home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 gosub60100:clr
- 200 cl$=chr$(147):ho$=chr$(19):poke646,1
- 210 e$=chr$(13)
- 220 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:gosub1070:poke53265,11
- 230 dv=peek(693):open15,dv,15:r$=chr$(18):o$=chr$(146)
- 235 fort=1to7:l$=l$+chr$(163):next
- 236 fort=1to40:ul$=ul$+chr$(163):next
- 240 rem setup menu
- 250 :
- 260 printcl$e$tab(16)"autorun"
- 280 print tab(16)l$:print tab(19)"by"
- 290 print tab(13)"jonathan rodda":d=4:gosub1630
- 300 print tab(9)"a - create autorun boot"e$
- 310 print tab(9)"v - view directory"e$
- 320 print tab(9)"d - send disk command"e$
- 330 print tab(9)"c - change device number"e$
- 340 print tab(9)"q - quit"
- 360 d=3:gosub1630:printul$
- 370 printtab(8)"select one of the above":poke53265,27
- 380 fort=0to9:poke631+t,0:next
- 385 a=peek(203):ifa<>10anda<>31anda<>18anda<>20anda<>62then385
- 390 poke198,.
- 400 ifa=10then700
- 402 ifa=31then500
- 404 ifa=18then540
- 406 ifa=20then460
- 410 rem return to basic
- 420 :
- 430 print"[145] are you sure you want to quit? (y/n)"
- 432 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then432
- 434 ifa=39thenprint"[145] [145]":goto370
- 436 close15:open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 437 ifer<>63thenend
- 438 load"hello connect",8
- 440 rem change device number
- 450 :
- 460 z=2:gosub570:v=val(s$):ifv<8orv>11then460
- 462 close15:open15,v,15:close15:ifst=0then470
- 465 print"drive #"v"not connected."
- 466 foreu=1to2500:next
- 468 goto 460
- 470 poke693,v:run 200
- 480 rem read directory
- 490 :
- 500 printcl$:open1,dv,0,"$":sys926
- 510 close1:gosub1460:run200
- 520 rem send disk command
- 530 :
- 540 z=255:gosub570:print#15,s$:gosub1430:run 200
- 550 rem keyboard input routine
- 560 :
- 570 gosub1480:gosub1520:printho$:d=5
- 580 gosub1630:printc$;:s$="":sc=1
- 590 gosub1380:ifa$=e$ands$<>""thenreturn
- 600 ifa$=chr$(34)then590
- 610 ifa$=chr$(20)andlen(s$)>0thenprinta$;:s$=left$(s$,len(s$)-1):goto590
- 620 ifz=5orz=2thenifa$<"0"ora$>"9"then590
- 630 ifz=1anda$<>"b"anda$<>"m"then590
- 640 ifz=1andlen(s$)=1anda$<>e$then590
- 645 if z=1 then return
- 650 ifa$<" "ora$>chr$(128)anda$<chr$(160)then590
- 655 iflen(s$)>zorz=17andlen(s$)>=16then590
- 660 s$=s$+a$
- 670 printa$;:goto590
- 680 rem main autorun routine
- 690 :
- 700 z=16:gosub570:m=751:gosub1590:poke698,l:f$=s$
- 710 z=1:gosub570:sh=2:ifa$="b"thensl=119:goto750
- 720 z=5:gosub570:sa=val(s$):h=sa/256
- 730 hi=int(h):lo=(h-hi)*256:sl=167
- 740 ifsa>65535then720
- 750 print e$e$e$"blank screen during load (y/n)? ";:sc=1
- 760 gosub1380:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then760
- 770 printa$:a1$=a$
- 780 :
- 790 poke710,11:ifa1$="n"thenpoke710,27
- 800 z=17:gosub570:gosub1480
- 810 printho$e$"insert a disk with"e$
- 820 print"a copy of: "r$f$e$
- 830 print"and press 'return'"e$:sc=0
- 840 gosub1380:ifa$<>e$then840
- 850 rem save autorun boot
- 860 :
- 870 printe$"writing: "r$s$
- 880 m=49151:gosub1590
- 890 ifsl=167thenpoke723,lo:poke724,hi
- 900 poke780,1:poke781,dv:poke782,1:sys65466
- 910 poke780,l:poke781,0:poke782,192:sys65469
- 920 poke251,sl:poke252,sh:poke780,251
- 930 poke781,4:poke782,3
- 940 ifsl=119thenpoke631,147:poke632,82:poke633,213:poke634,13
- 950 poke770,167:poke771,2:poke646,14:sys65496
- 960 poke770,131:poke771,164:poke646,1
- 970 poke723,216:poke724,2:gosub1430
- 980 ifu$<>"63"then run 200
- 990 printe$r$s$o$" exists"e$
- 1000 print"press 'r' to replace: ";r$s$:sc=0
- 1010 gosub1380:ifa$="r"then1030
- 1020 goto800
- 1030 printe$e$"replacing: "r$s$
- 1040 print#15,"s0:"+s$:goto880
- 1050 rem read machine language data
- 1060 :
- 1070 ifpeek(679)=169andpeek(926)=162thenreturn
- 1080 printcl$e$" please wait, reading data..."
- 1090 fort=0to87:readd:poke926+t,d
- 1100 ck=ck+d:next:ifck<>12826then1620
- 1110 ck=0:fort=0to65:readd:poke679+t,d
- 1120 ck=ck+d:next:ifck<>7617then1620
- 1130 return
- 1140 data 162,001,032,198,255,032,207
- 1150 data 255,032,207,255,032,207,255
- 1160 data 165,144,208,066,032,207,255
- 1170 data 240,061,032,204,255,032,228
- 1180 data 255,201,032,208,005,032,228
- 1190 data 255,240,251,162,001,032,198
- 1200 data 255,032,207,255,141,000,206
- 1210 data 032,207,255,168,174,000,206
- 1220 data 152,032,205,189,169,032,032
- 1230 data 210,255,032,207,255,240,006
- 1240 data 032,210,255,076,223,003,169
- 1250 data 013,032,210,255,076,169,003
- 1260 data 032,204,255,096,169,131,141
- 1270 data 002,003,169,164,141,003,003
- 1280 data 169,001,168,162,008,032,186
- 1290 data 255,169,003,162,240,160,002
- 1300 data 032,189,255,032,066,166,169
- 1310 data 011,141,017,208,169,000,032
- 1320 data 213,255,032,129,255,032,216
- 1330 data 002,076,116,164,166,174,164
- 1340 data 175,134,045,134,047,132,046
- 1350 data 132,048,169,004,133,198,096
- 1360 rem get keyboard character
- 1370 :
- 1380 if(sc) then print"[164]";
- 1381 geta$:ifa$=""then1381
- 1390 ifa$=chr$(133)thenrun200
- 1395 if(sc) then print"[157] [157]";
- 1400 return
- 1410 rem read disk error
- 1420 :
- 1430 print:input#15,u$,v$,w$,x$
- 1440 if u$="63" or u$="00" then return
- 1450 printe$r$u$","v$","w$","x$
- 1460 printe$"press any key to continue"
- 1470 gosub1380:return
- 1480 printcl$:d=20:gosub1630:printul$
- 1490 print tab(11)"press f1 for menu":return
- 1500 rem message routine
- 1510 :
- 1520 ifz<>1then1530
- 1525 c$="is "+r$+f$+o$+" in"+e$+e$+"(b)asic or (m)achine language? "
- 1530 ifz=2thenc$="enter new device number (8-11): "
- 1540 ifz=5thenc$="enter start address"+e$+e$+"of "+r$+f$+o$+": "
- 1550 ifz=16thenc$="enter file name"+e$+e$+"of program to autorun: "
- 1560 ifz=17thenc$="enter file name of"+e$+e$+"the autorun boot: "
- 1570 ifz=255thenc$="enter disk command"+e$+e$+">"
- 1580 return
- 1590 l=len(s$):fort=1tol
- 1600 pokem+t,asc(mid$(s$,t,1))
- 1610 next:return
- 1620 print"error in data":end
- 1630 fort=1tod:print:next:return
- 60100 poke53280,14:poke53281,14
- 60110 printchr$(142)"[147][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 60120 fora=1to23:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next
- 60130 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][157][148][192]"
- 60135 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 60140 print" loadstar presents:"
- 60150 print" "
- 60160 print" auto run "
- 60170 print" "
- 60180 print" by jonathan rodda "
- 60190 print" "
- 60200 print" copyright 1987 "
- 60210 print" "
- 60220 print" "
- 60230 print" press space to continue"
- 60240 ifpeek(203)<>60then60240
- 60250 return