 [153] " for another selection"
- 5250 [153] " (NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL) (NULL) (NULL)rints screen"
- 5260 [153] " (NULL)val(NULL)vallen(NULL) (NULL) chr$oes to select screen"
- 5270 [153] " where you build your"
- 5275 [153] " work menu"
- 5280 [153] " # 99 (NULL)elects food then"
- 5290 [153] " asks which meal"
- 5300 [153] " peek=openpeekreakfast (NULL)=open(NULL)unch"
- 5310 [153] " str$=openstr$inner (NULL)=open(NULL)nacksys"
- 5320 [153] " (NULL)atn(NULL)val (NULL) (NULL)aves the menu"
- 5340 [153] " (NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenvalwait systo continue (NULL)sys to print"
- 5350 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]5350
- 5360 [139]a$[178][199](32) [167]5400
- 5370 [139]a$[178]"p" [167] [141]1210
- 5390 [137]5350
- 5400 [153] "loadsys (NULL)enu right$nformation"
- 5410 [153] "sys (NULL)o save, print, or review the"
- 5420 [153] " work menu or previous menus you will"
- 5430 [153] " have to return to the first screen,"
- 5435 [153] " and select (NULL)sys for menu processing."
- 5440 [153] " (NULL)his also will allow you to start"
- 5450 [153] " new menus and see the files on disk."
- 5455 [153] " atnlso, if you program, you could insert"
- 5457 [153] " instructions at about line 1600 for"
- 5458 [153] " some other functions you may want."
- 5460 [153] " "
- 5470 [153] " (NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenvalwait systo continue (NULL)sys to print"
- 5480 rp$[178]""
- 5500 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]5500
- 5510 [139]a$[178][199](32) [167]1440
- 5520 [139]a$[178]"p" [167] [141]1210
- 5540 [137]5500
- 5550 [143]
- 5560 [143] *****************************
- 5570 [143] directory listing prog
- 5580 [143] *****************************
- 5590 [153] "load reading directory"
- 5600 [159]15,8,15,"io"
- 5610 [159]1,8,2,"$"
- 5620 [129] x[178]1[164]141:[161]#1,a$:[130]
- 5630 t$(0)[178]"del":t$(1)[178]"seq":t$(2)[178]"prg":t$(3)[178]"usr":t$(4)[178]"rel"
- 5640 j[178]17:[141]5900
- 5650 n$[178]b$
- 5660 j[178]2
- 5670 [141]5900
- 5680 i$[178]b$
- 5690 [161]#1,a$
- 5700 j[178]2
- 5710 [141]5900
- 5720 o$[178]b$
- 5730 [129] l[178]1[164]88
- 5740 [161]#1,a$
- 5750 [130]
- 5760 [153] [199](147)"disk name:"n$,"id:"i$,"os:"o$
- 5770 [153] "length","type","name"
- 5780 [129] p[178]1[164]8
- 5790 [161]#1,t$,a$,a$
- 5800 [139] t$[178]"" [167] t$[178][199](128)
- 5810 j[178]15
- 5820 [141]5900
- 5830 n$[178]b$
- 5840 [161]#1,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,a$,l$,h$
- 5850 l[178][198](l$[170][199](0))[170]256[172][198](h$[170][199](0)):[139] l[178]0 [167]5890
- 5860 [139] st [167] [160]1:[160]15:[137]5960
- 5870 [153] l,t$([198](t$)[171]128),n$
- 5880 [139] p[179]8 [167] [161]#1,a$,a$
- 5890 [130] p:[137]5780
- 5900 b$[178]""
- 5910 [129] l[178]0[164]j
- 5920 [161]#1,a$
- 5930 [139] a$[179][177][199](96) [167] [139] a$[179][177][199](160)[167] b$[178]b$[170]a$
- 5940 [130]
- 5950 [142]
- 5960 rp$[178]""
- 5970 [153] "hit a key to continue"
- 5980 [161] rp$
- 5990 [139] rp$[178]"" [167] [137]5980
- 6000 [142]
- 60040 k$[178]"":te[178][194](646):[153]" - sys";:[151]198,0.
- 60041 [153]" cmdwait";:[129]t[178]1[164]50:[130]:[153]" cmdsys";
- 60042 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]60041
- 60044 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167][153]:[151]646,te:rp$[178]k$:[142]
- 60045 [139]a$[178][199](20)[175][195](k$)[167][153]"cmd cmd";:k$[178][200](k$,[195](k$)[171]1):[137]60041
- 60046 [139][195](k$)[178]lg[167]60041
- 60047 [139](a$[177][178]"0"[175]a$[179][178]"9")[176](a$[177][178]"a"[175]a$[179][178]"z")[167][153]a$;:k$[178]k$[170]a$
- 60048 [139]a$[178]"-"[176]a$[178]"*"[176]a$[178]" "[176]a$[178]"."[167][153]a$;:k$[178]k$[170]a$
- 60049 [137]60041