home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 poke53282,8:poke53283,15:poke53284,2:poke53280,246:poke53281,246
- 2 poke 53265,peek(53265)or64
- 5 gosub 60000:poke53280,246:poke53281,246
- 10 print"[147]":poke53281,22:poke53280,22
- 15 printtab(5)"[152][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 16 printtab(5)"[221] [221]"
- 17 printtab(5)"[221] t h e[152] [221]"
- 20 printtab(5)"[221] [221]"
- 22 printtab(5)"[221] b u d g e t r e p o r t [152][221]"
- 23 printtab(5)"[221] [221]"
- 24 printtab(5)"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 25 printtab(11)"[155]by mark gosswiller"
- 27 printtab(13)"copyright 1987"
- 30 print" press return when ready to print "
- 35 print" press space to exit "
- 40 getc$:ifc$="" then40
- 50 ifc$=" " then close4:goto 60100
- 52 ifc$<>chr$(13) then40
- 54 open15,4,15:close15:ifst<>0 then 60300
- 55 print"[147]":poke53280,11:poke53281,0
- 57 print" while printing is in progress,press"
- 58 print" the space key to abort printing"
- 59 :
- 60 :
- 70 r$=chr$(14):open4,4,0
- 80 print#4,spc(4)"** budget report **"
- 90 print#4,chr$(13):print#4,spc(5)"for month [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] year [164][164][164][164][164]"
- 100 print#4,chr$(13):print#4:print#4
- 110 print#4," item amt/due amt/paid check #";
- 120 print#4," date/paid balance"
- 130 print#4,"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]";
- 140 print#4,"[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 145 fori=1to20:if peek(203)=60 then print#4:close4:goto 10
- 150 print#4,chr$(13)"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][186][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][186][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][186][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]";
- 160 print#4,"[164][164][164][164][164][186][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][186][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 165 a=fre(0):nexti
- 170 print#4,chr$(13)" total expenses for month ==> [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 180 print#4,chr$(13)" total income for month ==> [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 190 print#4,chr$(13)" remaining funds ==> [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 197 print#4:print#4:print#4:print#4
- 200 close4:goto10
- 60000 print"[147]"
- 60011 print" ";
- 60012 print" [156]loadstar presents ";
- 60013 print" ";
- 60014 print" [149]"chr$(34)"the budget report"chr$(34)" ";
- 60015 print" ";
- 60016 print" by mark gosswiller ";
- 60017 print" ";
- 60018 print" copyright 1987 ";
- 60019 print" "
- 60030 print""
- 60035 print" press any key when ready to continue "
- 60037 geta$:ifa$=""then 60037
- 60049 poke 53265,27:return
- 60099 end
- 60100 print"[145] are you sure (y/n) "
- 60110 geta$:ifa$=""then 60110
- 60112 ifa$="[217]"ora$="y"then 60115
- 60113 ifa$="[206]"ora$="n"then print"[145][145]";:goto35
- 60114 goto 60110
- 60115 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60117 ifer<>63 then end
- 60120 load"hello connect",8
- 60300 print"[147]"
- 60301 poke54296,15:poke54290,65:poke54286,195:poke54287,1:poke54296,0
- 60310 print"[158] "
- 60320 print" printer (device 4) "
- 60325 print" "
- 60335 print" is not connected "
- 60340 print" "
- 60345 print" press space to retry "
- 60347 print" "
- 60348 print" press return to abort "
- 60349 print" "
- 60350 geta$:ifa$="" then 60350
- 60355 ifa$=chr$(13) then 10
- 60357 ifa$<>" "then 60350
- 60358 goto 54