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- 5 z=18:dima(z),b(z),c(z),d$(z),e$(z),f$(z)
- 6 dimg$(z),h$(z),i$(z),j$(z),k$(z),l$(z),m$(z),n$(z):yy=1308:z1=1:z2=1
- 10 poke53280,5:poke53281,5:s=54272:pokes+24,15:pokes,100:pokes+1,67:pokes+5,5
- 20 print"[147]":pokes+4,17
- 22 print"[158] [204] [207] [193] [196] [211] [212] [193] [210]
- 23 [153]" (NULL)resents
- 30 print" "
- 40 print" [198] [193] [210] [205] [197] [210] '[211] [205] [193] [210] [203] [197] [212] "
- 50 print" "
- 60 print"[151] [194]y [205]ark [199]osswiller "
- 62 print" and [212]om [195]anfield "
- 70 print"[144] [195][207][208][217][210][201][199][200][212] 1987
- 97 [153]" (NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenval to continue.
- 98 foru=1to300:next:pokes+4,16
- 99 fort=1toz:reada(t),b(t),c(t),d$(t),e$(t),f$(t),g$(t),h$(t)
- 100 readi$(t),j$(t),k$(t),l$(t),m$(t),n$(t):next:z=1
- 103 getz$:ifz$=""then103
- 105 ifz$=" "then130
- 110 goto 103
- 130 poke53280,14:poke53281,14:rv=0
- 135 pokes+4,17
- 210 print"[147]" :poke198,.
- 280 print"[212]he following is a list of the most"
- 290 print"popular vegetables according to the"
- 300 print"[206]ew [217]ork [212]imes [194]ook of [199]ardening"
- 310 print""n$(1)tab(22)n$(10)
- 320 print""n$(2)tab(22)n$(11)
- 330 print""n$(3)tab(22)n$(12)
- 340 print""n$(4)tab(22)n$(13)
- 350 print""n$(5)tab(22)n$(14)
- 360 print""n$(6)tab(22)n$(15)
- 370 print""n$(7)tab(22)n$(16)
- 380 print""n$(8)tab(22)n$(17)
- 390 print""n$(9)tab(22)n$(18)
- 394 v1=1264:v2=1743
- 400 print"[213]se cursor keys to select vegetable"
- 410 print"then press [210][197][212][213][210][206][146]."
- 415 printtab(6)"[208]ress [211][208][193][195][197][146] to exit program."
- 416 pokes+4,16
- 417 forx=0to39:pokev1+x,99:pokev1+x+54272,2:pokev2-x,99:pokev2-x+54272,2:next
- 420 gosub600
- 430 getz$:ifz$="" then430
- 435 poke198,.
- 440 ifz$<>""then445
- 441 ifyy<1628theny1=40:z=z+1
- 445 ifz$<>"[145]"then450
- 446 ifyy>1308theny1=-40:z=z-1
- 450 ifz$<>""then455
- 451 ifx1=0thenz=z+9:x1=17
- 455 ifz$<>"[157]"then460
- 456 ifx1=17thenz=z-9:x1=0
- 460 ifz$=chr$(13)then495
- 465 ifz$<>" "thengoto420
- 470 gosub 3000
- 495 print"[147]":poke53281,a(z):poke53280,b(z):pokes+4,17
- 500 printtab(c(z))"** "d$(z)" **"
- 510 printtab(13)"[215]hen to plant"
- 520 printtab(3)"[208]lant "e$(z)
- 525 printtab(3)f$(z)
- 530 printtab(13)"[200]ow to plant"
- 535 printtab(3)"[208]lant "g$(z)
- 540 printtab(3)h$(z)
- 545 printtab(3)i$(z)
- 550 printtab(8)"[199]ermination and harvest"
- 555 printtab(3)"[199]ermination is in "j$(z)
- 560 printtab(3)k$(z)
- 570 printtab(3)l$(z)
- 575 printtab(3)m$(z)
- 580 printtab(8)"[212]o continue press [210][197][212][213][210][206]":foru=1to300:next:pokes+4,16
- 590 gett$:ift$="" then590
- 593 ift$<>chr$(13)then590
- 595 ift$=chr$(13) then goto 130
- 600 :
- 605 pokes+4,.
- 610 forzz=1tolen(n$(z1)):pokes+xx+yy+zz,6:pokeyy+xx+zz,peek(yy+xx+zz)-rv:next
- 620 yy=yy+y1:xx=x1:z1=z:rv=128:y1=0
- 630 forzz=1tolen(n$(z1)):pokes+xx+yy+zz,1:pokeyy+xx+zz,peek(yy+xx+zz)+rv:next
- 635 pokes+4,17
- 640 return
- 700 :
- 710 data4,5,12,"[194][160][197][160][197] [212] [211]"
- 720 data"beets in mid to late spring.","[194]eets are hardy."
- 730 data"seeds 1/2 inch deep and in","rows 12 to 18 inches apart.",
- 740 data"7 days. [200]arvest","in 60 days.", , ,"[194]eets"
- 810 data 5,5,5,"[194] [197] [204] [204] [208] [197] [208] [208] [197][160][210][160][211]"
- 820 data"indoors 2 months before you","plant them outdoors. [205]ust be warm."
- 830 data"in rows 2 feet apart and","18 inches apart.",
- 840 data"2 [212]o 3 weeks","[200]arvest in 70 to 80 days.", , ,"[194]ell [208]eppers
- 910 [131] 5, 5,10,"len atn peek peek atnclosechr$ val"
- 920 [131]"indoors in early ascebruary for","planting outdoors in late spring."
- 930 [131]"in rows 2.5 feet apart with","12 to 16 inches between plants.",
- 940 [131]"5 to 7 days."
- 950 [131]"left$arvest in 3 to 4 months. left$eads","must feel hard.", ,"lenabbage"
- 1010 [131]8,7,7,"len atn (NULL) (NULL) atn (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) val"
- 1020 [131]"indoors 4 to 5 weeks before","outdoor planting. right$t must be warm."
- 1030 [131]"on small hills 5 to 6 feet","apart.",
- 1040 [131]"7 to 10 str$ays.","left$arvest cantaloupe in 3 months.", , ,"lenantaloupe"
- 1110 [131]8,5,10,"len atn (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)"
- 1120 [131]"right$n mid to late (NULL)pring.","lenarrots are hardy."
- 1130 [131]"in rows 1 foot apart and","plant seeds 2 to 3 inches apart.",
- 1140 [131]"10 days to 3","weeks. harvest time is in 2 months.", , ,"lenarrots"
- 1210 [131] 5,5,6,"len atn (NULL) (NULL) right$ asc (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL)"
- 1220 [131]"indoors 6 weeks before last","killing frost.
- 1230 data"outdoors in rows 2 to 3 feet","apart. [215]ith 2 feet between plants.",
- 1240 data"3 to 10 days.","[200]arvest time is in 60 to 80 days.", , ,"[195]auliflower"
- 1310 data5,7 ,13,"[195] [207] [210] [206]"
- 1320 data"when soil is 55 to 60 degrees.","[196]ays and nights must be warm."
- 1330 data"in rows 3 feet apart. [208]lant 4","to 5 seeds per foot. 4 inches deep.",
- 1340 data"7 to 10 days.","[200]arvest your corn between 2 and","3 months.", ,"[195]orn"
- 1410 data5,5,8,"[195] [213] [195][160][213][160][205][160][194][160][197][160][210][160][211]"
- 1420 data"when temperatures are at least","65 degrees. [211]oil must be warm."
- 1430 data"in hills 2 feet apart.", ,
- 1440 data"7 [212]o 10 days.","[200]arvest in 50 to 70 days.", , ,"[195]ucumbers"
- 1510 data4,5,9,"[197] [199] [199] [208] [204] [193] [206] [212]"
- 1520 data"indoors 10 weeks before you","plant outdoors."
- 1530 data"in rows 3 feet apart and","2 feet between plants.",
- 1540 data"1 week to 12","days. [200]arvest in 80 days. fruit","will be glossy.",
- 1550 data"[197]ggplant"
- 1610 data5,13,7,"[199] [210] [197] [197] [206] [194] [197] [193] [206] [211]"
- 1620 data"when temperatures are at","least 75 degrees. [211]oil must be warm."
- 1630 data"in rows 2 feet apart. [211]eeds","2 inches apart and 1.5 inches deep.",
- 1640 data"7 days. [200]arvest","when beans snap when bent.", , ,"[199]reen [194]eans"
- 1710 data5,5,10,"[204] [197] [212] [212][160][213] [195] [197]"
- 1720 data"when temperatures are 50 to 60","degrees. [196]oes poorly in hot weather."
- 1730 data"seeds in rows 1 foot apart.", ,
- 1740 data"7 to 10 days.","[200]arvest is an average of 2 months.", , ,"[204]ettuce"
- 1810 data5,1,11,"[207] [206] [201] [207] [206] [211]"
- 1820 data"as soon as soil is dry.","[213]sually in late spring."
- 1830 data"in rows 1 foot apart and 2 to","3 inches between plants.",
- 1840 data"7 days. [200]arvest","time is when onion stems are about",
- 1850 data"1/4 inch thick.","[207]nions"
- 1910 data 5,5 ,13,"[208] [197] [193] [211]"
- 1920 data"in the spring. [212]he earlier","the better. [196]o not plant when hot."
- 1930 data"in double rows 4 to 6 inches","apart. 2.5 feet between rows. [208]eas"
- 1935 data"grow on vines 3 [212]o 4 feet tall."
- 1940 data"8 to 10 days.","[200]arvest peas between 60 and 70 days.", , ,"[208]eas"
- 2010 data2,1,11,"[210] [193] [196] [201] [211] [200]"
- 2020 data"in mid [211]pring and again in","the month of [193]ugust."
- 2030 data"seed half inch deep in rows 1","foot apart.",
- 2040 data"3 to 7 days.","[211]ummer radishes are usually ready","in 3 to 4 weeks.",
- 2050 data"[210]adish"
- 2110 data5,13,10,"[211] [208] [201] [206] [193] [195] [200]"
- 2120 data"in spring as soon as the","ground can be worked."
- 2130 data"in rows 1 foot apart and plant","seeds 3 inches apart.",
- 2140 data"7 to 10 days.","[200]arvest time is in 45 days.", , ,"[211]pinach"
- 2210 data2,5,9,"[212] [207] [205] [193] [212] [207] [197] [211]"
- 2220 data"when day and night","temperatures are above 55 degrees."
- 2230 data"tomato plants deep up to first","leaves. [208]lants can be as close as"
- 2235 data"2 feet apart in any direction."
- 2240 data"7 days. [211]tart","seeds inside 6 to 8 weeks before"
- 2245 data"planting outdoors. [200]arvest in 60"
- 2250 data"days (early varieties) and 70 to 80 days main season.","[212]omatoes
- 2310 [131]2,5,8,"(NULL) atn (NULL) val (NULL) (NULL)closeval (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)"
- 2320 [131]"indoors 4 to 5 weeks before","outdoor planting. right$t must be warm."
- 2330 [131]"on small hills 5 to 6 feet","apart.",
- 2340 [131]"7 to 10 days.","left$arvest watermelons in 3 months.", , ,"(NULL)atermelon
- 2410 data5,5,9,"[218] [213] [195] [195] [200] [201] [206] [201]"
- 2420 data"when temperature is mild and","soil is warm. [196]oes poorly when cool."
- 2430 data"in small hills 3 feet apart.", ,
- 2440 data"10 to 14 days.","[200]arvest in 60 to 70 days.", , ,"[218]ucchini
- 3000 [153]"on str$o you wish to quit ((NULL)/(NULL)) ? "
- 3014 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167] 3014
- 3015 [139]k$[178]"y"[167] 3100
- 3020 [139]k$[178]"n"[167] 3050
- 3025 [137] 3014
- 3050 [153]"on"[163]6)"(NULL)ress (NULL)(NULL)atnlenvalwait to exit program":[137]430
- 3100 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 3105 [139]er[179][177]63[167][153]"load":[128]
- 3110 [147]"hello connect",8,1