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- Speed Reading PLUS
- This Survey will provide entry level
- scores based on your present reading
- and visual abilities.
- Press ANY KEY to continue.
- Copyright@ LSR Learning Associates@
- Inc.@ 1984@ 1985
- Date
- First Name
- Last Name
- Sex (M/F)
- St. Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Present Grade
- or (A)Adult
- 10
- 15
- 1
- 20
- 30
- 15
- 2
- General Interest
- Sports
- Social
- Adventure
- Business
- National
- International
- Romance
- Fiction
- We will now begin the Entry Level
- Survey. Please do it carefully.
- At the end@ it will give you a report
- of your present reading skills and your
- potential reading ability after
- training with Speed Reading PLUS.
- Also@ it will determine starting points
- for your future lessons if you decide
- to continue.
- No distractions@ please!
- First is the &FLASHWORD TEST.& A word
- or a word group will be flashed on the
- screen. You must then select the
- correct answer from a list of four
- choices. There are twenty Flashwords.
- The test will NOT allow a perfect
- score. It is searching for the fastest
- speed at which you can see word groups
- of different lengths. Some items will
- be difficult. If necessary@ just guess!
- 2most famous report was just
- many ferocious animals are first
- most fictious report was first
- most famous report was first
- many fences need repair with
- 3it was great to find
- he did greet the fine
- it was grating on the
- it was grief from the
- it was great to find
- 4new rules will halt all
- new rules will halt all
- never set the bolt when
- for the next jolt inside
- was just a colt when
- 4think the new regulations would
- think the new regulation would
- think the new regulations would
- think he would relegate more
- think the new resolution would
- 3the most alarming attempt was
- the most disarming attempt was
- he did achieve alternate rules
- the most alarming attempt was
- the best alarm attempts to
- 3all three vehicles were stopped
- all three vehicles were stopped
- all three trucks were stopped
- all three ventricles were doing
- all three vegetables were being
- 3to the defense of western
- it is destined for western
- to the defense of western
- it did depend on western
- to the defiance of western
- 4sense of the matter is
- sixth on the meter is
- sense of the matter is
- sense of the metric end
- sixty types of batter are
- 2but toward the end of
- all tolled the end of
- but toward the end of
- but talked to the end
- but toured to the end
- 4make sure the sick person
- make sure the sack presses
- make sure the sock pleases
- make sure the sick person
- make sure the stitch stays
- 2the enzymes would melt away
- their existence would make every
- the excessive wood meets any
- the emerging weather meets every
- the enzymes would melt away
- 3the new equipment aboard the
- the new construction aboard the
- the new equipment aboard the
- the equipment was brought aboard
- the special new equipment was
- 3it was theatrics that made
- it was theatre that made
- it was theatrics that made
- the theatre made the way
- the theatrics made it seem
- 3had an underlying physical illness
- was an underling taking the
- had an underlying physical illness
- it had underpinning that was
- had an undercarriage with decoration
- 4of us are content to
- of us are content to
- of us have contempt for
- of us are intent to
- of us will contain two
- 3or are genetically prone to
- or are graphically prone to
- or are generically prone to
- or are gratefully prone to
- or are genetically prone to
- 3for every discard we throw
- with every placard we move
- for every discard we throw
- for every dissent we know
- for each discontent we know
- 2like bread under many of
- like lead under many of
- like bread under many of
- the thread under many of
- look dead under many of
- 4give up the things you
- give up the things you
- give up what brings you
- give up the thoughts you
- give up the threads you
- 3that only increases the liklihood
- that only decrease the liklihood
- the only incense they liked
- it only decreased the liklihood
- that only increases the liklihood
- Now for the first of three reading
- selections to measure your present
- normal reading speed with at least 70%
- comprehension.
- When you continue@ a short story will
- appear. Read it at your NORMAL speed.
- Don't rush@ even if it seems to be slow.
- A comprehension test will follow the
- story so don't skim or scan. This is a
- measure of your NORMAL reading speed.
- When you are finished@ press any key
- IMMEDIATELY. This will measure the
- reading time and allow you to proceed
- with the comprehension test about the
- story.
- Bob Timmons had been and engineer for
- the telephone company for eighteen
- years@ since he graduated from
- college. Now@ as he was beginning to
- think about his pension@ his job was
- in jeopardy. He just couldn't keep up
- to the work load. His engineering work
- was fine! But over the years@ there
- had been a tremendous increase in
- memos@ correspondence@ trade journals
- and other important reading material.
- Bob used over two hours each day just
- to read all this non-engineering
- material. His boss became impatient
- with Bob's reduced productivity.
- Engineers are problem-solvers. Bob
- knew his personal efficiency had
- diminished and he was worried about
- losing his job. He had to approach
- this problem as he would any other
- efficiency problem. The reading
- material was important but reading it
- took too long. There was only one
- obvious answer.
- The average reading speed in this
- country is 200-250 words per minute
- with about 70% comprehension. Your
- reading speed was
- Now let's do the Comprehension Test
- to see if you were really reading or
- just moving your eyes.
- When you continue@ just answer the
- questions as they appear. This is not a
- timed test. Consider each question
- carefully.
- c
- 3
- What was Bob Timmons' profession?
- teacher
- doctor
- engineer
- archictect
- d
- 1
- How many companies had Bob worked for?
- one
- two
- three
- four
- c
- 2
- What was worrying Bob most?
- that he didn't read well
- that he may lose his job
- that his engineering skills were slipping
- that he couldn't solve his problem
- d
- 1
- In what industry was Bob's company?
- telephone industry
- computer industry
- automotive industry
- construction industry
- c
- 4
- What's causing Bob's low productivity?
- couldn't understand new engineering research
- personal health problems
- his boss wanted him to retire
- increased amount of job-related reading
- c
- 2
- The story says that engineers are .....
- scientists
- problem-solvers
- professionals
- bad readers
- c
- 2
- What type of reading material was causing the problem?
- engineering research from universities
- general on-the-job information
- fiction material he felt the need to read
- local and world events in the newspapers
- c
- 1
- What did the story imply that Bob would do?
- apply engineering techniques to solve the problem
- retire and receive his pension
- find a job in a non-related field
- explain the problem to his boss
- d
- 4
- For how many years was Bob employed?
- two years
- twenty years
- sixteen years
- eighteen years
- m
- 2
- What is the best title for this story?
- Preparing for Retirement
- Evolving Responsibilities in Professional Jobs
- Applying Engineering Principles to Solve Problems
- Engineers - the Problem Solvers
- Let's try the second story. Now that
- you know what to expect you should
- adjust your speed to do as well as you
- can on the Comprehension Test which
- follows the reading selection.
- Eighteen people were hurt early last
- evening as a blue Ford sedan crashed
- through the window at the Midtown
- Steak House. The young driver@ Ruth
- Alt@ lost control after hitting three
- parked cars. She was arrested for
- driving while under the influence.
- Breath tests on Alt were positive.
- Owner Paul Daniels said that the
- flying glass and furniture reminded
- him of his combat days. Four diners
- were thrown across the room before
- the car was stopped by a column that
- helped to support the roof. &I looked
- up@& Daniels said@ &praying that the
- roof would hold.& It did but the four
- patrons are listed in critical
- condition at Memorial General.
- Fourteen others are being held over-
- night for observation. Mayor Kent@
- citing nineteen other alcohol-related
- accidents@ reaffirmed his plea to
- raise the drinking age.
- That ends the second story. Practice
- makes reading easier.
- Reading on a computer is different than
- reading the printed page. It will take
- time for you to adjust to it. Good
- reading training on a computer prepares
- you to transfer your new skills to
- normal reading. Stay with it. It works!
- Now let's do the Comprehension Test on
- this section.
- d
- 2
- The driver of the car was .....
- male
- female
- elderly
- unlicensed
- c
- 1
- According to the story .....
- a car crashed into a restaurant
- the Mayor was found intoxicated
- four people died in an auto accident
- a car was hit in a restaurant parking lot
- c
- 3
- Daniel's statement suggested that ...
- he would vote for Mayor Kent
- the roof caved in
- he had been in military service
- he saved four people from being killed
- c
- 3
- The incident in the story occurred ...
- at breakfast time
- at lunch time
- at dinner time
- during the late evening
- d
- 3
- The total number of people hurt was ...
- fourteen
- four
- eighteen
- twenty-nine
- c
- 3
- The accident caused .....
- the roof to cave in
- people to be burned by hot foods
- glass to fly in all directions
- a fire in the entrance lobby
- c
- 2
- The driver of the car was arrested for being .....
- unlicensed
- intoxicated
- asleep at the wheel
- guilty of manslaughter
- d
- 4
- Four of the restaurant's patrons were ....
- killed instantly
- dead-on-arrival at the hospital
- only scratched
- in critical condition
- c
- 2
- The Mayor of the city wants .....
- restaurant buildings to be reinforced
- the legal drinking age to be increased
- rescue services to be faster
- driving age of females to be increased
- m
- 3
- Choose the best title for this story.
- Eighteen Hurt in Auto Accident
- Mayor Urges Raise in Drinking Age
- Tragedy at Local Reastaurant
- Restaurant Owner Arrested in Drunk Driving Charge
- Most people sound out words in their
- minds as they read. Grade school methods
- often encourage that but it causes
- slow reading and difficult comprehension
- in later years.
- There are certain visual techniques
- that encourage you to read with sight
- recognition rather than sounding out.
- The reading program uses these
- techniques along with vocabulary
- development to improve your sight
- reading@ word recognition and speed.
- The last selection uses a moving window
- technique. Try your best to keep up with
- it. The Comprehension Test will follow.
- Freddie Riggler started his career
- training early. His father bought
- him a baseball and glove for his third
- birthday. They spent many hours
- playing ball in the back yard. By
- four@ he had already broken two
- bedroom windows. With mother's urging@
- playtime with his proud Dad moved to
- the local park. Freddie became the
- star shortstop in high school. In his
- senior year@ he was noticed by a big
- league scout. Even with two scholar-
- ships in hand@ he accepted the
- scout's offer of farm team experience.
- In two years@ it was the big leagues!
- For Freddie's father@ it was the
- fulfillment of his dreams for his
- oldest son. Freddie loved pro-ball
- and enjoyed the exceptional financial
- income that went with it. For him@
- a college education could not get him
- more than he had achieved without it.
- Dedicated practice did the job.
- This exercise was used@ at this speed@
- to measure how well you read when you
- are not permitted to look back to check
- words that you may have missed.
- The 'moving window' is one of several
- visual techniques used in the actual
- reading program. It encourages the eye
- to move from left to right smoothly at
- gradually higher speeds.
- As your speed increases@ these visual
- techniques do not allow you to sound
- out words in your mind. You improve
- your skills in 'sight reading' which
- permits far greater speeds.
- Now let's check your comprehension
- on that third selection.
- c
- 3
- From the beginning@ Freddie's father ....
- allowed Freddie to select his own career
- urged Freddie toward a career in professional football
- urged Freddie toward a career in professional baseball
- encouraged Freddie to go to college
- d
- 2
- Freddie started to play with a baseball at age .....
- two
- three
- four
- five
- c
- 1
- The story implies that Freddie .....
- was very satisfied with his career choice
- was sorry he didn't go to college
- really wanted to be a lawyer
- hated his father for pushing him into baseball
- c
- 4
- By age four@ Freddie had .....
- gotten tired of playing baseball all the time
- selected outfield as his favorite position
- decided to become a professional baseball player
- broken two windows with baseballs
- d
- 2
- On the high school team@ Freddie played .....
- second base
- shortstop
- outfield
- first base
- c
- 2
- When Freddie began to break windows@ his mother .....
- got angry and punished him
- urged them to go to the park to play
- bought him a bicycle
- insisted he play with a soft ball
- d
- 4
- The story suggests that Freddie has at least one .....
- older sister
- younger sister
- older brother
- younger brother
- c
- 3
- When Freddie finally made it to the big leagues@ he .....
- was disappointed with his income
- was no longer sure that he wanted to play baseball
- was delighted with the fantastic salary
- changed positions to become a pitcher
- c
- 3
- The story suggests that Freddie .....
- almost flunked out of high school three times
- disappointed his father many times
- was a good student in high school
- went against his mother's wishes
- m
- 2
- Choose the best title for this story.
- Make Career Choices Early
- A Father's Dream Come True
- College is a MUST
- A Young Boy Chooses a Career