home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 8 ifmm>0then110
- 10 poke53281,15:poke53280,12:poke646,6
- 20 s$="[147][151] relocator [146]"
- 30 prints$
- 32 print" c [151]- relocate compressor"
- 34 print" d [151]- relocate decompressor"
- 36 print" q [151]- quit"
- 38 print" press c[151], d[151], or q[151]."
- 40 a=peek(203):ifa<>20anda<>18anda<>62then40
- 45 ifa=20thenf$="compressor.o":l=417
- 50 ifa=18thenf$="decompressor.o":l=255
- 55 ifa=62thengosub60000:goto38
- 70 print"[151]insert disk containing "f$" "
- 80 print"[151] and press return ";:ifl=255thenprint" "
- 90 a=peek(203):ifa<>1then90
- 100 ifmm=0thenmm=1:loadf$,8,1
- 110 print"[146]":print"enter new location:";:al=.:gosub60500:al=1:n=val(b$)
- 120 print"enter new filename:";:gosub60500:f$=b$
- 130 a=int(n/256):b=n-256*a:print""tab(12)"[151]...working..."
- 135 open15,8,15,"i0":print#15,"uj":close15
- 140 open2,8,2,f$+",p,w":print#2,chr$(b);:print#2,chr$(a);
- 150 fori=49152toi+l
- 160 p=peek(i):ifp<>76andp<>108andp<>32thenprint#2,chr$(p);:goto300
- 170 z=peek(i+2):ifz<192orz>194thenprint#2,chr$(p);:goto300
- 180 x=49152-n:y=peek(i+1):a=y+z*256-x:z=int(a/256):y=a-256*z
- 190 print#2,chr$(p);:print#2,chr$(y);:print#2,chr$(z);:i=i+2:goto300
- 200 ifl=255then220
- 210 close2:print"[151]new value for 'cp' = "n:goto400
- 220 close2:print"[151]new value for 'dc' = "n:goto400
- 300 ifi=49152+lthen200
- 310 next
- 400 print" press space to continue":poke198,.
- 410 ifpeek(203)<>60then410
- 420 run
- 60000 print"[145] are you sure you want to quit? (y[151]/n[151])"
- 60010 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then60010
- 60020 ifa=39thenprint"[145] [145]":return
- 60030 open15,8,15,"r0:compress menu=compress menu":input#15,er:close15
- 60040 ifer<>63thenpoke198,.:print"[147]":end
- 60050 load"compress menu",8
- 60500 b$="":print"[164]";:poke198,.:fora=1to17
- 60510 geta$:ifa$=""then60510
- 60520 ifa$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 60530 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157][157][164]";:a=a-1:b$=left$(b$,a-1):goto60510
- 60540 if((al)and(a=17))or((no)and(a=6))then60510
- 60550 ifa$>="0"anda$<="9"then60580
- 60560 if(al)anda$>=" "anda$<="[218]"then60580
- 60570 goto60510
- 60580 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,.:print"[164]";:b$=b$+a$:next