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- 10 gosub60100:poke53280,.:poke53281,.
- 20 print"[147][159]directory reader [154]by joseph r. charnetski"
- 30 print" [159]blocks free [154]by geoff larson"
- 40 print" d [154]- view directory"
- 50 print" b [154]- view blocks free"
- 60 print" q [154]- quit"
- 70 print" choose d[154], b[154], or q[154]."
- 80 a=peek(203):ifa<>18anda<>28anda<>62then80
- 90 ifa=62thengosub60000:goto70
- 100 gs=1:ifa=28thengs=2
- 110 open15,8,15,"i0":input#15,er,er$:close15:ifer=.then140
- 120 print"disk error:[150]"er,er$
- 130 fora=1to2000:next:print"[145] [145][145]":goto80
- 140 ifgs=1thenprint"[147]";
- 145 ongsgosub800,900
- 150 ifgs=2thenprint"[154] blocks free:"f
- 160 print" [154]press space [154]to continue."
- 170 a=peek(203):ifa<>60then170
- 180 goto20
- 800 rem directory - joseph r.charnetski
- 810 open1,8,0,"$":get#1,a$,a$
- 820 get#1,a$,a$:ifa$=""then880
- 830 get#1,b$,c$
- 840 bl=asc(b$+chr$(0)):bh=asc(c$+chr$(0))
- 850 d$=mid$(str$(bl+256*bh),2)+chr$(32)
- 860 printd$;:get#1,d$:ifd$<>""then860
- 870 print:gete$:ife$<>"q"then820
- 880 close1:return
- 900 rem blocks free - geoff larsen
- 910 deffna(x)=asc(a$+chr$(0))+256*(asc(b$+chr$(0)))
- 920 open1,8,0,"$$0":get#1,a$,b$
- 930 get#1,a$,b$:iffna(x)=0then970
- 940 get#1,c$,d$
- 950 get#1,e$:ifasc(e$+chr$(0))then950
- 960 goto930
- 970 a$=c$:b$=d$:f=fna(x):close1
- 980 return
- 60000 print"[145] [154]are you sure you want to quit? (y[154]/n[154])"
- 60010 a=peek(203):ifa<>25anda<>39then60010
- 60020 ifa=39thenprint"[145] [145]":return
- 60030 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60040 poke198,.:load"hello connect",8
- 60100 poke53280,14:poke53281,14
- 60110 print"[147]"chr$(142)"[153][213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]";
- 60120 fora=1to23:print"[221]"spc(38)"[221]";:next
- 60130 print"[202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203][157][148][192]"
- 60140 fora=217to242:pokea,peek(a)or128:next
- 60150 print" loadstar presents:"
- 60160 print" "
- 60170 print" dir reader/blocks free "
- 60180 print" "
- 60190 print" subroutines by "
- 60200 print" joseph r. charnetski "
- 60210 print" and "
- 60220 print" geoff larson "
- 60230 print" "
- 60240 print" copyright 1987 "
- 60250 print" "
- 60260 print" "
- 60270 print" press space to continue."
- 60280 a=peek(203):ifa<>60then60280
- 60290 return