home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 print"[147]":clr:restore
- 110 dim l$(78,78),w$(78)
- 140 gosub 61030
- 150 h$="[147] the word search creator "
- 155 goto2000
- 160 printh$:print
- 170 print"enter name of word search puzzle":print"-->";
- 180 ln=25:gosub60000:t$=b$:ifb$=""thenprint"[145][145]";:goto170
- 190 printh$:print:print"[156]title[152]: "t$:print
- 200 print"enter the # of columns please [152](10[152]-38[152])":print"--> [157][157][157]";
- 210 ln=3:gosub60000:c=val(b$): ifc<10orc>38thenprint"[145][145]";:goto200
- 220 printh$:print:print"[156]title[152]: "t$:print:print"columns[152]: "c:print
- 222 ifa=2then2240
- 230 print"[129]enter the # of rows [152](10[152]-40[152])":print"--> [157][157][157]";
- 240 ln=3:gosub60000:r=val(b$):ifr<10orr>40thenprint"[145][145]";:goto 230
- 250 printh$:print:print"[156]title [146][152]:"t$:print:print"columns [146][152]:"c:print
- 260 print"[129]rows [146][152]:"r:print
- 270 print"[158]enter the # of words in puzzle ";
- 280 ww=c+r:print"[152](1[152]-"ww"[157][152])":print"--> [157][157][157]";:ln=4:gosub60000:w=val(b$)
- 285 ifw<1orw>ww then print"[145][145]";:goto270
- 290 printh$:print:print"[156]title [146][152]:"t$:print:print"columns [146][152]:"c:print
- 300 print"[129]rows [146][152]:"r:print:print"[158]words [146][152]:"w:print
- 305 print" (press any when ready to continue) "
- 310 wait198,1:poke198,0
- 320 printh$:print
- 330 l=c:ifr<cthenl=r
- 340 print"[159] enter the words, be sure that they are"
- 342 print" less than"l"letters in length"
- 344 print:print
- 360 fort=1tow
- 370 print"[156]word [152]#[155]"t"[152]:";
- 380 ln=l:gosub60000:w$(t)=b$:print
- 390 iflen(w$(t))>lthenprint"to long":goto370
- 400 nextt
- 410 print" (press any when ready to continue) "
- 420 wait 198,1:poke198,0
- 430 printh$:print:print"[150] please wait[152]: working on the puzzle ":print
- 440 fort=1tor:fortt=1toc:l$(t,tt)="[209]":nexttt,t
- 450 fort=1tow
- 460 x=int(rnd(1)*r)+1
- 470 y=int(rnd(1)*c)+1
- 480 v=int(rnd(1)*3)-1
- 490 h=int(rnd(1)*3)-1
- 500 ifv=0andh=0then480
- 510 xx=x:yy=y
- 520 fortt=1tolen(w$(t))
- 530 d$=mid$(w$(t),tt,1):ifd$=" "then600
- 540 c$=l$(x,y):ifc$<>d$then560
- 550 goto570
- 560 ifc$<>"[209]"then460
- 570 x=x+v:y=y+h
- 580 ifx>rorx<1then460
- 590 ify>cory<1then460
- 600 nexttt:x=xx:y=yy
- 610 fortt=1tolen(w$(t))
- 620 d$=mid$(w$(t),tt,1):ifd$=" "then650
- 630 l$(x,y)=d$
- 640 x=x+v:y=y+h
- 650 nexttt:nextt
- 659 print" advance the printer to the next page &
- 660 [153]" press any key when ready to continue"
- 667 [153]
- 670 [146]198,1:[151]198,0
- 680 [153]h$
- 700 [153]h$:[153]:[153]:[153][166]16)"printing"
- 710 [153]:[153][166]15)"answer key"
- 720 a$[178]"y":[141]1000
- 730 [153]h$:[153]:[153]:[153]"replacing dots with letters, please wait"
- 740 [129]t[178]1[164]r:[129]tt[178]1[164]c
- 750 [139]l$(t,tt)[179][177]"(NULL)"[167]770
- 760 l$(t,tt)[178][199]([181]([187](1)[172]26)[170]65)
- 770 [130]tt,t
- 780 [153]h$:[153]:[153]" adavance printer to the next page &"
- 785 [153]" press any key when ready to continue"
- 790 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]790
- 800 [153]h$:[153]:[153]:[153][166]16)"printing"
- 810 [153]:[153][166]17)"puzzle"
- 820 a$[178]"n":[141]1000
- 830 [153]h$:[153]:[153]"would you like another copy (y/n)."
- 840 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]840
- 850 [139]a$[178]"y"[167]780
- 860 [153]h$:[153]:[153]"do you want to make another puzzle(y/n)."
- 870 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]870
- 880 [139]a$[178]"y"[167]2000
- 890 [153]h$:[153]:[153]" i hope you had fun making your puzzle."
- 900 [153]" please come back"
- 910 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 915 [139]er[179][177]63 [167] [128]
- 920 [147]"hello connect",8
- 1000 [159]15,4,15:[160]15:[139]st[179][177]0[167] 63500
- 1003 [159]4,4
- 1005 s$[178]"":[129]t[178]1[164](21[171][195](t$)[173]2):s$[178]s$[170]" ":[130]
- 1010 [152]4,[199](14)s$t$
- 1020 [152]4:[152]4
- 1030 [139]a$[179][177]"y"[167]1050
- 1040 [152]4,[199](14)" answer key"
- 1050 [152]4:[152]4,[199](15)
- 1060 s$[178]"":[129]t[178]1[164](41[171](c)):s$[178]s$[170]" ":[130]
- 1070 [129]t[178]1[164]r
- 1080 [152]4,s$;
- 1090 [129]tt[178]1[164]c
- 1100 [152]4,l$(t,tt)" ";
- 1110 [130]tt:[152]4:[130]t
- 1120 [152]4:[152]4:[152]4
- 1130 [129]t[178]1[164]w
- 1140 [152]4,[199](16)"10"w$(t);:t[178]t[170]1:[139]t[177]w[167]1170
- 1150 [152]4,[199](16)"30"w$(t);:t[178]t[170]1:[139]t[177]w[167]1170
- 1160 [152]4,[199](16)"55"w$(t)
- 1170 [130]t:[152]4
- 1180 [160]4
- 1190 [142]
- 2000 [151]53280,.:[151]53281,.:[153]"load"
- 2050 [141] 60770
- 2100 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]2100
- 2110 [139] a$[179]"0" [176] a$[177]"7" [167] 2100
- 2115 [139]a$[178]"0" [167] 63000
- 2116 a[178][197](a$)
- 2120 [139]a[178]1 [167]2150
- 2130 [153]"load"
- 2135 [153]" please wait while data is being read"
- 2140 c[178]30:r[178]30:w[178]20
- 2150 [145]a[137]160,2160,2170,2180,2190,2200,2210
- 2160 t$[178]"girl's names":[137]2220
- 2170 t$[178]"boy's names":[137]2220
- 2180 t$[178]"basic commands":[137]2220
- 2190 t$[178]"baseball teams":[137]2220
- 2200 t$[178]"u.s. presidents":[137]2220
- 2210 t$[178]"u.s. capitals":[137]2220
- 2220 :
- 2221 [139]a[178]2[167]2240
- 2230 [129]t[178]1[164](20[172](a[171]2)):[135]x$:[130]
- 2240 [129]t[178]1[164]20:[135]w$(t):[130]t
- 2250 [137]440
- 3000 [131] sarah,tonia,melissa,tammy,amy,debra,kristi,susan,katherine
- 3010 [131] cora,melanie,samantha,stephanie,deena,tracey,stacey,ann
- 3100 [131] becky,jana,laura,chris,marvin,maurice,anthony,matthew
- 3110 [131] charles,george,robert,allan,carl,brain,dennis,mike,bruce
- 3115 [131] john,thomas,doug,stu,troy,kevin
- 3200 [131] print,list,let,read,input,get,goto,gosub,return,dim
- 3210 [131] save,load,new,end,stop,poke,peek,cont,spc,tab
- 3300 [131] yankees,red sox,white sox,mets,pirates,astros,rangers
- 3310 [131] cubs,expos,reds,cardinals,padres,royals,blue jays,indians
- 3320 [131]athletics,giants,orioles,dodgers,mariners
- 3400 [131] washington,adams,lincoln,johnson,jefferson,monroe,jackson,reagan
- 3410 [131] carter,ford,nixon,kennedy,eisenhower,truman,roosevelt
- 3420 [131] hoover,wilson,harding,garfield,taft
- 3500 [131] austin,santa fe,little rock,carson city,baton rouge,jackson
- 3510 [131] atlanta,olympia,providence,dover,indianapolis,topeka,richmond
- 3520 [131] phoenix,tallahasse,sacramento,pierre,frankfort,augusta,albany
- 60000 b$[178]""
- 60010 ll[178]1:[153]"to";
- 60015 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]60015
- 60020 [139]a$[178][199](20)[175]ll[178]1 [167] 60015
- 60025 [139]a$[178][199](20)[167][153]"cmdcmd cmdcmdto";:ll[178]ll[171]1:b$[178][200](b$,ll[171]1):[137]60015
- 60030 [139]a$[178][199](13) [167][153]"cmd cmd":[142]
- 60035 [139]ll[177]ln [167] 60015
- 60040 [139]a$[178][177]"atn"[175]a$[179][178]"(NULL)" [167] 60050
- 60045 [139]a$[179]" "[176]a$[177]"z"[167] 60015
- 60050 ll[178]ll[170]1:[153]"cmd";a$;:[151]212,.:[153]"to";:b$[178]b$[170]a$
- 60055 [137] 60015
- 60770 [153]"wait listortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^"
- 60780 [153]" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 60790 [153]" {$7d} contw o r d s e a r c h list{$7d}"
- 60800 [153]" {$7d} print#tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( list{$7d}"
- 60810 [153]" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 60820 [153]" {$7d} 1. create your own list{$7d}"
- 60830 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60840 [153]" {$7d} for2. girls names list{$7d}"
- 60850 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60860 [153]" {$7d} close sys3. boys names list{$7d}"
- 60870 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60880 [153]" {$7d} 4. basic commands list{$7d}"
- 60890 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60900 [153]" {$7d} cont5. baseball teams list{$7d}"
- 60910 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60920 [153]" {$7d} clr6. u.s. presidents list{$7d}"
- 60930 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60940 [153]" {$7d} verify7. u.s. capitals list{$7d}"
- 60950 [153]" {$7d} tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab( {$7d}"
- 60960 [153]" /{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}exp"
- 60970 [153]" contor{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}^"
- 60980 [153]" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 60990 [153]" {$7d} enter selection (1-7,0=abort): cont{$7d}"
- 61000 [153]" {$7d} {$7d}"
- 61020 [153]"";
- 61025 [142]
- 61030 [153]"load":[151]53281,14:[151]53280,14
- 61040 [151]53283,1:[151]53284,15:[151]53265,[194](53265)[176]64
- 61050 [153]" "
- 61060 [153]" stop l o a d s t a r "
- 61070 [153]" "
- 61080 [153]" is proud to present... "
- 61090 [153]" "
- 61100 [153]:[153]
- 61110 [153]" "
- 61120 [153]" wcont ocont rcont dcont scont econt acont rcont ccont h "
- 61130 [153]" open "
- 61150 [153]" c r e a t o r "
- 61160 [153]" "
- 61170 [153]:[153]
- 61180 [153]" syscloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclose"
- 61190 [153]" syscloseclosesyscloseclosepeek(NULL)closelenleft$(NULL)right$(NULL)closepeek(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)closeatn(NULL)str$closeclosecloseclose"
- 61200 [153]" closeclosecloseclosecloseclosesysclose(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)closeatn(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)val(NULL)closeclosesysclosecloseclosecloseclose"
- 61210 [153]" closeclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclosecloseclose"
- 61215 [153]" "
- 61220 [153]" sys * copyright 1987 * "
- 61230 [153]" "
- 61240 [153]" press (space) "
- 61245 [153]" "
- 61270 [153]"";
- 61271 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167] 61271
- 61275 [153]"load":[151]53265,27:[142]
- 63000 [153]""
- 63010 [153]"list "
- 63015 [153]" quit : are you sure? "
- 63020 [153]" ------ "
- 63022 [153]" y)es or n)o "
- 63024 [153]" "
- 63030 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167] 63030
- 63031 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167] 2050
- 63035 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167] 63050
- 63040 [137] 63030
- 63050 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 63055 [139]er[179][177]63 [167] [153]"load":[128]
- 63060 [147]"hello connect",8
- 63500 [153]""
- 63510 [153]"list "
- 63515 [153]" printer not present! "
- 63520 [153]" do you wish to try "
- 63522 [153]" again? y)es or n)o "
- 63524 [153]" "
- 63530 [161]r$:[139]r$[178]""[167] 63530
- 63531 [139]r$[178]"y"[176]r$[178]"(NULL)" [167] 63600
- 63532 [139]r$[178]"n"[176]r$[178]"(NULL)" [167] 63000
- 63540 [137] 63530
- 63600 [153]""
- 63610 [153]" "
- 63615 [153]" "
- 63620 [153]" "
- 63622 [153]" "
- 63624 [153]" ":[137] 1000