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- Speed Reading PLUS
- For students
- For parents
- For career people
- A personalized reading coach that
- in just 15 lessons
- Press <RETURN> for Preview
- This is a Preview of
- Speed Reading PLUS
- It will explain how you can
- double your reading speed in only
- fifteen lessons PLUS have greater
- comprehension and enjoyment from
- everything you read.
- Reading is a SKILL.
- No one is born with reading ability.
- Your eyes must be trained to move
- across the page correctly and
- your mind must quickly accept
- what your eyes have seen.
- In elementary school@ you learned
- to sound out each word. Most people
- keep that habit@ but it causes slow
- reading and poor comprehension.
- Speed Reading PLUS breaks that habit and
- increases reading speed -
- PLUS comprehension -
- PLUS enjoyment!
- Speed Reading PLUS doesn't tell
- you HOW to read faster. It measures
- your reading ability and actually
- coaches you to each new speed. Speed
- Reading PLUS is personalized. It uses
- your Entry Level Survey and develops
- your skills with each lesson. Speed
- Reading PLUS works privately with you!
- Each lesson includes
- Special words won't slow you down.
- Improves speed of recognizing words.
- Topics for personalized interest.
- So you understand what you read.
- Let's look at some samples of lessons.
- Each lesson builds your vocabulary.
- This helps you to understand words
- without slowing you down and know
- their meaning within the sentence.
- Press return to see a typical
- vocabulary question.
- Select the best meaning for - 'causeway'
- 1. several city streets
- 2. a main direct road
- 3. an air travel route
- 4. a river through mountains
- Select the correct answer
- That's right!
- You selected the correct answer so Speed
- Reading PLUS shows the next question.
- There are ten new words in each lesson.
- You selected an incorrect answer.
- The question would come back on the
- screen for you to try again.
- That way@ you will learn the correct
- meaning of the word before reading
- the story.
- More practice with the same ten words.
- This exercise reinforces the words.
- The MEANING of the word must register
- quickly when you see it in a story.
- Select the best word for the sentence.
- They used the main .... for their
- drive to their new home.
- 1. astronaut
- 2. airline
- 3. causeway
- 4. telephone
- Good! When you see this word in
- the story@ you won't slow down at all.
- Sentence completion reinforces your
- knowledge of the word. With each
- lesson@ you practice ten more words.
- Wrong!
- You must be testing the machine.
- But you wouldn't do that if
- you were doing the actual lesson.
- Incorrect answers bring back the same
- question so you WILL learn each word.
- By the way@ Speed Reading PLUS records
- all of your answers so it can develop
- your abilities on an individual basis.
- Now that you know the MEANING of the
- word@ Speed Reading PLUS helps you to
- SEE words more quickly.
- This is done with FLASHWORDS.
- Words flash on the screen for a
- fraction of a second.
- You may start with one@ then
- progress to as many as five words.
- Flash speed will gradually increase
- as long as you succeed.
- Try some!
- Watch here for flashword
- Press return to see flashword
- causeway
- Select the correct answer
- 1. astronaut
- 2. causeway
- 3. cabinet
- 4. pledge
- Good. You saw that word accurately.
- As you succeed@ flashwords get faster.
- Then@ more words are added.
- Gradually@ you improve in the span
- of words you see as well as in
- the speed of seeing the words.
- Try another one at a faster speed.
- Sorry. That's not right.
- In the actual program@ you would
- get another chance at the word.
- Gradually@ you improve in the span
- of words you see as well as in
- the speed of seeing the words.
- Try another one at a faster speed.
- Watch here for flashword
- talent
- Select the correct word
- 1. salient
- 2. balance
- 3. patient
- 4. talent
- Great! For you@ Speed Reading PLUS
- would increase to two words in the
- next flashword lesson.
- Eventually@ as your personal ability
- increases@ you will probably be able
- to see five words in a flash.
- Try the next one to see the
- effect of a five word flash.
- You missed that one.
- Speed Reading PLUS would show it to you
- again until you were able to succeed
- with it. Remember@ it is individualized
- to your own ability. It works with YOU.
- Eventually@ as your personal ability
- increases@ you will probably be able
- to see five words in a flash.
- Try the next one to see the
- effect of a five word flash.
- Watch here for flashword.
- Press return to see flashword
- the legend of talented speakers
- Did you see all five words?
- If you were able to see that flash@
- your reading speed will probably
- increase by three or four times.
- Stories are available on many different
- topics to match your own interest.
- As you improve@ you will read the
- stories in four different ways.
- Speed Reading PLUS will control the
- movement of your eyes and gradually
- increases your reading speed.
- After each successful lesson@ your
- speed increases by about seven percent.
- First is the 'moving window'. Its
- length and speed increases as your
- ability increases so you never feel
- frustrated. It forces your eyes to move
- in a smooth left to right manner. After
- several successful lessons with the
- moving window@ you will automatically
- advance to
- the next
- step in
- the speed
- xxxxx
- reading process.
- This flashword
- style
- xxxxx
- increases in
- speed and
- in number of
- xxxxx
- words. As
- you see
- more words
- in each
- xxxxx
- flash@ the
- meaning of
- the words comes
- xxxxx
- in thoughts
- rather than
- words and your
- xxxxx
- comprehension improves.
- Reading becomes
- xxxxx
- easier and
- more enjoyable.
- xxxxx
- Finally@ you read the story like this.
- xxxxx
- The speed will be slightly faster than
- xxxxx
- your last speed. You will be amazed at
- xxxxx
- how fast you really can read compared
- xxxxx
- to your present speed. Comprehension
- xxxxx
- increases@ and so does enjoyment@ due
- xxxxx
- to smooth@ well trained new skills.
- xxxxx
- Ten questions about the story will tell
- whether you really understood what all
- those words were saying.
- If you score 70% or better@ you will
- progress to a faster speed. if not@
- you will maintain your speed until you
- get some more practice.
- Speed Reading PLUS constantly measures
- your progress and guides you through
- each level of success at your own speed.
- If you are a student@ a parent or a
- career person@ Speed Reading PLUS stays
- with you at YOUR level of progress.
- Speed Reading PLUS keeps records of each
- lesson. When you start a lesson it will
- automatically look at your progress and
- present the lesson at the proper speed.
- Optionally@ it will display your
- progress chart. If you have a printer@
- it will make a printout for you.
- Knowing your own progress is important.
- Let's look at a sample Progress Chart.
- Date
- Lesson #
- Rdg Spd
- Flash Spd
- 3/15
- 1
- 190
- 1
- 3/18
- 2
- 203
- 1
- 3/24
- 3
- 217
- 1
- 3/28
- 4
- 232
- 1
- 4/2
- 5
- 248
- 2
- 4/4
- 6
- 266
- 2
- 4/8
- 7
- 285
- 2
- 4/12
- 8
- 304
- 3
- For good readers@ too!
- Even if you are a good reader now@
- you can double your speed in just
- fifteen lessons and maintain it with
- an occasional brush-up lesson.
- Think of how much more you can read and
- what you can do with the extra time.
- Speed Reading PLUS begins
- with an Entry Level Survey to measure
- your present visual and reading speeds.
- If you want to try the Survey@
- press <*> now. It will take about ten
- minutes and will give you a printed
- report to take with you.
- Press return to start Preview again
- Computers have become a part of our
- everyday lives. We have them at home
- and at work and we use them to make our
- lives easier and more productive. Here
- is another dimension to your computer.
- Use it to improve your reading skills.
- Most of us read at about 200-250 words
- per minute. But research shows that we
- are capable of reading much faster. We
- just need to learn the correct skills.
- And if you use Speed Reading Plus@ you
- will also increase comprehension and
- vocabulary. Think of what you can do
- with your extra time if your reading
- speed is doubled or tripled!
- In grade school@ you learned to sound
- out words. That's probably what you are
- doing right now. It's great in grade
- school but as an adult@ it slows you
- down. Speed Reading Plus changes that!
- You learn to read groups of words@ as
- thoughts@ and your reading speed and
- comprehension increases dramatically.
- You can do it! No matter how well you
- read now@ Speed Reading Plus will guide
- you@ privately and personally@ toward
- better reading. Try the demo now.