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- 10 ifa>0then25
- 15 poke53280,12:poke53281,15:print"":poke56,126:poke55,244:clr
- 20 ifa=0thena=1:print"[147]":load"decompressor.o",8,1
- 25 t$="[147][151] decompressor demo ":printt$
- 30 ifa=1thena=2:poke53265,peek(53265)or16
- 32 print"filename of pic":print" or (return) to exit :";
- 33 nu=0:gosub60500:f$=b$:gosub 60200
- 35 print"load address of pic :";:nu=1:gosub60500:la=val(b$)
- 38 if la<8192 then gosub 60000
- 40 print" [151] hit + key to change border color."
- 45 print" [151] hit - key to change background color."
- 50 print" [151] hit any other key to exit hires. ":fori=0to3500:next
- 55 print" hit run/stop to end [146]"
- 60 gosub115:gosub100:poke53265,peek(53265)or16:d1=49152:d2=d1+26
- 65 sysd1,f$,la,52224:r1=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6
- 70 sysd2,r1,55296:r2=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:sysd2,r2,57344
- 75 r3=peek(249)+256*peek(250)+6:poke53281,peek(r3+1):poke53280,peek(r3+2)
- 80 wait198,15:gett$:ift$="+"thenbo=bo+1:ifbo>15thenbo=0
- 85 ift$="-"thenbg=bg+1:ifbg>15thenbg=0
- 90 ift$="+"ort$="-"thenpoke53281,bg:poke53280,bo:goto80
- 95 gosub115:wait198,15:gett$:gosub100:goto80
- 100 rem ******* change banks *********
- 105 poke53272,56:poke53265,peek(53265)or32:poke53270,peek(53270)or16
- 110 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or0:return
- 115 rem ****** normal screen ********
- 120 poke53272,21:poke53265,peek(53265)and223:poke53270,peek(53270)and239
- 125 poke56578,peek(56578)or3:poke56576,(peek(56576)and252)or3:return
- 60000 print" "
- 60001 print" please enter a location which "
- 60002 print" is larger than (8192) "
- 60004 print" "
- 60005 tt=val(ti$)+5:gosub 60100
- 60006 iftt>val(ti$) then 60006
- 60007 goto 25
- 60100 su=54272
- 60110 forcl=sutosu+24:pokecl,.:next
- 60120 poke su+24,15:pokesu,34
- 60130 poke su+1,75:pokesu+5,31
- 60135 poke su+6,15*16+9
- 60140 poke su+4,33:fordl=1to150:next
- 60150 poke su+4,32:fordl=1to50:next
- 60160 poke su+24,.:return
- 60200 iff$="" then 60300
- 60210 open15,8,15,"r0:"+f$+"="+f$
- 60220 input#15,er:close15
- 60230 if er<>63 then 60250
- 60240 return
- 60250 print" "
- 60251 print" disk error : file not found "
- 60252 print" please try again "
- 60254 print" "
- 60255 tt=val(ti$)+5:gosub 60100
- 60256 iftt>val(ti$) then 60256
- 60257 goto 25
- 60300 open15,8,15,"r0:compress menu=compress menu"
- 60320 input#15,er:close15
- 60330 if er<>63 then 25
- 60340 load"compress menu",8
- 60500 poke198,.:b$="":print"[164]";:fora=1to17
- 60510 geta$:ifa$="" then 60510
- 60520 ifa$=chr$(13) then print"[157] ":return
- 60530 ifa$=chr$(20)anda>1thenprint"[157][157] [157][157][164]";:a=a-1:b$=left$(b$,a-1):goto60510
- 60535 ifa$=chr$(20)then 60510
- 60540 if(a=17) or((nu)and(a=6)) then 60510
- 60545 ifnu=1 and a$>="0" and a$<="9" then 60560
- 60546 ifnu=1 then 60510
- 60547 if a$=>"[193]" and a$=<"[218]" then 60560
- 60550 if a$<" " or a$>"z" then 60510
- 60560 print"[157]"a$;:poke212,.:print"[164]";:b$=b$+a$:next