home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 goto80
- 5 :
- 10 poke54276,.:poke54296,15:poke54273,hf:poke54272,100:poke54277,10:poke54278,10
- 20 poke54276,33:return
- 30 :
- 80 poke53280,3:poke53281,3
- 90 print"[147]"tab(11)"loadstar presents:"
- 95 print" [213][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][201]"
- 100 print"[142] [221][213][192][201] [192][178][192] [201] [213] [213][192][192] [201] [201] [213][192][201][221]"
- 110 print" [221][221] [221] [221] [171][192][179] [171][192] [221] [221] [221] [221][221]
- 120 [153]" (NULL)mid$tan(NULL) > (NULL) mid$ mid$tantan mid$tan mid$tan mid$tan(NULL)(NULL)
- 125 print" [202][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][203]"
- 130 print,"[149][157] commodore 64 version":printtab(19)"by
- 140 [153],"stop paul formisano"
- 150 [129]i[178]1[164]39:e$[178]e$[170]" ":[130]:[129]j[178]1[164]39:e$[178]e$[170]"cmd":[130]:n$[178]"12345678"
- 160 d$[178]"":[129]i[178]1[164]20:d$[178]d$[170]"":[130]:[134]a(9,9),i4(7),j4(7):f2[178]3:b[178][171]1:w[178]1:m$[178]"(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)"
- 170 m$[178]" stop(NULL)print# (NULL)":[129]k[178]0[164]7:[135]i4(k),j4(k):[130]
- 180 [141]1440:[141]1340:p[178]6:n$(b[170]1)[178]"black":n$(w[170]1)[178]"white
- 190 print"[147][144]want to play the computer? (y/n) ";:gosub820
- 200 ifx$="n"thenprint"no":goto320
- 210 ifx$<>"y"thengosub820:goto200
- 220 print"yes":f2=3:print"[144]should i play my best? ";:gosub820
- 230 ifx$="n"thenprint"no":goto260
- 240 ifx$<>"y"thengosub820:goto230
- 250 print"yes":s2=2:s4=1:s5=-1.5
- 260 print"[144]black always goes first."
- 270 print"do you want black or white? [144]";:gosub820
- 280 ifx$="b"thenprintn$(0):n$(2)="computer":goto310
- 290 ifx$<>"w"thengosub820:goto280
- 300 printn$(2):n$(0)="computer":f2=2
- 310 gosub1820
- 320 print"[147]";:gosub680:iff2=2thenprint" thinking...[144]"
- 330 t1=b:t2=w:onf2gosub920,1080,920
- 340 gosub1310:ifz=1then360
- 350 bc=bc+s1+1:wc=wc-s1:n1=n1+1:gosub680
- 360 ifwc=0orn1=64orz<0then410
- 365 gosub2100
- 370 t1=w:t2=b:on f2gosub920,920,1080:gosub1310:ifz=1then390
- 380 wc=wc+s1+1:bc=bc-s1:n1=n1+1:gosub680
- 390 ifbc=0orn1=64orz<0then410
- 400 gosub2100:goto330
- 410 sn=sm
- 420 printd$;e$:printe$:printe$:printd$;e$"[144]black has"bc" white has"wc""
- 430 ifbc=wcthenprint"a tie !!":goto530
- 440 ifbc>wcthenprint"black";:goto460
- 450 print"white";
- 460 print" wins.":cc=bc-wc:ifcc<0thencc=-cc
- 470 cc=(64*cc)/n1:print"[144]that was a ";
- 480 ifcc<11thenprint"close game.":goto530
- 490 ifcc<25thenprint"good game.":goto530
- 500 ifcc<39thenprint"big win.":goto530
- 510 ifcc<53thenprint"walkover.":goto530
- 520 print"perfect score."
- 530 print"want to see replay of the game? [157][157][157][157]";:gosub820:ifx$="n"then2000
- 540 print"[144]yes";:gosub1350:z8=-1:gosub1370:gosub420:z8=.
- 550 printd$""e$"do you want to start the game ? ";
- 560 gosub820:ifx$="y"thenprint"yes";:gosub1820:print"[147]";:goto180
- 570 print"no";:end
- 580 f1=0:fori1=-1to1:forj1=-1to1:ifa(i+i1,j+j1)=t2then600
- 590 nextj1,i1:return
- 600 f1=1:return
- 610 s1=0:fork=0to7:i5=i4(k):j5=j4(k):i6=i+i5:j6=j+j5:s3=0:ifa(i6,j6)<>t2then670
- 620 s3=s3+1:i6=i6+i5:j6=j6+j5:ifa(i6,j6)=t1then650
- 630 ifa(i6,j6)=0 then670
- 640 goto620
- 650 s1=s1+s3:ifu<>1then670
- 660 i6=i:j6=j:fork1=0tos3:a(i6,j6)=t1:i6=i6+i5:j6=j6+j5:nextk1
- 670 nextk:return
- 680 print"
- 690 x$[178]" -tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan(NULL)tantantan<"
- 700 [153]" a b c d e f g h"
- 710 [153]" ortantantan=tantantan=tantantan=tantantan=tantantan=tantantan=tantantan=tantantan^
- 720 fori=1to8:printmid$(n$,i,1)" [221] ";
- 725 getz$:ifz$="q"then2000
- 730 forj=1to8:printmid$(m$,(a(i,j)+2)*2,2)" [221] ";:nextj:print:ifi<>8thenprintx$
- 735 getz$:ifz$="q"then2000
- 740 nexti:print" [173][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][189]":ifz8thenprint""
- 741 ifz8=.thenprint" to forfeit a move, type: 0 a"
- 742 ifz8then745
- 743 print"[144]black pieces: [157][157][157][157]"bc;tab(20)"white pieces: [157][157][157][157]"wc"[144][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 745 getz$:ifz$="q"then2000
- 746 return
- 750 i=-1:j=i:fork=1to2:gosub820:ifx$="q"then2000
- 755 g=asc(x$):if47<gandg<58theni=g-48:goto780
- 760 if64<gandg<74thenj=g-64:goto780
- 770 next:return
- 780 print""x$"[144] ";:next:return
- 790 printleft$(d$,2*(i-1)+4);spc(4*(j-1)+4);:x$=mid$(m$,(t1+2)*2,2):fork=1top
- 800 print"[144] [157]";:forl=1to20:next:printx$"[157]";:forl=1to20:next:next:return
- 810 printx$"[157]";:forl=1to20:next:next:return <
- 820 forl=1to10:geta$:next
- 830 l=0:print" [157][146]";
- 840 l=l+1:getx$:ifx$<>""thenreturn
- 850 ifl<20then840
- 860 print" [157]";
- 870 l=l+1:getx$:ifx$<>""thenreturn
- 880 ifl<40then870
- 890 goto830
- 900 printd$""e$"bad move[144] input row 0-8[144] and col a-h[144]":printe$;
- 905 hf=30:gosub10
- 910 gosub1440:iff1>1thengosub680
- 920 rem move input subroutine
- 930 printd$;e$"input "n$(t1+1)"'s move <q quits>";:gosub750
- 940 ifi<0orj<0ori>8orj>8then900
- 950 ifi<>0then1000
- 960 g2=s2:g4=s4:g5=s5:s2=0:s4=0:s5=0:gosub1170:s2=g2:s4=g4:s5=g5:ifb1<0then980
- 970 printd$""e$"no forfeit allowed. "n$(t1+1)"[146] has a move."
- 975 hf=30:gosub10:goto1060
- 980 ifz=1thenz=-z:return
- 990 z=1:return
- 1000 if a(i,j)=0then1020
- 1010 printd$""e$"sorry...square occupied by "n$(a(i,j)+1)
- 1015 hf=30:gosub10:goto1060
- 1020 gosub580:iff1=1then1040
- 1030 printd$""e$"sorry...not next to "n$(t2+1)
- 1035 hf=30:gosub10:goto1060
- 1040 u=-1:gosub610:ifs1>0then1070
- 1050 printd$""e$"sorry...does not contain "n$(t2+1)
- 1060 printe$:hf=30:gosub10:goto930
- 1070 goto1140
- 1080 gosub1170:ifb1>0then1130
- 1090 ifs5=0then1110
- 1100 s5=0:goto1080
- 1110 printd$""e$n$(t1+1)" forfeits move":ifz=1thenz=-z
- 1111 ifz=.thenz=1
- 1115 hf=20:gosub10:hf=10:gosub10
- 1120 return
- 1130 i=i3:j=j3
- 1140 forl=1to37:printchr$(20);:next:ifn$(t1+1)="computer"thenhf=100:gosub10
- 1150 printd$""e$;n$(t1+1)" moves to "chr$(i+48)" "chr$(j+64):gosub790:z=0:u=1
- 1152 getz1$:ifz1$="q"then2000
- 1160 gosub610:printd$"[144]"e$;n$(t1+1)" takes"s1"of "n$(t2+1)"'s pieces"
- 1161 getz1$:ifz1$="q"then2000
- 1165 return
- 1170 b1=-1:i3=0:j3=0:fori=1to8:forj=1to8:ifa(i,j)<>0then1300
- 1180 gosub580:iff1=0then1300
- 1190 u=-1:gosub610:ifs1=0then1300
- 1200 if(i=1)or(i=8)thens1=s1+s2
- 1210 if(j=1)or(j=8)thens1=s1+s2
- 1220 if(i=2)or(i=7)thens1=s1+s5
- 1230 if(j=2)or(j=7)thens1=s1+s5
- 1240 if(i=3)or(i=6)thens1=s1+s4
- 1250 if(j=3)or(j=6)thens1=s1+s4
- 1260 ifs1<b1then1300
- 1270 ifs1>b1then1290
- 1280 ifrnd(1)>0.5then1300
- 1290 b1=s1:i3=i:j3=j
- 1300 nextj,i:return
- 1310 l=((t1+1)*64)and128:ifz<>0thenl=lor64:goto1330
- 1320 l=lor((((i-1)*8)and56)or(j-1and7))
- 1330 pokesm,l:sm=sm+1:return
- 1340 bc=2:wc=bc:n1=4
- 1350 fori=0to9:forj=0to9:a(i,j)=0:nextj,i:a(4,4)=w:a(5,5)=w:a(4,5)=b:a(5,4)=b
- 1360 z=0:f2=1:s2=0:s4=0:s5=0:sm=826:return
- 1370 print"[147][144] replay <press q to quit[144]> replay"
- 1375 p=3:ford=826tosn-1:gosub680:l=peek(d)
- 1380 i=1+(land56)/8:j=1+(land7):t1=b:t2=w:ifland128thent1=w:t2=b
- 1390 if(land64)=0then1410
- 1400 printd$e$:printe$:printe$:printd$""n$(t1+1)"[146] forfeits a move":forl=1to100
- 1405 next:next
- 1410 gosub1140
- 1420 next
- 1430 goto680
- 1440 f1=0:print"do you want instructions? (y/n) ";:gosub820
- 1450 ifx$="n"thenprintchr$(13)"[145] [145][145]";:return
- 1460 ifx$<>"y"thengosub820:goto1450
- 1470 print"[144]yes";:forf1=1to1000:next
- 1480 print"[147]othello[144] is played on an 8 x 8 grid with
- 1490 [153]"rows 1stop to 8stop and columns astop to hstop.
- 1500 print"the object of the game is to capture as"
- 1510 print"many of the opponent's pieces as"
- 1520 print"possible. to capture pieces, place your
- 1530 [153]"piece so that a horizontal, vertical
- 1540 print"or diagonal line of your opponent's
- 1550 [153]"pieces is contained by yours.
- 1560 print" [192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192]"
- 1570 print" [221] [144][209] [221] [144][209] [221] [144][209] [221] [144][209] [221] [209]"
- 1580 print" [192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][219][192][192][192]"
- 1590 print"press space[146][145][157][157][157][157][157][164][164][164][164][164] to continue.[145][145]":poke198,.:wait203,60
- 1600 print" ";
- 1610 print"[144]white contains black and captures four
- 1620 [153]"of black's pieces."
- 1630 [153]"press spacewaitoncmdcmdcmdcmdcmdtototototo to continue.on"
- 1640 [153]"onononononon";
- 1650 i[178]1:[151]198,.:[146]203,60
- 1660 [153]"(NULL)cmd";:[129]l[178]1[164]30:[139][194](203)[178]60[167]i[178]0
- 1670 [130]:[153]" cmd";:[129]l[178]1[164]30:[139][194](203)[178]60[167]i[178]0
- 1680 [130]:[139]i[167]1660
- 1690 [153]"(NULL) (NULL)close(NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)"
- 1700 [146]203,60
- 1710 [153]"loadstopmake your move by entering a number 1-8
- 1720 print"[144]for the row and a letter a-h[144] for the column.
- 1730 [153]"you must capture at least one piece per
- 1740 print"turn. if this is not possible, you
- 1750 [153]"forfeit your turn (enter 0astop for your
- 1760 print"move).
- 1770 [153]"press spacewaitoncmdcmdcmdcmdcmdtototototo to continue.on"
- 1780 [146]203,60
- 1790 [153]"load";:[142]
- 1800 [142]
- 1810 [131] 0,1,-1,1,-1,0,-1,-1,0,-1,1,-1,1,0,1,1
- 1820 [129]l[178]1[164]500:[130]:[142]
- 2000 [153]"loadon play again? (y/n)";:[141]820:[139]x$[178]"y"[167][138]
- 2010 [159]15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":[132]15,e:[160]15
- 2020 [139]e[179][177]63[167][128]
- 2030 [147]"hello connect",8
- 2100 [153]"computer thinking... ";:[142]