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- 0 poke53280,5:poke53281,5:print""
- 1 dimvt$(24):dimht$(40):vt$(1)="":ht$(1)=""
- 2 fori=2to24:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
- 3 fori=2to40:ht$(i)=ht$(i-1)+"":next
- 770 printchr$(147);
- 853 rempoke-16302,0
- 856 remcall37888
- 890 remscale=1
- 893 remhcolor=3
- 896 tx=10:ty=1:bx=31:by=4
- 897 print"[147]";:ifpeek(2)=232then1339
- 898 ifpeek(2)<>232thenpoke2,232
- 900 gosub4000
- 930 printvt$(2)ht$(12);
- 933 print"[212]he [208]eriodic [212]able"
- 936 printvt$(3)ht$(15);
- 939 print"of [197]lements"
- 970 printvt$(6)ht$(19);
- 973 print"by"
- 974 print" [211]uzie [196]e[205]oss"
- 1010 printvt$(10)ht$(5);
- 1013 print"[193]n informative program about the"
- 1050 printvt$(11)ht$(5);
- 1053 print"periodic table and its chemical"
- 1090 printvt$(12)ht$(5);
- 1093 print"elements."
- 1130 printvt$(16)ht$(6);
- 1133 print"[204]oadstar is not public domain."
- 1170 printvt$(18)ht$(3);
- 1173 print"[208]lease respect the author's rights."
- 1210 printvt$(22)ht$(5);
- 1213 print"[195]opyright 1986 by [211]uzie [196]e[205]oss"
- 1250 printvt$(24)ht$(8);
- 1253 print"[208]ress a key for the menu";
- 1256 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 1290 rem*page2
- 1330 print"[147]";
- 1333 rempoke-16302,0
- 1336 remscale=3
- 1339 tx=17:bx=22:ty=1:by=3:gosub4000
- 1342 printvt$(2)ht$(18);
- 1345 print"[205]enu"
- 1370 remscale=1
- 1373 printvt$(5)ht$(6);
- 1376 print"1. [194]ackground information"
- 1410 printvt$(7)ht$(6);
- 1413 print"2. [208]eriodic table"
- 1450 printvt$(9)ht$(6);
- 1453 print"3. [194]reakdown of table 1[193]-6[193]"
- 1490 printvt$(11)ht$(6);
- 1493 print"4. [194]reakdown of table 7[193],8[193],3[194]-8[194]"
- 1530 printvt$(13)ht$(6);
- 1533 print"5. [194]reakdown of table 1[194],2[194],[210]are"
- 1536 printvt$(14)ht$(9);
- 1539 print"earth metals"
- 1570 printvt$(16)ht$(6);
- 1573 print"6. [209]uit"
- 1610 remscale=2
- 1613 printvt$(21)ht$(7);
- 1616 print"[195]hoose one [?]";
- 1619 geta$
- 1650 ifa$<"1"ora$>"6"then1619
- 1690 ifa$>"1"anda$<"6"thenprint:printa$" [204]oading..."
- 1730 ifa$="1"then2170
- 1770 ifa$="2"thenf$="pt2":goto5000
- 1810 ifa$="3"thenf$="pt3":goto5000
- 1850 ifa$="4"thenf$="pt4":goto5000
- 1890 ifa$="5"thenf$="pt5":goto5000
- 1930 print"[147]";
- 1933 rempoke-16302,0
- 1970 tx=9:bx=31:ty=11:by=13:gosub4000
- 1973 printvt$(12)ht$(10);
- 1976 print"[210]eturning to [204]oadstar"
- 2053 print
- 2054 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 2055 ifer<>63thenend
- 2056 print"[147]":load"hello connect",8
- 2090 end
- 2130 rem*backgroundinfo
- 2170 print"[147]";
- 2173 rempoke-16302,0
- 2176 remscale=1
- 2179 remhcolor=3
- 2210 printvt$(2)ht$(1);
- 2213 print"[212]he periodic table of elements, created"
- 2250 printvt$(3)ht$(1);
- 2253 print"by [196]mitri [201]vanovich [205]endeleev, a"
- 2290 printvt$(4)ht$(1);
- 2293 print"[210]ussian chemist, arranges the chemical"
- 2330 printvt$(5)ht$(1);
- 2333 print"elements according to their atomic"
- 2370 printvt$(6)ht$(1);
- 2373 print"numbers. [212]o understand the information"
- 2410 printvt$(7)ht$(1);
- 2413 print"in this program, a few terms must be"
- 2450 printvt$(8)ht$(1);
- 2453 print"defined."
- 2490 printchr$(18);
- 2493 printvt$(11)ht$(1);
- 2496 print"[193][212][207][205][201][195] [206][213][205][194][197][210][146]";
- 2499 rem
- 2502 print"-is equal to the number of"
- 2530 printvt$(12)ht$(6);
- 2533 print"protons."
- 2570 printchr$(18);
- 2573 printvt$(15);
- 2576 print"[208][210][207][212][207][206][211][146]";
- 2579 rem
- 2582 print"-positively charged particles."
- 2610 printchr$(18);
- 2613 printvt$(18);
- 2616 print"[197][204][197][195][212][210][207][206][211][146]";
- 2619 rem
- 2622 print"-negatively charged particles."
- 2650 printvt$(19)ht$(6);
- 2653 print"[213]sually (but not always) the same"
- 2690 printvt$(20)ht$(6);
- 2693 print"number as protons."
- 2730 printvt$(24)ht$(9);
- 2733 print"[208]ress a key to continue";
- 2736 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 2770 print"[147]";
- 2773 rempoke-16302,0
- 2810 printchr$(18);
- 2813 printvt$(2)ht$(1);
- 2816 print"[207][216][201][196][193][212][201][207][206] [206][213][205][194][197][210][146]";
- 2819 rem
- 2822 print"-tells the possible"
- 2850 printvt$(3)ht$(6);
- 2853 print"number of electrons in the outer"
- 2890 printvt$(4)ht$(6);
- 2893 print"level (positive) or number of"
- 2930 printvt$(5)ht$(6);
- 2933 print"electrons needed in the outer"
- 2970 printvt$(6)ht$(6);
- 2973 print"level (negative)."
- 3010 printchr$(18);
- 3013 printvt$(9)ht$(1);
- 3016 print"[193][212][207][205][201][195] [215][197][201][199][200][212][146]";
- 3019 rem
- 3022 print"-the weight of the atom"
- 3050 printht$(6);
- 3053 print"compared to an atom of carbon 12."
- 3090 printht$(6);
- 3093 print"[193]lso, it is equal to the number of"
- 3130 printht$(6);
- 3133 print"protons and neutrons added"
- 3170 printht$(6);
- 3173 print"together."
- 3210 printvt$(18);
- 3213 print"[201]f at any time you find yourself bored,"
- 3250 remhplot0,147
- 3253 print"confused, or just wanting to quit,"
- 3290 remhplot0,157
- 3293 print"press <[209]>."
- 3330 printvt$(24)ht$(9);
- 3333 print"[208]ress a key for the menu";
- 3336 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 3370 goto1330
- 4000 fori=tx+1tobx-1
- 4005 printvt$(ty)ht$(i)"[162][146]"
- 4010 printvt$(by)ht$(bx-i+tx)"[162]"
- 4020 next:printvt$(ty)ht$(bx)"[187][146]"
- 4030 printvt$(by)ht$(tx)"[188][146]"
- 4040 fori=ty+1toby-1
- 4050 printvt$(i)ht$(bx)"[161][146]"
- 4060 printvt$(by-i+ty)ht$(tx)"[161]"
- 4070 next:printvt$(ty)ht$(tx)"[172][146]"
- 4080 printvt$(by)ht$(bx)"[190][146]"
- 4090 return
- 5000 rem loader
- 5010 poke53280,5:poke53281,5:print"[147]"
- 5020 print"load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 5030 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end