home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 gosub 60100:print"[147]"
- 2 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
- 4 gosub 320:print cl$
- 6 print g$ spc(3)"you are an intelligence analyst"
- 8 print spc(10)"at the supersecret"
- 10 print spc(3)"national security administration"
- 12 print:print"your task:"
- 14 print b$ spc(5)"locate a clandestine radio station"
- 16 print spc(5)"operated by a terrorist group."
- 18 print g$"your means:"
- 20 print b$ spc(5)"sophisticated, computer assisted"
- 22 print spc(5)"radio detection equipment."
- 24 print g$"your operational procedure:"
- 26 print b$ spc(5)"1. identify this covert station"
- 28 print spc(8)"which is transmitting on an"
- 30 print spc(8)"illegal radio frequency."
- 36 print b$ spc(5)"2. if and when you think you have"
- 38 print spc(8)"identified it, press the * key."
- 40 print g$ "evaluation of result:"
- 42 print b$ spc(5)"if you are correct, the terrorists"
- 44 print spc(5)"will be caught in time."
- 46 gosub 362
- 48 print g$"but, if you are wrong or take too much"
- 50 print"time -- b o o m --"
- 52 print:gosub 434
- 53 gosub330
- 54 print" press space to start":poke198,.
- 58 ifpeek(203)<>60then58
- 60 ti$="000000"
- 62 print cl$:k$=""
- 64 x=int(rnd(0)*30)+1
- 66 xx=int(rnd(0)*5)+1:goto 124
- 68 print u$ u2$ l2$:print l2$
- 70 print tab(x+4) u2$ w$ chr$(161)
- 72 print tab(x+4) chr$(161)
- 74 print e$ l6$:return
- 76 poke s+24,15:poke s+5,0
- 78 poke s+6,240:poke s,75:poke s+1,34
- 80 al$=mid$(a1$,i,1)
- 82 if al$="."then gosub 100:return
- 84 if al$="-"then gosub 104:return
- 86 if al$="a"then gosub 100:gosub 104
- 88 if al$="b"then gosub 104:gosub 100:gosub 100:gosub 100
- 90 if al$="e"then gosub 100
- 92 if al$="o"then gosub 104:gosub 104:gosub 104
- 94 if al$="m"then gosub 104:gosub 104
- 96 if al$="t"then gosub 104
- 98 return
- 100 poke s+4,17:for d=1 to 20:next
- 102 poke s+4,16:for d=1 to 20:next:return
- 104 poke s+4,17:for d=1 to 80:next
- 106 poke s+4,16:for d=1 to 80:next:return
- 108 poke s+6,241:poke s+4,33:poke s+1,21
- 110 for j=0 to 15 step 3:poke s+24,j:next
- 112 for j=1 to 10:next:poke s+4,32:poke s+24,0:return
- 114 poke s+24,15:poke s+1,110:poke s+5,9
- 116 poke s+6,9:poke s+4,17:poke s+4,16:return
- 118 for j=1 to 20:poke s+24,15
- 120 for t=1 to 3:next:poke s+24,0
- 122 for t=1 to 3:next:next:return
- 124 r%=0:r$="":if ti$<"000500"then 132
- 126 poke 53281,2:poke 53280,10
- 128 print cl$:gosub 118
- 130 print"your time is up"tab(255) w$"b o o m":goto 542
- 132 if right$(c$(r),1)="?"then c$(r)=left$(c$(r),len(c$(r))-1)
- 134 y=int(rnd(0)*6)+1:r=x+xx
- 136 if r>30 then r=r-30
- 138 if x<0 or x>30 then x=0
- 140 in=0:print""
- 144 gosub2000:print" [159]after the transmission has ended,"
- 146 print"you can ask for intelligence analysis."
- 148 print" [154]when you think you have identified"
- 150 print"the terrorist, press * key for radar"
- 151 print"ranging"
- 152 print chr$(19);
- 154 print z$ w$ s2$"<-cursor->";
- 156 print s2$ s2$"moves dial at any time"s$
- 158 print e$ l4$
- 160 print s$ chr$(180) s$"7.0"spc(7)"7.1";
- 162 print spc(7)"7.2"spc(7)"7.3"s$ chr$(167)
- 164 print l2$:print l2$:print l6$
- 166 gosub 68
- 168 f=(7+x/100):f$=str$(f)+"0"
- 170 if len(f$)<6 then f$=f$+"0"
- 172 if x=0 then f$="7.000"+s$
- 174 print:print
- 176 if r>13 and r<18 then y=6
- 178 if y<5 then c$(r)=c$(r)+d$+"?":r$=s2$+g$+chr$(119)
- 180 if y<3 then r$=s2$+e$+chr$(123)
- 182 print n$ s$ l8$ s2$ r8$ s2$ l8$
- 184 f1$=b$+"frequency:":if r%=1 then f1$=e$+"time taken"
- 186 print s$ chr$(180) s$ f1$ n$ chr$(167);
- 188 print tab(16) g$ chr$(180)"radar"g$ chr$(167);
- 190 f2$=b$+s$+"call sign:":if r%=1 then f2$=e$+"r e s u l t"
- 192 print tab(25) n$ chr$(180) f2$ n$ chr$(167):if r%=0 then 198
- 194 print s$ t$ s2$ chr$(180) r$ tab(22) n$ chr$(167);
- 196 print tab(25) chr$(180) tab(28) yr$ tab(37) chr$(167):goto 204
- 198 print s$ chr$(180) f$ s$"mhz"s$ chr$(167);
- 200 print tab(16) g$ chr$(180) r$ tab(22) g$ chr$(167);
- 202 print tab(25) n$ chr$(180) tab(28) c$(r) tab(37) n$ chr$(167)
- 204 print n$ s$ l0$ s2$ r0$ s2$ l0$
- 206 gosub 210:if r%=1 then return
- 208 goto 222
- 210 h1$=n$:h$=b$+"transmission being received:"+s2$+h1$
- 212 if k$="i"then h$="intelligence analysis reveals:":h1$=d$
- 214 print:print h1$ l4$
- 216 print s$ chr$(180) tab(5) h$ tab(37) chr$(167)
- 218 print s$ chr$(180) left$(ll$,35) tab(37) chr$(167)
- 220 print l6$:print u2$;:return
- 222 a%=0:a2$="":y$="":if r>13 and r<18 then a%=1
- 224 if r>17 and r<26 then a%=2
- 226 if y=1 then y$=y1$
- 228 if y=2 or y=3 then y$=y2$
- 230 a1$=a$(r)+y$:a1=len(a1$)
- 232 if a1<34 then 238
- 234 a2$=right$(a1$,a1-33)
- 236 a2=len(a2$)
- 238 for i=1 to a1+1
- 240 a3$=mid$(a2$,i,1)
- 242 aa$=mid$(a1$,i,33)+a3$
- 244 print tab(2) aa$ s$ u$
- 246 if a%=0 then 258
- 248 if a%=2 then 254
- 250 if i=1 or i=8 then gosub 118
- 252 if a%=1 then 260
- 254 if i=2 or i=12 then gosub 114
- 256 if i=20 or i=36 then gosub 114
- 258 if a%=0 or y<4 then gosub 76
- 260 if i=1 then for jj=1 to 50
- 262 if peek(203)=49 then 490
- 264 if peek(203)<>2 then 270
- 266 if (peek(653)and1)=1 then x=x-1:goto 124
- 268 if (peek(653)and1)=0 then x=x+1:goto 124
- 270 if i=1 then next jj
- 272 next i
- 274 print:print
- 276 gosub2000
- 280 if in<2 then 286
- 282 print u$ spc(8) z$ e$"time for a decision"
- 284 printll$:goto 288
- 286 print n$"press"s$ z$ w$"r"rf$ n$ s$"to replay transmission"
- 288 print n$"press"s$ z$ w$"i"rf$ s$ z$ d$ s$"for intelligence analysis"
- 290 print n$"or move"s$ z$ w$"<-cursor->"rf$ n$ s2$"to change frequency"
- 292 for j=1 to 10:get k$:next
- 294 gosub 108
- 296 get k$:if k$=""then for j=1 to 700:next:goto 294
- 298 if asc(k$)=29 or asc(k$)=157 then 266
- 300 if k$="*"then 490
- 302 for j=1 to 5:print u$;:next
- 304 gosub2000:print""
- 306 for j=1 to 4:print u2$;:next
- 308 gosub 210:if k$<>"i"then 230
- 310 if y>3 then 316
- 312 if in=0 then print tab(2) y3$:in=in+1:print u$:goto 318
- 314 if y<3 then print tab(2) e$ y5$ lp$ n$:in=in+1:print u$:goto 318
- 316 print tab(2) n$ i$(r)
- 318 print u$;:goto 274
- 320 dim c$(30),a$(30),i$(30)
- 322 s=54272:u$=chr$(145):u2$=u$+u$:cl$=chr$(147)
- 324 z$="":rf$=chr$(146):w$=chr$(5):d$=chr$(150)
- 326 n$="[153]":b$="[154]":g$="[155]":e$="[158]"
- 328 return
- 330 s$=" ":s2$=s$+s$
- 332 for j=1 to 4:p$=p$+".":next
- 334 l1$="[221]"+p$+":"+p$
- 336 l2$=s$+"[165]"+s2$+l1$+l1$+l1$+"[221]"+s2$+"[167]"
- 338 for j=1 to 35:l3$=l3$+"[183]":l5$=l5$+"[175]":next
- 340 l4$=s$+"[207]"+l3$+"[208]"
- 342 l6$=s$+"[204]"+l5$+"[186]"
- 344 for j=1 to 11:l7$=l7$+"[183]":l9$=l9$+"[175]":next
- 346 for j=1 to 5:r7$=r7$+"[183]":r9$=r9$+"[175]":next
- 348 l8$="[207]"+l7$+"[208]"
- 350 r8$=g$+"[207]"+r7$+"[208]"+n$
- 352 l0$="[204]"+l9$+"[186]"
- 354 r0$=g$+"[204]"+r9$+"[186]"+n$
- 356 for j=1 to 37:ll$=ll$+s$:next
- 358 for j=1 to 39:l$=l$+"[183]":next
- 360 return
- 362 for j=1 to 30:read c$(j):next
- 364 data n6nta,n6gdm,w6nbj,k2sno,w4wj,ai6i,n49dt,n5473,xe1fe,dl2sr,ur5uw
- 366 data none,none,none,none,none,none
- 368 data wien,rome,paris,bbc,wsl,kfi,knx,wnyc,wx-11,wx-12,lax,cbs-tv,wwv
- 370 for j=1 to 30:read a$(j):next
- 372 data cq from november six november tango alpha
- 374 data this is hemet emergency operations center with art on the mike
- 376 data please clear the frequency for emergency traffic qsl?
- 378 data" .-.-. ...-.-"
- 380 data earthquake damage here is light
- 382 data" -.-. --.- -.. . .- .. -.... .. -.-"
- 384 data my eta lax is 18 hours local time
- 386 data mayday - fire in left engine - request emergency clearance
- 388 data manana senorita
- 390 data sprechen sie deutsch?
- 392 data strastviche tovarich
- 394 data" ...- unidentified transmission"
- 396 data" ...- unidentified transmission"
- 398 data none none
- 400 data none none
- 402 data none none
- 404 data none none
- 406 data guten abend meine damen und herren
- 408 data amore amore a rividerci
- 410 data bon jour madam et monsieur
- 412 data this - is - london
- 414 data music music
- 416 data music music
- 418 data here is the news - but first a commercial
- 420 data the temperature will be in the lower eighties
- 422 data probability of rain is 80% tonight
- 424 data frost warning for all areas
- 426 data you are cleared for landing on runway 2 west
- 428 data" ........."
- 430 data"the time is 14:25 utc"
- 432 return
- 434 i$(1)="ham radio station"
- 436 for j=2 to 6:i$(j)=i$(1):next
- 438 i$(7)="aircraft traffic"
- 440 i$(8)=i$(7)
- 442 i$(9)="foreign ham station"
- 444 i$(10)=i$(9):i$(11)=i$(9)
- 446 i$(12)="swat team communication"
- 448 i$(13)=i$(12)
- 450 i$(14)="no reception on this frequency"
- 452 for j=15 to 17:i$(j)=i$(14):next
- 454 i$(18)="foreign broadcast station"
- 456 for j=19 to 21:i$(j)=i$(18):next
- 458 i$(22)="commercial broadcast station"
- 460 for j=23 to 25:i$(j)=i$(22):next
- 462 i$(26)="weather bureau"
- 464 i$(27)=i$(26)
- 466 i$(28)="airport control tower"
- 468 i$(29)="television station"
- 470 i$(30)="ft collins time signal"
- 472 y1$=s2$+"-... --- -- -..."
- 474 y2$=s2$+"- . .- --"
- 476 y3$="suspicious! - repeat analysis ! _ _"
- 478 y5$="possible terrorist station !"
- 480 y6$=w$+"success"+s$
- 482 y7$=g$+"failure"+s$
- 484 y8$="swat team helicopter leaving"
- 486 y9$="swat team is calling you"
- 488 return
- 490 r%=1:print chr$(19) l$
- 492 for j=1 to 7:print:next
- 494 t$=mid$(ti$,3,2)+s$+"min"+s$+right$(ti$,2)+s$+"sec"
- 496 if y>1 then poke 53280,0:yr$=y7$:yb$=y9$:goto 500
- 498 poke 53280,7:yr$=y6$:yb$=y8$
- 500 gosub 182
- 502 if a%=1 then print g$ tab(10) a$(14):goto 508
- 504 if y=1 then print w$ y8$:gosub 114
- 506 if y>1 then print tab(6) g$ y9$:gosub 118
- 508 print
- 510 for j=1 to 7:print ll$ s2$:next
- 512 for j=1 to 6:print u$;:next
- 514 if y=1 then 536
- 516 if a%=1 then print i$(14):goto 524
- 518 print g$"you misidentified the clues."
- 520 print"this was the swat team waiting for you"
- 522 print"to locate the terrorist radio station."
- 524 print b$ spc(5)"continue searching (y/n)?"
- 526 for j=1 to 10:get y$:next
- 528 gosub 108
- 530 get y$:if y$=""then 530
- 532 if y$="y"then x=x+1:goto 124
- 534 print u$ ll$:goto 544
- 536 print spc(10)"you were correct !"
- 538 print spc(7)"end of a successful game."
- 540 print b$"it took you"s$ t$
- 542 print
- 544 print b$" another game (y/n) ?"
- 546 for j=1 to 10:get y$:next
- 548 gosub 108
- 550 get y$:if y$=""then 550
- 552 if y$="y"then run2
- 554 print"[145] e n d "
- 556 goto60000
- 2000 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 2005 print"";:fora=1to17:print:next
- 2010 fora=1to7:print" ":next
- 2020 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":return
- 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60010 ifer<>63thenend
- 60020 load"hello connect",8
- 60100 poke 53280,14:poke 53281,14
- 60110 printchr$(142) "[147][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 60120 fora=1to23:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next
- 60130 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][157][148][192]"
- 60135 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 60140 print" loadstar presents:"
- 60150 print" "
- 60160 print" radio search "
- 60170 print" "
- 60180 print" by gerhard schilling "
- 60190 print" "
- 60200 print" copyright 1987 "
- 60210 print" "
- 60220 print" "
- 60230 print" press space to continue"
- 60240 ifpeek(203)<>60then 60240
- 60250 return