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- 10 ifpeek(65408)=67then1070
- 20 poke53280,.:poke53281,.:print"[147][150][212]his program can only be run on an"
- 30 print"[211][216]-64."
- 40 print" [208]ress [193][206][217] [203][197][217] to quit.":poke198,.:wait 198,1
- 50 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60 print"[147]":ifer<>63thenend
- 70 load"hello connect",8
- 1070 sp$=" "
- 1080 tf$="[158][212]urn off[146]"
- 1090 tn$="[212]urn on [146]"
- 1100 ex$=" external drive"
- 1110 poke53281,0:poke53280,0
- 1120 printchr$(14)"[147][211][216]-64 [201]nternal and [197]xternal [196]rive":print"[210]enumber.";
- 1130 print" [213]se #'s 8-13 only"
- 1140 poke198,0
- 1150 print""tf$ex$
- 1160 fori=1to150:next:rem time delay
- 1170 print" [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206][146]"
- 1180 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then1200
- 1190 print"[146]"tf$ex$:fori=1to150:next:goto1150
- 1200 print""sp$
- 1210 input"[197]nter [201]nternal[146] [196]rive # ";in
- 1220 ifin>13orin<8then1210
- 1230 open1,8,15,"i"
- 1240 print#1,"m-w"chr$(119)chr$(0)chr$(2)chr$(14+32)chr$(14+64)
- 1250 print""tn$ex$
- 1260 fori=1to150:next:rem time delay
- 1270 print" [208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206][146]"
- 1280 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then1300
- 1290 print"[146]"tn$ex$:fori=1to150:next:goto1250
- 1300 input"[197]nter [154][197]xternal[146] [196]rive # ";en
- 1310 ifen>13oren<8then1300
- 1320 if(en=in)then1300
- 1330 print#1,"m-w"chr$(119)chr$(0)chr$(2)chr$(en+32)chr$(en+64)
- 1340 close1:open1,14,15
- 1350 print#1,"m-w"chr$(119)chr$(0)chr$(2)chr$(in+32)chr$(in+64)
- 1360 close1:open1,in,15,"i"
- 1370 print"[193]ll [196]one"
- 1380 goto40