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- 10 gosub1290:poke53280,4:poke53281,3:print"[147]";
- 20 clr:gosub1200
- 30 print"[147][156] e n i g m a ";
- 32 print" german cipher machine of world war ii "
- 35 print" -- main menu --"
- 40 print"e[146][144] - encipher a message"
- 50 print"d[144][146] - decode an enciphered message"
- 60 print"s[144][146] - show message in both clear and code"
- 80 print"p[144][146] - printer output"
- 90 print"q[144][146] - quit"
- 92 print" current code key:";:ifl$<>""thenz1$=l$:z2$=di$:goto94
- 93 z1$="no code key yet":z2$=""
- 94 printz1$"-"z2$
- 100 print d$ spc(10) "[144]select a letter":gosub 1160:poke198,.
- 110 get n$:if n$="" then gosub 1130:goto 110
- 112 ifn$="e"orn$="[197]"thenn=1:goto170
- 113 ifn$="d"orn$="[196]"thenn=2:goto170
- 114 ifn$="s"orn$="[211]"thenn=3:goto800
- 115 ifn$="p"orn$="[208]"thenn=4:goto1060
- 116 ifn$="q"orn$="[209]"thengosub60100:goto110
- 120 goto110
- 170 i=0:x=0:gg=5
- 180 print"[147] enter secret code key:"
- 190 print" letter of code (a-z)":gosub 1160
- 200 get l$:if l$="" then gosub 1130:goto 200
- 210 ll=asc(l$):if ll<65 or ll>90 then gosub 1160:goto 200
- 220 ke=ll-64
- 230 print" number of code (1-9)":gosub 1160
- 240 get di$:if di$="" then gosub 1130:goto 240
- 250 if di$ < "1" or di$ > "9" then gosub1160:goto 240
- 260 di=val(di$):printc$
- 270 print spc(6) "press any alpha-numeric keys"
- 280 print spc(10) "or the space bar."
- 290 print x$ "(for menu, or to end, press <return>)" d$
- 300 gosub 960:gosub 1160:if n=2 then 610
- 310 print"enter clear text:"
- 320 get k$(i):if k$(i)="" then 320
- 321 if(k$(i)<>chr$(20))or(i=.)then330
- 322 ifx>.then324
- 323 printh$;:forg=1togg+7:printd$;:next:printspc(39)" [157]":x=40:gg=gg-1:goto325
- 324 printh$;:forg=1togg+8:printd$;:next:printspc(x-1)" [157]"
- 325 i=i-1:x=x-1:ifi>.thenke=ke(i-1):goto320
- 326 ke=ll-64:goto320
- 330 ifi=.then360
- 340 i=i-1:z$="":e=a:e$(i)=a$(i):if k=32 then w$=x$
- 350 gosub 500:w$="*":i=i+1
- 360 l=0:k=asc(k$(i))
- 370 if k=13 then j=i:goto 800
- 380 if k=32 then a=32:ke(i)=ke:goto 480
- 390 if k<48 or k>90 then 320
- 400 if k>57 and k<65 then 320
- 410 if k>64 then l=26
- 420 if k<58 then l=10
- 430 print h$;:for g=1 to gg+8:print d$;:next
- 440 print spc(x) k$(i):gosub 590
- 450 a=k+ke
- 460 if l=26 and a>90 then a=a-26
- 470 if l=10 and a>57 then a=a-10
- 480 a$(i)=chr$(a):z$=i$:e=a:e$(i)=a$(i)
- 490 gosub 500:gosub 560:goto 320
- 500 print h$;:for g=1 to 5:print d$;:next
- 510 if e=32 then print d$ d$ d$ d$ z$ tab(23) w$
- 520 if l=10 then print spc(2*e-88) d$ z$ e$(i)
- 530 if l=26 and e<78 then print d$ d$ spc(2*e-125) z$ e$(i)
- 540 if l=26 and e>77 then print d$ d$ d$ spc(2*e-151) z$ e$(i)
- 550 print b$:return
- 560 i=i+1:x=x+1:if i=40 or i=80 or i=120 then x=0:gg=gg+1
- 570 if i=160 then j=i:print c$ "long enough - select 3":goto 30
- 580 return
- 590 ke=ke+(di*i):ifke>lthenke=ke-(int(ke/l)*l)
- 600 ke(i)=ke:return
- 610 print"enter ciphered text:"
- 620 get a$(i):if a$(i)="" then 620
- 621 if(a$(i)<>chr$(20))or(i=.)then630
- 622 ifx>.then624
- 623 printh$;:forg=1togg+7:printd$;:next:printspc(39)" [157]":x=40:gg=gg-1:goto625
- 624 printh$;:forg=1togg+8:printd$;:next:printspc(x-1)" [157]"
- 625 i=i-1:x=x-1:ifi>.thenke=ke(i-1):goto620
- 626 ke=ll-64:goto620
- 630 if i=0 then print u$:for g=1 to 20:print x$;:next:goto 660
- 640 i=i-1:z$="":e=k:e$(i)=k$(i):if k=32 then w$=x$
- 650 gosub 500:w$="*":i=i+1
- 660 l=0:a=asc(a$(i))
- 670 if a=13 then j=i:goto 800
- 680 if a=32 then k=32:goto 780
- 690 if a<48 or a>90 then 620
- 700 if a>57 and a<65 then 620
- 710 if a>64 then l=26
- 720 if a<58 then l=10
- 730 print h$;:for g=1 to gg+8:print d$;:next
- 740 print spc(x) r$ i$ a$(i) b$:gosub 590
- 750 k=a-ke
- 760 if l=26 and k<65 then k=k+26
- 770 if l=10 and k<48 then k=k+10
- 780 k$(i)=chr$(k):z$=r$:e=k:e$(i)=k$(i)
- 790 gosub 500:gosub 560:goto 620
- 800 print c$;:if i>0 then 850
- 810 print spc(9) i$ "no message yet!"
- 820 print "select 1 or 2 from menu first:"
- 830 if pr$="open" then return
- 840 goto 30
- 850 print"your message not coded:"
- 860 print:for i=0 to j-1:print k$(i);:next
- 870 print:print
- 880 print "your message coded:"
- 890 print:for i=0 to j-1
- 900 if n=5 then print a$(i);:goto 930
- 910 if a$(i) <> x$ then print a$(i);
- 920 if a$(i)=x$ then print b$ x$;
- 930 next:print:if n=4 then return
- 952 print"[144] press space for main menu":poke198,.
- 954 ifpeek(203)<>60then954
- 956 goto30
- 960 for g=1 to 40:print chr$(184);:next
- 970 print spc(8)
- 980 for g=48 to 57:print chr$(g) x$;:next
- 990 print:print spc(5)
- 1000 for g=65 to 77:print chr$(g) x$;:next
- 1010 print:print spc(5)
- 1020 for g=78 to 90:print chr$(g) x$;:next
- 1030 print:print spc(13) "space bar"
- 1040 for g=1 to 40:print chr$(185);:next
- 1050 print:return
- 1060 open15,4,15:close15:ifst=.then1070
- 1062 print" error!! printer not online!! "
- 1064 fora=1to2000:next:print"[145] [145][145]"
- 1066 goto110
- 1070 print c$ spc(10) "printing"
- 1075 pr$="open":open 4,4:cmd 4
- 1080 gosub 800:print#4
- 1090 print#4,"warning: never transmit code by radio!"
- 1100 pr$="closed":print# 4:close 4
- 1110 print spc(10) u$ "finished printing":fora=1to2000:next
- 1120 goto 30
- 1130 print u$ spc(24) w$
- 1140 for g=1 to 200:next:print u$ spc(24) x$
- 1150 for g=1 to 100:next:return
- 1160 poke s+24,15:poke s+1,110:poke s+5,9:poke s+6,9
- 1170 poke s+4,17:poke s+4,16:return
- 1180 print u$ spc(10) "end of program."
- 1190 for jj=0 to 24:poke s+24,0:next:end
- 1200 s=54272:gosub1160
- 1210 dim k$(160),a$(160),e$(160),ke(160)
- 1220 c$="[147]":h$="":x$=" ":b$="[144]":i$=""
- 1230 u$="[145]":d$="":r$="":y$="":w$="*"
- 1240 return
- 1270 for jj=0 to 24:poke s+24,0:next
- 1280 print u$ spc(10) "end of program.":end
- 1290 poke53280,14:poke53281,14
- 1300 print"[147]"chr$(142)"[153][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 1310 fora=1to23:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next
- 1320 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][157][148][192]"
- 1330 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 1340 print" loadstar presents:"
- 1350 print" "
- 1360 print" enigma "
- 1370 print" "
- 1380 print" by gerhard schilling "
- 1390 print" "
- 1400 print" (c)opyright 1987 "
- 1410 print" "
- 1420 print" "
- 1430 print" press space to continue."
- 1440 ifpeek(203)<>60then1440
- 1450 return
- 60100 print"[145] are you sure you want to quit? (y/n)"
- 60110 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then60110
- 60120 ifa=25then60150
- 60130 print"[145] select number "
- 60140 print"[145]":return
- 60150 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60160 ifer<>63thenend
- 60170 load"hello connect",8