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- 0 rem (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL){$60}newcloserndlet(NULL)(NULL)mid$(NULL)(NULL)l.................................................
- 5 rem
- 6 rem warning!
- 7 rem do not delete line 0! it contains a machine language routine;
- 8 rem which, if deleted, could cause your computer to lock-up.
- 9 rem ie: deleting line 0 could be hazardous to this prg's health!
- 10 rem
- 11 rem line 0 is not needed to run nubasic. it is needed to run
- 12 rem this demo program. all nubasic commands will work without it.
- 13 rem
- 20 rem nubasic demo
- 25 rem by joe garrett
- 30 if peek(49152)=165 and peek(49153)=2 then 50
- 35 ifpeek(816)=231andpeek(817)=195thensys49155:poke816,165:poke817,244
- 40 gosub60100
- 45 load"nubasic",8,1
- 50 sys 49152
- 60 :
- 65 gosub 5000
- 70 rem the 'at' statement example
- 75 :
- 77 poke53280,3:poke53281,3
- 80 print"[147]"
- 85 print" the 'at' command makes text formatting"
- 86 (NULL) 14,7 : print "a breeze!":gosub4000
- 87 print"[147]":poke53281,14:poke53280,14
- 90 for t=0 to 18 step 2
- 100 (NULL) 18+t,24 : print "wow";
- 110 (NULL) 18-t,24 : print "wow"
- 115 (NULL) 10,2 : next
- 120 :
- 130 for t=18 to 0 step -2
- 140 (NULL) 18+t,24 : print "wow";
- 150 (NULL) 18-t,24 : print "wow"
- 160 (NULL) 0,2 : next t : print
- 165 print" syntax: at xpos,ypos":gosub10030
- 170 (NULL) 5,24 : print" ";
- 190 :
- 200 rem the 'beep' example
- 205 :
- 206 poke53280,7:poke53281,7
- 207 (NULL) 5,12 : print"there's a 'beep' sound command"
- 208 rem note frequencys are found on page 152 of your user's man.
- 209 print" "
- 210 (NULL) 4816,4
- 220 (NULL) 6430,4
- 230 (NULL) 8100,4
- 240 (NULL) 9634,8
- 250 (NULL) 8100,4
- 260 (NULL) 9634,20
- 265 print"[144] syntax: beep pitch,duration"
- 270 (NULL) 16,14 : print "charge!"; : gosub10030
- 290 :
- 300 rem the 'alpha' statement example
- 310 :
- 330 print"[147][144]" : poke53280,13:poke53281,13
- 340 (NULL) 0,4 : print"the 'alpha' statement will alphabetize"
- 345 print "a string array."
- 350 (NULL) 0,14 : print"please wait while i generate some letters to sort..."
- 355 dim a$(100)
- 360 for t=1 to 100
- 370 a$(t)=chr$(rnd(1)*26+65)
- 380 next t : gosub10000
- 390 print"[147]here are the letters before using the 'alpha' statement:"
- 400 for t=1 to 100
- 410 print a$(t);
- 420 next t : print : print
- 425 print"calling alpha..." : (NULL) a$(0)
- 430 print"here are the letters after using the 'alpha' statement:"
- 440 for t=1 to 100
- 450 print a$(t);
- 460 next t :print:print
- 465 print" syntax: alpha a$(0) "
- 470 gosub10030
- 500 :
- 510 rem directory command
- 520 :
- 525 poke53280,5:poke53281,5
- 530 print"[147]the 'dir' command will display the disk directory..."
- 533 print"to pause the directory, press & hold"
- 534 print"the space bar; to stop it, press any"
- 535 print"other key."
- 537 gosub10000 : print"[147]"
- 540 (NULL) : print
- 550 print"oh wow, that was really cool."
- 560 print"and it didn't do a thing to my program in memory!"
- 570 gosub10030
- 580 :
- 590 rem window commands
- 600 :
- 605 poke53280,11:poke53281,11
- 610 print "[147][150]next, a demo of the 'window', 'scrlup', and 'scrldn' commands"
- 620 print"first, i will draw a box around the"
- 622 print"window, then let the scrlup and scrldn"
- 624 print"commands do their duty."
- 630 (NULL) 5,10 : print"[144]x1,y1[159][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 640 for t=1 to 5
- 650 (NULL) 10,10+t:print"[221] [159][221]"
- 660 next t
- 670 (NULL) 10,15 : print"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][144]x2,y2"
- 680 fort=1 to 20 : read a$(t) : next t
- 690 data joe,karen,tom,mary,sue,dave,jerry,betty,luanne,greg,joan,jon,mark,donna
- 700 data jim,al,judy,bobby,justin,mike
- 710 (NULL) 11,11,28,14
- 720 for t=1 to 4
- 730 (NULL) 11,10+t : print t;a$(t) : next : n=1
- 740 (NULL) 0,7 : print"press cursor up or down"
- 745 (NULL) 5 ,24 : print"<<< press space to continue >>>";
- 746 (NULL) 0,17 : print"[158]the joystick works too in port 2!"
- 747 (NULL) 0,19 : print"now that's a fancy way to display info."
- 748 print"[144] syntax: window x1,y1,x2,y2"
- 749 print" scrlup : scrldn"
- 750 get t$ : j=(NULL)(2) : if t$=" "then 800
- 760 if t$<>"[145]" and j<>1 then 780
- 765 n=n-1 : if n=0 then n=1 : (NULL)20000,3 : goto750
- 770 (NULL) : (NULL) 11,11 : print n;a$(n)
- 775 goto 750
- 780 if t$<>"" and j<>5 then 750
- 785 n=n+1 : if n=18 then n=17 : (NULL) 20000,3 : goto750
- 790 (NULL) : (NULL) 11,14 : print n+3;a$(n+3)
- 795 goto 750
- 800 (NULL) 1024,2023,40960 : (NULL) 55296,56295,41960
- 805 print"[147][159]the joy(x) function, where 'x' is the"
- 810 print"port number, returns a value of 0-8 for"
- 820 print"directions as follows:"
- 825 print" centered - 0"
- 830 print" north - 1"
- 840 print" northeast - 2"
- 845 print" east - 3"
- 850 print" southeast - 4"
- 855 print" south - 5"
- 860 print" southwest - 6"
- 865 print" west - 7"
- 870 print" northwest - 8"
- 880 print"if the fire button was pressed, the value would be 16 more."
- 890 (NULL)0,21: print"that's a major improvement in handling the joystick!"
- 895 poke198,0: (NULL) 5,24 : print"<<< press space to continue >>> ";
- 900 gosub 3000
- 910 :
- 915 rem the move command
- 920 :
- 925 poke53280,7:poke53281,7
- 930 print"[147][144]the last command in this installment of"
- 935 print"nubasic is the 'move' command."
- 940 print"this command will copy a section of"
- 945 print"memory from one place to another."
- 950 print"i played a sneaky trick on you two"
- 955 print"screens ago by 'move'ing the screen and"
- 960 print"its color memory underneath the kernal"
- 965 print"rom. now, i can get them back in a "
- 970 print"flash...": (NULL) 1024,2023,42960 : (NULL)55296,56295,43960
- 975 gosub10030 :poke53280,11:poke53281,11
- 980 (NULL) 40960,41959,1024 : (NULL) 41960,42959,55296
- 990 gosub10030 : poke53280,7:poke53281,7
- 995 (NULL) 42960,43959,1024 : (NULL) 43960,44959,55296
- 997 fort=1 to 5
- 1000 (NULL) 2+t,13+t: print"holy smokes, that's like magic."
- 1010 nextt
- 1040 print"syntax: move startaddr,endaddr,destaddr":gosub10030
- 1050 print"[147]to disable nubasic at any time, type 'nuoff' [return]."
- 1060 print"try these advanced commands in your own"
- 1070 print"programs and send them to us for possible publication."
- 1080 print"this utility is brought to you by the"
- 1090 print"loadstar programming staff."
- 1092 print"don't dare miss our future enhancements"
- 1094 print"to nubasic. more new and exciting"
- 1096 print"commands will greatly increase your programming potential."
- 1100 print"press 'a' to run the demo again"
- 1110 print"press 'q' to quit"
- 1120 gett$:ift$<>"a"andt$<>"q"then1120
- 1130 ift$="a"thenrun70
- 1140 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect"
- 1150 input#15,er:close15
- 1160 if er<>63 then end
- 1170 print"[147]nuoff":print"loadf$,8":print"run";:f$="hello connect"
- 1180 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke198,3:end
- 2997 :
- 2998 rem *** joystick routine ***
- 3000 for t=0 to 8 : read jy$(t) : next
- 3010 data centered,north,northeast,east,southeast,south,southwest,west
- 3020 data northwest
- 3025 (NULL) 18,18 : print" "
- 3030 (NULL) 0,18 : print"[158]joystick port 2 = ";
- 3040 j=(NULL)(2) : get t$
- 3050 if j>=16 then j=j-16 : print"fire ";
- 3060 print jy$(j) : if t$<>" "then 3025
- 3070 return
- 3998 :
- 3999 rem at blurb
- 4000 print"you can plot the cursor anywhere on the"
- 4010 print " screen and the next character printed"
- 4020 print" will be 'at' your designated location." : goto10000
- 4997 :
- 4998 rem *** intro
- 4999 :
- 5000 poke53280,12:poke53281,15
- 5002 print"[147][144] nubasic demo"
- 5005 print"this program will demonstrate several"
- 5010 print"new commands that nubasic is adding to"
- 5020 print"your commodore-64 standard basic."
- 5030 goto10000
- 10000 :
- 10010 rem press a key to continue
- 10020 :
- 10030 poke198,0: (NULL) 5,24 : print"<<< press space to continue >>> ";
- 10040 gett$: if t$<>" " then 10040
- 10050 return
- 60100 pn$="[206][213][194][193][211][201][195] [196][197][205][207]":an$="[194][217]: [202][207][197] [199][193][210][210][197][212][212]"
- 60110 bo=00:sc=00:cl=06:c1=12:c2=01:c3=12:c4=01:c5=01:c6=15:c7=07
- 60120 rem bo - border color
- 60121 rem sc - screen color
- 60122 rem cl - color on border
- 60123 rem c1 - top box outside color
- 60124 rem c2 - top box inside color
- 60125 rem c3 - bottom box outside color
- 60126 rem c4 - bottom box inside color
- 60127 rem c5 - 'copyright' color
- 60128 rem c6 - 'program name' color
- 60129 rem c7 - 'authors name' color
- 60130 poke53280,bo:poke53281,sc:print"[147]";:goto60250
- 60140 poke646,c1:print" [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 60150 poke646,c2:print" [165] [204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [208][210][197][211][197][206][212][211]: [167]"
- 60170 poke646,c1:print" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 60180 poke646,c6:print""tab(20-len(pn$)/2);pn$
- 60190 poke646,c7:print""tab(20-len(an$)/2);an$
- 60200 poke646,c5:print""tab(13)"[195][207][208][217][210][201][199][200][212] 1986"
- 60210 print
- 60220 poke646,c3:print" [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
- 60230 poke646,c4:print" [165] [167]"
- 60240 poke646,c3:print" [163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][146]";
- 60245 poke198,.:goto60360
- 60250 poke646,cl
- 60255 print" [172][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][187]"
- 60260 fora=1to3:gosub60470:next
- 60270 gosub60470:print"[145][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 60280 fora=1to16:gosub60470:next
- 60290 print"[145][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175]"
- 60300 fora=1to3:gosub60470:next
- 60310 print" [188][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][146][190]";
- 60320 poke53280,bo:poke53281,sc:goto60140
- 60360 print"";
- 60370 poke646,c2:print"[165][208]ress the [[211][208][193][195][197] [194][193][210]] to continue.[167]"
- 60375 poke53270,peek(53270)and255-8
- 60380 poke2068,1:poke2070,187:sys2055
- 60385 poke53270,peek(53270)or8
- 60390 return
- 60470 print" [161][146][161]":return