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- 10 poke53280,.:poke53281,.
- 15 print"[147][154] [158]loader maker"
- 20 print" by ken bunzel"
- 25 print" [154]place a disk in the drive and press"
- 30 print" space[154] to read the directory."
- 40 print" then your loader program for the"
- 50 print" disk will be created."
- 55 print"or, press return[154] to return to loadstar"
- 60 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then60030
- 70 ifa$=" "then80
- 75 goto60
- 80 print"[147]number of programs:":print"reading directory..."
- 85 dimpr$(144),le(144):open1,8,0,"$0"
- 90 get#1,a$,a$,a$,b$:le(l)=asc(a$+chr$(0))+256*asc(b$+chr$(0))
- 100 get#1,b$:ifst<>0then200
- 110 ifb$<>chr$(34)then100
- 120 c$=""
- 130 get#1,b$:ifb$<>chr$(34)thenc$=c$+b$:goto130
- 140 pr$(l)=c$
- 150 get#1,b$:ifb$=chr$(32)then150
- 160 c$=""
- 170 c$=c$+b$:get#1,b$:ifb$<>""then170
- 180 ifleft$(c$,3)="prg"thenl=l+1:print""tab(19)l
- 190 ifst=0then90
- 200 close1:l=l-1
- 210 ifl=-1thenprint"[147] no programs on disk":fora=1to2000:next:goto10
- 220 print" setting up files..."
- 225 ad=49152:fora=0tol:forb=1tolen(pr$(a))
- 230 pokead+b,asc(mid$(pr$(a),b,1)):nextb
- 240 pokead+b,13:pokead+b+1,le(a):ad=ad+20:nexta
- 250 ad=49152:a=0
- 260 ifa>lthen330
- 270 a$="":b=1
- 280 ifpeek(ad+b)=13then300
- 290 a$=a$+chr$(peek(ad+b)):b=b+1:goto280
- 300 le=peek(ad+b+1):print"[147][144]"a+1000" data "a$","mid$(str$(le),2)
- 310 print"a="a+1":ad="ad+20":l="l":goto260"
- 315 print" please wait -- altering program[144]"
- 320 poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:print"":end
- 330 a=10
- 340 ifa=340then370
- 350 print"[147][144]"a:print"a="a+5":l="l":goto340"
- 355 print" please wait -- altering program[144]"
- 360 poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:print"":end
- 370 print"[147][144] 400 l="l
- 380 fora=340to390step10:printa:next:print"run"
- 400 poke198,8:fora=631to638:pokea,13:next:print"":end
- 401 print"[147]355":print"401":print"402":print"run"
- 402 poke198,4:fora=1to4:poke630+a,13:next:end
- 405 goto50000
- 410 dimpr$(144),le(144)
- 415 poke53280,.:poke53281,.
- 420 forb=830to874:readc:pokeb,c:next
- 430 fora=0tol:readpr$(a),le(a):next
- 440 print"[147][154]";:forb=0to23:ifb>lthen460
- 450 printtab(9)le(b)tab(14)pr$(b):next
- 460 ch=0:re=18:co=5:print""
- 470 print"[145]"tab(10)" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 480 printchr$(re)chr$(co)mid$(str$(le(ch)),2)tab(14)pr$(ch)
- 490 fora=1to40:geta$:ifa$=chr$(17)ora$=chr$(13)ora$=chr$(145)then530
- 500 nexta
- 510 ifre=18thenre=146:co=154:goto470
- 520 ifre=146thenre=18:co=5:goto470
- 530 re=18:co=5
- 540 ifa$=chr$(13)then660
- 550 print"[145][154]"tab(9)le(ch)tab(14)pr$(ch)
- 560 ifa$=chr$(17)then630
- 570 ch=ch-1:ifch<>-1then610
- 580 ch=l
- 590 ifl<24thenforb=1tol:print:next:goto470
- 600 print"[147]";:forb=ch-23toch:printtab(9)le(b)tab(14)pr$(b):next:goto470
- 610 ifpeek(214)=1thensys830
- 620 print"[145][145]":goto470
- 630 ch=ch+1:ifch<=lthenprint:goto470
- 640 ch=0:ifl<24thenprint"":goto470
- 650 goto440
- 660 print"[147][146]load"chr$(34)pr$(ch)chr$(34)",8,1"
- 670 poke198,5:poke631,13:poke632,82:poke633,85:poke634,78:poke635,13
- 680 print"":end
- 690 data162,240,189,167,6,157
- 700 data207,6,202,208,247,162
- 710 data240,189,183,5,157,223
- 720 data5,202,208,247,162,240
- 730 data189,199,4,157,239,4
- 740 data202,208,247,162,200,189
- 750 data255,3,157,39,4,202
- 760 data208,247,96
- 50000 poke53280,.:poke53281,.
- 50010 print"[147] [158]loader maker"
- 50020 print" by ken bunzel"
- 50030 print" s [154]- save this menu"
- 50040 print" c [154]- create another menu"
- 50050 print" q [154]- quit"
- 50060 print" press s[154], c[154], or q[154].":poke198,.
- 50070 a=peek(203):ifa<>13anda<>20anda<>62then50070
- 50080 ifa=62thengosub60000:goto50060
- 50085 ifa=13then50100
- 50090 ifa=20then50200
- 50100 print"enter filename:";
- 50110 gosub60500:ifb$=""then50000
- 50120 print"[147] saving "b$" to disk..."
- 50130 print"[144]405"
- 50140 print"save"chr$(34)b$chr$(34)",8"
- 50150 print"405 goto50000"
- 50160 print"run"
- 50170 poke198,4:fora=1to4:poke630+a,13:next:end
- 50200 open15,8,15,"r0:loader maker=loader maker":input#15,er:close15
- 50210 ifer=63then50240
- 50220 print" [150]loader maker not found!"
- 50230 fora=1to2000:next:goto50000
- 50240 print"[147] loading loader maker...[144]"
- 50245 print"load"chr$(34)"loader maker"chr$(34)",8"
- 50250 print"run":poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:end
- 60000 print"[145] are you sure you want to quit? (y[154]/n[154])"
- 60010 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then60010
- 60020 ifa=39thenprint"[145] [145]":return
- 60030 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60040 ifer<>63thenend
- 60050 load"hello connect",8
- 60500 b$="":print"[164]";:poke198,.:fora=1to17
- 60510 geta$:ifa$=""then60510
- 60520 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 60530 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157][157][164]";:a=a-1:b$=left$(b$,a-1):goto60510
- 60535 ifa=17then60510
- 60540 ifa$>=" "anda$<="z"then60570
- 60550 ifa$>="[193]"anda$<="[218]"then60570
- 60560 goto60510
- 60570 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,.:print"[164]";:b$=b$+a$:next