home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 rem relatively speaking
- 200 jo=56320
- 300 gosub20600
- 400 :
- 500 forx=1to5:readu$(x):next
- 600 data "years","days","hours","minutes","seconds"
- 700 :
- 800 forx=1to6:readl$(x):next
- 900 data "inches","feet","miles","centimeters","meters","kilometers"
- 1000 :
- 1100 c=300000:fl=0
- 1200 print"[147]";:gosub21200:pt=1
- 1300 printspc(7)" - [212]ime transformations":print
- 1400 printspc(7)" - [204]ength transformations":print
- 1500 printspc(7)" - [205]ass transformations":print
- 1600 printspc(7)" - [205]ass-energy relationships":print
- 1700 printspc(7)" - [210]eturn to [204]oadstar"
- 1800 print" [205]ove the arrow with the cursor keys"
- 1900 print" [208]ress [[210][197][212][213][210][206]] to make your selection."
- 2000 print" [[202]oystick in [208]ort 2 also works]"
- 2100 print"";:forx=1topt:print"";:next:printspc(8)"==>[157][157][157]";
- 2200 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)=127then2200
- 2300 getag$:j%=peek(jo):print" [144]"
- 2400 ifag$=""orj%=125thenpt=pt+1
- 2500 ifag$="[145]"orj%=126thenpt=pt-1
- 2600 ifag$=chr$(13)orj%=111then3100
- 2700 ifpt<1thenpt=5
- 2800 ifpt>5thenpt=1
- 2900 goto2100
- 3000 :
- 3100 on pt goto3200 ,6700,10000,11800,26900
- 3200 print
- 3300 gosub15900
- 3400 gosub13900:print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 3500 print" [215]ill the duration of the trip be in:":pt=1:f$="years"
- 3600 print""spc(12)" [217]ears"
- 3700 printspc(12)" [196]ays"
- 3800 printspc(12)" [200]ours"
- 3900 printspc(12)" [205]inutes"
- 4000 printspc(12)" [211]econds"
- 4100 print"";:forx=1topt:print"";:next
- 4200 printspc(12)"==>[157][157][157]";
- 4300 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)=127then4300
- 4400 getag$:j%=peek(jo):print" "
- 4500 ifag$=""orj%=125thenpt=pt+1
- 4600 ifag$="[145]"orj%=126thenpt=pt-1
- 4700 ifag$=chr$(13)orj%=111then5100
- 4800 ifpt<1thenpt=5
- 4900 ifpt>5thenpt=1
- 5000 goto4100
- 5100 f$=u$(pt)
- 5200 print" [200]ow long will the trip last"
- 5300 printspc(10);"==>";:ml=6:gosub19200:t=val(in$):gosub18000
- 5400 rem calculations and output for time transformations
- 5500 print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 5600 print" [215]hen you return from your trip the"
- 5700 f1$="outside world will be":f2$=str$((1/x)*t)+" "+f$
- 5800 printspc(20-len(f1$)/2)f1$
- 5900 printspc(20-len(f2$)/2)f2$
- 6000 printspc(16)"older."
- 6100 rem continuation/discontinuation of program
- 6200 print" [208]ress a key to return to the menu"
- 6300 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)<>111then6300
- 6400 poke198,0
- 6500 goto1200
- 6600 end
- 6700 print
- 6800 gosub15900
- 6900 gosub13900
- 7000 print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 7100 print" [215]hat units will be used"
- 7200 pt=1:of=0:ifs$="m"thenof=3
- 7300 print""spc(10)" "l$(1+of)
- 7400 printspc(10)" "l$(2+of)
- 7500 printspc(10)" "l$(3+of)
- 7600 print"";:forx=1topt:print"";:next
- 7700 printspc(10)"==>"
- 7800 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)=127then7800
- 7900 getag$:j%=peek(jo)
- 8000 ifag$=""orj%=125thenpt=pt+1
- 8100 ifag$="[145]"orj%=126thenpt=pt-1
- 8200 ifag$=chr$(13)orj%=111then8600
- 8300 ifpt<1thenpt=3
- 8400 ifpt>3thenpt=1
- 8500 goto7300
- 8600 u$=l$(pt+of):gosub18000
- 8700 print" [215]hat is the length of the object"
- 8800 printspc(10)"==>";:ml=6:gosub19200
- 8900 l=val(in$)
- 9000 rem calculations and output for length transformations
- 9100 nl=l-(x*l)
- 9200 w$="[212]he object will be"+str$(nl):w2$=u$+" shorter."
- 9300 print"[147]";:gosub21200:print
- 9400 printspc(20-len(w$)/2)w$
- 9500 printspc(20-len(w2$)/2)w2$
- 9600 print" [212]his puts its new length at:"
- 9700 w$=str$(l-nl)+" "+u$+"."
- 9800 printspc(20-len(w$)/2)w$:goto6200
- 9900 print
- 10000 gosub15900
- 10100 gosub13900:gosub23300
- 10200 w$="in "+u$
- 10300 gosub18000
- 10400 print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 10500 print" [215]hat is the mass of the object":printspc(20-len(w$)/2)w$
- 10600 print" <[206]umber value only>":printspc(11)"==>";:ml=6:gosub19200
- 10700 m=val(in$)
- 10800 rem calculations and output for mass transformations
- 10900 w$="[212]he object's mass has increased by":nm=(1/x)*m-m
- 11000 m$=str$(nm)+" "+u$+"."
- 11100 print"[147]";:gosub21200:print""spc(20-len(w$)/2)w$
- 11200 printspc(20-len(m$)/2)m$
- 11300 print" [212]his puts its new mass at:"
- 11400 m$=str$(nm+m)+" "+u$+"."
- 11500 printspc(20-len(m$)/2)m$
- 11600 goto6200
- 11700 :
- 11800 gosub15900
- 11900 gosub23300
- 12000 print"[147]";:gosub21200:print" [215]hat is the mass"
- 12100 w$="in "+u$:printspc(20-len(w$)/2)w$
- 12200 printspc(11)"==>";:ml=6:gosub19200:m=val(in$):m=m*di
- 12300 ifs$="e"thenm=m/2.3
- 12400 rem calculations and output for mass-energy relationship
- 12500 e=m*(300000^2):e=4190*e:print
- 12600 print"[147] [201]f the mass of the object were to be"
- 12700 print" totally converted into energy, "
- 12800 w$=str$(e)+" calories":hc=int(e/1.1804e13):hc$=str$(hc)
- 12850 z=len(hc$):ll=0:ifz>8thenll=1
- 12900 ef=0:forx=1toz:ifmid$(hc$,x,1)="e"thenef=1
- 13000 nextx
- 13005 ifll=1andef=0thenhc$=left$(hc$,2)+"."+mid$(hc$,3,1)+"+e"+mid$(str$(z-2),2)
- 13100 ifll=1andef=1thenhc$=left$(hc$,2)+right$(hc$,4)
- 13200 hc$=hc$+" times the energy"
- 13300 iflen(hc$)<25thenhc$=hc$+" ":goto13300
- 13400 printspc(20-len(w$)/2)w$
- 13500 printspc(11)"would be released."
- 13600 gosub28100
- 13700 goto6200
- 13800 rem velocity-time-units conversion subroutine
- 13900 print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 14000 print" [215]ill the velocity be:"
- 14100 t1$="s":f=1:me$="[205]iles":ifs$="m"thenme$="[203]ilometers":pt=1
- 14200 print""spc(7)" "me$" per second"
- 14300 print""spc(7)" "me$" per hour"
- 14400 print"";:forx=1topt:print"";:next
- 14500 printspc(9)"==>[157][157][157]";
- 14600 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)=127then14600
- 14700 getag$:j%=peek(jo):print" "
- 14800 ifag$=""orj%=125thenpt=pt+1
- 14900 ifag$="[145]"orj%=126thenpt=pt-1
- 15000 ifag$=chr$(13)orj%=111then15400
- 15100 ifpt<1thenpt=2
- 15200 ifpt>2thenpt=1
- 15300 goto14400
- 15400 ifpt=2thent1$="h":f=3600
- 15500 print""
- 15600 printspc(9)"[215]hat is the velocity?":printspc(12)"-->";
- 15700 ml=6:gosub19200:v=val(in$):v=v/f:gosub18000
- 15800 return
- 15900 print"[147]";:gosub21200
- 16000 print
- 16100 print" [215]hich measurement system would you":printspc(13)"like to use?"
- 16200 s$="e":c=186000:pt=1
- 16300 print""spc(10)" [197]nglish"
- 16400 print""spc(10)" [205]etric"
- 16500 print"";:forx=1topt:print"";:next
- 16600 printspc(10)"==>[157][157][157]";
- 16700 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(jo)=127then16700
- 16800 getag$:j%=peek(jo):print" "
- 16900 ifag$=""orj%=125thenpt=pt+1
- 17000 ifag$="[145]"orj%=126thenpt=pt-1
- 17100 ifag$=chr$(13)orj%=111then17500
- 17200 ifpt<1thenpt=2
- 17300 ifpt>2thenpt=1
- 17400 goto16500
- 17500 ifpt=2thens$="m":c=300000
- 17600 print""
- 17700 rem units choice and coversion subroutine
- 17800 m=1:l=1:ifs$="e"thenc=186000:iffl=1thenm=m*2.3
- 17900 return
- 18000 if(v>186000ands$="e")or(v>300000ands$="m")thengoto18400
- 18100 ifv=186000ands$="e"thenv=185999
- 18200 ifv=300000ands$="m"thenv=299999
- 18300 x=(1-(v/c)^2)^.5:return
- 18400 print:print"[147] [206]o object can surpass the speed"
- 18500 printspc(14)"of light.
- 18800 [153][166]7)"(NULL)se velocities less than"
- 18900 m$[178]"300,000"[170]" kilometers/second."
- 19000 [139]s$[178]"e"[167]m$[178]" 186,000"[170]" feet/second."
- 19002 [153][166]19[171][195](m$)[173]2);
- 19100 [153]m$:[137]6200
- 19200 [143] input
- 19300 [143] pass max length in ml
- 19400 cu$[178]"tocmd":in$[178]""
- 19500 [153]cu$;:[151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]a$:[153]" cmd";
- 19600 [139]a$[178][199](13)[167]20300
- 19700 [139]a$[179][177][199](20)[167]19900
- 19800 aw[178][195](in$):[139]aw[177]0[167]in$[178][200](in$,aw[171]1):[153]"cmd cmd";:[137]19500
- 19900 [139]a$[177][178]"0"[175]a$[179][178]"9"[167]20100
- 20000 [137]19500
- 20100 [139][195](in$)[179]ml[167]in$[178]in$[170]a$:[153]a$;
- 20200 [137]19500
- 20300 [139][195](in$)[178]0[167]19500
- 20400 [142]
- 20500 :
- 20600 [153]"load":[151]53281,1:[151]53280,5
- 20700 [153]" or{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}^"
- 20800 [153]" {$7d}Loadstar presents{$7d}stop "
- 20900 [153]" /{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}expstop "
- 21000 [153]" "
- 21100 [153]:[141]21200:[137]22400
- 21200 [153]
- 21300 [153]" cont "
- 21400 [153]" cont stop "
- 21500 [153]" cont (NULL)elatively (NULL)peaking cont stop "
- 21600 [153]" cont close closecontclose stop "
- 21700 [153]" cont close cont stop "
- 21800 [153]" cont stop "
- 21900 [153]" cont Written by stop "
- 22000 [153]" cont Alexander Protopapas stop "
- 22100 [153]" cont stop "
- 22200 [153]" "
- 22300 [153]:[142]
- 22400 [153]" contclose (c) 1987"
- 22500 [153]"contclose"
- 22600 [153]"close or{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}^"
- 22700 [153]"contclose {$7d} PRESS ANY KEY {$7d}stop "
- 22800 [153]" /{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}{$60}expstopclose"
- 22900 [153]" "
- 23000 [153]"";:[151]198,0
- 23100 [139][194](198)[178]0[175][194](jo)[179][177]111[167]23100
- 23200 [161]ag$:[142]
- 23300 [143] select mass
- 23400 [153]"load";:[141]21200
- 23500 [153]""[166]5)"(NULL)elect the unit for your mass:"
- 23600 [139]s$[178]"e"[167]25300
- 23700 pt[178]1:u$[178]"kilograms":di[178]1
- 23800 [153]""[166]11)" (NULL)ilograms"
- 23900 [153][166]11)" (NULL)etric tons"
- 24000 [153]""[166]10);:[129]x[178]1[164]pt:[153]"";:[130]
- 24100 [153]"==>cmdcmdcmd";
- 24200 [139][194](198)[178]0[175][194](jo)[178]127[167]24200
- 24300 [161]ag$:j%[178][194](jo):[153]" "
- 24400 [139]ag$[178]""[176]j%[178]125[167]pt[178]pt[170]1
- 24500 [139]ag$[178]"on"[176]j%[178]126[167]pt[178]pt[171]1
- 24600 [139]ag$[178][199](13)[176]j%[178]111[167]25100
- 24700 [139]pt[179]1[167]pt[178]2
- 24800 [139]pt[177]2[167]pt[178]1
- 24900 [137]24000
- 25000 :
- 25100 [139]pt[178]2[167]u$[178]"metric tons":di[178]1000
- 25200 [137]26800
- 25300 pt[178]1:u$[178]"pounds":di[178]1
- 25400 [153]""[166]11)" (NULL)ounds"
- 25500 [153][166]11)" (NULL)ons"
- 25600 [153]""[166]10);:[129]x[178]1[164]pt:[153]"";:[130]
- 25700 [153]"==>cmdcmdcmd";
- 25800 [139][194](198)[178]0[175][194](jo)[178]127[167]25800
- 25900 [161]ag$:j%[178][194](jo):[153]" "
- 26000 [139]ag$[178]""[176]j%[178]125[167]pt[178]pt[170]1
- 26100 [139]ag$[178]"on"[176]j%[178]126[167]pt[178]pt[171]1
- 26200 [139]ag$[178][199](13)[176]j%[178]111[167]26700
- 26300 [139]pt[179]1[167]pt[178]2
- 26400 [139]pt[177]2[167]pt[178]1
- 26500 [137]25600
- 26600 :
- 26700 [139]pt[178]2[167]u$[178]"tons":di[178]2000
- 26800 [142]
- 26900 [143] return
- 27000 [153]"load";:[141]21200
- 27100 [153]" atnre you sure you want to quit [(NULL)/(NULL)]?"
- 27200 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[161]ag$
- 27300 [139]ag$[178]"y"[176]ag$[178]"(NULL)"[167]27600
- 27400 [139]ag$[178]"n"[176]ag$[178]"(NULL)"[167]1200
- 27500 [137]27200
- 27600 [151]56,160:[156]
- 27700 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,er:[160]15
- 27800 [139]er[179][177]63[167][128]
- 27900 [147]"hello connect",8
- 28000 :
- 28100 [153]""
- 28200 [153]" cont "
- 28300 [153]" cont stop "
- 28400 [153]" cont (NULL)ote: (NULL)ne calorie can raise the cont stop "
- 28500 [153]" cont temperature of one gram of water cont stop "
- 28600 [153]" cont by one degree celsius. cont stop "
- 28700 [153]" cont cont stop "
- 28800 [153]" cont cont stop "
- 28900 [153]" cont stop "
- 29000 [153]" cont cont stop "
- 29100 [153]" cont (NULL)ote 2: (NULL)he energy released in cont stop "
- 29200 [153]" cont this experiment is approximately cont stop "
- 29300 [153]" cont equal to";hc$;"closecont stop "
- 29400 [153]" cont released on left$iroshima, mid$apan. cont stop "
- 29500 [153]" cont cont stop "
- 29600 [153]" cont cont stop "
- 29700 [153]" cont stop "
- 29800 [153]" "
- 29900 [153]"";
- 30000 [142]