home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 goto5
- 1 geta$:ifa$="[209]"ora$="q"thengosub300
- 2 return
- 5 printchr$(142)"[147][146]":poke53280,1:poke53281,9:qt=0
- 10 print" phone messages"
- 100 print
- 110 print"please turn on printer"
- 120 print"press return to start program."
- 122 print"press 'q' to quit."
- 123 ifqtthen127
- 125 geta$:ifa$=chr$(13)then130
- 126 ifa$<>"q"anda$<>"[209]"then125
- 127 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 128 print"[147]";:ifer<>63thenend
- 129 load"hello connect",8
- 130 open15,4,15:close15:ifst=.then150
- 135 print"error! printer not on-line."
- 140 print"check your printer & cables."
- 145 fora=1to3000:next:run
- 150 open4,4,0
- 152 forx=1to4
- 155 print#4,chr$(147):gosub1
- 160 print#4,"":gosub1
- 165 print#4,spc(10)"time:--------------------"spc(5)"date:---------------"
- 168 print#4,"":gosub1
- 170 print#4,spc(10)"for:-------------------------------------------------"
- 175 print#4,"":gosub1
- 180 print#4,spc(10)"from:------------------------------------------------"
- 183 print#4,"":gosub1
- 185 print#4,spc(10)"message:---------------------------------------------"
- 187 print#4,"":gosub1
- 190 print#4,spc(10);"----------------------------------------------------"
- 193 print#4,"":gosub1
- 195 print#4,spc(10)"call taken by:---------------------------------------"
- 210 print#4,spc(10)"*****************************************************"
- 220 print#4,"":gosub1
- 230 next:
- 232 print#4,chr$(13)
- 235 close4,4,0:run
- 300 print"ok, i'll quit when this page has":print"finished printing this page.
- 310 qt[178][171]1:[142]