home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 dimb%(39):poke53281,0:poke53280,6:poke646,1
- 5 remnocas converter
- 10 rem
- 15 rem **********************
- 18 rem
- 20 rem computer yahtzee
- 30 rem
- 40 rem copyright 1986
- 45 rem
- 50 rem by: christine benoit
- 60 rem
- 65 rem **********************
- 70 rem
- 80 rem
- 100 gosub960:remtitlepage
- 110 gosub800:reminitialize
- 115 gosub1100:reminstrucs
- 120 print"[147]"chr$(142);:gosub900:remborder
- 130 gosub700:remscreen
- 140 gosub750:remclear
- 150 gosub200:remplay
- 160 gosub914:remtotalup
- 170 ifagn=1then120
- 180 printchr$(147);:
- 190 print:goto63000
- 200 gosub300:remrolldice
- 210 gosub450:remsort
- 220 gosub500:remscore
- 225 numleft=numleft-1
- 230 ifnumleft>0then200
- 240 return
- 250 print"";:vt=10:ht=1:gosub50000:printchr$(18);:printsp$;
- 255 vt=10:ht=1:x=41-len(x$):y=int(x/2)
- 260 printspc(y);x$;
- 265 x=fre(0):return
- 270 rem sound routine
- 280 rem
- 290 return
- 300 trial=1:print"[158]";
- 305 fori=5to7:vt=i:ht=5:gosub50000:printspc(30);:next
- 310 fori=1to5:rl(i)=1:next
- 315 print"[158]";:fori=1to5
- 320 ifrl(i)=0then328
- 325 dice(i)=int(rnd(1)*6)+1:d=i:gosub400:rl(i)=0
- 328 nexti
- 330 iftrial=3thenprint"";:return
- 335 trial=trial+1
- 340 :
- 345 :
- 350 :
- 355 :
- 356 :
- 360 x$="select dice--press return: 1 2 3 4 5 ":gosub250
- 365 r=5:n=0
- 370 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 375 getk$:k=asc(k$+chr$(0)):ifk$="q"thengosub60000:ifk=141then315
- 376 ifk=13then315
- 380 k=k-48:ifk<1ork>5then370
- 385 v=10:ifrl(k)=0thenrl(k)=1:n=n+1:goto395
- 390 rl(k)=0:n=n-1
- 395 print"[146]";:ifrl(k)=0thenprint"";
- 396 vt=v+1:ht=26+2*k:gosub50000
- 397 printmid$(str$(k),2);"";
- 398 goto370
- 400 v=5:h=6*d
- 410 forx=3to12:vt=v+x-3*int(x/3):ht=h:gosub50000:print"[209][209][209]";:ht=h
- 412 gosub50000:print" ";:next
- 415 d=dice(d)
- 420 vt=v:ht=h:gosub50000:printdice$(d,1);
- 425 vt=v+1:ht=h:gosub50000:printdice$(d,2);
- 430 vt=v+2:ht=h:gosub50000:printdice$(d,3);
- 435 rem
- 440 return
- 450 fori=1to4
- 455 forj=i+1to5
- 460 ifdice(j)>=dice(i)then470
- 465 x=dice(j):dice(j)=dice(i):dice(i)=x
- 470 nextj
- 475 nexti
- 480 return
- 500 x$="select score with cursor and return ":gosub250:print"[129]";
- 505 c=1:dc=1:goto555
- 510 poke198,0:wait198,1:print"[129]";
- 515 getk$:k=asc(k$+chr$(0)):ifk$="q"thengosub60000:ifk=13then570
- 516 ifk=13then570
- 520 ifk=17thendc=1:goto535
- 525 ifk=145thendc=-1:goto535
- 530 goto510
- 535 vt=vrt(c):ht=2+15*abs((c>6)):gosub50000:print"[146][129]"choice$(c)
- 540 c=c+dc
- 545 ifc=0thenc=13
- 550 ifc=14thenc=1
- 555 ifsc(c,2)=1then540
- 560 print"";:vt=vrt(c):ht=2+15*abs((c>6)):gosub50000:printchoice$(c)
- 565 goto510
- 570 ifc<7then637
- 571 onc-6goto577,585,593,603,617,627,632
- 572 sc(c,1)=temp:sc(c,2)=1:vt=vrt(c)
- 573 ht=2+15*abs((c>6)):gosub50000:printchoice$(c);
- 574 ht=10+23*abs((c>6)):gosub50000:printspc(abs((temp<10)));
- 575 s$=mid$(str$(temp),2):iflen(s$)<2thenprint"[157] ";
- 576 print"[158]";s$;"[129]";:gosub690:return
- 577 rem***3ofakind
- 578 rem
- 579 ifdice(1)=dice(2)anddice(2)=dice(3)then583
- 580 ifdice(2)=dice(3)anddice(3)=dice(4)then583
- 581 ifdice(3)=dice(4)anddice(4)=dice(5)then583
- 582 goto646:remerror
- 583 temp=dice(1)+dice(2)+dice(3)+dice(4)+dice(5)
- 584 goto572
- 585 rem
- 586 rem***4ofakind
- 587 rem
- 588 ifdice(1)=dice(4)then591
- 589 ifdice(2)=dice(5)then591
- 590 goto646:remerror
- 591 temp=dice(1)+dice(2)+dice(3)+dice(4)+dice(5)
- 592 goto572
- 593 rem
- 594 rem***fullhouse
- 595 rem
- 596 ifdice(1)<>dice(3)then599
- 597 ifdice(4)=dice(5)then601
- 598 goto646:remerror
- 599 ifdice(3)=dice(5)anddice(1)=dice(2)then601
- 600 goto646:remerror
- 601 temp=25:goto572
- 602 s1=0
- 603 rem
- 604 rem***smallstraight
- 605 rem
- 606 s1=0
- 607 ifdice(1)+1=dice(2)thens2=1:goto609
- 608 s2=2
- 609 forj=s2to4
- 610 ifdice(j)+1=dice(j+1)thens1=10*s1+dice(j)
- 611 nextj
- 612 ifdice(5)-dice(4)=2thens1=10*s1+dice(4):goto614
- 613 ifdice(5)-dice(4)<2thens1=10*s1+dice(5)
- 614 ifs1=1234ors1=2345ors1=3456ors1=12345ors1=23456then616
- 615 goto646:remerror
- 616 temp=30:goto572
- 617 rem
- 618 rem***largestraight
- 619 rem
- 620 si=0
- 621 forj=1to4
- 622 ifdice(j)+1=dice(j+1)thensi=si+1:goto624
- 623 si=0
- 624 nextj
- 625 ifsi<>4then646:remerror
- 626 temp=40:goto572
- 627 rem
- 628 rem***yahtzee
- 629 rem
- 630 ifdice(1)<>dice(5)then646:remerror
- 631 temp=50:goto572
- 632 rem
- 633 rem***chance
- 634 rem
- 635 temp=dice(1)+dice(2)+dice(3)+dice(4)+dice(5)
- 636 goto572
- 637 rem
- 638 rem***1'sthrough6's
- 639 rem
- 640 temp=0
- 641 forj=1to5
- 642 ifdice(j)=cthentemp=temp+c
- 643 nextj
- 644 iftemp=0then646:remerror
- 645 goto572
- 646 rem
- 647 rem***errorroutine
- 648 rem
- 649 x$=sp$:gosub250:x$="you don't have "
- 650 ifc<7thenx$=x$+"any ":goto652
- 651 ifc=9orc=10orc=11thenx$=x$+"a "
- 652 x$=x$+choice$(c):gosub250:gosub270
- 653 fort=1to1000:next
- 654 x$="do you want to take a zero? (y/n)":gosub250:gosub280
- 655 poke198,0:wait198,1:getr$:printr$;
- 656 ifr$="y"thentemp=0:x$=sp$:gosub250:print"[146][129]";:goto572
- 657 ifr$="n"thenx$="select score with cursor and return":gosub250:goto510
- 658 goto654
- 690 t=0:fori=1to6:t=t+sc(i,1):next
- 694 bn=35*abs((t>62))
- 696 vt=20:ht=10:gosub50000:print"[158]";spc(abs((bn<10)));mid$(str$(bn),2);
- 698 return
- 700 print"";spc(6);
- 705 fori=1to5:printchr$(18);:print"[159]"i"[157] [146] ";:next:printspc(5);:print
- 706 print:print:print
- 710 fori=1to3:print"";sp$;:next:print
- 715 printspc(2)"[129]ones....[158]$$ [129]3 of a kind.....[158]$$"spc(5);
- 720 printspc(2)"[129]twos....[158]$$ [129]4 of a kind.....[158]$$"spc(5);
- 725 printspc(2)"[129]threes..[158]$$ [129]full house......[158]$$"spc(5);
- 730 printspc(2)"[129]fours...[158]$$ [129]small straight..[158]$$"spc(5);
- 735 printspc(2)"[129]fives...[158]$$ [129]large straight..[158]$$"spc(5);
- 740 printspc(2)"[129]sixes...[158]$$ [129]yahtzee.........[158]$$"spc(5);
- 745 printspc(2)"[129]bonus...[158] 0 [129]chance..........[158]$$"spc(5)
- 746 print"[158] press q[158] to quit."
- 748 print"":return
- 750 fori=1to13:sc(i,1)=0:sc(i,2)=0:next
- 760 numleft=13:bn=0
- 770 return
- 800 dimdice(5),dice$(6,3),choice$(13),sc(13,2),rl(5)
- 802 dimvrt(13)
- 805 rem
- 810 fori=1to6:forj=1to3:readdice$(i,j):next:next
- 815 fori=1to13:readchoice$(i):next
- 818 fori=1to13:readvrt(i):next
- 820 rem
- 830 data" "," [209] "," "," [209]"," ","[209] "
- 840 data" [209]"," [209] ","[209] ","[209] [209]"," ","[209] [209]"
- 850 data"[209] [209]"," [209] ","[209] [209]","[209] [209]","[209] [209]","[209] [209]"
- 860 dataones,twos,threes,fours,fives,sixes,3 of a kind
- 862 data4 of a kind,full house,small straight
- 864 datalarge straight,yahtzee,chance
- 865 data14,15,16,17,18,19,14,15,16,17,18,19,20
- 870 games = 0:bst=0:wrst=999:ttl=0
- 875 vt=22:ht=11:gosub50000:print"[ [208][210][197][211][211] [193][206][217] [203][197][217] ]";
- 877 rem
- 880 poke198,0:wait198,1:rem****rnd(1):ifk<128then880
- 885 getk$
- 890 return
- 900 printchr$(147);"[146]";
- 902 print"[154][176][192][192][179][159]c o m p u t e r y a h t z e e[146][154][171][192][192][192][174]";
- 904 rem
- 906 fori=1to23:vt=i:ht=0:gosub50000:print"[221]";:ht=39:gosub50000:print"[221]";:next
- 908 vt=24:ht=0:gosub50000:print"[173][192][192][179][159]b y c h r i s b e n o i t[146][154][171][192][192][192]";:
- 909 poke2023,125:poke2023+54272,14
- 910 rem
- 912 return
- 914 printdn$
- 915 print"";:printchr$(18);
- 916 print"[159] c o m p u t e r y a h t z e e ";
- 917 tp=bn:fori=1to6:tp=tp+sc(i,1):next
- 918 bt=0:fori=7to13:bt=bt+sc(i,1):next
- 920 gt=tp+bt:games=games+1:ttl=ttl+gt:avg=int(ttl/games)
- 922 ifgt<wrstthenwrst=gt
- 924 ifgt>bstthenbst=gt
- 926 vt=9:ht=9:gosub50000:print"[146]---";:ht=32:gosub50000:print"---"
- 928 vt=10:ht=8:gosub50000:nm=tp:gosub956
- 930 ht=31:gosub50000:nm=bt:gosub956
- 932 h=6:vt=14
- 934 ht=h:vt=vt+1:gosub50000:print"[129]score for this game......[158]";:nm=gt:gosub956
- 936 ht=h:vt=vt+1:gosub50000:print"[129]number of games played...[158]";:nm=games:gosub956
- 938 ht=h:vt=vt+1:gosub50000:print"[129]best score so far........[158]";:nm=bst:gosub956
- 940 ht=h:vt=vt+1:gosub50000:print"[129]worst score so far.......[158]";:nm=wrst:gosub956
- 942 ht=h:vt=vt+1:gosub50000:print"[129]average score............[158]";:nm=avg:gosub956
- 944 fort=1to3000:next
- 946 print:print:agn=0
- 947 vt=vt+2:ht=11:gosub50000
- 948 print"[159]play again? ([154]y[159]/[154]n[159])[145]";:gosub280:agn=0
- 949 poke198,0:wait198,1:getr$
- 950 ifr$="y"thenagn=1:goto954
- 952 ifr$<>"n"then949
- 954 return
- 956 printspc(abs((nm<100)));spc(abs((nm<10)));nm:return
- 960 :printchr$(147);:printchr$(18);"";
- 962 x$="[193][200][212][218][197][197] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [217]":c=7
- 964 fori=1to20:poke646,c:printright$(x$,i);left$(x$,40-i);:c=c+1:ifc=15thenc=1
- 965 next
- 966 w=1:dn$=""
- 967 sp$=" "
- 968 fori=1to12:printleft$(dn$,i+4)spc(5)"[146] ":next
- 976 x$=" [195][207][205][208][213][212][197][210] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] ":h=9:v=4
- 978 fori=1tolen(x$)
- 980 vt=v:ht=h+i:gosub50000:print"[153][164]";
- 982 vt=v+1:ht=h+i:gosub50000:print"[158]";mid$(x$,i,1);
- 984 vt=v+2:ht=h+i:gosub50000:print"[153][163]"
- 986 rem
- 988 nexti
- 994 printspc(6)"[154] [193] [195][207][205][208][213][212][197][210][201][218][197][196] [214][197][210][211][201][207][206] [207][198] "
- 996 printspc(6)"[154] [212][200][197] [212][210][193][196][201][212][201][207][206][193][204] [196][201][195][197] [199][193][205][197]. "
- 1002 printspc(6)"[159]([195]) 1986 [194][217] [195][200][210][201][211][212][201][206][197] [194][197][206][207][201][212]"
- 1004 printspc(6)"[159] [193][204][204] [210][201][199][200][212][211] [210][197][211][197][210][214][197][196]"
- 1006 return
- 1100 printchr$(147);
- 1105 printchr$(18);:print"[158][193][194][207][213][212] [212][200][197] [199][193][205][197]":
- 1110 print" [159][195][207][205][208][213][212][197][210] [217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [154]is a computerized"
- 1112 print"version of the popular dice game. [203]now-"
- 1114 print"ledge of [159][217][193][200][212][218][197][197] [154]scoring and play is assumed."
- 1115 printchr$(18);:print"[158][210][207][204][204][201][206][199] [212][200][197] [196][201][195][197]":
- 1120 print" [154][193]ll 5 dice are rolled to begin each"
- 1122 print"turn. [196]ecide which to reroll. [211]elect"
- 1124 print"each die by pressing its number. [201]f you"
- 1125 print"press the wrong number, press it again"
- 1126 print"to unselect it."
- 1129 print" [215]hen the ones you want are selected,":print"press [210][197][212][213][210][206]."
- 1130 printchr$(18);:print"[158][211][195][207][210][201][206][199]":
- 1131 print" [154][211]elect a score category by moving"
- 1132 print"the pointer with the [195][210][211][210] keys. [208]ress"
- 1133 print"[210][197][212][213][210][206] to credit yourself with the"
- 1134 print"proper score for that category. [194][207][206][213][211]"
- 1135 print"automatically becomes 35 if the numbers"
- 1136 print"in the left-hand column added together"
- 1137 print"equals 63 or more ([212]he [207][206][197][211] + the [212][215][207][211] all the way to the [211][201][216][197][211])."
- 1140 ht=12:vt=23:gosub50000:printchr$(18);:print"[208][210][197][211][211] [193][206][217] [203][197][217]";:
- 1145 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 1150 getk$:ifk$=chr$(27)thengosub60000:
- 1151 return
- 50000 rem vtab htab
- 50010 poke781,vt:poke782,ht:poke783,0:sys65520:return
- 50020 return
- 50030 :
- 60000 remquit?
- 60005 hq=peek(36):vq=peek(37)
- 60010 forq1=0to39:b%(q1)=peek(1024+q1):next
- 60020 vt=0:ht=0:gosub50000:print"[159] quit for sure? (y/n) ";
- 60040 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$
- 60050 ifk$="y"then63000
- 60060 ifk$<>"n"then60040
- 60065 forq1=0to39:poke1024+q1,b%(q1):next
- 60066 rem
- 60070 return
- 63000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 63001 ifer<>63thenend
- 63002 print"[147]":load"hello connect",8